We vigorously condemn the joint US-British imperialist aggression against Iraq.
In utter contempt for the lives and safety of the Iraqi people and their right
to national sovereignty, US imperialism, assisted by the British regime, has
launched hundreds of cruise missiles, deployed tens of thousands of aggressor
troops, 22 warships and 200 warplanes to commit yet another act of imperialist
The US and British imperialists are in complete violation of the UN resolution
to lift economic sanctions on Iraq upon completion of the UN weapons inspection
work. More than 400 sites have been inspected. But on the complaint of the
Butler report of alleged obstruction in the inspection of only five sites, the
US and British imperialists have unleashed a new war of aggression against Iraq
before the UN Security Council could discuss fully and decide on the report.
Sites inspected by the teams of the UN inspection commission, including those
with UN surveillance cameras, have been bombed. Clearly, said commission has
always been a commission of spies for supplying information to the imperialists
for the purpose of aggression.
In bypassing the UN Security Council, the Anglo-American imperialists have
proven that they are hellbent not only on perpetuating the economic sanctions
but on pursuing a policy of genocide as manifested by the destruction of
economic facilities and killing people. US imperialism is trying in vain to
force Iraq and the Iraqi people to choose between complete subjugation and
By engaging in exceedingly brutal aggression and terrorism, with the cowardly
use of air strikes, the Anglo-American imperialists seek to perpetuate and
aggravate their domination over the Middle East, especially over the oil
resources, and to terrorise, blackmail and suppress the revolutionary and
anti-imperialist forces with the assistance of its ally in the region, Israel.
The latter, under the protection of US imperialism, is allowed to defy dozens of
UN resolutions.
In the face of the deepest crisis of the World capitalist system the Great
Depression, US imperialism - assisted by lesser imperialist powers and local
reactionaries in the client states - is escalating its exploitation and
oppression of the peoples of the world. Even as the two competing factions of
the US ruling class quarrel over the issue of Mr. Clinton's impeachment, the
entire US ruling class approves the joint US-British imperialist attack on Iraq,
because this act of aggression is in the interest of the entire US monopoly
In the face of this escalating imperialist aggression, exploitation and
oppression, the peoples in the Middle East and in the rest of world - through
their revolutionary and anti-imperialist organisations - are bound to step up
their resistance and their revolutionary struggles for national and social
Down with the US-British aggression against Iraq!
Expose the US and British imperialists as gross violators of people's rights and
international law!
Carry forward the revolutionary struggles against imperialism and its local
reactionary agents!
Fight for national and social liberation !
Workers and oppressed peoples of the world, unite!
The communique has been signed by the following organisations:
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP),
Turkish Communist Party/Marxist-Leninist (TKPIML),
CPI(ML)][People’s War]
Maoist Communist Centre (MCC),
AKPIML (Norway),
PCR Brasil,
PCR Argentina,
PRML Chile,
Action Socialiste (Canada).
Workers' Party of Belgium (PTB),
Workers and Peasants Russian Party,
Revolutionary Marxist Organisation A/Synechia (Greece),
El Diario Internacional,
PC(MLM) de Catalonia,
Rossiaperaio (Italy)