During the build up
to the two programmes there were a number of articles from the M-L camp that
opposed holding an alternative event. These attacks came both from the ‘left’
and also the right within the ML camp. There were also other attacks from the
non-Marxist WSF circles, which were mostly scurrilous and superficial. In this
polemic we shall only deal with the attacks from the M-L circles and not from
those outside the M-L camp.
The approach put
forward by the MR (Mumbai Resistance-2004, Against Imperialist Globalisation
and War) was that it was not correct to either participate in the WSF (World
Social Forum) or to boycott. They said the correct attitude would be to
politically intervene, both internally and externally, where the alternative
event held externally would be the main form of the intervention. "Intervention"
is not to be confused with "participation", where the latter means becoming one
of the participating organisations of the WSF (in other words accepting its
Charter) and thereby lending credibility to it; "intervention" entails
politically intervening in the WSF process (which gathers thousands towards it)
to impact the genuine elements from amongst them, without becoming a part of it.
The ‘left’ said that
one should boycott the event and clearly put the alternative MLM line and oppose
any from the WSF coming to the alternative programme. The rightists basically
saw the WSF as progressive and anti-imperialist (though with some/many lacunae)
and therefore called on all to be part of it.
The main proponents
of the ‘left’ approach were those who organised a third event (through their
front organizations) led by CPI(ML)New Democracy (henceforth called ND) and the
SOC (State Organising Committee of TamilNadu). The main proponents of the
rightist approach were CoRIM/RCPUSA (Committee of Revolutionary International
Movement and the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA),
CPI(ML)Liberation and a handful of M-L groups from India. There was yet another
rightist trend which was defeatist, promoted by the CPI(ML)Red Flag (henceforth
called RF) and also reflected in the article that appeared in the Feb.2004 issue
of the magazine "For a Proletarian Party" (FAPP). The RF and their
associates held a meeting (under party banners) before the WSF began, on Jan. 14
and 15; ironically some of these constituents participated in the WSF, while the
RF had called for a boycott during the time of the ASF (Asia Social Forum).
In this polemic we
shall argue against all these incorrect trends and will show how both trends,
whether ‘left’ or right lead to the same result — the continued political
isolation of the Maoist (i.e. proletarian) forces from the other democratic,
progressive, anti-imperialist and dissident sections of the masses within the
anti-imperialist movement in India. The ‘left’ achieved this through a sectarian
and isolationist tactic cutting themselves off from the mass upsurge against the
US and its war-mongering (and in India against the growing anger against the
Hindu fascists); while the rightist achieved this through drowning their own
identity within the WSF jamboree through tailist politics, where their mild
criticisms were drowned in the huge cacophony of the social-democrats,
post-modernists and their loud clamour of reformist trash — not to mention the
voices of the numerous pillars of the establishment from the UN, European MPs,
representatives of the indian ruling classes, etc.
In this article we do
not wish to take up the issue as to what tactics is necessary at the
international plane as we are not equipped to understand the ramifications in
the various countries of the world. The tactics on how best to politically
intervene would have to be decided as per the conditions (both objective and
subjective) in the respective countries, as to how best it would be to impact on
that section of individuals/organizations attending the WSF who are genuinely
anti-imperialist (to whatever extent) to the maximum with the genuine
anti-imperialist stand-point and practice. But, whatever may be the tactic
adopted, as far as the political/ideological question goes there should be no
compromise anywhere, on bringing out and exposing the pro-imperialist class
character of the leadership of the WSF — i.e. the fusion of ruling class
social-democrats with imperialist-funded NGOs. Without a thorough
exposure there is no question of winning those who attend to the correct
anti-imperialist position and practice. Clear lines of demarcation need
to be drawn with them. What is surprising is that on such an important
contemporary event the international Maoists have remained relatively silent and
the major exposures (though there has not been any all-round exposure) have come
from other progressive forces, even though the WSF had been in existence for
over three years prior to the Mumbai event. This is a serious lacuna. The first
thoroughgoing exposure by Maoists appears to have come from India through the
New Vistas publication (of articles from this magazine) and the booklet by the "Aspects
of Indian Economy".
Having said this, let
us first briefly recapitulate the background of the WSF and its class character
(For further details please refer to the New Vistas and ‘Aspects….’
booklets on the subject). On this basis we will then devise what should have
been our tactics to it. Then we shall analyse the various other trends vis-a-vis
the standpoint taken. Finally we will give the proletarian viewpoint to such an
Background To The WSF
The 1990s witnessed
an unprecedented offensive of imperialism on the people of the world,
particularly those of the backward countries. The attack was all-round —
economic, political, social, military and cultural. The ferocity of the
offensive spared none. This was linked to the deepening crisis of imperialism
which burst into the open at the turn of the century. Towards the beginning of
the new century the offensive took the form of wars of aggression, particularly
by US imperialism, utilizing as a pretext the 9/11 incident. As a result of this
growing offensive there has been a growing world-wide resistance. This came to
prominence during the Seattle WTO meet in the US. Since then the movements in
the west have intensified — Genoa, Prague, London, etc — culminating in the
worldwide rallies against the US’s impending war on Iraq on Feb.15 last year,
where millions participated in about 70 countries of the world. It is in this
scenario, soon after Seattle, that the WSF was born. None of the promoters of
the WSF like ATTAC, COB, Global Focus On South, Oxfam, Ford Foundation or the PT
of Brazil were part of those historical street battles against the global powers
in Seattle, Genoa, Prague, etc.
In fact preparations
for some such a body had been going on for some time. While these street battles
were creating nightmares for the imperialist forces, these so-called founders of
the WSF were discussing and helping out the World Bank, ADB etc, about the
measures to deal with this inevitable outcome of globalisation...... So, for
example, Ignacio Ramonet, the editor of Le Monde Diplomatique, the mother
of ATTAC, in an article on Porto Allegre in Le Monde Diplomatique,
January 2001, put forward the view that the purpose of the WSF was not "
to protest as in Seattle, Washington or Prague ... but to try, this time with a
constructive spirit, to propose a theoretical framework and practice that allows
us to advocate a new globalisation and affirm that a new world is possible, less
inhuman, reduced in equality and more solidarity-based".
In fact, the social
crisis resulting due to the globalisation process has been a point of serious
discussion in the World Bank, IMF, UN, and ADB right from the times of the East
Asian crisis. Then onwards the WB policy suggestion has been to include
social dimension to build safety nets and safety valves. To achieve this, the
fullest participation of NGO’s and "civil society" is being encouraged.
Right from the very first meetings in that direction big NGO’s participation is
being ensured. A World Bank/NGO Asia Pacific Commi-ttee had been
constituted, in which the NGO, Global Focus On South, a founder of WSF, has been
an active member.
In fact "Project World Social Forum 2004" estimates total
expenditure for the event at $29.7 million (about Rs 135 crore), the bulk of
which, $26.2 million, is the cost of the delegates’ participation
(transportation, accommodation and food). Funding agencies would bear much
of this cost, since an army of NGO functionaries and employees would be
attending — nearly all of the country’s foreign-funded NGOs would be
present, as well as many from abroad. The visits of many important
personages too would be sponsored by NGOs. However, these sums would be
disbursed directly to delegates without entering the WSF Secretariat
accounts. The amount provided by foundations/funding agencies directly to
the WSF Secretariat is a small fraction of such funds actually involved in
the WSF meet.
from Aspect of Indian Economy
In its 4th meeting
the World Bank team stated that the Conference would mark a new phase in
partnership with NGOs, based on a common interest in poverty alleviation and
social development! Since then various high level donor and minister meetings
have been held to discuss the need to react on the social implications of the
Asian financial crisis. For example, the regular APEC Finance Minister meetings
and the working group on social safety nets, the meeting in Bangkok
(January 1999) organized by the World Bank, and the Sydney meeting of Foreign
Ministers (March 1999), sponsored by the Government of Australia. ASEAN has also
been holding various conferences on the Asian economic crisis and on human
resources development. In July 1998, the World Bank, together with other donors,
has established the ASEM Thrust Fund to undertake analytical and
strategic work on East and Southeast Asia to which many TNCs and imperialist
governments provided the funds. It was at this moment that ATTAC, the
organization to demand taxing TNCs in service of citizens, was also formed in
France and later expanded all over Europe and to Latin American countries also.
Since it was very much in the ambit and the immediate necessity of imperialism,
the French govt. readily accepted the same. Thus it was not from the blue that
idea of Tobin Tax fell, as claimed by the Bernad Cassen of ATTAC. It was in
conformity with the changing requirements of the imperialist system that the
idea was implemented.
Thus in one such
meeting to discuss Social Issues Arising from the East Asia Economic Crisis
and Policy Implications for the Future, held in Bangkok, Thailand, on
January 21-22 1999, the objective of such endeavors were clearly drawn out: "The
answer is not to give up the benefits of liberalization - but rather to
strengthen our governance systems - and the social safety nets to protect the
vulnerable". In this meeting it was decided to organize an exclusive
forum to discuss social issues arising from the East Asian crisis in Manila
during November ’99 — a month earlier to Seattle, and one year before the
formation of WSF! And it was to be called the Manila Social Forum..!
