Volume 6, No. 9,
September 2005
Insult to the heroic
Martyrs of the Freedom Struggle
On July 8 th Manmohan rose
to thank the elite of Oxford University for giving him an honorary
doctorate. To thank these chieftains of British imperialism for that
recognition the PM burst into glowing tribute of the British Empire.
He extolled its "beneficial consequences" to modern India, rule
of law, free press, civil services, modern universities, judiciary,
legal system, bureaucracy, police, etc. His entire speech went on in
this praising the ‘great’ British Raj!!
In other words the thousands who gave their lives for the freedom
struggle was a waste. He forgot about the two centuries of loot. Two
centuries of rape and plunder. Two centuries of devastation pushing
India back to the middle ages. The so-called "modern India" Manmohan
spoke about has kept India till today in semi-feudal backwardness; but
he probably has never stepped into a village of slum, where 80% of our
population lives, so he would not know. The so called "rule of law"
where a Supreme Court order has said it is the most organised goonda
force in the country. So, it was also with al the other institutions
of the Raj.
For the Prime Minister of the country to make such a statement only
shows that that the Congress continues to live up to its tradition as
a tool of the imperialists, where its very birth was by the British,
to serve its interests. A.O.Hume would be proud of his product.
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