If the CPM-led West Bengal government is so happily implementing
imperialist globalisation policies in the state it rules, how is it seen
that in the rest of the country they are one of the most verbal
opponents of these policies. Why is it that they are in the forefront in
the WSF? The reasons are two-fold:
First, much of their cadre force and sympathisers have anti-imperialist
sentiments. In order to dupe them and keep them within its fold the CPM
leadership must resort to some anti-imperialist rhetoric. Often their
rank-and-file may go beyond the constraints put by their bosses.
Second, with the rising tide of anti-imperialist sentiments amongst the
masses in general and intellectuals in particular the ruling classes
desperately need a safety valve to diffuse this growing anger. The CPM,
while they make much noise they rarely convert this into action — and
even if they do so, it is more nominal and token, given their size. With
this, they are able to dupe a sizable section of the
masses/intellectuals and thereby retard the growth of an effective
anti-imperialist movement in the country. Their ‘left’ rhetoric and
‘socialist’ phrase-mongering is ideal fuel for a fake fire.
Today, the imperialist forces are facing people’s wrath world wide.
Movements in various forms are even sweeping centres of the imperialist
hub. Subsequently, it has become a must for the imperialists to arm
itself from top to bottom. USA, enemy number 1 of the world people is
pursuing and pressurising different nations to enact and implement
draconian laws to continue their inhuman exploitation unabated. The
Central government of India has enacted laws like POTA. In this act even
trade union activities are branded as antinational. The West Bengal
government opposed POTA in the parliament, but in West Bengal it is
strangulating any voice of protest. Hundreds of common people are
arrested and sent to jails under some pretext, as with the Peoples War,
MCCI, KLO, ULFA, SIMI etc. While the US and BJP are on the same deck and
up in arms against Muslim fundamentalists, the Bengal government does
not lag behind. In some districts even members of their front partners
are arrested accusing them as being Muslim fundamentalists. As the US
and Indian governments are collaborating to crush the Maoist movement of
Nepal, the Left Front government also raises an alarm. It is trampling
under foot all democratic norms in order to be a reliable ally of the
imperialists and indigenous big capital.
So, today while building the anti-imperialist/anti-globalisation
movement in the country it is necessary to distinguish clearly friends
from foes. If not, the movement will be continuously stabbed in the
back. On issues, there is no problem in uniting with all those who take
part in the battle, but in any alliance one should beware of any such
false ‘friends’.
While fighting and targeting the imperialists and their comprador agents
within the country, there is utmost need to consistently and
continuously exposes such false elements, whether they be the CPI/CPM
revisionists, or the Swadeshi Jagran Manch types or the
imperialist-sponsored NGOs. It is only with such an approach that one
will be able to unite all the genuine anti-imperialist forces in the
country, against the horrors of globalisation that are devastating the
lives of millions of people every day.