During December 2000
the UN organized in Geneva a Social Summit to discuss social issues emanating
from globalisation. In this a paper was presented jointly by the WB, IMF, OECD
and UN, which openly admitted that the "globalization of capital and
information has not always resulted in the globalization of better living
In the same
convention the UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, launched: A Better World for
All: Progress towards the international development goals — a joint report
of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the OECD, and the United
Nations. It was a project jointly conceived by the market forces with
institutional support by the IMF, WB, and UN, assuring the anguished populace of
bringing back poverty to "sustainable levels". The obstacles to achieve
that end were identified as Conflicts, Bad governance and weak economic
policy. The participation of ‘civil society’, especially the NGOs, was
sought to mitigate the obstacles…which was faithfully accepted by the
by-standing NGOs…It was at the closing session of this summit, where hundreds
of NGO’s were present, that the declaration and invitation for participation in
the World Social Forum was first declared ..! Thus even the Social
in the nomenclature of World Social Forum does not signify anything
radical; it only denotes the new need of the imperialist system.
What they called a "safety
net" is actually a "safety valve" to allow the discontent building up
against the system to have a safe outlet. Already the lakhs of NGOs spread out
throughout the world were doing the same thing. So were the powerful
social-democratic and revisionist parties, no doubt with a ‘socialist’ mask.
Both these got a boost with a setback to communism, particularly with the
reversal in China after 1976. The collapse of the rival imperialist bloc of the
soviet social imperialists in the late 1980s gave unprecedented sway to the
western imperialists, led by the US over the entire world. Imperialist-funded
NGOs have been promoted in a big way to channelise the popular discontent along
constitutional, peaceful and harmless ways by acting as safety valves.
They try to instill the false belief among the oppressed that there is no
alternative to capitalism and that capitalism has finally triumphed. They
proclaim that Marxism has become outdated and communism is dead, and hence one
should strive to improve the contemporary world by democratising ‘civil society’
and promote ‘globalisation with a human face’. They take up an apparent
anti-state stand, which looks outwardly attractive to progressive circles too.
However, they try to accomplish privatisation at the micro-level what their
masters do at the macro level. They seek to de-politicise the masses by
talking in terms of non-Party activism. They claim that they are apolitical
and call upon the masses to stay away from all political parties including the
revolutionaries; that they should solve their problems themselves through
self-help, cooperation etc. Thus, by advocating such a seemingly apolitical
strategy the NGOs actually work to preserve the status quo and to retain the
influence of the prevailing ruling class ideology and politics on the masses.
They pose themselves as an alternative to the political parties and try to
replace the revolutionary parties by projecting themselves as the champions of
the poor. They seek to demobilise the masses by diverting them from the path
of struggle and co-opting the best elements into the establishment and
reformism. They seek to stall the advance of revolutions in the subtlest of
ways. Hence the NGOs select the most backward, strategic regions that are
the potential storm-centres of revolution for their work besides concentrating
on the basic classes in the urban slums.
It is in this
background, and as the situation tended to become more and more explosive
throughout the world, that we find these NGOs joining with the ruling-class
social-democrats to create the WSF. It was a highly potent mix with which to
rope in the unassuming discontented masses — combining the aura of ‘socialism’
of the social democrats with the laissie faire organizational methods of the
NGOs. ATTAC, joined up with the PT (Workers’ Party……. now the ruling party,
faithfully implementing IMF policies) of Brazil, to form the WSF. Under the
initiative of these ruling-class social democrats thousands of NGOs joined up.
Their anti-globalisation rhetoric fools many an innocent and leads them into a
trap. What was anyhow being done independently by NGOs and social-democrats for
decades was now sought to be given an organized international form through the
fusion of the two in the WSF to give the "safety valve" more affectivity in the
light of a growing movement which was threatening to make these forces
redundant. Desperate situations called for desperate strategies by the rulers.
In a way, this can be likened to the British imperialist conspiracy in forming
the congress party in 1885 to diffuse and divert the growing militancy of the
masses into peaceful and harmless channels by maintaining the myth of leading
the anti-British struggle thereby attempting to deprive real leadership to the
people’s struggles.
Quite naturally its
first focus was Latin America which is seething with discontent, with some form
of armed struggle erupting all over the sub-continent — an area which has
witnessed the most disastrous impact of globalization (as in Argentina), well
before the rest of the world. Its second focus was South Asia which is seeing a
rising tide of revolutionary Maoist movements together with armed struggles of
the various oppressed nationalities. It is not surprising that its first
experimental project, in the ASF (Asia Social Forum) was held in Hyderabad which
is a key centre of the Maoist upsurge. Here, not a word was mentioned against
one of the worst killer regimes in the world, of Chandrababu Naidu; who also is
the most vociferous implementer of World Bank/IMF policies in the region. It has
also now spread to Europe which has been at the heart of the anti-globalisation
movements of the West.
In the Mumbai WSF,
though thousands of genuine (but confused) people would have attended, it was
led by imperialist-sponsored NGOs, big-name intellectuals for reforming
globalisation — both rabidly anti-communist — and ruling class-social democrats.
Though kept at low-key, present were the likes of Bardhan (CPI general
secretary), Yechuri (CPM PB member), Brazil Cultural Minister, and some 200
Members of Parliament from Europe and elsewhere. Mary Robinson, ex president of
Ireland and UN Commissioner for Human Rights, promised to carry the WSF message
to the WEF (World Economic Forum at Davos). The World Bank Chief, James
Wolfensohn, sent his message. Even the chief guest at the rally was a pillar of
the Indian reactionary system, the ex president of India, K.R.Narayan. The WSF
headquarters were the Mumbai headquarters of the CPI. 60% of the Rs.8.5 crores
of the declared expenditure came from the NGOs Oxfam (linked to the British
government), Hivos and Novib (both linked to the Netherlands government),
according to Gautam Modi, coordinator of the media cell of WSF. Leading the
trend of neo-liberal reformers (with a human face) was the Nobel laureate
economist Joseph Stiglitz {who was a member of the US Council of Economic
Advisers (CEA) from 1993 to 95 during Clinton rule and served as CEA chairman
from 1995-97; to then become chief economist and senior vice-president of the
World Bank from 1997-2000, from which he resigned due to apparent differences
with how to handle the S.E.Asian crisis}.
So, in the light of
this background and the class nature of the WSF, what ought to have been the
most effective approach towards the WSF at its 4th Conference in Mumbai — the
first ever held outside Porto Alegre, Brazil?
What Then Is A Correct Approach?
Having once
determined the nature of the WSF what then should be the attitude of the
proletariat towards it? The aim of the sponsors of the WSF is obviously to forge
an alliance between the pro-imperialist leaders (NGOs & ruling class social
democrats) and the mass of progressive and anti-imperialist forces in the world;
with a conscious aim of keeping out the revolutionaries. Having done this they
seek to divert the movement into forms of dissidence that are acceptable to the
imperialists and other reactionary classes. Endless "reflective thinking",
vehement opposition to any systematic organization, unqualified opposition to
violent resistance of the masses and communism (called totalitarian systems),
seeking to reform globalization by giving it a human face (not attacking its
roots in imperialism), etc. etc. are all the methods to achieve the above aims.
Given these as the
goals of the sponsors of the WSF what should be our approach? Quite obviously
the main aim of the revolutionaries would be to break the hold of the apologists
of imperialism over this section of the masses and win them over to an alliance
with the revolutionaries. This is not merely organizational, but primarily
political. It is inconceivable without a thorough-going exposure of the
leadership of the WSF and its political content. Only then can one win the
masses under their influence over to a correct anti-imperialist line and
PRACTICE. And in this process alone can they be politically consolidated — and
must be consolidated in a Front of all anti-imperialist, democratic, progressive
and dissident forces.
Now, given these
factors let us look at the fourth WSF conference that took place in India in
Jan.2004. It has also already been shown that its purpose is to act as a "safety
valve" to "institutionalize dissent". It takes on the attitude of posturing
against "globalization", while at the same time leading its followers into a
trap. Much what the social democrats and NGOs are anyhow doing long before the
WSF came into existence. But, the heady mix of the social democrat’s fake
socialism and the NGO’s liaise faire postmodernism in the WSF, makes it a
beautiful sugar-coated poison, swallowed up by the discerning — particularly the
liberal, even the Marxist. The utopian liberal would like socialism, but not
with all the trappings of tight discipline, armed struggle, violence,
proletarian dictatorship, state repression, et al. So also, for the anarchist,
the combi-nation of socialism of the social-democrats and the lack of
organizational principles of the NGOs, is an ideal mix. What then better than
the promise of "Another World is Possible" through the carnival-type
‘dissent’ of the WSF, confined to debates, that too without any focus.
But that the ordinary
liberal should get enticed is one thing; understandable, given the lack of an
effective revolutionary communist alternative today. So, at the time of the ASF
last year one witnessed raptu-rous articles in the media by an assortment of
liberals. At that time it was something new to India. But when Maoists, and
other so-called radicals, also fall into the trap, then one is saddened at the
poverty of ideology seen in the Marxist world today. The purity of ideology is
not to be seen in its repetitive ability of claiming oneself as the
standard-bearers of it, but in its revolutionary application to today’s reality.
