Like Com. Charu
Mazumdar in India and Com. Gonzalo in Peru, it was Com. Ibrahim Kaypakkaya of
Turkey who laid the ideological, political and organisational basis for the
formation of the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist. But unfortunately
just eight months after its formation he was arrested in January 1973. He was
brutally tortured and finally killed on May 18, 1973.
While countering
various revisionist trends that existed, he showed that Turkey was a
semi-feudal, semi-colonial country, and that the stage of revolution was new
democratic. He presented that the path of revolution was that of protracted
people’s war. At the time of his martyrdom he was still in his twenties. His
enormous contribution to the Turkish revolution can be realised through this
statement issued by the TKP/ML on the occasion of the 24th year of his martyrdom
It said : "He
pointed out the path of revolution is through people’s war .... He made it clear
that the main task of the Communist Party is to organise guerilla war for the
establishment of red political power and to achieve this the party must
concentrate its work on the peasantry... Ibrahim Kaypakkaya smashed the 50 years
admiration of Kemalism by analysing the Kemalist movement and Kemalism. He
proved to those reformists, revisionists, opportunists, petti bourgeois admirers
of Kemalism, who looked at Kemal Ataturk as a ‘revolutionary’ and ‘progressive’
element.... that the Kemalist leaders of the war of Independence were
representatives of the Turkish-Muslim comprador and landlord classes. He stated
clearly, at a time when Kemalist hysteria was at its highest, that Kemalism was
a fascist ideology of the ruling nation and that it meant barbarism, tyranny and
the massacre of the workers and other toiling masses of various nations of
Turkey. He said that the fascist state of the Turkish
Republic was formed,
based on the racist Kemalist ideology. At a time when the Kurdish nation was not
even seen as a separate nation within the revolutionary movement, Ibrahim
Kaypakkaya clearly stated that our country is a multi-national country. He
presented evidence and proved that side by side with the Turkish people in our
country there are the oppressed Kurdish nation and other national and ethnic
minorities and that the main policy of the government is to continue with
national cruelty, assimilation and massacre of national minorities. It is only
Ibrahim Kaypakkaya who presented the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist line, confronting
Turkish chauvinism and Kurdish nationalism by upholding the principles of the
international proletariat on the national problem. He defended the right of
nations to self-deter- mination and was in favour of equal rights for all
Finally this
statement said, "He stated clearly that the party he founded, TKP/ML, was
inspired by the Paris Commune, the October Revolution, the Chinese Revolution
and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. He did not only defend Mao
Tsetung and the CPC, he further stated that Mao’s contribution to the science
and knowledge of the international proletariat are not ordinary contributions,
but were related to a new level of this science. He said Chairman Mao’s
contribution on the continuation of revolution under the dictatorship of the
proletariat, his analysis of socialist society, the classes and class struggle
in socialism, meant a new advance in the science of the international
proletariat ... He considered the GPCR in China as the greatest historical
achievement of the international proletariat to date ...."
In tribute to this
outstanding proletarian leader, let the genuine communist revolutionaries of
India and Turkey form stronger bonds of unity to advance the World Socialist