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Structuralism is a method of enquiry, which takes as its
object of investigation a system, ie. the reciprocal relation
among a set of facts, rather than particular facts considered in
isolation. It considers totality, self-regulation and transformation.
The structuralists, in general, are concerned to know the human world,
to uncover it through detailed observational analysis and to map it out
under extended explicatory grids. However, it should be added here that
their position is still mainly like that of the traditional position of
objectivity and their aim is to explore the traditional scientific goal
of seeking truth. To put the concept of structuralism in a lucid way one
example may be cited: There are variations in accent and presentation of
Hindi, Bengali or such other languages spoken over a vast area.
Structuralists will stress to find the elements common in variations of
a language forming a general structure of Bengali or Hindi or so on.
Going against empiricism and positivism, structuralism wants to hold the
focus on relations between the units or elements invisible to human
observation. Basically started as structural linguistics by Ferdinand de
Saussure (and also by Emaile Durkheim, in sociological analysis)
structuralism has been used by Levi Strauss in anthropology, Rolland
Barthes in the field of semiotics, some eminent critics in the fields of
art and literature, and even by persons claiming Marxist persuasion like
Louis Althusser. When structural analysis is applied to the study of
literature, the structure of a poem or a story or a novel, the relations
of various elements in the structure become the question of the study.
It is not the concern of the structuralist to study the normative or
value-based aspect in the structure. The understanding of the
deterministic structure-based fixed-meaning is the subject of enquiry.
Althusser rejected the humanist and Hegelian themes in Marxism, paying
little or no attention to historical changes. Some people claiming
themselves Marxists went to an extreme point of structuralism by
concluding that "There is no real objective ‘history’; the notion
that there is a real history is the product of empiricism."[Barry
Hindess and Paul Q. Hirst, Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production,
Routledge & Kegan Paul, London and Boston, 1975, p.3117] Althusser
brought in the concept of theoretical practice and insisted that
reality is irreducibly complex and manifold, subject to multiple
causation. He coined the word over-determination for such multiple
causative factors. The causality is also structural. The Althusserian
system, with all its apparent emphasis on materialist science, downplays
the role of human beings as authors of historical development reducing
them to the status of supports or effects of structures and relations of
the social formation. It shows its idealism by cloistering knowledge
within a wholly circular, self-validating conceptual realism, detached
from direct access to what is given as reality. The web of
over-determination ultimately leads to a labyrinthine lane in the realm
of praxis.
Structuralism was also a reaction especially against existentialism of
Jean-Paul Satre. In his early work Satre focused on the individual,
particularly individual freedom, adhering to the view that what people
do is determined by them and not by social laws or larger social
structures. However in his later life Satre came closer to Marxian
theory with his stress on "free individual" "situated in a
massive and oppressive social structure which limits and alienates his
activities."[Ian Craib, Essentialism and Sociology: A study of
Jean-Paul Satre, Cambridge University Press, 1976, p.9]
Saussure, the father of structural linguistics, (1857-1913) stood
against positive physical facts as actual evidence, and argued that
physical facts are not sufficient to account for language as language,
the language of social groups, as signifying and bearing information.
Ferdinand de Saussure, the founder of structural linguistics and
ultimately structuralism in various fields, differentiated between
langue and parole, the former being the formal, grammatical
system of language whose relationships of phonic elements are
determined, he believed, by determinate laws. Parole is actual speech.
Langue can be viewed as a system of signs — a structure — and the
meaning of each sign is produced by the relationship among signs within
the system. What was important in Saussure’s view was a system of signs,
a structure, and the meaning of each sign is produced by the
relationship among signs within the system. Here comes the importance of
relations of difference, including binary oppositions, as the meaning of
the word ‘dark’ comes not from some intrinsic properties of the world,
but from the word’s binary opposition to the word ‘light’. When this
view is applied to the social world, the meanings, the mind, and
ultimately the social world itself are shaped by the structure of
language. Thus, structural linguistics does not focus on the existential
world of people shaping their surroundings; instead all aspects of the
social world are shaped by the structure of language. The Sassurian
notion of sign systems were further taken to the field of semiotic,
encompassing not only language but also other sign and symbol systems
like body language, literary texts and all sorts of communication. It is
evident that Saussure who became the inspirational source for
post-modernism did not reject the societal aspect and stressed that the
role of the signifier as word is to impart meaning to the signified, a
thing or living being, etc. In the structuralist linguistic system the
relation between the signifier and the signified, expressed by language,
is not historical but depends on every moment of utterance. Saussure
referred to the concept of dichotomy in understanding a single colour.
To understand black the contrasting colour of yellow, to understand dog
the difference is made with some other animals. Thus the words should be
placed considering the differences of the signifieds maintaining
proximity. Similarly, there is the dichotomous inter-relationship
between colour and sound, colour and sound with form, and so on. Such a
network of relations, Saussure thought, makes a structure. And to
comprehend any structure such binarity is considered. He asserted, "in
the linguistic system there are only differences". With all this
Saussurean concepts of structure, structuralism was born.
In the Durkhemian line, with the advent of Levi Strauss in the 1960s,
the analogy between the unity of society and the unity of the thinking
of an individual mind is superseded. The members of a tribe are
considered to be bonded together by a perpetual weave and shuttle of
back-and-forth transactions. In Levi Struass the unity is no longer
linked to centralization. He views kinship exchange as a system of
communication and dismisses the biological unit in favour of a larger
exchange unit. Thus in the view of Strauss, marriage binds together not
just a man and a woman, but a man who gives a woman and another
man who receives her. Here too culture predominates over nature. The
same structuralist view is found in the writings of Louis Dumont who, in
his huge work on the Indian caste system, promises to bring forth the
ultimate economic basis, but shuns it altogether in favour of the
predominating role of Brahminical ideology as a central core of this
evil system. This cultural aspect over economics was stretched out
further in the post-modernist frame.
Roman Jacobson (born in 1896 and died in 1982), the one time leader of
Russian formalism, made a fusion of formalism and structuralism.
Formalism pronounced relative detachment from theory emphasizing "scientificity
of literature". Formalists stated that "there is a difference
between theory and conviction" and "the vitality of science is
not measured by its establishing truths but by its overcoming errors".
They also simultaneously stress that new forms build up new contents. So
formalism in reality is a form-based scheme. There was criticism that
formalists were heading towards fixing various contents in various
forms, virtually rejecting the literary content. This form-based
literature gave birth to a formalistic mechanical method. Jan Mukarovsky
kept his faith in formalism up to 1930 and then discovered its
limitation. He accepted structural analysis without the rejection of
history. Mukarovsky distanced himself from other structuralists
emphasizing social consciousness. Roman Jacobson who introduced the word
structuralism in the field of linguistics way back in 1929 declared, "I
do not believe in things, I believe only in their relationships".
Jacobson, who is often referred to by post-modernists, however, believed
that the development of language is teleological because it follows its
rules. He, in his later life, criticised Sassurian concepts of
langue/parole or synchrony/diachrony and emphasized the semiotic
character of language and its relation with various semiotic fields. But
he stuck to the ultimate structural relation between the signifier and
the signified. But post-structuralists went beyond all this by simply
removing this deterministic relation altogether.
"The problem of structural linguistics is," in the words of
Richard Hartland, "that, once they have started explaining language
hermetically, they find no reason to stop. There is no clearly visible
limit where their kind of explanation cuts off. So an original
methodological decision to exclude the outside world... gradually turns
into a general philosophical principle of unlimited scope."[Richard
Hartland;Superstructuralism, p.91]
The same
criticism is also applicable in case of
post-structuralism/post-modernism as we progress forward.