Volume 4, No. 3, March 2003


The Blix Mission and the EU Opposition to America

G. Fellow


Hans Blix’s Feb, 14th report on Iraq has come as a slap in the face of the US imperialists. The Bush administration, supported only by Tony Blair and a handful of his supporters, stands shocked despite countless efforts to prove that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction in its arsenals. Weapons inspectors from the UN scanned the whole of Iraq for two months to find a clue for a US attack on Iraq but all in vain. They did not find even traces of such weapons. For the US the Blix report was unexpected. They had wished double talk from Blix to justify to press the war button. For the time being they have been stopped short of moving their fingers.

Though the opposition to a possible war on Iraq has been growing worldwide, and there have been massive anti-war demonstrations especially in Europe, America and the Middle East, yet it has not been the main reason that prompted Blix to categorically say that his mission has found no such weapons. The powers from Europe, especially France and Germany and a good part of the British imperialists have played the major role. The ruling class in Britain is especially deeply divided over the Iraq issue, where Blair almost stands isolated and where many of his former colleagues in the Labour Party have joined the anti-war campaign. Germany and France have particularly been playing a role to avert a US aggression at the present juncture as they are of the opinion that the division of Iraqi oil resources can be agreed upon peacefully with the US, with Saddam Hussein being intact. That is why they stress upon the UN role. They want that any war on Iraq must have a UN sanction. In a sense, this means that presently they do not want to extend their politics to military extremes to confront the US to safeguard their own oil interests in Iraq and the Persian Gulf region, especially Iran, which has also been declared by the US as part of the "axis of evil". The US, on the contrary, aspires for complete control of the region and wants others to buy the gulf oil through it. (Not long ago, the US president Bush had offered Russia and China hefty contracts in Iraq to buy off their support for its war adventure in the Gulf.)

The US imperialist aspirations for uninhibited hegemony in the world, force it to take up the military option. The war on Afghanistan that was carried in the name of fighting terrorism and Al-Qaeda, was the first war in this direction. That war was termed by the US imperialists as their first war of a series of wars of the new millennium. They had declared that their so-called war on terrorism would be an open-ended war, a war without an end that might run into many years. That declaration was sufficient to raise the eyebrows of its former allies who correctly saw unilateralism in the US plans for world hegemony. Translating these plans into action by the US would not only change the post "cold war" status quo in the world but also jeopardize the interests of other major powers of the world. But during the Afghan war not much bickering was done by the European powers as after the bombing of the World Trade Center it was difficult for them to criticize wounded American rulers. These powers though they did agree with the US that there were "rogue states" in the world, they did not buy the American Doctrine of "the axis of evil". So America was allowed a free hand in Afghanistan.

But now, as American plans to extend much further than the so-called war on terrorism, many of the EU powers want to put a bar on the US. Unable to confront the US militarily these powers have opted for political and diplomatic means to curtail or thwart the US designs. While the unanimous UN resolution 1441 on Iraq had an overall imperialist thrust of curtailing the sovereignty of a poor and weak nation, (on which we will deal later) it was mainly to stop or at least delay, the war act of a belligerent US ruling class. Now, the Hans Blix report on weapon inspections has further put a bucket of water over fuming US rulers. But the latter refuse to budge. The US has been saying all along that it would go it alone if others refuse to join it in dismantling the "evil" regimes. Now the US stands alone, rather isolated among its own former close allies except a lame Britain, Spain, Australia and a damped Italy. The others who support it are a few of the newly baptized NATO countries from Eastern Europe who are of little military, political or economic consequence for the US. Even in these countries the populations have come out against the war.

It is an irony that the most cherished and eulogized democratic state of the world, the US, is able to secure practical "help" for its war from States that are despotic, i.e. the Gulf Sheikhdoms like Qatar, Baherin, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia etc. They have been turned into military bases and launchpads of the US armed forces. All these rulers are closely tied with US interests and are unpopular despots among their own subjects, and rule with US assistance and guardianship. Most of the "democratic" advanced world has doubts about US intentions. Now the US is finding it difficult to get the nine votes in the Security Council, necessary for passing the resolution. Though the previous resolution on Iraq had been unanimous a new one may not find enough support to pass through if it is for an open declaration of war on Iraq, as the US wants.

