The man was picked up
by the Bonn Conference of brigand powers sponsored by the UN to lead Afghanistan
after the demise of the Taliban. He was little known till then and was leading a
life of obscurity as an exile in Pakistan. His Pushtun background earned him the
position of chairman of the Afghan Council for an interim period of six months
so that the former ethnic Tajik President Burhanudin Rabbani, who till then was
recognised by the UN as the lawful President of Afghanistan but was
considered too close to Iran, be bundled out alongwith the ouster of the
Talibani regime.Rabbani never expected that he will be so soon kicked out after
the end of the Talibani rule against which he had spearheaded the fight for five
long years. The new situation arising out of the turbulent oil resources of
Central Asia demanded a change of the guard. Rabbani had outlived his
usefulness. The new player in the game detested Rabbani’s connections with
Russia and Iran. The ‘international coalition’ to secure the rich resources of
raw materials was being led by the US and if ex-king Zahir Shah could not be
reached as a consensus candidate another man of American choice was to have the
chance. The choice fell on Karzai and he was catapulted to assume the role
desired by the US and acceded to by other main collaborators of the US.
Neighbourer Pakistan could not protest as the man was a Pushtun and a resident
of the land, and also, he was not a part of the Northern Alliance coterie.
Though most of the other ministers belonged to this coteric but that was the
word from the master who had coined a new phrase : "either---or---" India
accepted because it could not do otherwise, despite the fact that all along it
had been saying that Northern Alliance headed by Rabbani should rule
post-Taliban Afghanistan. Moreover, most of the foot soldiers of NA were to be
there and it was quite a satisfaction for India.
The Bonn Conference
that was held in last December went on for a week far surpassing the two-day
slated time because much of the opposition from Rabbani was to be ‘amicably’
tackled, course for the future chartered, a governing body that may not fall
apart as in 1992 ensured and, if need be, a ‘peace keeping force’ drawn from
international mercenary regimes raised to intervene in case "warlordism" again
comes to spoil the game for oil and hunt for Mullah Omar and Osama bin Laden.
Ongoings of the conference were reported to the press, especially, those
concerning the "independence" and "sovereignity" of the new regime. Hamid Karzai
was first reported to be a bitter opponent of the international peace keeping
force. Then he softened up a little that this proposal can be considered.
Another day and he acceded to the proposal but ‘emphatically’ said that it will
be only allowed for three months and the world was told that the main hurdle to
a peace force to "help" the interim govt. was "hopefully cleared", though Hamid
only "allowed" it to stay within the confines of Kabul city. And after spending
a few days in Kabul he learnt that warlordism is coming back in the form of
securing governorships for the provinces. Moreover, the Talibani and Al-Qaeda
leadership was still elluding and could mar his chances to hold on to the power
for at least till the completion of his six-month tenure, if not longer. It
dawned on him that he needed the international force more than anyone else as he
did not have his own soldiers like Fahim Massud and Rashid Dostum to control the
belligerent opposing groups. So when he reached the United States, having met
Bush and his team, he begged the UN Security Council that it "authorise an
extension and expansion of the mandate" of the "peace keaping forces".
Transition is being
effected from foot soldiers to pawn politicians who will knock at their master’s
doors every now and then. This transition is all around, in every field.
Hamid Karzai had
asked the US to stop the bombing campaign in Afghanistan when more than a
hundered civilians were killed in a village in the usually "missed target"
fashion. Then he regretted the killings. But on the fourth day of the killings
he said the bombing was necessary and "it should continue", that "innocents do
die in a war". He is trying to be more forthright (or brazen!) than his masters
who either say "it was a mistaken identity", or "the target missed" or "it was
not deliberate".
The US ruling class
who had cried hoarse at innocent casualities at the time of WTC attacks have
remained tight lipped over their barbaric bombing of prisoners of war in the
Jhangi Fort near Mazar-e-Sharif where more than 400 prisoners were killed. While
the US missiles rained death from the skies for three days its’ foot soldiers of
the Northern Alliance spilled petrol in one of the prison cells and lit the fire
killing the unarmed prisoners who were holed up there. The US and NA marauders
committed this heinous act inspite of protests from various organisations the
world over including the western human rights groups. The massacre of prisoners
at Quila Jhangi was unprovoked, unwarranted and a gross violation of the rules
of war. But the NA defended the barbaric operation at Jhangi Fort as necessity
because, it alleged, the prisoners had "risen up in a rebellion". The claim as
to the happening of a rebellion in the Quila was never confirmed. It is quite
unlikely that the men who had surrendered just a couple of days ago in
Mazar-e-Sharif would rise in a rebellion in so short a time and especially when
there was no scope of any help from the outside or any chance of an escape. The
US and NA had outrightly rejected an independent investigation into the prison
massacre. Later the US President Bush took the position that the Al Qaeda and
Taliban fighters taken prisoners are not POWs but outright criminals. This, the
butcher Bush, insisted in spite of his Secretary of State Colin Powell’s
opposition. Powell, though an ex-General and notorious for his Gulf War and now
Afghan War crimes, was positing like a military man while Bush is emerging as a
fascist ideologue like Hitler. And now, Karzai, the chosen pawn politician, is
praising the Bush administration with the words that it "should continue its
humanitarian mission" in Afghanistan.