Ideology is only meaningful when it acts as a concrete guide to correct action;
not a dogma to be worshipped in abstraction.
Now having decided on
the class character of the leadership of the WSF, what then should be the
attitude of the revolutionary towards it? Quite naturally the tactic to be
adopted should be that which most effectively can wean away the thousands being
duped by the WSF leadership, towards a correct anti-imperialist line and
platform. In other words, fracture the alliance being orchestrated between the
imperialist agents and many a genuine progressive; and in its place build the
anti-imperialist alliance between the proletarian forces and the other genuine
democrats and progressives.
Now, once the goal is
clear, then the best method of achieving it is determined by both the objective
and subjective conditions then prevailing.
As far as the
objective situation in India goes the situation is ripe for building a more
effective anti-imperialist and a general democratic alliance in the country,
First, the devastating impact of the policies of LPG (liberalization,
privatization and globalization) on the lives of the people are pushing them to
desperation, where only revolution is being seen as the alternative. Second, the
brutalities of the state on the struggling masses on a scale seen only in the
colonial period, with little respect to even the nominal democratic norms, give
the masses no alternative. This, together with Hindutva fascism of the Sangh
Parivar has made life for the minorities, particularly the Muslims, a hell —
Gujarat was only the tip of the iceberg. Thirdly, the US’s aggressive war
policies, particularly as seen in Iraq and the Zionist role in Palestine, has
brought the question of armed resistance onto the agenda for all democrats (not
just the revolutionaries). Particularly the heroic armed resistance of the Iraqi
people has posed the question before all — either support the resistance or get
shown up as apologists of US aggression.
So, all these factors
have resulted in the maturing of the objective situation for a firm alliance
between the general progressive and the revolutionary forces. As regarding the
maturing of the subjective factor the main point is the growth of the people’s
wars in South Asia and the growing unity of the Maoists, not only in India, but
also in South Asia. Particularly the gigantic strides of the people’s war in
Nepal, the revival of people’s war in Bangladesh and the reported media news of
closer cooperation between the MCCI and the CPI(ML)(PW), are factors that result
in the process of the maturing of the subjective forces. In addition it was seen
at MR that even at the international level that a section of the Maoists
could act in relative unison, taking a common approach towards the WSF.
The liberals’
flirtations with non-violence is being fast realized as totally impotent in the
present reality, and the demand is there for a more effective striking force in
the country, against both fascist terror and imperialist gangsterism. The
sincere progressives know that it is only through an alliance with the Maoists
that such an effective force can be built. So, even the subjective situation is
already turning more and more ripe with the genuine progressives seeking
alliance with the proletarian forces. This turned into a living reality in the
type of organizations that became a part of the MR-2004 programme, where, in
fact, it was well known that the initiative lay with the pro-Maoist forces (both
international and at the all-India level). Though the proletarian forces are
generally weak, it is not that they are totally paralysed and unable to take
such an initiative as made out by the RF and FAPP. The success of MR showed this
ground reality to be a fact. Ironically it was, in fact, only some of these M-L
organisations who split the unity of the anti-WSF forces by holding events
parallel to both the WSF and the MR.
So, now given these
factors, what then would be the most effective method to impact on those being
drawn into alliance with the forces opposed to effective anti-imperialist
Here, there is no
point quoting Lenin by rote. The principles outlined by the great proletarian
teachers gave to be applied in the concrete situation prevailing. Once the class
analysis of the prevailing forces are clear, and the task to be achieved
concretely stated, the most effective tactics at a particular moment can be
worked out, taking guidance from the great proletarian teachers.
Past experiences at
the earlier Porto Alegre events has shown that there have been numerous dissents
from within, but they have not been sufficiently effective in challenging the
monopoly of the WSF. This was for two reasons. First, there was no
thorough-going exposure of the WSF, only some criticisms. Second, the WSF, with
its massive money-power and vast assortment of voices (in Mumbai there were over
1,200 seminars) is so structured where the invisible hand controls from behind,
while ‘democracy’ flourishes upfront as in any bourgeois society or bourgeois
institution. So a genuine dissent is inevitably drowned in a cacophony of
‘dissent’ voices from all streams ranging from pro-EU reformers and social
democrats, to gays to environmentalists to even the fascist Proutists and
US-sponsored Tibetan dissidents.
The essence of any
effective political intervention would be based on the taking of a clear-cut
stand on the issue before us based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. The essence of
this is that the exposure of the WSF must be deep and all-sided. And only on
the basis of such exposure would it be possible to call on the people to oppose
the WSF and join MR. With out such a complete exposure the very relevance of
MR would not be there. As MR activists creatively wrote on the highway
separating the two programmes, appealing to those attending the WSF, "do not
stand at the cross-roads; cross the road".
participating would mean adding to the legitimacy of the WSF and its Charter
which specifically states that it is not open to those who use violence as a
means of dissent and to communist revolutionaries. Even while not being a
participating body of the WSF, even mere internal intervention also has its
limitations, because of how the WSF is structured. So a major impact could
only be achieved by neither participation nor boycott but by intervention in the
whole process — politically, by pushing a correct anti-imperialist line, and
organisationally by a show of force outside the WSF through the alternative
programme, and secondarily by internal intervention through wide-scale
propaganda. But it is the alternative event that would push organizations and
individuals to take a stand, help demarcate the WSF from the MR line sharply,
and facilitate the process of political and organizational consoli-dation of all
genuine anti-imperialist and progressive forces — i.e. create a genuine
anti-imperialist pole within the anti-globalisatin movement. Mere internal
intervention may have some propaganda value; it would not be able to draw clear
lines of demarcation between the two diametrically opposite approaches on a big
scale. A boycott would isolate the genuine anti-imperialists from the
mainstream attracted to the WSF, while participation would result in merely
lending it legitimacy, and tailing the WSF agenda.
The actual practice
showed up this reality. The boycottist programme of the ND and SOC had barely
any impact (except some propaganda value), besides preaching to their own forces
which anyhow are anti-imperialist. And, as far as the ‘revolutionaries’ who
participated in the WSF, their voice was hardly heard. While the MR programme
had quite considerable impact not only during the event but in the very build up
— the impact, in fact, went far beyond expectations, showing how ripe the
situation is to forge such an alliance of anti-imperialist, democratic,
progressive and proletarian forces towards the building of the united action
against imperialism, Hindutva fascism,, state repression etc. The impact was not
restricted to Mumbai; due to the MR process since October 2003 it had an
all-India and even international impact. It showed up the fake anti-imperialism
of the NGOs and social democrats on a huge scale, and propagated widely a
genuine anti-imperialist programme in the form of the two basic documents of the
The very results show
that the MR tactic adopted was a correct step towards the polarisation of all
the forces pitted against globalization and its offshoots, like Hindutva
fascism. The crucible of practice is far more potent than a thousand argum-ents;
yet we shall take up the arguments of the other three trends outlined in the
beginning. There may, no doubt be many a lacunae while conducting the
alternative programme, but that is a question of learning from the experience
through a self critical review of the whole event.
Ford Foundation Grants to WSF and Related Operations
(from the Ford Foundation website database; apparently does not include
current funding)
The following grants have been given as part of Ford’s
"Asset Building and Community Development Program", which "supports efforts
to reduce poverty and injustice by helping to build the financial, natural,
social, and human assets of low-income individuals and communities."
Organization: Brazilian Association of NGOs
Purpose: For the 2003 World Social Forum, where civil
society organizations develop social and economic alternatives to current
patterns of globalization, based on human rights and sustainable development
Location: BRAZIL
Program: Peace and Social Justice
Unit: Governance and Civil Society
Subject: Civil Society
Amount: $500,000
Though the MR did not
boycott the WSF (the doors were open for all to attend and move in either
direction) it held a political line directly opposed to that of the WSF. Though
primarily concentrating on the anti-imperialist programme, the call amongst the
masses was reject/oppose the WSF; join the MR. To try and patch up the
differences with the WSF would only blur the political line of demar-cation; and
if it was not clearly stated as opposed to the WSF there would be no reason to
hold an alternative programme.
Besides, in any
united activity it is always necessary to seek to establish proletarian
leadership over the front. The proletarian forces while restricting themselves
to the slogans of the front in joint actions, must also be able to propagate
fully their own views, otherwise it can never attract new forces towards the
Party, which alone has a consistent anti-imperialist, anti-feudal programme.
That is why Mao has always said that in any front, all constituents must
maintain their relative independence. So, it is a question of unity and struggle
with the forces comprising the front. Unity, on the minimum anti-imperialist
programme, and struggle to bring them over to a more consistent
anti-imperialist, anti-feudal programme and the politics of people’s war. Just
as the liberals will have the right to propagate their own view-point so also
the Maoists must assert that right; otherwise the Maoist forces will get reduced
to being mere bourgeois democrats. Of course all this must be done creatively
not through dogmatic slogan-mongering.
The Boycott Trend Of The ND/SOC
The proponents of
this trend have run a widely articulated campaign against the MR, best reflected
in an article entitled "Knowing the Enemy" by Muruthaiyan that appeared
in the Dec.21-27 issue of the Frontier. This article has appeared
elsewhere including on the net.
unsubstantiated accusations against the MR, the essence of this article shows
the author’s confusion towards the question of United Front in general, and the
process of building it, in particular.
