We include in this booklet three articles downloaded from the Internet.
The first two are taken from the People’s March website the last from
that of Mumbai Resistance-2004. Through this booklet the authors have
sought to analyse the origins and the evolution of the World Social
Forum; the forces behind it; and the role that it plays in the
anti-imperialist struggle.
To understand the WSF is essential for any serious activist of the
anti-imperialist/anti-globalisation movement. In any battle one has to
know one’s friends and enemies in order to be successful. Not only that,
we must know who are our potential friends and potential enemies; as
this will determine what attitude to take towards them today. The only
purpose of such analysis is to determine with whom to unite, whom to
expose, and whom to fight against.
The arena of the battle is the anti-imperialist camp. Thorough-going
anti-imperialists are only the communists who seek to destroy this
system by armed force to establish a New Democratic and socialist
society. On the other extreme one gets the imperialists (and their
agents within the movement) and the apologists of imperialism who seek
to somehow sustain the existing system of exploitation and use various
forums as “safety valves” in order to allow peoples’ anger to get
diffused. In between these two extremes lie various shades of
anti-imperialists, who oppose various aspects of imperialism or seek to
reform it. It is this vast section of democrats and liberals that is the
bone of contention between the imperialists (and their apologists) on
the one hand, and the communist revolutionaries on the other. If the
former win-out the movement will be diffused (or diverted); if the
latter win-out the movement will gain steam.
The authors of these articles have proved without the shadow of doubt
that the main sponsors of the WSF are apologists of imperialism who seek
to institutionalise the vast movement thrown up in the world against
imperialist globalisation and war. The horrors of the last ten years of
globalisation, particularly in the backward countries of the world, and
recent wars of aggression against Afghanistan, Iraq and against the
Palestinian people, have shocked millions of people around the globe
into active protest. The oppressed themselves are rising in revolt. And
as the economic crisis deepens conditions only continue to deteriorate
and the war clouds thicken. In such a scenario it is essential that the
imperialists try and diffuse the dissent and the potential to revolt.
For such purpose the most effective tool are the imperialist sponsored
NGOs and the social democrats and reformists. Both of such elements are
conspicuous in the leadership of the WSF.
Any form of legitimacy thereby awarded to the WSF is detrimental to the
anti-imperialist movement as it weakens the alliance of the democrats
with the revolutionary forces. South Asia is witness to rising
revolutionary movements facing inhuman repression. So, the ruling
classes, the imperialists and their local lackeys, have an urgent need
to kill this movement — for this the twin sword of brutal repression and
social reform are simultaneously used.
The task therefore of the communist revolutionaries is to primarily wean
away the genuine elements who attend the WSF from the sponsors of it,
and create a solid anti-imperialist alliance of all democratic and
progressive forces against imperialism in general, and US imperialism in
particular. We hope that this short booklet will help in this task.
December 10, 2003