Suppression of News in Colombia and Political
Statements Prevented from Reaching the People
In Colombia, as elsewhere, much of the real news about what is happening to the working class and the poor, is suppressed, or at the very least is not widely reported. And for reasons like this the claims that Colombia enjoys a true “democracy” and “a free press” are gross distortions of the real situation. We at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET will try to help break down this government and media news embargo.
If you know of other suppressed documents and news reports that should be posted here, contact us at:
Censorship and Suppression of Ideas in Colombia
- “Colombia and the Fine Art of Censorhip”, by Adriaan Alsema, “Colombia Reports”, June 10, 2019, 4 pages. This is a brief history of censorship in Colombia. Searchable PDF format [421 KB]
- “Colombia: Censorship As Usual”, Time magazine, August 15, 1955, 1 page. The ruling class tradition of censorship in Colombia does indeed go way, way back, as this article demonstrates. Searchable PDF format [124 KB]
- [Many more articles to be added.]
U.S. and Other Imperialist Intervention in Colombia
- [To be added.]
Unión Obrera Comunista (marxista-leninista-maoísta)
[The Communist Workers Union (MLM) is a serious revolutionary organization in Colombia, which was founded, we believe, in 1998. It has an Internet home page at: At present, most of its publications are only available in Spanish, but we hope to soon be able to post a few more key documents in English.]
- Programmes and Major Documents:
- Programa para la Revolución en Colombia, [“Program for the Revolution in Colombia”], by the UOC-MLM, 4th ed., 2015, 137 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [775 KB]
- Una Vez más en Defensa del Marxismo-Leninism-Maoísmo: Polémica entre La Unión Obrera Comunista (mlm) y el Grupo Comunista Revolucionario [“Once Again in Defense of MLM: Polemics between the UOC-MLM and the Revolutionary Communist Group (GCR)”], (Bogotá: UOC-MLM, July 2014), 140 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [1,108 KB]
- Books and Pamphlets:
- El Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo: Ciencia de la Revolución, by Jaime Rangel, (1995), 162 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [797 KB]
- “Venezuela en la Encrucijada”, a collection of articles from Revolución Obrera criticizing Venezuela's program of "Socialism of the 21st Century", (August 2019), 80 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [475 KB]
- “Nicaragua:¿40 Años de Revolución?”, a collection of articles from Revolución Obrera on the occassion of the 40th anniversary of the Nicaraguan Revolution, (September 2019), 26 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [310 KB]
- “Los Desafíos del Proletariado Revolucionario en Tiempos de Pandemia”, by the UOC-MLM, July 2020, 40 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [841 KB]
- “Acerca de los Grupos de Choque y las Primera Línea”, a collection of articles from Revolución Obrera, (August 2021), 75 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [1,522 KB]
- Statements:
- 2025:
- “Reporte del Encuentro Antiguerra y Antiimperialista de Atenas” [Report on the Anti-war and Anti-imperialist Meeting in Athens], by La Unión Obrera Comunista (mlm) in Revolución Obrera, Mar. 4, 2025, 10 pages.
Spanish: Searchable PDF format [1,388 KB]![]()
- 2023:
- “Apoyo a la rebelión del pueblo palestino contra el invasor sionista” [Support for the Rebellion of the Palestinian People against the Zionist Invader], by La Unión Obrera Comunista (mlm), Nov. 8, 2023, 1 page.
Spanish: Searchable PDF format [49 KB]
- Negación de la Negación [“Negation of the Negation”] Theoretical Journal:
- Number 1 — April 2001, “La Línea Militar de la Revolución”, [“The Military Line of the Revolution”], 139 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [644 KB]
- Number 2 — May 2003, “Compendio de la Línea de Masas”, [“Summary of the Mass Line”], 57 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [406 KB]
- Number 3 — March 2008, “En Defensa del Marxísmo Revolucionario Contra el Revisionismo Actual”, [“In Defense of Revolutionary Marxism Against Contemporary Revisionism”], 189 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [5,533 KB]
- Number 4 — September 2009, “Vencer al Centrismo: Paso Necesario en la Construcción de la Internacional Comunista de Nuevo Tipo”, [“Overcoming Centralism: A Necessary Step in the Construction of a Communist International of a New Type”], 226 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [2,236 KB]
- Number 5 — Agosto de 2016, “Propuesta de Formulación de una Línea General para la Unidad del Movimento Comunista Internacional”, [“Proposal for Developing a General Line for the Unity of the International Communist Movement”], 152 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [604 KB]; English: Searchable PDF format [695 KB]
- Number 6 — Diciembre de 2022, “El 'izquierdismo' y la lucha por la unidad de los comunistas”, [“The 'leftism' and fight for unity the communists”], 107 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [3,380 KB]; English: Searchable PDF format [1,438 KB]
- Revolución Obrera [“Workers’ Revolution”] Newspaper:
- More than 500 issues of this Spanish-language revolutionary newspaper have now been published. All of them are available at: We are also making just a few of the older, and especially more recent, issues available here.