The approach
reflected in this article has two serious flaws. First, even in its analysis of
the WSF and also of the contemporary situation it is left only in form, but
right in essence due to numerous political blunders. Second, it displays a
‘left’ sectarian approach towards the UF, and the process of its formation. Let
us now consider both aspects:
(A) Left in Form,
Right in Essence
Here, there are two
aspects. The first is an incorrect understanding of the character of the WSF.
Second an incorrect analysis of the international situation, both of which
result in right deviation.
(i) Character of the
First, the entire
article equates the WSF as being equal to NGOs. Throughout the article there are
tens of references to the NGO-factor of the WSF. It says, for example, that "NGOs
are not products of the WSF. Instead WSF is the conglomerate of NGOs". It
adds that the "WSF has fulfilled the much needed Global co-ordination amongst
NGOs". Again in their open appeal to the masses to join their Jan.19/20
programme, issued by the "People Against Imperialism" it says "Most
significant aspect of WSF and its process is its complete dominance by NGOs…".
But, this is only one factor of the composi-tion of the WSF. The other factor,
which is equally significant is the role of the ruling class social democrats in
the WSF. The article is silent on this, and if at all menti-oned elsewhere, it
only does so in passing.
The reality is that
the entire WSF process in Brazil was initiated by the ruling class social
democrats of Europe and Brazil and till today it is the Brazilian ruling party,
the PT, that has control over its top bodies. In India too it was similar
parties that have played a leading role in the organisation of the WSF (and
earlier the ASF) — the CPM and their unions played a major role in the Mumbai
event and, in fact, the very office of the WSF, was not in one of the NGO
offices (like Yuva, BUILD, church organizations, etc. which have an extensive
network in the city), but the CPI’s Head-quarters, Bupesh Gupta Bhavan. Yet why
the silence of the ND/SOC on these ruling class social democrats? Actually the
CPM is not just ruling-class, they have now graduated to the level of social
The reality is that
CLASS SOCIAL DEMOCRATS. Muruthaiyan’s total silence on this is not from naivety
but from a political approach that seeks to hide this key factor. The reasons
are not far to see. The ND is stuck in many an alliance with the CPM,
particularly in AP. And the bulk of these right-wing M-L groups do not see the
CPI and CPM as ruling class parties, let alone social-fascists, but merely give
them the general character of revisionists. But ‘revisionists’ is a political
characterization, not a class characterization. There are revisionists and
revisionists — some are ruling-class, others are petti-bourgeois reformists. The
CPI/CPM, PT, the bulk of the establishment social democratic formations in
Europe, etc are all ruling-class. Not surprisingly the first physical attack on
MR propaganda teams took place in West Bengal by CPM hoodlums!! The ferocity of
their attack shows up their fascist character. It was during the performance of
an anti-globalisation skit in Haldia that the MR team was attacked. They were
locked up for hours in a CPM office and severely beaten, including the women
members of the team.
So, the anti-WSF talk
of the ND/SOC has a caveat — attack only the NGO aspect, not the CPI/CPM aspect.
In effect, its attack is thereby watered down showing up its right essence,
where it is unable to make a thorough-going break with the revisionists; that
too, ruling class revisionists who are completely implementing imperialist
policies in West Bengal (as the PT does in Brazil) and unleashing white terror
on revolutionaries — of late it has even resorted to the regime of fake
encounters, brutally killing Com. Kanchen in March 2004, a State Committee
member of the PW. Such then, is the essence of the ‘left’ slogan-mongering of
the ND/SOC-type M-L.
(ii) Analysis of the
International Situation
By categorizing all
the major imperialist powers as superpowers it, in effect, blunts the edge of
the struggle against the only existing superpower, US imperialism. It time and
again refers to the "imperialist superpowers", giving a wrong
understanding of what a superpower is. Though it is not explained here, this
incorrect concept is put forth in the SOC document entitled "Superpower
Hegemonism and Proletarian Revolution" adopted by the 5th Plenum of the SOC
in 1991. In Kautskite fashion this document sees the superpowers as some
"supra-imperialism" calling it "a new phase in the imperialist era" (pg
4); and categorizing not only the US, but also Japan and the EEC (particularly
Germany) and even Russia as superpowers.
Besides the
Frontier article implies that collusion is some permanent phenomenon,
refusing to see the growing contention between the US and particularly the EU
(as also Russia). It says "The imperialist Superpowers are attempting to
establish Global hegemony (not a re-division) through globalisation of capital,
production, division of labour and the market". Though collusion may still
be the principal factor this type of statement closes its eyes to the reality of
increasing contention, even reflected in Iraq.
So overall, the
analysis of the world situation has not only an incorrect understanding of the
present situation, but also incorrect tactics.
(B) Sectarian
Approach towards building the UF
It is not clear from
the Frontier article what Muruthaiyan seeks to achieve from the boycott
position. Exposure of the WSF OK; but what do you seek to build in its place to
face the growing onslaught of imperialism? Nothing!!
Here, the main
accusation against MR appears to be that there has been a dilution of a pure
Marxist (MLM) content. The Frontier article says: "….. But does the MR2004
really hold the red flag to wave against them? This is a moot question.
Communist Revolutionaries hold high the banner of Marxism-Leninism-Mao tse Tung
Thought and expose the lackeys of imperialism masquerading themselves as
communists and Socialists. Underplaying the ideological and political issues in
order to sound ‘democratic’ is suicidal, to say the least". Displaying utter
confusion on the question of the UF the Frontier article adds "Hence, the
immediate task of the Communist revolutionaries is to build a national as well
as international front that projects Communism as the alternative to imperialism
and capitalism". If all in the so-called "front" accept communism as the
alternative it will not be a "front" but a party. In fact that is the confusion
in the earlier sentence too; it is not the task of the MR to take up MLM
propagation that is the task of the party, and/or party affiliated organizations
working in the front. MR will propagate widely on a consistent anti-imperialist
It goes on and on, on
this topic saying "longing to gain democratic credentials, MR2004 compromises
on the ideological perspective". Obviously the SOC does not know the abc of
the principles of forming a front.
Firstly, when we talk
of a front we are referring to uniting with non-proletarian forces. In a
semi-feudal and semi-colonial country like India there is a strategic front of
four classes against these main enemies. Any other tactical front will also have
basically elements from these four classes. A strategic united front will be
basically anti-imperialist and anti-feudal to establish the new democratic
system through a peoples’ democratic dictatorship. Even the strategic front in
itself is neither for socialism nor has as its ideology MLM. Though the
communist party and other organizations directly linked to it, will propagate to
take the revolution forward towards socialism and also the ideology of MLM, this
need not be the task of the front itself. Organisations are formed with very
specific tasks, it need not become a ‘khichdi’ of all sorts of things.
Let us try and learn
from what Mao had to say on the subject, to get some idea of the effective
methods to build such activities. Mao has said "every party and group in the
united front must preserve its ideological, political and organizational
independence; this holds good for the Kuomintang, the Communist Party or any
other party or group". {Role of the Chinese communist party in the national
War; Mao 1938}He further adds: "There is no doubt that independence within
the united front is relative and not absolute, and that to regard it as absolute
would undermine the general policy of unity against the enemy. But this relative
independence must not be denied; ideologically, politically and
organizationally, each party must have its relative independence, that is,
relative freedom. Also, the general policy of unity against the enemy would be
undermined if this relative freedom were denied or voluntarily abandoned. This
should be clearly understood by all members of the Communist Party as well as of
the friendly parties". {ibid}
Now how is this to be
interpreted in the MR context? MR was a front to basically target the enemy —
imperialism, particularly US imperialism and all their agents throughout the
world and in India. While targeting imperialism it sought to expose the politics
and organizational methods of the WSF, showing how it was a "safety valve". The
very fact that it was held as an alternative to the WSF showed that it was
against the politics of the WSF; but unlike the boycottists, its main focus was
not the WSF, but imperialism. So, the door was left open for all who wanted to
cross the road from the WSF to the MR. MR had a clear-cut anti-imperialist
programme, with the concrete alternative of a self-reliant economy moving
towards socialism (i.e. the new democratic programme).
To expect that MR
itself must propagate MLM, communism etc., which the Frontier article
says indicates a total lack of understanding on how to build front activities,
as that would only break the front against imperialism and restrict it to ones
own circles (as actually happened with the ND/SOC parallel programme on Jan.19
and 20 th) and clear the way for all other forces to become part of the
WSF. This only plays into the hands of the enemy, and is what they precisely
seek to do through WSF.
But while having said
that, there should be nothing restricting the constituents to propagate their
own views also, applying the principle of "relative independence"
within the Front, outlined by Mao above. There were a host of revolutionary
organizations within MR, both from India and abroad, that did in fact propagate
their views widely not only within MR. but also within WSF. From India there
were organizations like the AIPRF and others, and from abroad organisations like
ILPS (International League of People’s Struggles), WPRM (World People’s
Resistance Movement), ATIK (Turkish worker’s orgnaisation in Europe), BAYAN (a
big front organization in the Philippines), etc., that were close to MLM
ideology and propagated their own views and brought out their own literature. So
also the Maoist parties themselves, under the banner of CCOMPOSA, (Coordination
Committee of Maoist Parties and Organisations of South Asia) Communist Party of
Nepal (Maoist) also widely propagated people’s war and MLM through thousands of
handbills. So also did speakers from the various organizations, propagate these
views in the plenary session, seminars/workshops and throughout the cultural
programme. So also were Maoist bookshops put up in MR and the WSF promoting
their politics and ideology and propagating the on-going people’s wars.
