A WORLD TO WIN    #19   (1993)


To the Oppressed Struggling Masses of Nepal

- Statement the Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement

April 1992

According to imperialist newspaper reports, during a protest strike and mass demonstrations on 6th April 1992 called by the Nepal Communist Party (Unity Centre), the Nepali government's riot police opened fire on the crowds in the streets, killing at least five people and wounding 50. They then imposed curfew for the following several nights in Katmandu and its suburbs. But instead of being cowed by such a brutal show of force by the riot police and other government forces in the capital, the heroic Nepali masses took to the streets in their thousands in the following days to protest and to reclaim the dead bodies of their fallen comrades. The Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement denounces this barbarous act by the reactionary Nepali government and expresses its firm solidarity with and support for the heroic revolutionary masses of Nepal in their just struggle.

Only two years ago the masses of Nepal rose up in a countrywide heroic upsurge against the decades-old oppressive monarchy. But the leading political forces in that historic upsurge, the now governing Nepali Congress Party, in collaboration with what was then the Seven-party Left Alliance led by pro-Chinese and pro-Soviet revisionists, betrayed and deceived the mass movement by making a deal with the monarchy to establish a multiparty parliamentary system under a constitutional monarchy. They acclaimed this deceptive deal a great victory for the masses and hailed it as democracy. It was this so-called multiparty democratic regime which did not stop short at shooting and killing the masses, who were merely trying to exercise their minimum democratic right to protest against its enormous misdeeds and to demand their basic rights.

This shows that while these reactionaries claim that political power comes from the ballot, in fact, as Mao Tsetung taught long ago, "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun". These developments also show that, as in all oppressed countries, mass movements and mass upsurges, however widespread, militant and even revolutionary they may be, even if they lead to a change of government or regime, cannot bring about the liberation of the masses of Nepal. For true liberation the masses need to take up arms in hand and to prepare and launch revolutionary people's war - a protracted people's war along the path charted by Mao. Unless the whole existing social system of feudalism/semi-feudalism, bureaucratic comprador capitalism and imperialist-expansionist domination is overthrown by new democratic revolution, no reform of regimes or change of government or implementation of multiparty elections and so on can bring any fundamental change in the lives of the broad masses.

This is why in its message to the Nepal Communist Party (Mashal) in May 1990, the Committee of RIM emphasized that the masses' struggle "...must have as its aim the total revolutionary overthrow of semi-feudal and imperialist exploitation and domination and the building of new democratic Nepal with workers-peasants' rule under the leadership of the proletariat, guided by Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought...."

The Committee of RIM strongly feels that the present re-awakening of the masses in Nepal calls for the Maoist revolutionary communists to step up the preparations for launching protracted people's war and, in order to do that, initiating guerrilla warfare in the countryside based on Maoist strategy and tactics. Only in this way can the blood, sweat and sacrifices of the masses win victory and the aspirations of the masses be fulfilled. The advancing people's war in Peru under the leadership of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) is providing a glorious, living example of this. RIM, along with the proletariat and the revolutionary masses of the world, will stand firmly with the masses of Nepal in their revolutionary struggles ahead.

Cast Away Illusions About the Multiparty So-called Democracy!

Forward Along the Maoist Path of People's War to Make New Democratic Revolution in Nepal!