December 1st 1999, at about 1.30 PM., the blood-thirsty goons belonging to the
anti-Naxalite Grey Hound force (also called the Special Intelligence Bureau) of
Andhra Pradesh police, acting on the information provided by a traitor, raided a
shelter located near Sarakkigate bus stop in Banashankari area of Bangalore and
captured three prominent leaders of Indian revolution and members or the Central
Committee or the CPI(ML)[People's War] — Com. Shyam (Nalla Adireddy), Com.
Mahesh (Y. Santosh Reddy) and Com. Murali (Seelam Naresh). The AP police then
airlifted these comrades to Hyderabad on the same evening and subjected them to
brutal tortures throughout the night in a vain attempt to obtain party's secrets
from them. On the next morning, these police hounds again airlifted these three
comrades to Koyyuru forest area of Karimnagar district and murdered them in cold
The police chief of Andhra Pradesh, H.J. Dora, who flew to Karimnagar to oversee
the "encounter" and directly led this operation, unabashedly declared that the
comrades were killed along with a squad member, Arun, in an exchange of fire
with the police when Like latter raided a camp of the guerillas in the forest of
Koyyur. His mercenary police brain could not even fabricate a credible story.
And most of the reactionary papers themselves wondered as to how four guerrillas
could die after the reported exchange of fire for nearly five hours without a
single policeman having been injured. Moreover, alt thee leaders falling to the
police bullets while the other guerrillas escaped unscathed made it sound
incredible even to the press. The spot where the supposed five-tour-long
exchange of tire was said to have taken place is very near to a highway and none
of the people in the surrounding villages had beard of any sounds. Yet, Dora and
other government spokespersons continued to repeat the same story all through
and refused to set up a high-level judicial enquiry to investigate into the
incident as demanded by several organisations and prominent individuals. What
was worse, the hypocrite Dora, after leading the entire operation directly,
tried to pose compassionate and even praised Comrade Shyam as a very dedicated
and committed leader of the revolutionary movement While the Andhra Pradesh
Chief Minister and World Bank stooge Chandrahabu co-ordinated it from behind
Like scenes, the BJP-led government at the Centre and the Congress government of
Karnataka were active partners in this conspiracy to eliminate Like leaders of
the Indian revolution.
The martyrdom of these dedicated heroes whose life-histories reflect the history
of the CPI(ML)[People's War] and the revolutionary movement of the past two
decades and more, is a great blow to the ongoing people's war in the country.
People's March offers its red homage to these heroic comrades who were the
path setters for the revolutionary movement in Andhra and who unflinchingly laid
down their lives under the shadows of the red flag, blazing the path of the
Indian revolution with their unparalleled sacrifices. In all humility let us how
ourheads in memory of these martyrs. Let us rededicate ourselves to the cause
for which they had shed their blood. Let us pledge to keep the red banner
drenched in Like blood of these comrades high for ever arid to go forward with a
firm determination along the path blazed by these comrades with their glorious
sacrifices until we achieve final victory.
The ruling classes, through their representative parties -especially Telugu
Desam, Congress and the BJP — have been putting on many efforts from a long time
to wipe out the CPI(ML)[People’s War] which has built a powerful revolutionary
movement in AP, north Telangana and Dandakaranya special zones during the last
two decades. The RIP after capturing power at the centre is coming forward more
and more aggressively devising all sorts of vile schemes aiming to root out the
revolutionary movement and its leadership. But as the revolutionary movement has
the backing of a mighty mass base all the efforts of the ruling classes and
their police-bureaucrat machinery failed miserably. So, as the party and the
revolutionary movement, instead of getting wiped, have been actually gaining
strength by strength after defeating each and every campaign of repression let
lose on them, the ruling classes and their loyal police officers changed their
tactics and are trying for the last two years to suppress the movement through
deceitful covert operations. As a part of such coven operations only they
murdered Com. Ramesh in Ramnagarkhilla, four comrades in Nalgonda district and
prior to these, Com. Bhupati and two other comrades in Karimnagar district. As a
part of this most heinous counter-revolutionary attack, the central and AP
governments especially CM Chandrababu, home-minister Devender Goud, DSP H.J.