So, in effect it was
a two-pronged attack. At the anti-imperialist plane of MR the reach was wide and
spread not only throughout the country (through the MR process before the
programme) but also internationally with its two basic documents translated into
over 8 Indian and 6 foreign languages. Massive wall-writing, posters, handbills
in lakhs, campaigning, booklets, newsletters and the web site reached out to
lakhs allover India and the world. On the other hand the political and
ideological campaign by the revolutionary constituents of MR, (as also the
Maoist parties independently) was more focused. The first sought to win over the
vast masses in general and those attending the WSF in particular to a broad
anti-imperialist programme through a wide exposure of the WSF, with the specific
goal of consolidating these forces organizatio-nally into an anti-imperialist
front; the second sought to win over the more advanced elements in both MR and
WSF to the politics of people’s war and the ideology of MLM. Such effective
interven-tion at two levels would have been imposs-ible by the line promoted by
the ND/SOC.
Besides this, the
article implies that MR too was open to NGOs without giving any evidence.
Firstly, MR was clearly opposed to any imperialist/government funded NGO. All
its sources of funds were raised from the people and the participant
organisations. Yet, in many cases it is very difficult to have concrete evidence
of whether an organization or individual is dependent on imperialist/government
funding. So, whether to accept an organization into MR, the political criteria
is also important — i.e. whether the individual or organization has the
potential to play some anti-imperialist role in practice. The minimum political
criteria for acceptance should be (i) accepting the anti-imperialist and a broad
democratic programme, (ii) should side with the poor and oppressed. If their
practice indicates these two criteria to varying degrees, there should be no
objection, from a political stand-point, of accepting the individual/party/organisation
into a front. Besides, they should see the revolutionaries as part of the
democratic stream. No imperialist/government funded NGO can take these stands.
Of the over 300 participating orgnisations within MR if any such did sneak in,
they would soon get exposed for what they are.
In addition
Maruthaiyan is unable to make a distinction between the leadership and the
rank-and-file of the constituent organizations of the WSF accusing MR of
inviting people to MR even though it sees the WSF as led by imperialist agents.
He obviously considers the entire crowd of ordinary NGO members (there is no
mention of the CPI/CPM) as imperialist agents. Though it is true that the very
funding style of the NGOs tend to corrupt even their rank-and-file, yet the bulk
of their members (as that of the rank-and-file of the CPI/CPM), to some extent,
are desirous of change and opposed to the present policies of globalisation,
Hindutva fascism and state repression. A task during the event would be to win
over the cadres of all these bodies, whether NGOs or of the revisionist led
trade unions, youth and other mass organisations.
One last point. When
Maruthaiyan, in the Frontier article, puts so much emphasis on the question of
ideological and political intervention, with no compromise whatsoever; the
question arises as to what is the content of this ideology. This is not made
clear throughout the article. From the article it appears that taking a firm
anti-NGO stand is the essence of this ideological and political intervention.
Firstly, it must be said that in practice the SOC spent their major effort
criticizing the MR and not the WSF. Most of their articles in the media and on
the net were against MR, not WSF. They never even did a thorough analysis and
exposure of the WSF. So, in actual fact their concrete exposure of the WSF was
limited. In addition, at the ground level, by holding an alternative programme
they split the anti-WSF forces, thereby weakening the effort of creating a real
anti-imperialist pole in opposition to the WSF. This was done despite the fact
that they were repeatedly requested to join the MR. In fact, they never
displayed any seriousness in fighting the politics of the WSF on a big scale.
There are many other
incorrect views in this article, like the approach to Seattle, etc., but here we
have confined ourselves to the main points presented.
Actually, in real
terms, the ND/SOC combine do a disservice to revolution on two counts: With
regards to people’s war they attack it vehemently (like any of the
reactionaries) and adopt a rightist approach to indefinitely postpone it (in
effect not even make preparations for it). And with regards to the UF they take
a disruptionist and sectarian approach, which seeks to forestall any alliance
with other progressive and democratic forces. This purist approach that they
take vis-a-vis WSF/MR is only to cover up the right essence of their political
line. In practice, they oppose both the armed struggle and the United Front, two
of the three magic weapons of the Indian revolution. ND is of course a
revisionist organization though it mouths Mao’s name; the fact that the SOC can
join up with them shows in which direction they too are going.
The Participation Trend & Corim Stand
The central aspect of
this trend is to see the WSF as basically an anti-imperialist force,
notwithstanding all its lacunae.
In the initial stages
of the MR many a liberal intellectual and organisation considered the
alternative programme as a splittist effort —i.e. dividing the anti-imperialist
camp. But after they were given to understand the character of WSF, many of the
genuine forces either left the WSF and joined the MR, or at least attended both.
As time proceeded towards the build up of MR the splittist accusation completely
disappeared, and it grew to be an event with serious political ramifications
gaining popularity daily — not just in India but also worldwide. By the time of
the programme, those for participation from the Indian M-L circles had been
reduced to a handful; and even outright revisionists, like Liberation, found it
difficult to play much of a role (though their names were as prominent as that
of the CPI and CPM initially) due to opposition from the rank-and-file. Even the
CPM was put so much on the defensive (again because of opposition from cadre)
that the PB member, Yechuri, had to write a defensive article in their organ, "People’s
Democracy" (dated Dec.28 2003), accepting NGOs as "safety valves" but
sought participation in the WSF in order to struggle against the incorrect
views. MR initiated a process of re-thinking amongst many, and brought a sharp
polarization between the real anti-imperialist forces and those that are
apologists of imperialism.
So, while in India,
the exposures of MR acted to effectively keep many of the genuine forces away
from the WSF and bring them a step forward in building a genuine
anti-imperialist movement; from abroad the tendency was more for participation.
Surprisingly, it was the CoRIM that was one of the most assertive on this; and
it was the RCPUSA’s Revolutionary Worker (Feb.22 and March 14, 2004
issues), that went to such an extent as putting WSF and MR on an equal plane,
thereby, in effect, negating the need for an ideological and political struggle
against the WSF through an alternative programme to counter its reactionary
leadership and its diversionary role of it being a "safety valve" to
diffuse the growing discontent. In fact the glowing report of the WSF in the RW
was on the same plane as reports in the liberal/revisionist magazines and
newspapers like Frontline, etc. The CPI(ML)Liberation’s organ went one step
beyond the RW articles, where in its February issue (in the article entitled "Voices
against War & WTO") it completely ignored the existence of MR and only gave
a report on the WSF. Even the bourgeois media were forced to take cognizance of
both, but not the revisionists of the Liberation.
Neither reports
(Liberation & RW) have any serious criticism of the reactionary and hypocritical
role of the WSF leadership, or the frivolous atmosphere present there. In fact
in Mumbai, there were reports that at the very site itself, a section of the
media stated that the WSF was non-serious and frivolous, and in that MR was a
big contrast. There were quite a few speakers at the WSF who openly praised the
merits of globalisation, asserted how globalisation would improve the lot of the
dalits and other sections of the Indian people, and such reactionary trash. But
this was not visible to RW and Liberation.
Liberation is of
course an outright revisionist organization and one does not expect better than
to hob-nob with reactionaries — be it the ruling-class parties of the CPI/CPM or
the imperialist-funded NGOs. In fact, a year earlier (Jan.5, 2003), at a
convention against globalization in Hyderabad of seven ‘left’ parliamentary
parties, the Liberation party’s secretary, Dipankar Bhattarchajee, was
enraptured by the unity of such forces against globalization, ignoring the West
Bengal government’s role in implementing all diktats of the IMF/World Bank/WTO.
In the Feb.2004 Liberation report there is a glowing account of the WSF with no
critical comment whatsoever. Similar reports were seen by liberal journalists in
the main-line media, but at least they also took cognizance of MR. While totally
ignoring MR they saw nothing wrong in playing up reactionaries in their report
like Joseph Stiglitz (economic advisor in the Clinton administration).
But one would have
expected better from the RIM which normally goes into great details on the
question of political standpoint. Unfortunately that was not so in this case.
The one-sided reporting in RW comes from the political approach of the CoRIM and
reflected in its open letter, dated December 8, 2004, entitled "To comrades
involved with the World Social Forum and Mumbai Resistance-2004", circulated
through the net.
There are three
aspects to this "letter". First is the question of participation in the WSF. The
second is the class analysis of the WSF and the third is the ideological and
political question vis-à-vis WSF.
(i) Question of
This "letter" clearly
states that participation is very much necessary in WSF, and in a big way. If
that is so then what was the need for MR? If all forces are to be used to create
an ‘impact’ in WSF, there would be no question of organizing an alternative
event. Yet it adopts a sort of eclectic approach praising the MR initiative as
well (with criticisms). This is not understandable for, if all should
participate in the WSF, the logical corollary would be not to hold an
alternative event.