US Fangs Further
For the US vultures it is good if Osama bin Laden lives on or his ghost
continues to haunt Afghanistan. The pretext for his "hot pursuit" will
continue to provide the US opportunities to strike at will wherever it sees
any hostile force emerging. Quite recently the US launched missile attacks on
the forces of a local feudal chief who was fighting against a pro-Karzai chief
for local supremacy. The US accused that there were pro-Taliban forces who
were out to create trouble for Karzai and undermining his authority. Karzai
fits the US designs well as he is doing everything possible to ensure that US
continues its presence in Afghanistan and as wages of his service he wants to
consolidate his hold on power even after the expiry of six month interim
tenure. The US is further deepening its involvement right up to the local
level problems. With military bases being secured in Oil rich Kyrgystan and
Uzbekistan the US central command is further entrenching itself in Central
Asia. This is bound to drag the US into a deeper mire. It cannot do otherwise
and this may one day prove its Achilles heel. After a recent study the CIA has
said that Afghanistan "may fall into a chaos" and has recommended for the
‘international peace keeping force’ to increase its strength and cover the
whole of Afghanistan. Karzai, CIA and the UN speak the same language where
"peace keeping" means more military involvement and more expeditions.
The US ‘humanitarian
mission’ which started "humanising" Afghanistan with thousands of unaccounted
civilian killings is going to engulf various countries, nations and peoples.
Accompanied with international gagging of the independent press, in this
so-called age of "free flow of information" through refusing access at the very
source of information and strangulating civil and democratic liberties at home
by pouncing upon radio, television and internet networks and legally bugging of
all mails and telephone talk, encouraging every citizen to spy upon the other in
the name of the defence of national interests of America and the Americans, the
US has successfully tested its war capabilities through widespread destruction
and devastation. in Afghanistan. The loanes and crumbs Karzai and his team of
pawn politicians are to get through the Tokyo donor’s meet has further dragged
them down the stinking trench of tail wagging statesmanship which is described
as "good governance" in the post cold-war era of the US dominated globalisation.
The US and its international community of thugs has asked the new Afghan rulers
to acquire the certificate of good governors for Afghanistan so that they get
their wages as a reward from the billions of dollars which are going to be
extracted from the Black Sea and the Central Asian highlands. As first
installment of the "share" in would-be-profits the US, Japan and EU, alongwith
Saudi Arabia, have pledged them 2.2 billion dollars for two years, which will be
further divided into mini-installments and disbursed only if they behave like
obedient dogs.
The 2.2 billion "aid"
package is tied to the Bonn agreement which make it contingent on Afghanistan
that "the unity of Afghanistan is a must" and all the different parties making
up the united front (previously NA) must contribute positively for
"establishing peace, representative governance and stability" along with
"elimination of terrorism, narcotics production and trafficking". Without
stability in Afghanistan it would not be possible to exploit the Central Asian
oil and the donors do not want to waste their money on a devastated country for
nothing if they don’t get a share in the loot of trillions. The "aid" thus, is a
highly profitable investment and it can go up to $20 billion in ten years time
if the peaceful flow of oil is ensured through Afghanistan. The "reconstruction
of Afghanistan" means the laying down of the pipeline and other infrastructures
for this purpose. This is a long cherished dream of the US and other imperialist
sharks and which had gone haywire in 1992 and then in 1996 when neither the NA
nor the Taliban could secure the stability despite bloody military campaigns
against one another and each against all others. It is an irony of history that
Russia is almost ousted from this "reconstruction" effort and has not much to
offer (and get) in the big deal. It prevented the Taliban from taking full
control of the country by funding the low intensity war waged by its ex-rivals
the NA, as a result, thwarting the US’ plans to strike a deal with the Taliban
through Unocal. But the US war on Afghanistan has changed all that now and the
stability is being sought and secured through the very same war lords, who were
once Russia’s foot soldiers and then once again became mercenaries for the US.
There is nothing strange in this over-crossing and crossing-over game.
