March 2004. The Conference was attended by seven of the participating
members and two observers. It concluded its deliberations vowing to
further intensify and develop people’s wars in the respective countries.
Conference was taking place at a time when the people’s war in Nepal is
preparing for the strategic offensive, with nearly 80% of the country
under Maoist control, with a new world taking birth. At a time when the
people’s war in India was further advancing and the two major Maoist
parties, the MCCI and the CPI(ML)(PW), were advancing towards greater
unification. And at a time when, in Bangladesh, the Maoist parties were
extending their people’s wars to new areas, and when a new Maoist Party
has been formed in Bhutan.
Conference was attended by the member countries 1) PBSP (CC)
[Bangladesh] 2)CPEB (ML)(Red Flag) [Bangladesh] 3) MCCI (India) 4)
CPI-ML (PW) [India] 5) CPI-ML (Naxalbari) [India] 6) RCCI (MLM) [India]
7) CPN (Maoist) [Nepal], with two parties from Bangladesh and one
from Sri Lanka unable to attend due to technical reasons. The parties
that attended as observers were the PBSB (MBRM) from Bangladesh
and the newly formed party from Bhutan, the Bhutan Communist
Party (MLM).
Conference began with the singing of the International and homage to all
martyrs who laid down their lives since the last Conference in August
In Nepal’s
people’s war over 1,500 comrades have laid down their lives since the
end of the last round of negotiations alone. This included senior
comrades, like Regional Bureau member+Battallion Commissar, Com. Bivek
and also Battalion Commander Com. Prahar. In India the PW lost 375
comrades since the last Conference and the MCCI 134. The PW has lost 8
comrades of the level of State Committee. They are Com. Ramakrishana (Wrangal),
Com. Padma (Karimnagar), Com. Prasad (Anantapur), Com. Anupuram Kamyaiah
(Karimnagar), Com. Asimdaj (Midnapore), and two DCSs Coms. Lalitha (Adilabad)
and Ganganna (Anantpur). From the CPEB (ML)Red Flag 15 comrades have
been martyred including one DCM, com Nassir. From the PBSB(MBRM) 4
comrades were martyred.
The meeting
began with a report of activities of CCOMPOSA by the convener, Com.
Kishore of Nepal. This was followed by detailed reports of the
development of people’s wars in their respective countries or their
preparations for it. Finally it passed a political resolution on the
current situation in the world and in the countries of South Asia.
At the
international level it analysed that the deep-rooted economic crisis is
resulting in the increasing offensive of imperialism worldwide,
particularly the war-mongering of the US. This has resulted in growing
resistance worldwide.
In South Asia
too the imperialists, particularly the US imperialists, have been
increasing their stranglehold over the respective countries of the
region. This is being coupled with military intervention through the
sending of officers to Nepal, deep military involvement in Pakistan and
a strategic alliance with the Indian expansionists.
In the light
of the advancing people’s wars in the countries of South Asia, brutal
state terror is being unleashed by the respective governments. The
genocidal Gynandra regime is resorting to horrifying massacres in Nepal.
In India the rulers have imposed the draconian POTA, banned the MCCI, PW
and other orgainisations, resorted to hundreds of fake encounters, have
illegally deported over 75 Nepalese Maoists and incarcerated top Maoist
leaders from Nepal, Coms. Kiren and Gaurav.
Resolution also pointed out that imperialism, particularly US
imperialism and their agent, Indian expansionism is the common enemy of
the peoples of South Asia.
The meeting
called for a joint campaign all over South Asia during Naxalbari week,
culminating on May 29: against the death sentence against comrades in
India and Bangladesh, the illegal detention of Coms. Kiren and Gaurav,
the deportation of more than 75 Nepalese Maoists leaders and cadre, and
against the growing state repression in the respective countries.
Finally the
political resolution vowed to unite all the Maoist forces in the region
ever more closely, build greater bonds of unity with the struggling
forces of the region and turn the respective countries of South Asia
into a strong bastion of world revolution.
Sd/- 1)
PBSP (CC) [Bangladesh] 2)CPEB (ML)(Red Flag) [Bangladesh] 3) MCCI
(India) 4) CPI-ML (PW) [India] 5) CPI-ML (Naxalbari) [India] 6) RCCI (MLM)
[India] 7) CPN (Maoist) [Nepal],
April 10,