The letter infact
says: "It is very important that forces representing the proletarian point of
view are present in the WSF to the greatest possible degree. There is no doubt
that the opportunists will try to prevent a clear anti-imperialist and
revolutionary line from being presented from the stage and so forth. But we
should not make their work easier for them." The "letter" adds that "We
should be seeking to participate in official WSF seminars and debates wherever
possible and where this is not possible speaking from the floor as well as
organizing other activities". With such a high level of proposed involvement
where would there be any necessity to hold an alternative event. So, in essence,
the CoRIM was opposed to the MR programme advocating instead participation in
the WSF, though it does not say so openly. This approach is also clear that when
the RW reports both equally positively, it is apparent that in its view the MR
had no specific political role to play in developing an anti-imperialist pole
within the anti-globalisation movement. Such an approach is not surprising as a
year back the RW also praised the 2003 WSF, in fact putting it on equal plane
with the militant demonstrations at Davos (see RWr #1186, February 9, 2003).
In fact, in its style
of reporting the RW gives the impression that political polarization was being
done by WPRM’s propaganda in both events. The letter also gives the impression
that it is the WPRM that is to politically intervene in both as it sets various
tasks for it. It says "We should use the Mumbai activities as an occasion to
promote and build the WPRM". This is also a misrepresentation of the facts,
as the WPRM (South Asia) was a constituent of MR not the WSF — in fact it was
one of the initial initiators of MR.
So, in essence, what
the CoRIM is saying (without actually putting it in so many words) is that the
MR was unnecessary and the goals it set could well have been achieved by big
involvement in the WSF by WPRM, which should give attention to "collecting
names and addresses of advanced forces who are coming from different countries".
As Lenin once said
that left sectarianism and right opportunism are but two sides of the same coin.
Here, in the CoRIM approach, both are in evidence. The attitude of the CoRIM to
the WSF has an element of rightism, while the exclusivist role assigned to the
WPRM is sectarian. There is no approach here to unite with other ideological and
political forces in a joint anti-imperialist struggle, while seeking to win over
the advanced forces that are coming from different countries. In fact the
only task set in the entire "letter" is to win over others, either by
collecting names and addresses or by propagating MLM through WPRM; this is a
narrow sectarian approach towards the UF. Actually the two tasks mentioned here
is only one aspect of the work, the other is to unite with other progressives in
a joint struggle against imperialism, particularly the US (and not through
tailism on the WSF platform). It was through MR in fact that both tasks were
achieved. Essentially MR acted to win over the anti-imperialist sections and
seeks to consolidate them, in India, into a tactical united front of
revolutionary, anti-imperialist and progressive forces; while the Maoist
Parties, CCOMPOSA, etc, sought to carry the political line of MLM and people’s
war as widely as possible. Also many revolutionary mass organizations were
present that were close to MLM ideology and had the opportunity to propagate
their views. CoRIM suggests only doing the latter task (that too only through
the WPRM, ignoring the other non-RIM revolutionary forces) and not the former.
(ii) CoRIM’s Class
Analysis of WSF
On this it appears
that the CoRIM has some illusions regarding the class character of the WSF in
general and NGOs in particular. In fact even the social democrats are not shown
as ruling class elements; the entire analysis gives an anti-imperialist role to
ruling class social-democrats, NGOs and the WSF. This is politically and
ideologically wrong. To prove the credentials of the WSF it does not even
properly delve into its history thereby even misrepresenting facts. In the
"letter", the genesis of WSF is traced to 2001 Porto Allegre conference. This is
factually wrong as has been already shown earlier. Apart from this the concept
of WSF has its genesis in responses to the growing crisis in the form of the UN
instituting corporate responsibility, the Manila Social Forum etc. The formation
of WSF was first declared in the UN’s social summit in June-2000.
Regarding the class
character of the leadership of the WSF the "letter" says, that: "The basic
analysis that MR has of the opportunist leadership of the WSF is in our view
mainly correct. But we do have serious reservations about how the tactics and
approach MR-2004 is developing in relation to the WSF."
Firstly the MR has
never defined the WSF leadership as merely "opportunist". The
understanding behind the MR is that the leadership is pro-imperialist, that "basically
channelises dissent into avenues acceptable to the big capitalist powers".(from
Why MR?) So the class character of the leadership of the
(imperialist-funded) NGOs and the ruling class social democrats is
pro-imperialist, not mere opportunists. But nowhere, either in the letter or in
the RW articles, does this class analysis come across. In fact the "letter"
gives the impression that they are some sort of progressive force.
See what it says on
the very first page: "Outside of Brazil the WSF was initially promoted by a
section of the European left, for example those grouped around the influential
journal Le Monde Diplomatique and the organization known as ATTAC which has been
growing quickly in Europe and is associated with the anti-globalization mass
mobilizations. In particular, the organizers of the WSF have tried to identify
with and attract those forces that have emerged to oppose "globalization"."
Here there is no
political exposure as to the class character of the so-called "European left",
ATTAC, etc, and gives the impression that they are all progressive forces. Also
the last sentence quoted above gives the "organizers of WSF" a clean chit,
making out that they are actually anti-globalisation as they have "have tried
to identify with and attract those forces that have emerged to oppose
In addition, ATTAC is
made to look like some force opposed to globalization. But what is the reality?
ATTAC is close to the ruling-class social democratic party of France, who has in
fact accepted the concept of "Tobin Tax" put forth by ATTAC. Also ATTAC
aggressively opposes any form of violence that has occurred at the anti-globalisation
Here, the "letter"
does no class analysis of forces like these, just a positive statement that
these organizations have been growing quickly in Europe. Even regarding
the Brazilian Party the criticism is mild, when in fact Lula has implemented IMF/WB
policies with more efficiency than that of his predecessor.
Also regarding the
NGOs there is not a word about their widespread presence in the WSF, nor about
their imperialist funding and the role they play in sabotaging the revolutionary
movement. In fact in the entire "letter" there is not a single word
on the NGOs, nor on the funds received by the WSF from the Ford Foundation,
Oxfam, etc.; on the contrary, in the report in RW they try and go out of their
way to prove the anti-imperialist credentials of these organizers, when they say
that the "WSF organizers refused to serve Coke and Pepsi and used Linux
instead of Microsoft computer software products". Why this silence on the
NGO factor? Why the positive presentation of ruling class social democrats from
Europe? Why the attempt to white-wash the "organizers" of the WSF? And when this
is coupled with glowing reports on the WSF — both in 2003 and 2004 — by the RW
and the call for maximum participation, the overall picture that is given is
that the WSF and its leadership are an anti-imperialist force (not a safety
valve) with which we must unite. This is a serious flaw in the line and
understanding of an important on-going movement. It must be clear that no
anti-imperialist front can be built with imperialist-funded NGOs or ruling-class
social democrats.
Elsewhere in the
"letter" the CoRIM calls the leaders of the WSF as "opportunists", "misleaders
of the masses", and though they "are not fundamentally opposed to the
world system of imperialism and reaction" they see them as forces who "do
oppose particular outrages of the imperialists and their world institutions".
The CoRIM further adds that "While these forces oppose the current US
imperialist drive for unquestioned world hegemony they do not oppose the
imperialist system itself". All such arguments may apply to the bulk of the
organizations that are participants of the WSF and may be confused, but it is
incorrect to see the leadership of WSF in the same light. It is the class
analysis of the leadership that determines the class character of the
organization and ones approach and tactics towards the WSF. As the CoRIM is not
prepared to see the leadership of the WSF (whether the social-democratic leaders
or the top brass of the NGOs) as props/apologists of imperialism, but as mere
"opportunists", "misleaders", etc. it is quite natural that they have a positive
approach to the WSF.
This is particularly
alarming when the CoRIM condemns , (or at least downplays) armed struggles
against the US and its puppets, if they are led by Islamic forces and even
dismisses the armed struggles in Columbia, Mexico, etc., which are not led by
Maoists as that of "armed revisionists". Yet, an organization in which
its leadership is vehemently opposed to any form of violence, which is rabidly
anti-communist and is led by pro-imperialist organizations and individuals, is
praised!!! While dismissing the armed struggles that are not on MLM lines the
CoRIM fails to see its anti-US content and thereby adopts a sectarian approach
to them. On the other hand, by not seeing the pro-imperialist nature of the WSF
leadership and its role as a "safety valve" to diffuse the discontent of the
masses, it adopts a positive approach to it, amounting to tailist and rightist
politics. As is normally the case, left sectarianism and rightism go
hand-in-glove. For revolutionaries to win over the masses who attend the WSF,
it first and foremost requires a correct understanding to what it really is and
its role in the anti-imperialist movement, whatever may be the tactics we use in
approaching it.
(iii) Question of
The CoRIM "letter"
complains that the MR devoted too much effort in "exposing the WSF".
Firstly, if the WSF was not exposed for what it is, the very reason for an
alternative programme would vanish. Besides, without exposing the WSF how is it
possible to convince the people that it is diverting them from the path of
struggle, is not opposing imperialism as such, and therefore the need to come
out and join the MR. If the MR programme existed without such an event going on
simultaneously it would not have been necessary to focus exposure on the WSF.
