On behalf of the Communist Party' of Nepal (Maoist) we send revolutionary
greetings to the CPI(ML)[PW]. Our two parties are fraternal parties from
neighbouring countries. The people of the two countries have close ties, and
every event in India, big or small, good or bad, has a direct and big influence
on Nepal. When revisionism dominated the Indian communist movement, it had its
impact on Nepal's communists. When Coin. Charu Majumdar led the famous Naxalbari
movement, resulting in a big struggle against modern revisionism, it also
resulted in the Jhapa movement in neighbouring Nepal. Unfortunately the Jhapa
comrades degenerated into the UML, taking the parliamentary path.
Today it is we who claim to be the true inheritors of the Jhapa movement. Your
Party is the true inheritor of the Naxalbari rebellion. The armed struggle
initiated and developed by the PW and the MCC since the 1980s has had a positive
impact on our Party and movement. The process of learning from each other is a
continuously unfolding process. We are very keen to share your experience and
share our experience, which has been gained at the cost of the blood of our
There is a long history of relations between our two parties. We have had
discussions and relations at different levels with constant and regular
bilateral meetings and very good fraternal relations. Since 1993 we have learnt
from your long experience of armed struggle. Our relations are not only
restricted to exchanging views on ideological and political questions, but has
covered a vast area and various aspects. Besides both parties have a common
enemy in Indian expansionism. A specific feature is also the 60 lakh Nepalies in
India. There is a big scope for further and higher level of unit, in future.
There is an integral link between the Indian revolution and the world
revolution. We cannot imagine world revolution without the Indian revolution.
The CPI(ML)[PW] by leading the Indian revolution, is thereby serving the world
revolution in a big way. The PW is the biggest of all Maoist parties in India.
But there are other Maoist forces in India like the MCC, CPI(ML) (Naxalbari),
RCCI(M), etc. If Maoists call be united in a single Centre it will really become
a challenging force. Though the unity of PW and PU is a positive step, it is not
Not only the Maoist parties, hut the revolutionary masses of South Asia, and
other parts of the world, would like the Maoists of India to unite. It shocked
the hearts of all of them to hear of the clashes between the MCC and PW. Our
party together with other units of the RIM made a public call to PW and MCC to
refrain from clashes. Both have responded positively and clashes have basically
stopped, and we hope they will not be repeated.
We hope, as the biggest party, the PW will intensify, its efforts to unify all
Maoists into one Centre. We assure you that our Party is ready to make any
contribution in your effort. We hope this Congress will seriously consider this
At our second national conference, held just prior to your Congress some
important decisions were taken which are important for the international
communist movement. The world revolutionary situation has changed in a big way.
Imperialism and its lackeys are in deep crisis. Movements are growing throughout
the world. It is high time to lake initiative for a new international. Maoists
should not let this opportunity slip. We must learn from the experience of the
past internationals. Some initiative has been taken by RIM. All of us Maoists
have to take further responsibility.
Today South Asia is like a volcano. There are strong people's wars led by
Maoists in India and Nepal. There are strong national liberation movements.
There is a common enemy in Indian expansionism. There is a long experience of
joint struggles, which can effectively serve the world proletarian revolution. A
new wave of world proletarian revolutions is on the horizon. It is an urgent
task, to intensify efforts to form a new international. We are confident that
the 21st century will be a century of the world proletarian revolution.
We hope this Congress will be successful in formulating the correct
ideological-political line in:
(a) leading the New Democratic Revolution in India;
(b) uniting all Maoist parties and organisations into a single centre;
(c) as a strong contingent of the world proletariat, advancing the world
socialist revolution.
Once again we wish
this Congress a total and grand success.