The behavior of each state in the hottest issue now gripping the world is determined by its immediate interests and not by some democratic or so-called humanistic values. While most European States want the issue settled peacefully, the despots in the gulf region are dependent on the US for their survival. Countries like Jordan, Egypt and Turkey are closely tied to US economic strings, while others fear the US threat of "either. . . ..or". No doubt, with Europe the US does not issue the threat that ‘either you are with us or with the enemies’. Here a different relationship goes and the US only says that it would "go alone" if they don’t come to support. On the whole, the "democratic" US stands isolated in the "democratic" opinion of states of the advanced world. It is ready not to listen to the democratic opinion of others while it delivers lectures to others on democracy. Even it declares Saddam Hussein a dictator and despot while seeking support of other despots and dictators.

For the US neither is it a question of democracy, nor of despotism nor a question of human values. Its behaviour is determined by its economic, geo-political and world hegemonistic interests. Saddam is a good guy if he carries the US dictate to launch a war of aggression on Iran or the rebel Kurds, even if it entails the use of biological and chemical weapons. The US even helps him to acquire these weapons. He is a rogue if he does not listen, and must be overthrown in the name of having such weapons, even if he does not have them. Then he becomes a "threat to peace and security of the world." It is one of the most despicable truths of our times that the most armed and threatening state of the world that has its arsenals full of WMDs is calling a non-WMD state a threat to world peace. This is the logic of the gangster, of a street rogue who asks the people to behave, of a don who sermonizes on good human values, and of a bandit who accuses others of thievery. The "thief of Baghdad" has long shifted to the lands of "liberty and opportunity" ever since the civilized Europeans took upon the task of civilizing the world by "exterminating all the brutes" of the savage world. Now the brutish of all, calls Saddam and others as brutes.

To achieve its target the US has lied and lied again to the world, that the Iraqi regime has connections with the Al Qaeda. God Bless America! The US had never dealt with Osama Bin Laden. Not even in Afghanistan. The US has lied that it has proof that Saddam has WMDs. Be peace upon the US! It never tried them on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and now has only rubber bullets to scare away the crows! The US says Saddam has anthrax, the deadly chemical. Pity the US! It never refused to sign the treaty of chemical and biological weapons! It only had it thwarted in the name of its right to defence. And not the least. The US says that Saddam and other States do not have the right to make nuclear bombs and ballistic systems for delivering them. Poor America! It only has nuclear bombs and WMD delivering systems to display fireworks for Christmas celebrations. God save the US! Otherwise nuclear proliferation will bring it under the same threat it creates for others. Then its god will be counter balanced and rendered ineffective. No other God than power, the unbridled one, can make America safe. And for this it has to curtail and disarm everyone else. And because Saddam now does not have, or has destroyed, its far less capable WMD weapons even the US has to raise a dummy of the Iraqi WMDs.

So the question is neither of a rogue, nor of a despot, much less that of Iraqi WMDs, it is the very presence of a regime that is a hindrance to the unbridled US control of the rich oil resources of the gulf from where all the deceptive political terminology of "axis of evil", "threat to peace", "inhumanness of Saddam" has sprouted up. Neither sanctions, nor inspections, nor anything else like WMDs is at issue, the single point for the US is the regime change in Iraq. The leaders of the ‘free and democratic world’ want to impose their will on other nations through blatant use of arms, even nuclear, if need be. And for this they can go even alone in contravention to the opinion of the State of the world or the people. Nothing else can be so undemocratic and inhuman, nothing can be more insulting to international law, which, in fact, is of their own make. This is sheer brigandage and gangsterism. The US not only refused to sign and honour international treaties, it has even abrogated the previous ones that hinder its quest for control of the world and stay at the top as the number one dog of the planet.

But for the Blix report the aggression would have been carried out by now. Even this report only acts to delay the impending aggression. The US forces around the Gulf are ready to strike at a moments’ notice. Most deadly weaponry with all the paraphernalia has been put in place. One lakh fifty thousand forces from all the three. . . . . are deployed. From fifty thousand to one lakh more are waiting to be signaled to move. Now the US has been forced to defer it for a few more weeks perhaps.

