Volume 1, No. 1, March 2000


International Gendarme and No.1

Enemy of the World People – Bill Clinton! Go Back!!

Organise Massive Protests Against World's Biggest War-Monger!!



US imperialism too, chose Hyderabad for Clinton’s visit as AP has long been considered to be a test case for executing the neo-liberal policies of the World Bank-IMF-WTO regime directed by a handful of Transnational Corporations with the American companies playing leading role. And especially since AP is marked by a growing revolutionary movement, which the imperialists, seek to suppress through their lapdog Naidu.

Indian ruling classes, by adopting the imperialist-dictated policies of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation, have turned the lives of the overwhelming majority of the Indian people into a veritable hell on earth.

Subsidies and social welfare programmes are being slashed; profit-making PSUs are being sold off at dirt cheap prices; workers retrenched in lakhs and all recruitment to government services have come to a halt; prices of essential commodities skyrocketed; banks stopped granting loans to the rural poor under World Bank’s instruction; every sector without exception—agriculture, industry, banking, insurance, stock market, print and electronic media, entertainment, and so on—have been opened up almost completely to imperialist capital. As a result, over the past decade the people living below the poverty line increased from a third of the population to over 40%; mass suicides of the peasantry increased; the condition of the poorest sections of society— dalits and women — became unbearable.

And now the Indian comprador ruling classes have begun to implement the second generation reforms which are far more diabolic than the first. It is for overseeing the progress made by the Indian comprador managers in implementing the imperialist-dictated policies that Bill Clinton has decided to visit India. It is also intended to draw the Indian rulers closer to US imperialism and to bring the coumtry’s economy, polity and culture under total American domination.

The Indian comprador rulers, are only too keen on serving the international bully, US imperialism, and have no objection to signing the CTBT if their expansionist role in South Asia is backed by American imperialism — as was done by the Soviet social imperialists until the late 1980s. Eyeing greedily the bigger market of India and the prospects of using the huge Indian armed forces to suppress the democratic and revolutionary movements in the sub-continent, and elsewhere in East Asia if the need arose, the American imperialists are prepared to recogonise India as a regional power in South Asia in the changed situation in the sub-continent following the collapse of the Soviet super power. They are hatching sinister schemes to use the Indian armed forces to crush the rising tide of people’s war in neighbouring Nepal.

The revolutionary and democratic organisations and individuals, and the oppressed masses of India must teach a lesson to this imperialist gangster and international bully whose hands are stained with the blood of millions of people worldwide — in Korea, Vietnam, Kampuchea, Laos, the Dominican Republic, Chile, Peru, the Philippines, Iraq, Somalia and elsewhere. With its huge nuclear arms stock piles, and military bases world wide it has become the greatest threat to world peace and the worst oppressor of national liberation struggles and revolutions. A huge campaign should be taken up opposing the visit of the leader of the pack of imperialist wolves to our country. Meetings, dharnas, rallies, and all forms of demonstrations should be taken up by forming broad-based anti-imperialist forums in various parts of the country. Effigies of Clinton and US flags should be set on fire. "Kick out the blood-sucker and imperialist big bully Clinton!", "MNCs! Quit India!", "Clinton Go Back!", "Fight Back the policies of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation!", "Oppose the sell-out of our country by comprador managers of imperialist capital—Vajpayee, Naidu and the like!", "Big bully Clinton! Stop attacks on Iraq, and Islamic forces!" "Stop interference in the affairs of the Third World!", and such other slogans should be popularised among the masses.




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