Dear people and
warriors of PGA,
While we were
celebrating the 1st anniversary of the PGA last year, American Imperialism was
raining thousands of tonnes of bombs in Afghanistan. With a view to enhance its
hegemony in the South Asia, the Indian expansionists, while deploying its army
on the borders with Pakistan, supported the war of aggression. Taking the
pretext of the attack on the WTC and Pentagon on 11th September 2001, America
started a war on the people of the world. The name given to the new aggression
is called a Fight against global terrorism.
A year elapsed. Not
just Afghanistan — Pakistan, Iran, Iraq any country could become victims of
America’s aggression if they do not discard their love for their sovereignty and
freedom. America is shamelessly supporting Israel’s terror attacks on Palestine.
In the last six months, the Indian government has sent lakhs of troops to the
Pakistan border. On the other hand, it is giving military hardware and training
to the military of the Nepal government that is suppressing their people’s war.
Imperialism has intensified its war to escape from its all out declining
position. The war on terrorism is a war on the oppressed people by America.
Imperialism means war. Hence, throughout the world, we the revolutionaries
should wage people’s war to achieve a society sans any war. Let us resolutely
carry forward the people’s war in India, which is part of the world-wide
anti-imperialist struggle.
Let us avail each
opportunity that can hit the enemy!
We are in the midst
of war. Our party has built up seven guerilla zones in the vast expanses of
Dandakaranya, North and South Telangana regions, Nallamala (AP), Andhra Orissa
Border region, Koel-Kaimur, and Balaghat-Gondia districts (bordering Madhya
Pradesh and Maharashtra states). While the party is endeavoring to form guerilla
bases and to build base areas in strategic areas like Dandakaranya, while in
Bengal, Jharkhand and Orissa border districts it is advancing in the direction
of completing the preparations for building guerilla zones.
As per the decision
of the 9th Party Congress, we conducted a campaign of counter offensive from
July to October in 2001. We are new to such a campaign. It was a mixture of
successes and partial successes. But we could acquire weapons that are
sufficient for our needs.
In guerilla zones, we
must rally people in a big way and we must enhance their initiative to
participate in the guerilla war. We must turn every village and forest area into
a battlefield. We must engage the enemy, harass and attack. In encounters and
battles we have to annihilate them. All party and PGA units should strain every
nerve to see that people’s participation is ensured from the collection of
intelligence to the success of the attack. We can utilize every opportunity to
hit upon the enemy only when we can depend on the people’s militia, which is our
base force.
The essence of
people’s war is the defeating of the enemy step by step, depending upon the
people while enhancing their active role. The art of war should be taught to the
people’s militia and we must gather all local resources, which would be helpful
to the warfront. Then we can bring a turn in the struggle. We can enhance the
confidence, skills and experience of the red fighters while harassing and
attacking the enemy and have the consciousness of registering victories, however
small they might be at times.
Enemy has to pay heavily if he dares
enter guerilla zones!
The enemy has been
entering our zones resulting losses to the PGA forces, attempting to annihilate
our party’s leadership and are trying to liquidate our leadership and our mass
organizations, or resorting to arrests of villagers. Knowing well that we will
liquidate their forces that dare to enter our areas, they are taking all
precautions. The enemy is fortifying their police stations to protect themselves
from raids and maintaining alertness in their movements to avoid ambushes. They
are making surprise attacks, basing on information of their informer’s network.
In Telangana they inched forward and started covert operations. We have been
rebutting all these efforts. Despite our efforts, there are shortcomings. We
could not politically train the people and party to the level of the ongoing
war. There are limitations in military training to PGA to match the levels of
the enemy. The limitations in training and the shortage of resources, together
with the alien tendencies that arose in the party, as also the enemy’s supremacy
in resources and weapons, resulted in the initiative having gone into the
enemy’s hands, since the last two years in Telangana.
In the rest of the
zones, we still have the initiative. How do we increase the initiative? Go on
for more attacks on the enemy. Annihilate the enemy in a big way. To firmly
establish the revolutionary organs, we have to push back the enemy from various
areas. Must resist the enemy’s penetration into our areas. Then only it can
develop into guerilla areas and a liberated base. Just giving this understanding
will not suffice. We have to make people ready psychologically and equip them
with materials. We must transform opportunity ambush into a general form. We
have to deploy our forces in such a way that enemy must face ambushes
ubiquitously in the entire guerilla areas. Then only our guerilla war will
intensify. It should become a popular slogan that we shall not leave the enemy
alive if he dares to enter our guerilla zone.
Approach of the
militia: to fight with any weapon at hand?
In the people’s war
if people are armed and actively participate, however mighty the enemy might be,
however much destructive weapons he may have got, defeat would be certain for
them. The consciousness of man plays the decisive role not weapons. If the role
of the people’s militia who take part in the war while continuing their
professions enhances, apart from the regular guerilla units, the intensity of
the attacks on the enemy will increase.
If we take our
guerilla strength into consideration as a whole, we can conduct various guerilla
actions ranging from 1000-1400 in one night. If we plan to conduct campaigns, of
one to seven days at a time, we can bring radical changes in the intensity of
the war. Through this process alone, will the people’s militia and squads
gradually transform into platoons and companies. They will become the main
source for recruitment into the PGA.
