Communist Party of India (M-L) Naxalbari
Documents, Statements, and Interviews of Leaders
The Communist Party of India (M-L) Naxalbari also has a web site at:
If you know of other CPI(ML) Naxalbari documents which should be posted here please contact BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET at:
2013: Statements and Documents
- “Message to 7th Congress of the Communist Party of Nepal—Maoist”, from the CPI(ML) Naxalbari, Jan. 9, 2013, 4 pages. PDF format (146 KB); MS Word format (57 KB)
2012: Statements and Documents
- “Message to the International Conference to Support People’s War in India, Hamburg, Nov. 2012”, from the CPI(ML) Naxalbari, Nov. 2012, 5 pages. PDF format (93 KB); MS Word format (45 KB)
- “Remembering Comrade Hafiz”, message to the Central Committee, Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan, from the CPI(ML) Naxalbari, Oct. 22, 2012, 1 page. PDF format (59 KB); MS Word format (27 KB)
- “Hail the formation of the new Maoist party in Nepal!”, statement by Krantipriya, spokesperson, CPI(ML) Naxalbari, June 4, 2012, 1 page. MS Word format (28 KB)
- “A New International Maoist Unity to Strengthen the World Peoples in Rebellion! Forward to a New International Organisation!”, statement by Krantipriya, spokesperson, CPI(ML) Naxalbari, May 1, 2012, 2 pages. PDF format (69 KB); MS Word format (31 KB)
2011: Statements and Documents
- “A Call from the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Naxalbari: Bury the 1 with the 99!”, November 2, 2011, 1 pages. PDF format (114 KB); MS Word format (29 KB)
- “On the Current Situation in Nepal and the Challenge Before the Maoists”, statement by Krantipriya, spokesperson, CPI(ML) Naxalbari, Sept. 6, 2011, 2 pages. PDF format (198 KB); MS Word format (34 KB)
- “Support the Struggling Masses of Arab Countries! Imperialist Intervention can never be the Solution! Condemn and Resist Imperialist Aggression in Libya!”, statement by Krantipriya, spokesperson, CPI(ML) Naxalbari, March 20, 2011, 1 page. PDF format (177 KB); MS Word format (30 KB)
- “February 6 Protest Day: Fight against Price Rise, Corruption and State Terror!”, statement by Krantipriya, spokesperson, CPI(ML) Naxalbari, Jan. 28, 2011, 1 page. PDF format (61 KB); MS Word format (28 KB)
- “Sadak, Sadan, Sarkar – Tactics of Struggle or Compliance?”, the text of an article written by Com. Ajith in February 2011 for the Nepali revolutionary press, as a contribution to the two-line struggle, 6 pages. PDF format (167 KB); MS Word format (46 KB)
2010: Statements and Documents
- “The Conviction of Comrade Asit is a Brazen Violation of Justice”, statement by Krantipriya, spokesperson, CPI(ML) Naxalbari, on the recent political convictions in a Chhattisgarh court, December 26, 2010, 1 page. PDF format (125 KB); MS Word format (30 KB)
- “Promote the Unity of Maoist Forces”, statement by the CPI(ML) Naxalbari on the 41st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), April 22, 2010, 1 page. PDF format (139 KB); MS Word format (29 KB)
- “On the Struggle Against Brahmanism”, by the CPI(ML) Naxalbari, January 2010, 2 pages. [Note: This version includes the slight correction to one sentence as of Feb. 13, 2010.] PDF format (60 KB); MS Word format (28 KB)
- “On the Perspective of the Resistance Against Operation Greenhunt”, by Ajith, Secretary of the CPI(ML) Naxalbari, 2 pages. (This document is undated, but must be from either late 2009 or January 2010.) PDF format (82 KB); MS Word format (31 KB)
2009 and earlier: Statements and Documents
- “Reject the Indo-U.S. Nuclear Deal”, statement by Krantipriya, spokesperson, CPI(ML) Naxalbari, July 12, 2008, 2011, 2 pages. PDF format (63 KB); MS Word format (29 KB)
Naxalbari: Theoretical Journal of the CPI(M-L) Naxalbari
Issue #4, July 2013. Entire issue in PDF format, 86 pages, 980 KB. Includes these articles:
- “The Challenges Before the Maoists”
- “Against Avakianism”, by Ajith.
- “On the Situation in Nepal — A Documentary Summary Analysis of the Communist Party of Nepal—Maoist”, by the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan.
- Issue #3, December 2010. Entire issue in PDF format, 71 pages, 357 KB. This issue is devoted to the examination and criticism of the line of the UCPN(Maoist) in Nepal. [Note: At least a portion of this issue has been translated into the Nepali language at:]
Individual articles:
- “Wrangling Is Fine, But...”, 2 pages. PDF format (49 KB); MS Word format (29 KB)
- “On the Line and Tactics of the Nepal Maoist Movement”, October 2010, 17 pages. PDF format (165 KB); MS Word format (132 KB)
- “Appendix 1: Letter to the Central Committee, CPN(Maoist)”, Oct. 20, 2006, 7 pages. PDF format (241 KB); MS Word format (55 KB)
- “Appendix 2: Letter to the Central Committee, CPN(Maoist)”, Sept. 17, 2007, 3 pages. PDF format (112 KB); MS Word format (36 KB)
- “Appendix 3: Excerpt from inner circular of the CPI(M-L) Naxalbari”, March 2008, 2 pages. PDF format (67 KB); MS Word format (30 KB)
- Issue #2, June 2003. Entire issue in PDF format, 22 pages, 268 KB. Includes these articles:
- “The Drama Unfolds: New World Order 2 Vs. New Wave of World Proletarian Revolution”
- “The Fight to Establish Maoism”, by Ajith
- “Maoist Perspective on People’s War”, by Bhavin
- [Issue #1 will also be added if we can obtain it.]
Dabonal: A Political Magazine in the Bangla (Bengali) language, supporting the CPI (M-L) Naxalbari.
June 2013 Issue. Entire issue in PDF format, 66 pages, 889 KB.
The New Wave: A short-lived Maoist magazine from 2006-2007
which the CPI(M-L) Naxalbari was apparently loosely associated with.
- Issue #3 — August 2007, 48 pages. PDF format
- Issue #2 — December 2006, 44 pages. PDF format
- Issue #1 — 2006 (?), 46 pages. PDF format; MS Word format (.docx)
Comments About and Criticisms Of the CPI(M-L) Naxalbari
- “The Current Debate on the Socialist State System – A Reply by the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA”, 17 pages. [PDF: 150 KB] This is a response to the article written by Ajith of the CPI(M-L) Naxalbari entitled “The Current Debate on the Socialist State System” which later appeared in issue #2 of The New Wave [see above]. It was originally written for circulation to RIM parties in June 2006.
Due to the repressive legislation and judicial decisions in the United States, we at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET want to make it completely clear that we do not have any connection whatsoever with the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Naxalbari, or with any other party in India or any other country for that matter. We do not aid, promote, assist, support, coordinate with, or provide any sort of services or advice to the CPI(M-L) Naxalbari or to any other party. However, we do support the right of free speech, and the right of the people in both India and internationally to read the views and publications of this and all other parties and organizations. For this reason we do object to the suppression of the views and ideas put forward by the CPI(M-L) Naxalbari by the undemocratic central and state governments of India. And for this reason alone we are making copies of many of their documents available on this site, documents which the authorities in India wish to suppress and keep from the people.