July-August 1999
Fight Back Hinduthva
Culture !
May 2000
Cultural Movement in Dandakaranya
July August 1999
Historic struggle by the Road
Transport Workers of North Telangana
September-October 1999
Impact of Privatisation of Power
Sector in West Bengal – Working Class Response
May 2000
Long Live May Day ! Unite to Smash
the Imperialist System !!
World Bank’s Dictate on Singareni
Vajpayee Bares Fascist Fangs Against
Trade Unions
June 2000
Supplement: Break the Chains of the
Traditional Style of Trade Unionism and Build a New Revolutionary Trade
Union Movement Throughout the Country !
August 2000
Massive Workers’ Strike in Norway
November 2000
Militant Actions Paralyse Europe
Red Salutes to Singareni Martyrs
September 2001
Working - class Anger Erupts
March-April 2002
Big Capital launches another
onslaught on the worker’s Rights
June 2002
Workers’ Upsurge against Change in
labour laws
September 2002
Punjab: Employees fight back the
anti-worker policies of Congress(I) Govt.
January 2003
Workers Revolt in Capitalist China
New closing-shop and labour-bashing
July 2003
Workers resist anti-labour
September 2003
Fight Back the Brutal State Actions on Workers and Peasants
CPI(M) Govt. in West Bengal Gags
December 2003
Crisis of the Indian and Global Coffee
Cancun: A Failed Summit,
Multilateralism in Decline; Bilateralism to the Fore
October 2004
Impact of Globalisation on workers and
shrinking employment opportunities
Strike in the DaimlerChrysler Plants
in Germany
February 2005
Reservation in Private Sector:
An Overview of the Proposition
March 2005
Fraud of the Employment Guarantee
Rising Tide of the Working class
Struggle in Germany
May 2005
the Revolutionary Traditions Of May Day !
September 2005
There is more to Gurgaon than Mere
Police Savagery