But the very reason for holding MR, that too across the road from WSF, was
because the WSF was taking place. Unless the masses understood the need for an
alternative event, they would merely consider it as splittist, superfluous and
like splitting hairs. There was need for them to understand that there was a
fundamental difference between the WSF and the MR, only then could there be
validity for an alternative programme, that too on the same topic. So, one
had to oppose WSF; and rally people for MR. But of course, unlike the
boycottists of the ND/SOC, the approach would be that of exposure of the WSF,
and an attack on imperialism. Target imperialism, expose the WSF — that was the
essence of the MR approach.
Further the "letter"
says that there should not have been an attack on the slogan "Another World
is Possible" and also postmodernism from the MR platform.
Regarding the slogan
"Another World is Possible", however popular it may be, that is one of
the means of duping the masses. Unless this subterfuge was exposed it was not
possible to convince the masses of an alternative. Of course the method by which
it needs to be done should be creative and not dogmatic — on that we have no
difference with CoRIM. We think the MR was quite apt in saying that the only
other possible world is that built on self-reliance, moving towards socialism.
There was nothing dogmatic about it.
On the question of
postmodernism we cannot understand the "letter" saying "it is not correct for
an organization such as MR-2004 to polemicize against post-modernism". Why
not? The "letter" gives no reasons, but gives the impression that such an attack
on the philosophical front is the sole prerogative of the Party, and MR, WPRM,
etc should only open the way "for us to carry out our independent communist
work, especially the propagation of the stand, viewpoint and method of
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism". Postmodernism should, in fact, be attacked
thoroughly from all fronts, whether by left-leaning Marxist intellectuals or by
any organization that is capable of doing so, including the Maoist party. In
fact many a good critique on postmodernism has come from the non-Maoist camp.
This, after all, is the philosophical base of the NGO culture and numerous other
progressives, which is basically an all-round attack on Marxism (though its
ability to grow lay in the setback of communism and the lack of answers at that
time from the communist revolutionaries to various evils of the prevailing
imperialist system). But, having said that, nowhere did MR make an attack on
postmodernism a criteria for joining, as claimed by the CoRIM "letter". This is
a distortion of the reality. What is the problem of a free debate on the
subject? After all, does not the WSF eulogise the factor of free debate, as some
goal in itself (rather than a means to an end). It is quite inconceivable to
understand why this point is raised in the first place by the CoRIM, as such a
restricted approach of allowing attacks on postmodernism from only an MLM
platform, only helps allow postmodernism unhindered sway over vast sections of
the progressives. On the questions posed by the postmodernists, like "power &
bureaucracy", ethnic questions, culture and architecture, feminism, sub-alteran
studies, etc etc. there must be concrete answers from the broad Marxist camp,
and they should not be just wished away, or kept as the prerogative of some
supposed Maoist pundits.
So, whether it is the
slogan "Another World is Possible" or the question of postmodernism or it
is the question of much of the other political/ideological reformism being
promoted by the leadership of the WSF, all must be exposed widely (though
creatively, not in formula style repetition of Marxists ‘truths’), if at all the
sincere elements within these are to be won, to, at least a genuine anti-impear-ialist
programme, or even to MLM itself.
The essence of what
the CoRIM is saying is reduce the exposure of the WSF to a minimum, by not
attacking its central slogan, or the question of postmodernism, or by saying
that the MR over-did it. But, without exposure there would be no real political
intervention; and just asserting general truths of MLM away from what is going
on at the spot would be a meaningless exercise.
Defeatism And The RF/FAPP Stand
After a critique of
both the WSF and MR the FAPP (Feb.2004 issue) comes out with its main point. The
essence of which is that because of the serious setback in the ICM
(international communist movement) there is no point in seeking to build an
anti-imperialist movement. The logic is that such movements must be led by
proletarian Marxist-Leninist forces, to be meaningful, and as they are ‘very’
weak, our first and main task is to build these.
So on page 62 of this
magazine they say: "Hence the revolutionary communists must understand that
at the present moment the national and international communist movement is not
objectively confronted with the task of fighting against the bourgeoisie for the
leadership over the growing anti-imperialist struggle of the masses. ….. The
present history cries for the revolutionary communists to fully grasp these
essential tasks (of revival of the communist movement) and wholeheartedly
concentrate on carrying out those." Further it adds: "the revoluti-onary
communist movement does not fall from the skies. For its development this
movement demands preparation — both subjective and objective. And historically
this movement is passing through a preparatory period. Hence the communis-ts
cannot but take up the task of the prepa-ration. This is the call of the moment."
Then, they fit MR’s
so-called shortcomings into this framework saying: "The failure to grasp and
understand the fundamental tasks of the day has forced the organizers of the
MR-2004 into many errors, limitations and contradictions. We have seen that
MR-2004 has omitted the essential question of proletarian leadership. Why?
Because the reality forced them to do it." Yet in another place the author
of this article says "the Peoples War Group (PWG) of India, the dominant
force behind FAIG and the organization of MR-2004…". Is dominant force any
different from leadership? If it is, the line is thin.
Anyhow, leaving aside
the numerous contradictory aspects of this article, here we shall tackle the
main political issue.
It is true that after
the reversal of China the proletarian movement (by which we mean genuine Maoist
movement) is weak. But what is the chief source of weakness? It is because of
the ideological content, where revisionism has eaten into the very vitals of the
communist movement. Earlier itself the Khrushchev revisionists had catalysed the
reversal of vast numbers of communist parties throughout the world. Then, the
CPC was liquidated from within after 1976. This resulted in further reversal
within the ICM. Many within the Maoist camp that had emerged through the Great
Debate also turned revisionist with the loss of the last existing centre for the
communist revolutionaries. In the 1980s and early 1990s there was a big swing to
the right, with conservatives turning fascistic, with social-democrats turning
conservative, with revisionist communist parties turning social democrats and
with many a Maoist party turning into the new revisionist communist parties or
with parties with strong right tendencies. Yet, through all this, Maoist
movements grew in some parts of the world, particularly in Nepal, Peru,
Philippines, Turkey and India. The basic reason for this growth was their
uncompromising struggle against revisionism, not merely in theory, but also in
the practical movements. People’s wars were advanced in these countries only by
upholding genuine proletarian ideology and politics and countering all forms of
petti-bourgeois distortions.
Yet, though the
overall communist movement was weak, on the other hand, the massive offensive of
capital, particularly since the 1990s, has pushed millions and millions to
destitution. War is ravaging country after country. Horrifying conditions are
wreaking havoc on the peoples’ lives, particularly in the backward countries of
the world. People are bound to resist; and if the communist revolutionaries are
not there to lead them in battle, they will turn to someone else — whether
Islamic fundamentalist or nationality movements or any other, or to just
spontaneous revolts. People are not prepared to listen to sermons from the RF,
FAPP or anyone else. They need people to lead them in battle. Communist
revolutionaries can build strength by being part of the on-going movements. Also
the political line of the party is sharpened (nay tested) only when applied to
contemporary reality, which helps best direct the on-going movements towards
So, we are faced with
a situation where the objective situation is excellent for revolutionary
advance, but the proletarian forces are, as yet, weak. How then is this
contradiction to be solved? No theory can be developed divorced from practice,
as the FAPP article would imply. How then is the communist movement to be
developed? Firstly, it means firmly upholding Maoism — i.e. is Marxism of today
— thereby incorporating all the lessons of the past successful revolutions right
to the Cultural Revolution. Second, it means utilisng this ideology as a guide
to action, steering clear of all forms of dogmatism and empiricism, and thereby
creatively developing the revolutionary political line of the Party for their
respective country. (In Introducing the Communist, Mao defined the line
of the Party, as the attitude of the party towards the armed struggle and united
front; this would apply to all backward countries like India) Finally, it
entails implementing this line in concrete revolutionary practice. And, as Mao
said, it is the correctness or incorrectness of the political line that
determines the future of the revolutionary movement. It is the development of
these three aspects that form the basis for developing the subjective
revolutionary forces —where "practice", and that too revolutionary practice,
must be the central test of all the theories and political lines propounded. In
India, where the path is that of protracted people’s war, one key factor in the
line is the attitude of the party towards ppw (protracted people’s war)— it
should either be preparing for it (and that too not indefinitely) or leading it.
At least it should support it where it exists. But the RF type conglomerations
do none of these. So where is its proletarian line? Also towards the WSF the
gathering of the RF and others on Jan. 14 and 15 had some participating in the
WSF and others boycotting — so what was its ‘proletarian line’ towards the WSF?
Yes, the communist
revolutionary forces are today weak; but it can only be strengthened by
advancing revolutionary struggles and thoroughly fighting all forms of
revisionism and reformism — not just in theory, but while concretely advancing
the class struggles. This also entails plunging into the on-going movements,
particularly those that are militant and radical, to derive maximum political
gains; as it is amidst these movements that the people would be most receptive.
One should use such movements for two purposes: first, unite with others to hit
a common enemy; second, while doing so, and win over the positive elements to
MLM and the political line of people’s war.
