Volume 3, No. 1, January 2002


Letter From The United Revolutionary People’s Council, Nepal

(This open letter written to the UN, Indian, US, Chinese governments and the EU, was received at our office. Given its significance we are reprinting it below — Editor)


Your Excellency,

We, as true representative of the 23.4 million people of Nepal and the leader of the ongoing revolutionary people’s movement in the country, deem it as our duty to appraise the international community of the true state of affairs in Nepal and appeal to all not to be mislead by the one-sided propaganda of the tottering old state desperately trying to survive on borrowed time.The reactionary old state of Nepal headed by the hated Gyanendra Shah, the chief conspirator and ringleader behind the ghastly massacre of the entire family of King Birendra on June1, 2001, is fast crumbling under its own weight. The declaration of state of emergency on November 26, suspension of all fundamental and civil rights of the people and imposition of military dictatorship in the country is the last desperate act of this murderous gang to prolong its illegal and unpopular rule. The barbaric reign of terror unleashed by this fascist coterie in recent days in the form of indiscriminate butchering of innocent masses, rape of women, looting of property, gaging of the free press, incarceration of dissenting citizens, etc., is surpassing all limits. In fact the present events are a direct sequel to the heinous palace massacre and coup de’tat of last June by Gyanendra to reverse the gradually unfolding democratisation process in the country and to impose military dictatorship under a fake monarchy, which we had sought to expose right then. The parliamentary institutions in Nepal have been a meek shadow of the all- powerful feudal monarchy, which traditionally controls the armed forces of the state, and the peace talks with the revolutionary forces in between were a mere ploy by Gyanendra to buy time and consolidate his position for carrying out this fascistic agenda.Currently a desperate disinformation campaign is launched by this ruling coterie to hoodwink the international community and world public opinion and to justify its brute military dictatorship. One such attempt is to brand the revolutionary people’s movement led by CPN (Maoist) as "terroristic" and to put the blame for the break down of the recent peace talks on us. The facts are, however, just the contrary. Only when all the peaceful political avenues for all-round democratisation of the feudal polity, economy and culture were forcibly blocked by these traditional vested interests that we had assumed the responsibility of leading the armed resistance of the people. We have always drawn a clear-cut demarcation line between terrorism resorted to by desperate elements with a reactionary and obscurantist ideology
and a forward-looking, mass-based revolutionary movement guided by a scientific ideology. Our openly stated policies and programmes of New Democracy, or People’s Democracy, and voluntary participation of millions of people subjected to class, caste, national, regional and gender oppression in our movement, should easily dispel any malicious canard spread against us and establish our progressive, democratic political credentials. We would request you to verify through your own independent sources what an overwhelming mass support our movement enjoys throughout the country and how isolated and hated the old regime is. As regards the false accusation hurled at us of backing out of the recent rounds of talks held with the representatives of the old state, in fact it was our side which exhibited maximum patience and flexibility and sought to find out minimum political solution of the problem. As an immediate political solution, we proposed the formation of an interim government, drafting of a new constitution and proclamation of the republic. But when the idea of a republican form of state was not acceptable to the ruling side we put forward an alternative proposal of convening an elected constituent assembly so as to give the ultimate right of choosing between a monarchy or a republic to the sovereign people themselves. As this proposal, too, was summarily rejected and the fascist ruling gang mobilised the royal army throughout the country we had no other alternative than to return to the people and
continue with the movement. The subsequent events have amply proved that real state power is exercised by the fratricidal and regicidal Gyanendra clique through its control of the royal army, and the so-called elected government and the parliament are mere hapless pawns in its hands. It may be noted here that because of this ground reality of predominance of feudal-militarist forces in the current Nepalese politics that we have in a most responsible and flexible manner not pressed for our stated goal of New Democracy or People’s Democracy at the moment but sought to consummate ‘old democracy’ by institutionalising the republic and drafting a new constitution through the constituent assembly. We are still open to this proposal and prepared to suspend all armed activities and resume the broken talks, if the other side makes a matching gesture. Hence the current fight in Nepal is not between ‘democracy’ and ‘terrorism’, as is maliciously sought to be propagated by the arch reactionary ruling coterie, but between genuine democracy freed from all feudal chains and representing the vast majority of the people, on the one hand, and feudal-militarism gasping to survive through foreign help, on the other. The all-round democratisation process breaking all chains of class, caste, gender, national and regional oppression is sweeping through the countryside of Nepal and we, as the leading core of that historical process, urge the international democratic forces to respect, but not hinder in any way, the democratic aspirations of the Nepalese people. Any military or otherwise assistance to the tottering old state would only encourage and enable the fascist militarist forces to perpetrate atrocities and trample upon the basic human and civic rights of the people, and hence go directly against universal democratic values. Since the vast majority of the people have rebelled against the old oppressive state and have wrested political power for themselves at the local level in virtually all the rural areas of the country, it has been our duty to take initiatives in organising the alternative political power at the central level as well. A beginning in that direction has been made in the form of the United Revolutionary People’s Council (URPC), which is a revolutionary united front of all the progressive and democratic forces under the leadership of the CPN (Maoist). Hence we would expect the international community to consult the CPN (Maoist) and the URPC before any crucial bilateral or multilateral decision is taken on Nepal.We as the embryonic new state in Nepal would also like to acquaint you with some of our policy commitments in the future. Our commitment to a fully democratic form of state that will ensure all political, economic, social and cultural freedoms to the people is well-known to the public. In the sphere of foreign policy we are committed to maintain relations with all countries of the world on the basis of five principles (Panchsheel), of peaceful coexistence. We are particularly conscious of the geo-strategic specificities of our positioning between the two giant neighbours, India and China, and will strive to develop friendly relations with both on the basis of strict non-alignment. We would, hence, expect all countries, international bodies and particularly the two immediate neighbours, India and
China, not to interfere in the internal affairs of Nepal and let the Nepalese people decide their own
political future themselves. Looking forward to cordial and mutually beneficial relations in the days to come.

(Baburam Bhattarai)


United Revolutionary People’s Council, Nepal.


Chairman, CPN (Maoist)

and Supreme Commander, People’s
Liberation Army, Nepal.



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