In August 2002 the
Second Annual Conference of the Coordination Committee of Maoist Parties &
Organisations of South Asia (CCOMPOSA) took place, wherein eleven Parties
from South Asia adopted a common General Declaration and issued a
Resolution on the Present Political Situation. The successful conclusion of
the meeting and the common understanding reached was a further step in the
unification of the Maoist Parties of South Asia. The Declaration laid the
ideological basis for cementing this unity; while the Political Resolution gave
a common understanding to events unfolding in South Asia and the rest of the
The 11 Parties
attending the Conference were: 1) PBSP (CC) [Bangladesh] 2 ) PBSP (MPK)[Bangladesh]
3) BSD (ML) [Bangladesh] 4)CPEB (ML) [Bangladesh] 5)CPC (Maoist) [Sri Lanka] 6)
MCC (India) 7) CPI-ML (PW) [India] 8) CPI-ML (Naxalbari) [India] 9) RCCI
(Maoist) [India] 10) RCCI (MLM) [India] 11) CPN (Maoist) [Nepal].
The General
Declaration outlined the importance of the ideological struggle the Maoists
of the world had waged against all forms of revisionism, particularly Deng
revisionism after the death of Mao Tse-tung, to uphold the principles of
communism. It saw the formation of CCOMPOSA as a step forward in the
consolidation of this struggle in South Asia.
The Declaration
went on to analyse the world situation, particularly after Sept.11, and US
imperialism’s war-mongering policies. It still saw the Centers of world
revolution to be the backward countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. It
said: People’s Wars waged by the oppressed masses and led by the Maoist
Parties of Peru, Nepal, India, Turkey‚ Bangladesh and Philippines and armed
struggles in other countries provide living testimony to this truth.
It also added that:
Not only the oppressed countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, but also the
people of the imperialist countries are fighting against ‘globalization’ and
‘privatization’, which has plunged the working class and sections of the people
of the imperialist countries into crisis and despair never felt before.
Instances of expression of people’s wrath against the big bosses of the
imperialist countries, in their own citadels like Seattle, Prague, Nice,
Washington, Cancun, Gothenburg‚ Genoa and Callgary clearly reflect how the
revolutionary situation in the imperialist countries is developing. All these
facts reaffirm the objective truth that the main trend of the world today is
revolution, as had been analysed by Mao.
It then went on to
analyse the situation in South Asia saying that: The whole of South Asia has
been subjected to neo-colonial forms of rule and exploitation generally
reproducing and reinforcing semi-colonial‚ semi-feudal stage of development‚
placing the New Democratic Revolution on the historical agenda with even greater
urgency than before. It pin-pointed Indian Expansionism as the common enemy
of the people of South Asia, saying: The centralized Indian state‚ which is
working as heir to the British colonialists, is instrumental in dominating the
neighboring countries and her people and internally oppressing people in various
nations and nationalities by enforcing them to come under its yoke. This
internal oppression is buttressed by big nation Hindu chauvinism which is aimed
at suppressing minorities‚ including religious minorities. Indian expansionism,
which is subservient to the big imperialist powers, has become the dominant
regional reactionary power to oppress the nations and the people of SA. Indian
expansionism, which was working hands in glove mainly with Soviet social
imperialism for many decades, has now shifted more towards US imperialism.
The Declaration
further saw the historic Naxalbari Uprising as a tuning point for the
revolutionary movement, not only in India, but also in Asia. It said that:
The drums of Naxalbari are reverberating till today throughout SA and beyond.
Now the ongoing People’s Wars of Nepal, India (Dandakaranya, Bihar, Andhra and
elsewhere) and intensive preparation going on in other parts of SA, should be
objectively grasped as the continuation and further development of Naxalbari and
teachings of Charu Mazumdar. It put the question of the unity of Maoists in
South Asia as an immediate task.
Finally, after
analyzing the ups and downs in the history of the International Communist
Movement, the Declaration laid out the basis of the Unity of Maoist
forces in South Asia. It said: The unity of Maoist forces must primarily be
based on upholding M-L-M‚ not only in theory‚ but more particularly in its
application to practice‚ of which advancing People’s War is the principal task.
Released by the CPI (ML)(PW);
Sept.15, 2002