Whatever be the reasons of this postponement of war, one thing which must be taken notice of is the curtailment of the sovereign rights of the State. Though imperialism means the oppression of small, weak and backward nations, yet the current world scene is set to further curb this natural right of these States. What the WTO and other international institutions fail to achieve "peacefully" will be secured through wars. In the case of Iraq what is being missed in the goings on at the UN, in the name of launching or averting war, is a dangerous precedent. The previous Gulf war of 1991 resulted in the inhuman sanctions that killed nearly fifteen lakh people in the course of ten years. In North and South Iraq no fly zones were imposed on the insistence of the US and Britain. Iraq was forced to destroy its weapon systems and abandon its missile programmes. Thus the right of a nation to defend itself from aggression was violated by the council. Now this course is to go further even banning nations, except the five nuclear ones, (as India and Pakistan are not recognized as nuclear weapon nations) to produce such weapons and their delivery systems, leaving the holder countries a vast field to threaten others. Saddam had to declare that he bans such weapons by decree. What the NPT and other treaties have failed for years has been achieved in a short span of months. The new proposals being considered by the German and French governments may seek declaring the whole of Iraq as a no fly zone. This is a gross violation of the sovereign rights of a nation depriving it from having right over its own space while leaving it open for the big ones to carry on spying activities through reconnaissance planes. It is like cutting the wings of a country, putting it at the mercy of powerful states. At the same time, while it is appeasing the US imperialists, it also satisfies French and German imperialist interests. Imperialism as a whole seeks to convert various states into vassals with very limited rights. It wants to treat the various government in various lands as willing slaves and needs good local governors of world imperialist interests. The resolution 1441 on Iraq is more a step in that direction. The EU imperialist’s only rivalry with the US imperialists is that while the US seeks to convert important countries in the world as neo-colonies serving solely its interests, and only through it others, the former want the status quo maintained vis-à-vis inter-imperialist relationships while exploiting the rest of the world. Nevertheless, given an opportunity they too won’t refrain from going the US way in case the countries of their own sphere of interests seek to rebel. May be, the French will behave the same way if it comes to the Ivory Coast or as Britain wants Zimbabwe restored to it in the neo-colonial form.

The Iraq example calls to attention the revolutionary and people’s forces to beware of imperialist machinations while dealing and interacting with other anti-war forces and masses. While imperialist interests like Germany and France would like to have a status quo, they would seem to be working for the establishment or the preservation of peace. But that has a price, which the revolutionary and proletariat forces must guard against; as the right of poor, weak and oppressed nations to defend themselves must be upheld, when the biggest butchers have their own nuclear and all other WMD stockpiles intact.

The American hullabaloo about the material breach of SC resolutions by Iraq, at the same time must be countered and exposed for the US attitude towards gross violation of all the SC resolutions on Palestine and the national rights of the Palestinians by the Israeli Zionist State. The duplicity and fraud of the US imperialist is for everyone to see there. The US never speaks about the WMD’s Israel has. And of its own ones, the people world wide must demand their unconditional destruction. The same is true for other nuclear weapon holding imperialist States. If the Iraqi right is to be curbed let other’s also be snatched. If the imperialists don’t agree to destroy their own, let others have the right to build these in self-defence.

The postponement of war in Iraq, it must be stressed again, is mainly due to the German, French opposition to war, and for maintaining the status quo. That is why the resolutions or statements coming out of these governments never put the problem in the right perspective. For the people though, the postponement of war is a good thing, yet it is far from serving their long time and real interests which can only be served when real resolutions would prevent war; and when imperialism, along with its war doctrine and war crimes, is put to death.

Blix has acted as an imperialist, anti-oppressed pacifist and not as an opponent of imperialism and imperialist aggression. He even made a part of his mission carry and convey the US message to Iraq that Saddam seek exile or be exiled for a regime change. The UN did not give this mandate to him. He never speaks about the US or British, or French or Russian WMDs, nor does the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) ever take up the task to visit the above said countries, to see if they are making nuclear fissile material. Then why Iraq, or for that matter North Korea? And why not Israel? He wants only Saddam to comply in the destruction of WMDs. Beyond that he is mum.

And why does the UN never send such a mission to these countries asking them to dismantle and destroy or face "serious consequences" and a war for a "regime change?" No doubt, the world people need these things done, and the UN is not the place through which this can be and will be done. The UN belongs to those who dominate the world and not to the people or to the countries like Iraq, North Korea, or for that matter India Pakistan or Brazil.

Though the Blix report says that Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction still the US butchers say, "Iraq must disarm." What a travesty of truth and the destructive intent of the imperialist mind! The US leaders went hoarse in condemning Iraq and Saddam Hussain. Even before they launch a war they stand condemned not by the world people only but even by their own allies who are unable to digest the US arguments. Their WMD and regime change theory convinces no one. Initially the British too had refrained from the regime change demand and concentrated only on the WMD issue, but later on Blair swallowed the WMD demand and started echoing the blatant US demand for a regime change. He did this to pay a dirty "blood price" to the US monster clan. Unashamed, he declared that he does not want an "unpopularity badge". But he stands condemned by the British people. London demonstrations are the clearest testimony to this, where the people have emphatically said NO to war.

