Volume 2, No. 12, December 2001


Destiny of the ‘Dialogue’!


{This article was received at our offices some time back in early October, and expresses the viewpoint of the CPN(M). Due to its importance in the prevailing atmosphere in Nepal we are printing it….. Editor}


Two rounds of ‘dialogue’ have already been held between the central delegations of our Party, Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) [CPN(M)] and the present government of Nepal led by Sher Bahadur Deuba. Guns have stopped roaring and news of ‘capturing of the police stations and all the arms and ammunitions by Maoist guerillas’ have ceased to appear at the national and the international press.

The second round of the ‘dialogue’ which was held in the Bardia National Park resort on September 13-14 as a continuation of the first round, terminated without any outcome except passing the news that both sides presented their views explicitly and agreed to resume talks further. One point was very clear that the government and Nepali Congress delegation combined outrightly rejected three specific proposals of the CPN (Maoist) delegation—one, that the state of the republic should be institutionalized; two, this constitution should have to be abrogated and a new constitution should be promulgated by the constitutional assembly; and third, an interim government should be formed. Apparently there seems that there is no any meeting point between these two and there is hardly any possibility of coming at a consensus or agreement. Nevertheless, the ‘dialogue’ has not been declared broken from either side. Lots of speculations are floating about the possibility of a next round of dialogue. But when from, is yet uncertain.

Whether the ‘dialogue will continue?

Whether there is any possibility of a next round of ‘dialogue’? I think such possibility has not completely vanished. A next round of talks can happen provided the government fulfils the demands put forward by the delegation of our Party in order to create an atmosphere to continue the ‘dialogue’. But till now almost all the demands have been totally neglected by the government. If this situation continues, it is hard to speculate that the ‘dialogue’ will still keep going. Then the possibility will turn into an impossibility. Therefore, it is up to the present government and ruling party, the Nepali Congress, whether they like the ‘dialogue’ to go ahead or stop it. Thus the ball lies in their court. If the ‘dialogue’ breaks down, what course the events will take after that, it is difficult to forecast. People are expressing their concern about the situation that is supposed to come after the failure of the ‘dialogue’. Therefore, every body should have to understand that the government and the ruling Nepali Congress are fully responsible if the ‘dialogue’ will break down and for its consequences thereafter.

What the masses can get through the ‘dialogue’?

People have their own expectations and views regarding this ‘dialogue’. Some people say that every thing should be resolved through the ‘dialogue’ and thus no revolution will be necessary after the ‘dialogue’ will be properly resolved. This is a wrong idea and it does not correspond to the law of revolution and the ‘dialogue’ as a step. What can be achieved in the dialogue does not depend on the ‘holy wishes’ of the delegation or any party. Some specific laws of development govern it. So far as we Maoists are concerned, we are very much clear about the ultimate achievement of the ‘dialogue’. What we get on the table depends on what we have achieved in the field of class struggle or people’s war. No body should be in confusion about the demands that our delegation has put forward on the table of ‘dialogue’, that these are our achievements that we have achieved through the people’s war and we like to legitimize these achievements. Reactionary parties like the NC and opportunist parties like the UML and others are blaming our party for raising unnecessary and irrelevant demands in the ‘dialogue’. These forces are against the revolution and thus they can never understand the legitimacy of the achievements of the revolution. What our delegation has raised during the ‘dialogue’ has already been achieved in the people’s war. Our aim is to legitimize those achievements that we have already achieved. It is sheer betrayal to give up the achievements on the table, which the masses have already achieved in the field, at the cost of blood. Therefore, we cannot abandon or give up those demands. If the government and the parliamentary parties are really in favor of paving the way for the peaceful resolution of the problem, they should fulfill the demands put forward by our Party. Every body has to be realistic. It means every body has to accept the present reality of the movement and achievement of the revolution in the field. After this condition is fulfilled, the ‘dialogue’ can give a real way out and can reach a correct conclusion.

It is "tit for tat"

What was the factor leading us to go to the negotiating table with the acknowledged reactionary government? It is the concrete and real situation of Nepal and it is the teaching of Maoism that led our Party to take this decision. Nobody should be in confusion about the tactics our Party has adopted regarding the ‘negotiation’ or ‘dialogue’. We are equally competent in going to the ‘dialogue’ and also coming back from the ‘dialogue’, depending on the concrete situation. We are efficient in giving "tit for tat". Our great teacher Comrade Mao has very explicitly stated—"How to give "tit for tat" depends on the situation. Some times not going to negotiation is tit for tat: and some times going to the negotiations is tit-for-tat." We understand this principle very well, but our enemy is unable to understand it, which is a problem. Sometimes it is necessary to make the enemy understand about some established principles. It is reflected in their naïve and foolish ideas being expressed. The reactionaries are presenting things in such a way, as if, once we came to the negotiating table we cannot go back, and that whatever they impose we are obliged to accept. They must understand that if they compel us to go back from the negotiating table we are always ready. We are Maoist and in the course of applying Maoism in the Nepalese reality we have generated ‘Prachanda Path’. Thus we know how to give "tit for tat", which has been proved numerous times in the course of almost six years of People’s War.