Dora, state chief secretary V. Ananda Rao, central home minister Advani and
central home secretary Kamal Pandey besides Like bloodthirsty SIB and Grey
hounds carried out Like present operation in a much more brazen and brutal way.
They purchased traitor Govinda Reddy, captured the shelter, our comrades and
after murdering them in Koyyur forest area, concocted a story of an encounter as
Even notorious despots of Latin American countries where revolutionary movements
are going on at present, imprisoned captured leaders instead of killing them
outright in fake encounters like those that are taking place in our country. But
the ruling classes in Andhra (both the Telugu Desam and Congress governments)
have been going on with this murder spree of finishing off captured
revolutionaries in fake encounters for the past two decades or more. The Andhra
police have turned it into a tradition the killing of captured comrades within
24 hours after inflicting inhuman tortures on them. The main credit or rather
the notoriety for these ghastly acts goes to Chandrababu and his lawless SIB
Chandrababu is an outright fascist dictator. He has no faith in any democratic
values. He is a peddler amassing thousands of crores by prostrating and serving
the imperialists keeping not only his cabinet but also the entire state
machinery under his tight grip. Re is the most loyal stooge of world capitalist
class easily outshining all other such ruling class leaders of the countries of
Asia, Africa and Latin America in this respect. So much so that lie is being
boosted by the imperialist propaganda machinery and its local tails as the most
important person in the country after the prime minister and as the future prime
minister. For the last two years he is going on launching wild attacks on the
revolutionary movement killing hundreds of revolutionaries and ordinary
peasants, while extending support to BJP at the centre.
Chandrababu is dreaming that by launching such attacks he can please his
imperialist masters and perpetuate his despotic rule. But all his dreams are
bound to be shattered by the powerful revolutionary movement. World history is
replete with many butchers and despots like Chandrababu, who had to bite the
dust in the face of mighty people's movements. Leaving aside the past dictators
like Hitler and Mussolini, even recent dictators like Mobutu, Marcos, Suharto
etc., were all taught proper lessons by mighty mass movements and were consigned
to the dustbins of history.
The history of all such despots is the history of utter rout, even though they
unleashed all sorts of wild attacks on people's movements. But the history of
the people's movements is one of continuous growth withstanding all the ebbs and
flows and achieving final victory. The day is not far off when Chandrababu too
will face the same fate as that of all other bloodthirsty despots in history.
In the history of Indian revolutionary movement Comrades Shyam,
Mahesh and Murali stand out as the rare leaders who brought further glory to the
red flag, sacrificing their valuable lives defending it. These three comrades
stand in the forefront among the few leaders who became a part of the history of
Indian revolutionary movement, especially of the history of past three decades
after the great Naxalbari uprising, and who not only applied the principles of
protracted people’s war to the concrete conditions of India but also personally
participated in the building of armed struggle for mort than two decades all the
time staying amidst the oppressed masses and developed the movement to a higher
stage. People March offers its red tributes to these martyrs whose lives
are ideal model for every revolutionary to emulate.
Eternal Glory to Comrade Shyam!
Nalla Adi Reddy, who was popular among the revolutionary ranks as Com. Shyam,
was born in a middle peasant family of Kothagattu village near Huzurabad town
in Karimnagar district. He was the proud son of Karimnagar-Adilabad movements.
He grew up step by step, bringing further glory to these movements, rose to
become one of the top leaders of the Indian revolution, arid standing as a true
revolutionary' throughout his life, won a place among our hearts as an eternal
hero. His life is an epitome of all the revolutionary qualities and a model for
all of us to follow.
It was in the early '70's that the reverberations of Spring Thunder over
Naxalbari began to show their impact among the students of Karimnagar district.