Here we must hail those US soldiers sent to the Gulf who along with their families have declared not to go to war against Iraq and have filed suits against Bush and Powel for forcing them to fight an "unjustified war". This refusal to do the bidding of the imperialist chiefs is the only correct and revolutionary course for the soldiers who serve in the imperialist armies.

The most interesting thing that has come to the fore in this criminal US frenzy for a regime change in Iraq is the contradictions in the NATO that have appeared in the wake of French and German political opposition to a US led war on Iraq. The NATO could not decide in its first two meetings to agree to the American proposal for a protective NATO cover for Turkey in the event of war in the Gulf. France, Germany and Belgium opposed the proposal. The proposal only could be adopted in the third meeting which was held among generals and not in the political wing of NATO. France is not a member of the military wing having its representative only in the political department of NATO. In the military structure France was absent and Belgium and Germany were neutralized somehow through a watered down agreement. The frictions in the NATO are an indication towards bigger things that are bound to emerge when inter imperialist contradictions sharpen in the future. The French and German opposition is unlikely to snowball in the present context but this new development is definitely a pointer to the truth that in the ultimate analysis the sharks have to strike at each other to control the waters. That dogfight has to come one day. The end of the cold war balance must lead to a new polarization. In the absence of a pact like Warsaw, the single pole of NATO has to metamorphose into two poles, in spite of the fact that the newly inducted eastern States have joined it to strengthen it. If Spain has fully supported the US Italy has only meekly consented. We see cracks appearing in the EU. Then, you cannot have a NATO and no rival to strike at. No doubt, some time has to elapse before such a scenario emerges. The EU powers have been appeasing the US for a long time due to the rivalry from the ex-Soviet Union and its allies. With the Soviet Union and the eastern empire having gone to the winds, the western allies and friends must begin to disintegrate. When America says that it can "go it alone" in forcing its will it means something. It foresees red in Europe. It foresees its isolation among friends and allies. Imperialists have interests only, exploitative interests. And this naturally demands of them to eat into the interests of others. That is what the US wants through a war on Iraq. It wants to control the whole pie. The rivalry on Iraq is a reflection of the clash of exploitative interests among them. In Afghanistan the US installed a puppet and turned it into a neo-colony. The US wants another puppet and another neo colony in Iraq. It needs governors who would be taking its dictates only. That is what some of the European powers resent. In the present situation they may find a consensus or some common technical arrangement, however, the appearance of open clash of interests in the overall imperialist alliance are signs of the coming times.

From the delaying tactics of France and Germany one is not to succumb to the impression that they are working for the benefit of Iraq. As far as dealing with the oppressed countries is concerned all imperialists are united in their ideology. All the EU countries agree that Saddam is a rogue; that Iraq must not have the weapons in question; that Iraq must concede to the UN demands; that the Iraqi regime must be dismantled if it refuses to fulfill these demands. Like in the case of Iraq they have the same approach towards independence and sovereignty of other third world oppressed countries. Their attitude stems from their own needs and calculations which drives them to put up resistance to US plans. Sometimes they put out brave statements, at others they behave meekly to arrive at a consensus. Here they oppose, there they fall in line. Like in the case of Afghanistan, this time too the US expected them to fall in line in the end. But to its unease things are taking a relatively tough turn. Their resistance is limited to diplomacy and politics, that is, short of "other means" that call for a military challenge to US aggressiveness. And as a part of this they are even helping in the street protests.

Though Iraq is utilizing and taking advantage of contradictions among the brigand powers, yet it cannot be expected to resist the US in a revolutionary way by mobilizing the people for street resistance, when the invading armies come to occupy the cities and the countryside. The powers like the US can only be confronted by mobilizing the people in through a war waged by the people. One wishes that there be an Arabic version of people’s war, which is long overdue, due to more than half a century old Zionist aggression on the Palestinian and Arab peoples. Saddam is unable to do this as he has been a willing collaborator of the US in inflicting severe damage to the Islamic republic of Iran and notoriously dealt with the national aspirations of the Kurd people in the north and also with the Shia religious minority in the south. He however appeals to Arab and Palestinian nationalism to confront the "Satanic forces" of the US. But he is relying too much on EU- US contradictions, and is in the thick of a dangerous game that would only harm the long term interests of the Iraqi people. The huge number of deaths in Iraq due to sanctions point to the fact that their economy has been too bound and dependent on the world imperialist economic system, and he had done little to build a self-reliant economy by using the huge incomes from petrol. This policy of dependence compels him to look towards the outside - now to Russia, now to America and now to the EU.

