The Worker
Organ of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
Number 4 (May 1998)
Cover photos of guerrillas on march, and
of immortal martyr Com. Vijay Ghale.
(Click on image to enlarge.)
Editorial: Develop Guerrilla Warfare to New Heights
Press Communique of the Central Military Commission, C.P.N. (Maoist), February 13, 1998.Reports:
Reports from the Battlefield
[Includes these reports:]
- Military Exploits of People’s Guerrillas
- More Martyrs in the Altar of Revolution
- Fury of Women is Unleashed
- Revolutionary Peasant’s Struggle on the Rise
- Com. Prachanda: Two Momentous Years of Revolutionary Transformation
[Includes these sections:]
- Introduction
- Two Years of People’s War and the Condition of the Reactionary State
- Role of People’s War in the Development of the Three Instruments of Revolution
- A. The Party
- B. The Revolutionary United Front
- C. The People’s Army
- Role of People’s War in the Development of Revolutionary Mass Organisation and Mass Movement
- Role of People’s War in Exposing the Revisionists
- People’s War and the Expansion and Consolidation of International Relations
- Conclusion
- Com. Baburam Bhattarai: Politico-Economic Rationale of People’s War in Nepal
[Includes these sections:]
- 1.0 Context and Theoretical Premises
- 2.0 The External Relations and Processes: Oppression of Imperialism and Expansionism
- 2.1 The Imperialist Oppression
- 2.2 The Expansionist Oppression
- 3.0 Internal Social and Spatial (Regional) Relations
- 3.1 Semi-feudal Relations and Retardation in Agriculture
- 3.2 Decline of Industry and Expansion of Comprador and Bureaucratic Capital
- 3.3 Regional Inequality and the Nationality Question
- 4.0 The Economic Policy, Programme and Process of the New Democratic Revolution
- 4.1 Economic Development Policy
- A. Revolutionary Change of Production Relations
- B. Independent and Self-reliant Development
- C. Planned Development
- D. Balanced Development
- 4.2 Economic Development Programme
- A. Revolutionary Land Reform
- B. National Industrialisation
- C. Regional Balance and Integrated Development
- 4.3 The Process of Revolutionary Transformation
- A. Dialectical Process of Destruction and Creation
- B. Transitional Capitalism and Continuous Revolution
- Statistical Tables
- Com. Biswas: People’s War and the Problem of Development of United Front
News & Views:
- National:
- Historic Nepal Bandh on April 6 [1998]
- The Renegade UML Clique Splits
- International:
- May Day Message from the Committee of RIM