Comrade Shyam was studying at a college in Jammikunta when the new generation
started acquiring latest ideas in the wake of Naxalbari.
Comrade Shyam along with fellow comrades awakened the oppressed masses of
Karimnagar district, giving song and dance performances that urged them to arise
and advance forming a people's army. He was just about 20 at that time. That
song struck a chord in the hearts of the most oppressed masses who for
generations together were living like serfs under the shadows of feudal terror.
This song travelled from Karimnagar to Adilabad and on its onward march it
mobilised and organised the adivasi masses of Dandakaranya, turning itself into
a song of the Guerrilla Zone, which advanced the Karimnagar-Adilabad movements
to a higher stage. That song echoed the birth pangs of a people's army. It sowed
the first seeds for liberated area and became the history of Indian revolution.
Comrade Shyam grew up amidst this entire historical process marking an imprint
on it, which is of his own. Comrade Adi Reddy belongs to a new generation which
took up the polities of Naxalbari-Srikakulwn struggles during the period these
movements met with setbacks. He was one among those who started treading the
path of mass line in the early days after the revolutionary movement faced
By early 1975, the political and economic crisis in the country intensified and
as a result mass movements grew. That year, he decided to work as a professional
revolutionary, and never looked back in the quarter century of his revolutionary
life. After the imposition of Emergency in June 1975, Comrade Shyam went
underground. As soon as he started his underground life, Com. Adi Reddy was sent
to Jagityal area for organising the masses there. Then he was popularly known as
Comrade Raghu.
Comrade Raghu started his new life as a school teacher (cover) in Govindapalli
hamlet of Gollapalli village. He organised the stray contacts in Gollapalli,
Enugumatla and the nearby Maddunoor villages and led them into struggle against
the Maddunoor landlord Rajeshwara Rao who was notorious for his cruelty. He was
a member of the special squad that was funned to annihilate the landlord. But as
the landlord escaped, that squad conducted two more raids seizing the property
of an usurer atone place and a gun at another place. Com, Raghu seasoned his
guerrilla life with these first raids in his life. From then on he boldly
participated in many raids the Party conducted during that period at many places
stretching from Mahadevapur forest to Tapalapur forest area of Adilabad and from
the plains or Peddapally to Vadkapur and Korutla in Karimnagar. During these
raids he used to instil confidence among his fellow comrades.
Soon the emergency was lifted and the party once again took up mass work. Com.
Raghu was one of those comrades who continued to lead underground life
successfully avoiding arrests by the enemy. As many comrades were arrested
during the emergency period. Con Raghu gathered the remaining comrades, showing
much initiative, went deep amongst the masses and applying the tactics that were
formulated to suit the concrete conditions of that time to Karimnagar-Adilabad
districts, led the movements there. He was elected as the secretary or a
district level committee set up for the first time with three comrades for co-ordinating
the Karimnagar-Adilabad-Nizamabad movement; later when separate district
committees were set up in 1979 for each of these districts, Com. Raghu was
elected as the secretary of Adilabad district committee.
He was elected to the State Committee in the 12th State Conference of Andhra
held in 1980 and in 1982 he became a member of the Secretariat of the State
Committee. He gave direct leadership to Adilabad movement and the workers'
movement of Singareni Coal Fields.
He was elected as the secretary of the AP State Committee held in 1984. He ably
led the entire Party in the rectification campaign against 6 evils that the
Party conducted during the latter part of 1984. During this period the Party
faced its first internal crisis and Com. Adi Reddy, as the secretary of AP unit,
taking a correct Marxist-Leninist stand played a magnificent role in achieving
complete unity among the Party's rank and file in Andhra. Meanwhile the enemy
launched his first offensive war against the revolutionary movement all over
Andhra. Com. Raghu, as the leader of the team made significant contributions in
the formulations of Party's tactics for countering the enemy's first offensive
During this period many comrades were captured by the enemy and finally this led
to the arrest of Com. Shyam on May 7th, 1986. He was caught by the enemy for the
first time after 11 years of underground life during 1975-' 86. The enemy
inflicted inhuman tortures on him in order to forcefully obtain information from
him regarding the whereabouts of other leaders. Com. Raghu, displaying an
exemplary courage of a true revolutionary', stubbornly bore all these tortures
without letting out a single secret. The extent of barbarity of the torture by
the enemy can be gauged from the fact that from that day to the day he breathed
his last, that is, for the past 13 years Com. Shyam was suffering unbearable
pains in his limbs. But with his true revolutionary' spirit Com. Shyam never
allowed these pains to become a hindrance in the way of fulfilment of the tasks
the Party entrusted him with.