Stability and
"reconstruction" are the two pillars on which the edifice of oil exploitation
will stand. Stability through war and reconstruction through bribing the
political establishment. Finance minister of the interim Afghan administration,
Amin Arsala has warned his colleagues that if the new Afghan leadership fails to
fulfill the Bonn conditions the (bribes) will stop and nothing will be
‘rebuilt’. He has thanked the imperialists for their ‘generosity’. For the
leaders of a poor country like Afghanistan if 15-20 billion dollars come in a
span of ten years the deal is not bad. They are happy to not mind about the
trillions the imperialists will earn. After all, they will only be providing a
pipe line for oil transit and defend it with the heads of their poor people who,
otherwise, have no price in the international money market. So, why bother if
thousands have died during the merciless US attacks! Quite on the opposite, they
are ready to be trained by the US military advisors to push out the rivals if
they ever try to raise their head again, or if the people come out to protest
against the imperialist penetration and stranglehold.
Karzai and his
associates want the US army and the "peace keeping force" to stay longer and
everywhere in Afghanistan to maintain the stability. But the US treats the foot
soldiers as foot soldiers and has refused to do the peace keeping for the
purpose of which it has secured more foot soldiers from 17 other poor countries
under the banner of the UN. The US will only maintain a limited but strategic
presence, train a new Afghan National Army (with India collaborating) as it has
promised to "stand by Afghanistan’s poverty stricken people". They have granted
Karzai his wish to not to "abandon the people of Afghanistan".
The people of the
world are being told that the aid money will be spent on education (especially
that of the girls as this was projected as one of the biggest problems under the
Taliban), health, rehabilitation and food. A few millions are earmarked for all
this while the rest will go to build the infrastructural facilities and military
build up. This latter aspect is the primary and overwhelming aspect which will
have nothing to do with the uplift of the people as has been the case in most of
the imperialist aided and capitalist developmental projects all over the Third
World. This will not bring out the people of Afghanistan from "disaster, war,
brutality and deprivation" as the imperialists and their agent Karzai are
drumming aloud.
For the purpose of
political stability the Bonn agreement called for convening a Loya Jirga (the
great tribal council of Afghanistan) "that will decide" the future political
leadership in Afghanistan till a parliament is convened within two years. The
Bonn conference nominated the "interim government" with Karzai as its head,
Karzai has nominated the Loya Jirga convening body of 21 hand picked members,
the 21 member body will convene the Loya Jirga on June 21 with ex-king Zahir
Shah also as an invitee. The whole process at the tribal council will be
monitored by the imperialist agents so that all independent voices of local
chiefs are silenced through bribe/threat or by whatever means that are called
for by the circumstances. An East Timor is being enacted in Afghanistan with a
transitional structure decided by the ‘generous’ ‘world war lords’. Karzai
announced the formation of the convening body in the presence of Kofi Annan in
late Jan. No doubt, there will be a big struggle among the feudal chieftains and
the war lords. Big guns lke notorious Rashid Dostum and Fahim Masood are already
made deputy defense minister and defense ministers respectively. Even
discredited Hikamatyar too is trying to become part of the establishment.
Rabbani is hopelessly out and the ex-king is trying to stage a comeback with the
US help. Meanwhile everybody is busy to score points as political big shots. Old
foot soldiers have doned civil dresses and are touring various countries. 20
billion dollar gift bonanza is alluring everyone. Peace may not come that easily
and the donors are already a bit skeptical. Time and again the foot soldiers,
who are being told to abide by the Bonn agreement, look towards the Tokyo
dangling. Bank rolling of the politician and administration has started filling
the pockets of past mafia lords with a few local skirmishes bursting here and
there among them.
On the whole, the
transition is going to be relatively smooth this time as US army and "peace
keepers" are maintaining a strong presence and it is likely to multiply in the
coming days. The US has declared that Central Asia falls in the sphere of its
"national interests". This is the way of saying that it intends to permanently
stay in Afghanistan. The Central Asian operation is already under the Central
Command of the US armed forces. Afghanistan has been secured as a launchpad for
US thurst into Central Asia. It is being converted into a new satellite US
state, may be like Saudi Arabia or South Korea. Threats to Iran are being
renewed and reinvented. It is bad for the people of the region where US military
presence in Afghanistan and Pakistan is being further strengthened. The US
ambition had much more to achieve than the ouster of the Taliban and the Al
Qaeda. Their real objective has just started getting transformed into reality.
The US has secured pawns in Afghanistan. The (world) king is planning its next
moves on the Central Asian chess board keeping a close watch on the flanks
(Iran, Pakistan) and is planning to move onto the Black Sea heartland. Japan and
EU have become its strategic partners in the region while the Russian Czar has
run into precarious and defensive positions.