It is against the
principles of people’s war that from the village level to the main forces, the
Central Committee alone will provide weapons to conduct the war. However much
the strength of the enemy might be, how much sophisticated his weapons might be,
the aim of the people’s militia is not only to harass, disperse but also to
liquidate whenever it is possible. For this, the militia should utilize the
traditional weapons — arrows, spears, swords, daggers, burmars, etc.,
along with grenades and mines too. The militias should be armed with the
techniques of making improvised bombs that could be made with easily available
material around them. The militia’s aim should be to fight the enemy with
whatever available weapon. Let us pledge on the occasion of this second
anniversary of the PGA that we will strain every nerve to form a powerful
militia, a sharp weapon in the People’s war.
Drop not a single chance for seizing
While training the
militia to fight with available weapon, our forces should be trained to utilize
each weapon’s firepower accurately. In an attack or an encounter in guerilla
warfare, it is not possible to replenish our stock immediately. We must be able
to shoot down one enemy with one bullet. Our military training should be like
that. We must politically also train our cadre in accordance with this.
The chief source of
weapons in people’ war is none else but the enemy. Every LGS area should become
a war front. Enemy should be enticed into our areas and should be hit. In every
attack we may not be able to seize weapons. But not a single chance should be
lost in the seizure of weapons. The militia should be alert in seizing weapons
whenever an opportunity arises. Never should our weapon reach the enemy. Every
one should realize the responsibility that even when at the time of laying their
lives, they should hand over their weapons to the comrades.
Turn all areas into
war zones!
So far we have mainly
attacked those forces that entered our guerilla zones or police stations nearby
to our struggle zones.
But the impact of the
attacks on the somewhat far away targets is also not a lesser one. The attacks
on Anakapalli and Chodavaram Police stations by AOB comrades have jolted the
police machinery. We have to conduct attacks in such a way that the enemy should
shiver to the hilt that he has no safety in any place. This is one of the
important principles of guerilla warfare. Hence we have to expand the areas of
attacks. Along with the slogan "enemy has to pay dearly for entering guerilla
bases and guerilla zones", we have to extend the guerilla war to the other
areas too.
If we confine our
attacks to a limited area, enemy also concentrates in that area in attacking us.
The enemy has to be dispersed by doing small and big actions as part of the TCOC.
For this not only the advantageous areas should be targeted, but those that are
not advantageous should also targeted. In this, apart from the regular teams,
the militia has also to be selected and sent for training. We must see to it
that the enemy should not concentrate in one direction and in one zone. We must
always strive to divide the enemy.
Dare to fight! Achieve command over military technique!!
Concentrate on strengthening the varied military wings!!!
Our PGA warriors are
recruited from various classes. Because of this, many alien trends are bound to
creep into the guerrilla army. Lack of discipline, bossism over the people, lack
of resoluteness, fleeing away from the battlefront, degeneration in the face of
defeats, etc., are some of the alien trends that we have to fight. Apart from
building various departments, we have to give proper political and military
training, and then we can build able warriors who would sacrifice everything for
the cause of the people. The fighting capacity will enhance and discipline will
increase, as a result there will be no surrenders.
PGA forces and people
should take care that there should be unceasing supplies. We must train people
in preserving various items that are necessary for war. Without the medical
wing, we can not save the injured in the battle field. Not only for the primary
and secondary forces, even for people medical facilities should be organized.
We have formed
commands as leading teams to the people’s army. These military committees
directly provide leadership to the people and PGA in the battles. Primary,
secondary and the people’s militia has to abide strictly by the commands of
these military committees.
Let us reinforce the
organs of people’s government!
The aim of the
people’s war is seize the power. We have destroyed the landlord’s power in
guerilla zones. We are crushing the organs of the exploitative government in the
strategic zones. By intensifying the guerilla warfare, we can smash the entire
government’s power and we can form people’s the government. The alternative rule
is coming into existence in an embryonic form as we have given a call for the
formation of the Revolutionary People’s Councils.
Strengthening the PGA
means people should be armed. They should become part of the people’s war. On
this occasion of the 3rd founding of PGA, let us rededicate ourselves to the
formation of people’s power and mass line.
PGA warriors!
Come; let us
transform the peoples army into a formidable one. Let us shape our commands into
powerful leading teams. Dare to fight to kick out the enemy from our zones. Let
us learn the skills of guerilla battles. Let us keep away from alien tendencies.
While following individual discipline strictly, strengthen the collective
discipline. Let us efficiently use the weapon at hand. Let us arm the PGA,
seizing the enemy’s weapons. Let us arm the people’s militia. Come; let us make
a success of our campaigns.
Dear people,
Join the PGA in
scores. Let us resist the enemy, in the villages, forests, towns wherever they
attack us. Let us not fight him face to face. We will wait in ambush and destroy
him. Let us arm ourselves by seizing his weapons. Intensifying the war by
forming and strengthening the people’s militia is an important task before us.
Famine is rampant in
many a state. Crores are famishing as there is no purchasing capacity while
countless imperialist goods are being dumped in the market. The wealth is
drained to the imperialist countries as Himalayan debts are piling up. As the
revolts are increasing, military attacks have become the order of the day. The
excellent situatuion demands a cogent revolutionary party and powerful people’s
army. Let us resolutely work hard towards this.
* Strenthen PGA!
* Utilize every
opportunity that can hit the enemy!
* Grasp the
essence of people’s war! Intensify the guerilla war!
* Long live