During his imprisonment Com. Shyam, while recovering his health severely
affected by the tortures, concentrated in his study of Marxist-Leninist
classics. In the middle of 1988, he and the other two comrades escaped,
disarming the guards and carrying away two rifles of the guards.
He was once again co-opted into the State Committee and in August 1990 was
elected as the secretary of AP State Committee and as a member of the newly
formed COC. He then extensively toured AP, DK, NT areas to fill the gap that
occurred in his understanding about the movement due to his imprisonment for
over 2 years. He attended the military camp held in 1989 to improve his military
understanding. Meanwhile by 1989-'90 the movement once again gained upper hand.
Com. Shyam played a significant role in the formulation of the specific tactics
that were to be adopted during 1990, when there was a temporary let up in the
repression in AP.
During this period another crisis arose in the Party due to the disruptionist
activities of the anti party clique led by Kondapally Sitaramaiah who was the
undisputed leader of the Party until then. Com. Shyam worked hard to ensure that
the conspirators were defeated and Party remained firmly united. During this
time itself he started writing several reports and articles putting into words
his ideas after studying and analysing the problems cropping up in the movement
from an ideological angle. He also taught at the political classes the Party
arranged, as a teacher. Com. Shyam gradually showed his mettle as a teacher, in
imparting understanding to the students in an easy way, combining practice and
During the same period, he also worked as a member of the editorial board of the
military magazine Jung started by the COC.
The preparation of basic documents during 1992-'94, and the study and
discussions that took place as a part of it further enhanced Com. Shyam's
political and ideological understanding. Thus Com. Shyam, who until then spent
18-20 years mainly in practice and indirectly providing leadership in the field
at every crucial turn, took up at this juncture the task of concentrating on
practice-study-practice so as to he able to provide ideological leadership
also, From 1990 to the moment of his martyrdom in 1999, Com. Shyam allocated
most of his time for attending State Committee meetings or for field studies in
AP and NT areas.
In 1998 when some liberal intellectuals of Hyderabad met a Party delegation
(Comrades Shyam and Mahesh), and held detailed discussions with them, the latter
pointed out the mistakes in their bourgeoisie democratic ideas. At the same time
they agreed before them that there is a need from the Party's side for the
correction of mistakes that occurred due to the gap in understanding of cadres
at various levels. Moreover in order to bring these matters to the notice of
party members, they first discussed these issues in CC and then drafted a
circular on behalf of the CC.
Sharp observation, straight forward talk, plain and simple way of life,
courageous behaviour, affectionate attachment with fellow comrades,
selflessness, preparedness for any sacrifice — these were the characteristics of
Com. Raghu who stands out as an ideal before other comrades both in providing
leadership to the people and mass organisations with a correct working class out
look and in tempering himself in the class struggle. He was always ready to
accept mistakes without any hesitation. While criticising other comrades about
their shortcomings he used to take special care to help them to the best of his
ability in correcting their mistakes.
During the last ten months he held extensive discussion with district
committees, with rank and file of the party and with party sympathisers in
various districts of north Telangana and prepared several reports for the notice
of the CC. Some of them remain incomplete.