Question of surrendering the arms

Once again I like to reiterate that in our country it is not sufficient any way to educate our people only, rather it is necessary to teach our opponents as well. The leaders of the ruling party and the government are constantly claiming that ‘If Maoists like to come to the negotiating table they have to surrender their arms’. This claim is nothing but a mockery. No any wise leader that may belong to any political party can claim like this. There were many negotiations in world history, but these types of ridiculous claims can hardly be found in the history of negotiations. There is a famous negotiation in the history of China, known as ‘Chungking Negotiation’, which was held between two warring forces: the Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang in October 1945. In the course of the negotiations, Chiang Kaishek put forward the demand of reducing the number of the army on both sides. He did not propose that to go for negotiations with the Kuomintang, the Chinese Communist Party should surrender its army and arms. It is pity that even after 60 years of this historical event, Girija Koirala and K.P. Bhattarai are unable to understand even this minimum criterion. In this regard again Comrade Mao has taught us to be very careful, he has said- "The arms of the people, every gun and every bullet, must all be kept, must not be handed over." Therefore these reactionary leaders must comprehend that our party will never surrender our arms and the People’s Army. Therefore they should feel shame in making these types of ridiculous claims.

Question of abandoning politics

It is pitiable, that not only Girija and Bhattarai, but also Deuba and Madhav Kumar Nepal, leader of UML and other such people are asserting that " Maoist should come to the main stream politics, abandoning their politics of extreme." Is it not really a stupidity to call for abandoning our politics in order to come for negotiations? They are reiterating their own stupid argument that the ‘constitutional monarchy and multi party systems are not negotiable’. Thus these people are trying to teach us that we have to abandon our politics and join them to get a share of what they are enjoying. Can we imagine any wise person asserting to abandon the highest and most scientific ideology of the world, and the best politics manifested in the same ideology? Perhaps not. But what is happening in Nepal, is really ridiculous. The ideology and politics embraced by our Party, which is acknowledged by the masses through the experience of the hard and violent battles of the last six years, these phony democrats are instructing us to abandon!

Who is shattering the ‘dialogue’?

It is now become quite clear to everybody, as to who is really trying to disrupt the ‘dialogue’? The miserable shadow of the palace-Girija combine, Sher Bahadur led government or we, the Maoists? Let all of us judge the facts. The government and NC combined delegation was feeling very proud to reject out rightly the proposal put forward by the counter part, even without feeling imperative to accept the proposals for discussion. For the other five points essential to be fulfilled for creating a suitable atmosphere for the ‘dialogue’, they never fulfilled and they are making no any attempt to fulfill. The government forcibly banned the proposed peaceful mass rally of 21st September, in a situation when both the parties are claiming that the ‘dialogue’ should go undisturbed. The government also banned the student conference organized by the All Nepal National Independent Students’ Organization (revolutionary), at the capital. They arrested many cadres and sympathizers of our Party. They raided well-known student hostels at Kathmandu and arrested many student leaders and activists. They passed the same-hated ‘armed police force’ bill from parliament, which was even withdrawn by the Girija government, when there was no situation of ‘dialogue’. The government is deploying not only the armed police but also the army as well, especially in the areas where our party has a stronghold, and People’s Governments are working. Underhand preparations of using the army to suppress the revolutionary movement is learnt to be proceeding at a very fast pace. The statement of the Indian foreign minister alleging the on going Maoist movement of Nepal as "terrorist" and vowing to fight out this movement and asserting open support to the present ruling alliance, violating all norms of not intervening in the internal matter of any country, has made clear to everybody how these reactionary and opportunist elements are conspiring to sell out our nation and the national interest. Is it not clear even for a lay man to understand the reality that this government, the ruling Nepali Congress in collaboration with the palace, is solely responsible for shattering the ‘dialogue’?

Destiny of the ‘dialogue’

Now, it is clear to every body that the Deuba government, which is a helpless shadow of the palace-Girija combine, has virtually created such a situation that it is almost impossible to keep the ‘dialogue’ going. Therefore, the destiny of the ‘dialogue’ seems to be murky. Nevertheless our party will go on trying its best to keep the ‘dialogue’ going. In spite of our effort, if the government and the ruling party will go on disrupting the situation, it is bound to get broken. If such an undesirable event will happen, the present government and its accomplices will be fully responsible for all consequences and every body should get prepared to face any eventuality.




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