The attitude of the
FAPP tends to be defeatist and passive, thinking that the Maoist forces are too
weak to effectively intervene in the on-going anti-globalisation movement. But,
it is also by effectively intervening in such on-going political movements that
the proletarian forces can gain strength, as people tend to be more receptive in
the midst of political struggles. It can also be one step forward towards
building up the United Front for revolution.
Finally there is one
last point on this question. Though, in general, we would accept that the
communist movement is weak, this is not even all over the world. For example in
South Asia it has been particularly picking up strength. The fact that in Nepal
about 80% of the country is in the control of the communist revolutionaries; in
India the growing unity of the MCCI and PW and its armed struggle covering a
vast area, and in Bangladesh some advance of people’s war, and finally with the
coordination of all these parties into the CCOMPOSA — show the growing strength
of the communist movement in South Asia. Of course, probably the RF and FAPP do
not recognize these forces as communist. Well, on that we cannot do anything. It
is like looking at a basket of apples and crying oneself hoarse saying there are
no apples, as you have chosen to call apples by another name — and then going
about planting trees so that you may get some apples after 5 to 10 years.
This pretext can be a
perfect justification to continue to propound the politics of defeatism, weeping
that the communist revolutionaries are weak even if they grow to giant size (as
in Nepal), by just not recognizing that they are communist revolutionaries. The
politics propounded here by the FAPP is therefore the politics of inaction and
defeatism. There is no fixed so-called "preparatory stage" for
re-building the communist movement as propounded by the FAPP. To accomplish any
task there will always be need for preparatory work; but one need not raise it
to the status of a "stage" to justify passivity, and use it as the theoretical
framework to negate anti-imperialist initiatives such as MR, or more intense
initiatives as the on-going people’s wars in India and elsewhere.
So for example, what
is now the CPI(ML)(PW), did much of the "preparatory work" in the
1970s itself after the set-back in 1972 and was able to begin armed struggle by
1980; thereby it was able to grow to sizable strength. Yet, in the overall
context of the victory of the Indian revolution it is still at the preparatory
level, where the Party, Army and the UF — the three magic weapons — are yet to
be consolidated. One can say that this would be achieved if the major unity
processes (particularly that between the MCCI and PW) culminated in the
formation of basically one Maoist Party in the country. If the PGA/PGLA grows
and develops into the PLA. And, if the major anti-imperialist and anti-feudal
forces in the country unite into an UF led by this Party. Of course all three
are inextricably linked to the ideology of the Party and its political line. IF
Regarding the other
four points raised on its criticisms of MR, as the author himself says it is
secondary to this main aspect, we can deal with them on another occasion. In
fact, some of the points are trivial, others, like the question on how to view
the contradiction of the Islamic fundamentalists with the US and other
imperialists, are serious, but need a lengthy discussion and cannot be dealt
with here for lack of space. Yet we will touch on this issue (for more details
refer to the article "Terrorism and Revolution" in the Jan.2002 issue of
People’s March).
History has shown
that under certain historical conditions some feudal forces were forced to fight
against imperialism, or a particular imperialist power. The examples of Chiang
Kai Shekh in China and Sihanouk in Kampuchea come to mind. The present Islamic
forces are also feudal. But they are fighting imperialism, particularly US
imperialism. Many have taken up arms against imperialist aggression as in Iraq,
Afghanistan, and also against Zionism in Palestine. In fact the reason for the
masses to turn to the fundamentalists is because of the weakness of the Marxist
revolutionaries to give consistent battle and their withdrawal from the arena of
armed struggle. Under such conditions it is of fundamental importance to support
these fighting forces to unitedly fight a common enemy. While doing so, only
then should one criticize their shortcomings. To stand on the sidelines, while
they are being slaughtered by the thousands giving diatribes on how they should
behave has no impact — it only acts to promote the "clash of civilization"
concepts. In these countries if we do not unequivocally support the resistance,
we de facto become apologist of imperialist aggression. This is a big trend
amongst liberals in the US who fall prey to the propaganda against the
backwardness of the fundamentalist, not looking at the overall political
reality. Unfortunately it has also influenced many a Marxist. In India too, when
Hindutva fascism (backed by the state and imperialism) is raising its ugly head
slaughtering Muslims, it is absolutely necessary to stand by the Muslims and
resist the onslaught, particularly when they are fighting back Hindutva fascists
and the US imperialists.
For A Correct Proletarian Approach In
The Present Context
What then would be
the correct anti-imperialist approach that a Party of the proletariat should
adopt in this context? As in any UF activity the party would act at two levels:
First, to try and build the unity of the communist revolutionary forces with the
other anti-imperialist, democratic and progressive forces in the country, to
build a broad democratic tactical front against imperialism (and their Indian
agents), state repression, Hindutva fascism, etc., keeping as its alternative
the new democratic revolution. Second, it must propagate widely, by itself and
through its front orgnisations, MLM and socialism/communism as also people’s war
and the establishment of Base Areas. It would be these twin tasks that would be
the political line of conduct in such a scenario.
Let us take the first
point. In a backward country like India, for the victory of the new democratic
revolution, it is necessary to mobilize over 90% of the masses against
imperialism, feudalism and comprador bureaucrat capitalism. This, the party of
the proletariat can accomplish by building the strategic United Front of the
four classes (i.e. workers, peasants, middle-classes and the national/small
bourgeoisie) pitted against the above three enemies of revolution (led by the
Party of the proletariat), which, after seizure of power, turns into the new
democratic government of the people.
Here we shall not go
into the process of building the strategic UF; that can be taken up elsewhere.
There is yet urgent need for a broad democratic (tactical) UF of all
anti-imperialist, democratic and progressive forces, together with the
revolutionaries, targeting basically imperialism, particularly US imperialism
(and their Indian agents), state repression, Hindutva fascism, etc.
The key aspect of
such a front is the unity of the communist revolutionary forces with other
anti-imperialist, democratic and progressive forces in the country. It is the
WSF, NGOs and social-democrat type bodies whose specific purpose is to disrupt
this unity, thereby reducing the edge of the struggle to passivity (or forms
acceptable to the enemy). For example, the WSF Charter specifically keeps out
the communist revolutionaries (that is those who also resort to violence). This
of course, is anyhow the general approach of most imperialist-funded NGOs and
also CPI/CPM type social democrats. MR sought to break this isolation. Here, it
must be realized that this is not just a mere desire of the Communist
Revolutionaries, but an objective necessity — that for an effective
anti-imperialist movement there must be a unity of all anti-imperialist forces,
led by the proletariat.
Negating such unity
is sectarian and only helps the reactionary forces. Negating the role of
leadership, will result in the disarray of such forces and no systematic focus.
But sometimes, unfortunately we ourselves unwittingly fall into the same trap,
by seeking to hide our communist identity in the name of building a broad
alliance. This achieves the same purpose as what the WSF/NGOs/SDs desire; that
is getting acceptability (or is it respectability?) on their terms. All
progressives, if they are truly progressive, must accept the communist
revolutionaries (though they may not agree with them) as part of the democratic
stream. If we hide our identity and become just part of one of the democrats
and other progressives, the entire purpose of forming such a front is defeated,
as there will be no communist revolutionary left to give a direction to it. It
is precisely for this reason that Mao has called for maintaining the relative
independence of all constituents of the front. This allows the communist
revolutionaries (and others) to promote their own respective programmes as also
to work for the common demands of the front. If the communist revolutionaries
are seen to be more correct in their analysis and are also seen in the forefront
of all battles, and are democratic, modest and not over-bearing in their
approach, they can win over others. Also in a democratic atmosphere of debate
they can learn from others and enrich their knowledge.
be there for all constituents of the front. To merge ones identity would be
tailist and result in a right deviation; to stay aloof from the on-going
political movements would be sectarian. As already mentioned, both end in
achieving the same result — disruption of the unity between the communist
revolutionaries and other democratic and progressive forces; disruption of the
process towards formation of any serious tactical UF.
In the present
atmosphere, where NGOism, postmodernism, et al is the fashion, it is easy to
fall prey to these trends, so the communist revolutionaries need to re-assert
their prestige (not hide their identity for fear of alienating the fashionable)
amongst broad sections of the progressive people, and not just within their
small circles. One must go forward boldly as communist revolutionaries amongst
the vast progressive sections of society, learn from them and also guide them in
the correct path for radical change. If we, as communist revolutionaries set an
example in UF activities in democratic behaviour, being principled, combining
flexibility on minor issues with firmness on major ones, listening to others,
being frank, modest and overboard, avoiding arrogance, and adopting a clear-cut
analytical approach (avoiding both dogmatism and empiricism), etc — there will
be no problem in gaining acceptability amongst the broad sections of the
progressive people. It is only in such a way that we can assert leadership in
any broad front — i.e. by our political behaviour and not orgnisational fiat.
As communist
revolutionaries we must fully understand our long-term goals and see that all
activities are steps in that direction. Any task which is not linked to the
central task of the revolution is a waste of time and effort. Here, any step of
forming a broad democratic front must be seen in the context of the long-term
aim of forming the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal front of the four classes.
While seeking to achieve the immediate we should not lose sight, even for a
moment, of the final goals of the Indian and world revolutions.