March 8 – International Women’s Day Supplement

February 2001



Excerpts from a Speech by Com. Ganapathi {Secretary, CC(P), CPI (ML)[People’s War]} at a March 8 meeting in 2000


"Patriarchal ideology is widespread in society as a whole, because our system is patriarchal. This influences both women and men. Hence, chauvinism in men and submissiveness in women prevails. These two thinkings (i.e., the two faces of patriarchy) and specifically the male chauvinist thinking, seriously hinders the revolutionary movement as well as the progress of women. This may reflect, in the extent of women’s participation in the mass organisations, or, while recruiting them into the Party and guerrilla squads or in the course of work. In essence it is these two types of thinking, particularly that of male chauvinism, which seriously hinders the revolutionary movement."


"The whole Party, and particularly male comrades should understand the historical causes for the relative backwardness of many women comrades. Instead of treating them as inequals and wrongly commenting and falsely criticising them, the male comrades should consider how they and the whole Party can help women comrades enhance their manual and mental abilities. This wrong trend, is like giving a solution for an unrelated problem. Like what people say ‘the ailment is one, but the medicine given is another.’ This type of wrong medical treatment incurs losses for the revolutionary movement. Women have been subjected to patriarchal oppression, in addition to class oppression, since more than two thousand years. Only those persons who do not consider this fact and have a male chauvinist approach would treat women comrades as unequals."


"In India, patriarchal ideology and culture in its crude form, often utilising a democratic mask, is viciously attacking democratic and socialist ideas. Therefore, in addition to the political struggle being waged against feudalism, comprador bureaucrat capitalism and imperialism, it is necessary to intensify the struggle in the theoretical, ideological and cultural spheres. On the occasion of this International Working Women’s Day, let us recognise the necessity for conducting an education and rectification programme using socialist ideology and culture to fight patriarchal ideology internally, in order to thereby strengthen the Party ideologically, and also all the other revolutionary structures of the people."




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