- #1 — October 1998, 13 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,080 KB]
- #2 — November-December 1998, 13 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,192 KB]
- #489 — July 2020, 20 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,313 KB]
- #494 — January 2021, 13 pages. Searchable PDF format [994 KB]
- #495 — March 2021, 24 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,697KB]
- #496 — May 2021, 19 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,680]
- #497 — July 2021, 16 pages. Searchable PDF format [782]
- #498 — September 2021, 24 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,353 KB]
- #499 — October 2021, interactive PDF, 16 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,198 KB]
- #500 — November/December 2021, 16 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,664 KB]
- #501 — March 2022, 16 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,319 KB]
- #502 — May 2022, 16 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,800 KB]
Contradicción [“Contradiction”] MLM Theoretical Journal (1990-1997)
- Journal:
- Number 1 — March 1990, 18 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [133 KB]
- Number 2 — May 1990, 21 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [118 KB]
- Number 3 — July 1990, 41 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [219 KB]
- Number 4 — October 1990, 35 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [163 KB]
- Number 5 — January 1991, 48 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [314 KB]
- Number 6 — (Spring?) 1991, 22 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [148 KB]
- Number 7 — November 1991, 83 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [447 KB]
- Number 8 — February 1992, 48 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [373 KB]
- Number 9 — April 1992, 63 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [298 KB]
- Number 10 — August 1992, 76 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [435 KB]
- Number 11 — December 1992, 96 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [640 KB]
- Number 12 — June 1993, 111 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [618 KB]
- Number 13 — January 1994, 44 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [241 KB]
- Number 14 — July 1994, 55 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [254 KB]
- Number 15 — November(?) 1994, 70 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [341 KB]
- Number 16 — September 1995, 123 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [480 KB]
- Number 17 — April 1996, 116 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [473 KB]
- Number 18 — September(?) 1996, 136 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [2,693 KB]
- Number 19 — June 1997, 129 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [507 KB]
- Pamphlets:
- Number 1: “Lenin: Vicisitudes Historicus del Marxismo”, 5 short articles by Lenin, (pamphlet not dated), 44 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [229 KB]
- Number 2: “La Situacion Actual de los Comunistas en Colombia y Nuestras Tareas” [“The Current Situation in Colombia and Our Tasks”], circa 1990, 42 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [317 KB]
- Number 3: “Dominación y Ganancias del Imperialismo; Superexplotación para el Proletariado” [“Domination and Profits of Imperialism; Superexploitation for the Proletariat”], c. 1992, 23 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [233 KB]
- Number 4: “Remover Cielo y Tierra para Defender la Vida del Presidente Gonzalo” [“Move Heaven and Earth to Defend the Life of Chairman Gonzalo”], October 1992, 52 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [366 KB]
- Number 5: “El Imperialismo es la Fase Superior y Última del Capitalismo, es Antesala de la Revolución Proletaria y No Antesala del ‘Ultraimperialismo’” [“Imperialism is the Highest and Last Stage of Capitalism; it is the Prelude to Proletarian Revolution and Not the Prelude to ‘Ultraimperialism’”], March 1995, 46 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [393 KB]
Other Revolutionary Organizations in Colombia
- [To be added.]
Due to the repressive legislation and judicial decisions in the United States, we at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET want to make it completely clear that we do not have any connection whatsoever with any revolutionary or other political parties or organizations in Colombia. We do not aid, promote, assist, support, coordinate with, or provide any sort of services or advice to any parties in Colombia or elsewhere. However, we do support the right of free speech, and the right of the people in both Colombia and internationally to read the views and publications of all parties and organizations. And for this reason alone we are making copies of many of their documents available on this site.