As a part of the effort for correcting the deviation or economism and imparting
education to the cadres about Com. Shyam wrote an article as to flow economism
gets reflection in party's work, basing on the practice being adopted in North
Comrade Shyam was a disciplined soldier who unflinchingly implemented the party
line. until his last breath, consistently fought "Left” and Right opportunist
lines in the communist movement and displayed undaunted heroism throughout his
revolutionary life. The Indian revolution has lost a brilliant strategist and a
creative, critical Marxist-Leninist ideologue in the martyrdom of Comrade Shyam.
Needless to say, Comrade Shyam will continue to inspire the people aspiring for
revolution for generations to come and will remain a beacon light for the Indian
Long Live the Heroic Martyrdom of Comrade Mahesh!
Kadivendi village in Warangal district is the village where war drums of the
great Telangana armed struggle were played for the first time. It was the
village which gave birth to the first martyr of that great and glorious
struggle, Com. Doddi Komaraiah. It is the village which gave birth to many
heroic fighters. It is a village that had been firmly upholding the banner of
revolt against feudalism and imperialism during all these 6 decades. Comrade
Yeraamredli Santosh Reddy (Mahesh) is the beloved son of that historic village.
He has not yet reached the age of forty at the time or his martyrdom. Right from
his child hood he grew up amidst communist politics. He had the chance to
closely observe the revisionist and right opportunist leaders arid their
practice. White studying in a college in Warangal, which was famous as the
centre for radical students, he led the radical students' movement. Those were
the days when the revolutionary students’ movement led by martyr Com. Anjann,
gained upper hand and scores of activists and leaders were turning into
professional revolutionaries. Com. Santosh grew up as a student leader and as a
professional revolutionary within a short time. He then left Warangal and joined
the Osmania University at Hyderabad.
Com. Santosh who was working as professional revolutionary in-charge of city
student movement, was elected as a member of the Hyderabad city committee that
was formed for the first time in 1981, From then on he worked very hard along
with other members in building not only the student movement, but also the
workers, women and democratic movements. In 1984, the then state committee sent
Com. Santosh to Khammam as a district organiser entrusting him with the
responsibility of rejuvenating the movement in Khammam. But soon, the police,
acting on a tip off provided by a betrayer, arrested Com. Santosh in 1985. For
about five years, from 1985-'90, he under went jail life. He utilised this time
to temper himself. He not only concentrated on his study and improved his
political-ideological knowledge, he also paid particular attention at moulding
fellow comrades languishing in jails. During that period he led the party units
in various jails. The long life in jail did not dampen his revolutionary spirit.
Instead, by the time he came out of it, he took up the responsibility of
revolutionary movement as a politically matured leader.
He took charge of North Telangana forest area. It was the period in which he
gained the capabilities that were needed for building the movement in future and
a grip and clarity over the organisational structure by once again
reestablishing live links with Khammam movement and directly understanding the
development of the movement. In 1991 he was elected as the secretary of North
Telangana forest division that was formed for the first time and later he was
also elected to the regional committee and worked in that capacity upto '93
He led the squads in repulsing the armed attacks the right opportunists launched
against the CPI(ML) [PW]. After his co-option as a member of North Telangana
regional committee, he worked hard from 1991 to 1992 to gain an understanding
about the movement in the other four districts of North Telangana. During the
same period the party faced its second internal crisis and Com. San Irish took a
major part in the effort that was made for upholding the correct line in the
Com. Mahesh was entrusted with the responsibilities (or south Telangana region
in 1993. He directly shouldered the responsibility for building the movement in
Medak district. He became the secretary of the regional committee and put in
special efforts for understanding the whole movement. That was the period when
he went to the grass root levels, understood the movement and the conditions of
comrades, and thus got clarity as to how the movement has to be strengthened and
what shortcomings need to be set right.
Com. Mahesh was elected to the AP state committee in the plenum it held towards
the end of 1993. During the 4-5 years alter his release from jail he not only
led the north and south Telangana movements, he also shouldered die
responsibility (or the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. He analysed
and placed before the state committee the numerous problems faced by mass
organisations urging for their resolution. During this period he led the AP
delegation at the All India Special Conference. He won the admiration of the
entire conference delegation as a leader with a clear cut political
understanding when he convinced them on two issues and got the party's
understanding changed. He was elected to the new CC during this conference.