Yet one must remember that every nation has its sovereign rights and no one else can dictate or force its will on the other. And it is solely the task of a people to have this or that regime, to tolerate or pull down a government. It is none of the business of the imperialists or the so-called United Nations to force their outside will under any pretext. Enough of "civilizing" brutal campaigns of the west and enough of blockades and sanctions and enough of resolutions to force various peoples and countries to comply with their outside will. This kind of interference must stop in international relations among nations. The imperialist-dominated UN has only grossly violated the sovereign rights of many of its member States. Iraq and North Korea have been the worst hit. In Iraq, the first US aggression in 1991, the no-fly zones, the sanctions, the inspections have been the most notorious UN sanctioned decisions which were only meant to intimidate and devastate a poor and oppressed country into submission, and to appease the most powerful nation of the world who has been successful in forcing its will.

One is not to fall prey to the imperialist logic and standpoint while stressing about the UN role. The UN must not be there to intimidate and force the weak while bowing before the strong. Those who oppose war just on the ground that let the UN decide when to launch war on Iraq, carry an imperialist logic in their head. Whether Iraq has WMDs or not is none of the business of the UN when the US and the big four others have vast stockpiles of these. Whether Saddam rules in Baghdad or it is someone else is not to be decided by the US or any one else except the people of Iraq. Whether Saddam is a tyrant or benign is not the headache of the foreign tyrants. The so-called democratic UN or US has no right to dictate this to the people of Iraq. A people know when to tolerate or overthrow a ruler without any outside interference. It is for the Iraqis to deal with him. In a way, if someone must compare the devils, as to who is more dangerous to the people of a country and to the world, then Hussain is far less dangerous than the number one scoundrel, imperialist America, or any other imperialist power, or the Sheikhdoms of the Gulf on whose shoulders the US has placed the gun to fight Saddam. As a matter of fact, all of them are less dangerous than US imperialism which stomps its boots in all the lands, in all continents, and has earned the notoriety of being called the number one enemy of the world and which is hated most among the people throughout the world. If the world really needs a change of regime somewhere it is first and foremost in the imperialist United States of America that affects the destiny of the people of the world as a whole. The people of the world have to confront the center of world reaction while dealing with the local reactionary chieftains of the ruling classes.

But the UN and the Blixes cannot be expected to tell these things to the world. They only pass judgments on the regimes of the third world and dictate them to abide by this and that. A really democratic United Nations cannot have the right to appoint or dismantle governments in other countries. If it does, it carries on the wishes of the imperialist States. That is what the Blix mission is doing in Iraq. The UN intervention in Iraq has turned the whole of Middle East question upside down. The real rogue and a threat to peace and peoples in the Middle East is Israel and not Saddam and Iraq. But the attack dog is an outpost of the imperialists and they don’t want the world to concentrate on the Palestinian question. Instead they have found a scapegoat in Iraq and are looking for weapons of mass destruction, which lie not in Iraq but in their own houses and the Israeli courtyards. The attention of the world has been diverted from the real problem. The Middle East first and foremost needs the destruction of the Israeli Zionist State that has terrorized the whole of the Arab world. And we see the UN dumb and silent on this question. Israel is allowed to violate every UN resolution with powerful backing from the US and British imperialists. But no imperialist power talks of sanctions, inspections and a regime change there. What a great fraud is being played on the people of the world. Saddam’s only crime is, he harboured ambitions for a more powerful Iraq. This could have jeopardized US calculations in the Middle East and created a threat for its attack dog someday. So it is out to destroy it and take control of its power base, the oil, in its own hands. Neither is the world told that the patriarchal feudal Sheikhdoms oppress the people of the Gulf region more, as these serve the US oil and global interests and are willing slaves of the US masters.

There are reports that the US has a major reorganization and transforming plan of the whole of the gulf region after it captures Iraq. That it intends to reorganize Iraq and ‘democratize’ the Sheikhdoms. What difference will it make if Kuwait, Bahrain or Saudi Arabia has elections but the old state power remains intact and Sheikhs become constitutional heads, or even if, though this is far from the case, these are made republics under US protection? That will be only to further consolidate the US control of the region and in no way stand near to any sort of democratization of the societies. That would only be a farce of democracy and democratization, a farce that says that the people have elected their own rulers. Only a real revolution at the base, at the very roots of society can transform these reactionary Sheikhdoms, and the US fears such a kind of transformation more than the rulers of the Gulf.

Of course, the Gulf region needs a powerful shaking that would uproot the present reactionary bastions and free these peoples from reaction, Zionism and US domination. And that will be directly opposite of what the US wants to achieve through another war in the Gulf.

February 15, 2003




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