In We, the undersigned, hereby propose to all Marxist-Leninist-Maoist
parties and organizations to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the
struggle against modern revisionism and to undertake activities
for the purpose of renewing our commitment to pursue this struggle,
which started in 1956 in opposition to the revisionist content of
the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)
in February 1956.
The struggle against modern revisionism reached a new and higher
level when the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution began in May
1966. But alas, since the death of Comrade Mao in September 1976,
we have been confront-ed with the betrayal of socialism and the
restoration of capitalism in China. We are challenged to uphold
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, combat modern revisionism and its evil
consequences and achieve greater victories in fulfilling the historic
mission of proletariat to achieve socialism.
In the 20th Congress of the CPSU, the Soviet revisionist clique
headed by Khrushchov repudiated the fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism
and the revolution-ary achievements of Comrade Stalin under the
pretext of opposing “personali-ty cult”. It unveiled the phenomenon
of modern revisionism in opposition to pro-letarian dictatorship
and put the Soviet Union on the road of capitalist restoration.
It propagated bourgeois populism with the notions of “party of the
whole people” and “state of the whole people” and bourgeois pacifism
with the notions of “peaceful transition,” “peaceful competition”
and “peaceful coexistence”. It used modern revisionism to undermine
and subvert the international communist movement. It pushed “peaceful
coexis-tence” as the general line to oppose proletarian internationalism
and to attack the international communist movement and the national
liberation movements.
Under the leadership of Comrade Mao Zedong, the Chinese Communist
Party promptly issued in April 1956 the editorial of the People’s
Daily, “On the Historical Experience of the Dictatorship of the
Proletariat”. This defended the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism
against the line of modern revisionism. It denounced the revisionists
for sowing con-fusion in the international communist mov-ement and
generating disorder and upris-ings against the socialist cause in
Poland, Hungary and elsewhere in Eastern Europe.
The delegation of the Chinese Communist Party pursued the anti-revisionist
line in the Moscow meetings of communist and workers’ parties in
1957 and 1960. Thereafter, it proceeded to the criticism and repudiation
of the growing phenome-non of monopoly bureaucrat capitalism and
social imperialism during the long regime of Brezhnev. Monopoly
bureaucrat capital-ism masqueraded as socialism while the bureaucrats
and businessmen connived to steal from the state sector. In international
relations, the Soviet revisionists engaged in socialist phrase-mongering
and in the practice of imperialism.
Comrade Mao did not rest content with the critique of modern revisionism
as it arose and grew in the Soviet Union and in the other countries
of the Soviet bloc. He examined and analyzed the growth of modern
revisionism in China, arising from both homegrown factors and external
influences. Thus, he launched the Great Proletarian Revolution in
order to carry out the theory of continuing revolution under proletarian
dictatorship. This is to combat revisionism, prevent the restoration
of capitalism and consolidate socialism.
For as long as Comrade Mao was alive, he was able to lead the Chinese
proletariat and people from victory to victory in the Great Proletarian
Cultural Revolution against tremendous odds and against powerful
adversaries. But soon after his death, the enemies of the Chinese
proletariat and people made a coup and reversed his proletarian
revolutionary line in carrying out socialist revolution and construction.
Since then, China has increasingly taken the road of capitalist
The full restoration of capitalism in China vindicates the teaching
of Comrade Mao that socialism is lost when the revisionist line
prevails within the ruling communist or workers’ party and that
eventually the bourgeoisie within the party and state succeeds in
unleashing a coup and overthrowing the proletariat. Comrade Mao
has bequeathed to us a legacy by which we can combat and defeat
modern revisionism and by which we can revive and further develop
the forces of socialism.
For the entire year of 2006, we must undertake general campaigns
and specific activities of theoretical and political education.
We must confront the problem of modern revisionism as the most venomous
enemy of the revolution-ary cause of socialism. We must reaffirm
the written works and practical efforts of Comrade Mao and all other
proletarian revolutionaries to uphold Marxism-Leninism and combat
modern revision-ism. We must defend the achievements of Comrade
Stalin and Comrade Mao in socialist revolution and construction.
We must reaffirm Comrade Mao’s revolutionary theory and practice
of continuing revolution under proletarian dictatorship through
the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. We must condemn the betrayal
of socialism and of Comrade Mao’s proletarian revolutionary line
by the Chinese capitalist roaders. We must combat the varied revisionist
tendencies that deviate from the scientific essence of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
and its concrete application to revolutionary practice. We can do
so by countering not only the traditional revisionist trends, classical
and modern, but also various later trends, like Hoxaism and Trotskyism,
which carry a revisionist content behind the ultra-Left appearance,
We must renew our determination and efforts to carry out the historic
mission of the proletariat, which is to carry out socialist revolution
and construction. All the evils that have beset the former revisionist-ruled
countries should drive us to uphold Marxism-Leninism-Maoism against
modern revisionism and to pur-sue the revolutionary cause of socialism.
Upon the temporary success of modern revisionism against Marxism-Leninism
and the dictatorship of the proletariat, monopoly capitalism headed
by US imperialism has been able to launch the worst attacks against
the proletariat and the oppressed peoples, such as “freemarket”
globalization, racism, repression and wars of aggression. In response
to the escalation of oppression and exploitation, the proletariat
and people are intensifying their resistance through armed struggle
and other forms of resistance.
It is the internationalist duty of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties
to unite and to arouse, organize and mobilize the proletariat and
people in their respective countries and in the world at large in
the struggle for national liberation, democracy and socialism against
imperialism, revisionism and reaction. By celebrating the 50 years
of struggle against modern revisionism, we renew our commitment
to persevere in the revolutionary struggle and strive to win ever
greater victories under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
Uphold, defend and advance the teachings of Marx, Engels, Lenin,
Stalin and Mao!
Carry forward the revolution against imperialism, revisionism and
Glory to the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution!
Long live proletarian internationalism!
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Initial Signatories:
(Note: Additional signatories may append their signatures before
April 2006.)