During the last four years Com. Mahesh gradually matured as a leader who put in
immense efforts in enhancing the average understanding of the whole party
through the experiences of the movement in AP.
A special mention should be made of the extraordinary role played by Com. Mahesh
in the ideological work that was taken up to answer liberal intellectuals who,
without understanding the stand adopted by the enemy, tried to put limits on the
movement in accordance with their own limitations. Com. Mahesh was an young
ideologist who played an excellent role as the state secretary in ensuring that
the party did not lose its initiative in defending the revolutionary movement
from attacks by the liberals.
1995-'98 was the period during which fake Marxists, feminists, conservatives,
voluntary organisations and reactionaries going under the garb of progressives
launched a big offensive against Marxism with various types of arguments like
Marxism has not paid proper attention on the caste question, women 5; question,
sectional movements etc., and that Marxism was inadequate for the resolution of
these questions. Com. Mahesh correctly reflected party's line in the formulation
of. the tactics to be adopted in AP on caste question, women's question and
other questions.
Moreover, Com. Mahesh led the A.P State Committee in exposing the policies of
'vision 2020', which was actually prepared by the World Bank and which is being
touted in abig way by Chandrababu as his own and several other policies like
Janmabhumi, Mahila Janmabhumi, administration at people's door step, etc.
The credit for ensuring that the state committee did not lose its initiative
during the last 7, 8 years, when the officers belonging to the enemy's SIB
machinery made a concentrated effort to wipe out state and central leadership,
goes to Com. Mahesh.
He was a general who got ready for the warfare formulating counter tactics
against enemy's tactics and deploying revolutionary forces accordingly. He
displayed an exceptional calibre in creatively applying MLM Thought to the
concrete problems facing the revolutionary movement. This was brought out most
clearly at the AP State plenum in Feb., 1999 where he placed before the
delegates a concrete programme for carrying out the Rectification Campaign to
purge the party of the evils of liberalism, spontaneity, economism, bureaucratic
attitudes and subjectivism.
The ruling classes have temporarily gained an upper hand by winning over a
traitor from within. Today Com. Mahesh became a victim of such a treachery. The
death of a hero will not lead to tears, it reminds us of our duty. Com. Mahesh
was an exemplary leader who stood firmly holding his head high, without leaving
the battlefield even when the enemy cut his body into pieces.
Eternal glory to Com. Mahesh, a beloved leader of the people, a leader who
combined theory and practice most skilfully steering the revolutionary boat past
hidden rocks in the stormy seas.
Red Tributes to Comrade Murli!
Com. Murali is the pride of the oppressed masses of North Telangana. For two
decades from 1981 to '99 he led die party, standing firm like a veteran sailor,
steering the boat safely along the tortuous channel of struggle amidst mighty
typhoons along the course of the movement which faced many ebbs and flows. In
one word, his life is the history of blood-ridden Telangana. To say that in
North Telangana there is not a village where he has not set foot, there is not a
section of the rural masses he has not mobilised, and that there is none in the
revolutionary' camp who has not heard his name, does not amount to an
overstatement but is a simple and straight forward fact.
Comrade Seelam Naresh, hails from a middle-class family of Jagtiyal town in
Karimnagar district. The sounds of the anti-feudal struggles of Jagityal and
Sircilla awakened Com. Naresh who was then studying in the polytechnic college
at Sircilla. He took up the responsibility of organising the RSU, led the
Radical students' movement not only in Sircilla but also in Metpally, Jagityal,
Kamareddy and Nizamalad and within a short span of time settled as organiser in
Sifcilla-Kamareddy area.
Com. Naresh was a youth of just 20 years of age when he took up the
responsibilities of the movement as a professional revolutionary. He was already
a m4jrried man with a child. As his wife who grew up in a traditional
way was not prepared for a revolutionary life, he did not continue his conjugal
life with her. From 1982-'84, he personally led the peasant movement in
Kamareddy area. He was elected to the district committee in the first district
conference held towards the end of 1984 and took up the responsibilities for
other centres along with Kamareddy. From the day he entered the movement till
his martyrdom he was never captured by the enemy. He never participated in any
open activities. Leaving the college he directly entered the battlefield, lived
as a steeled and tempered guerrilla in the course of straggle against the enemy,
directly provided extraordinary leadership at every turn in the movement. That's
why the enemy who trembles at the very mention of Com. Murali's name had to
depend on the information provided by surrendered traitors.
From 1985 onwards a new campaign of repression was unleashed by the enemy.
Special armed police and paramilitary forces were deployed on a large wale all
over North Telangana and they conducted combing operations and ambushes. During
this period Com. Naresh, holding the responsibility for the movement in the area
stretching from Nizamabad in the west to North Telangana forest division in the
east. not only personally resisted these onslaughts but also organised fellow
leaders and squads in resisting the enemy. During these twenty years he turned
into a veteran general safely bringing out comrades from numerous encounters and
ambushes set tip by the enemy. That is why even after he became a CCM, he
remained as the commander of his batch in the retreating batches. That's why the
People's War guerrillas have an unshaken faith in him.
During the period of the first undeclared war, Com. Murali led standing in the
forefront and ensure that the people did not lose their initiative, he took up
the task of building mass organisations throughout Nizamabad district, conducted
various struggles mobilising the people like Tendu leaf collectors' struggle,
struggle of hired-hands for enhancement of wages, struggle for the enhancement
of wages of agricultural labour, the struggle or the peasants for remunerative
prices for their produce, the struggle for the occupation of forest lands, the
struggle against the atrocities of landlords, struggles on caste issue, in
particular against the attacks on dalits, and the struggle against police
atrocities etc. Com, Murali came to understand the minds of the people, got a
grip over them and became a leader of the masses. The history of Nizamahad
movement shows how leaders emerge out of the womb of the movement.
Com. Murali is the epitome of such revolutionary virtues like straight-toward
talk, mingling with everybody without ever showing the pretences of a big
leader, simple way of life, a selflessness of not demanding any privileges
though stricken by ill-health, and a revolutionary life without ever showing
even a wee bit of vacillation etc.
In 1987, Com. Murali was elected as the secretary or the district Committee and
as a member of North Telangana regional committee. The team of Com. Ilanna, Com.
Sagar (Rajalingu) and Com. Murali has grown up as the new leadership team of
North Telangana. But as the first two comrades became martyrs in '87, '88; for
some time the RC did rot function and the DC worked directly under the state
committee. Daring this period as there were losses in the Karimnagar leadership,
Con. Murali was shifted to Karimnagar and he took up the leadership of
Karimnagar district as its secretary. By 1989, new leadership teams emerged in
all the districts of North Telangana while countering the first attack of the
enemy and molilising the people on a big scale. The first attack of the enemy
was defeated. In 1989 the North Telangana regional committee was reorganised
with Com. Murali as its secretary.
During this period 1989-'99 Com. Murali held the leadership responsibilities of
the movement withstanding the ebbs and flows of the movement. From that lime to
the day he breathed his last Com. Murali grew up as one among the party's
leadership centre and as a strategic leader formulating counter tactics that
effectively dealt with the tactics of the enemy. During 1987- ‘89 he underwent a
training to achieve the required techniques for the military life. A special
mention must be made of the initiative Com. Murali displayed in countering the
daily attacks of the enemy, in formulating counter attacks and in repulsing the
tactics the state's armed forces adopted in the name of counterinsurgency
operations. Though suffering with an ulcer, Com. Murali moulded himself and
adhere to strict discipline amidst the hardships of a guerrilla life.
In 1990 a plenary meeting of the AP state committee elected Com, Murali as a
member of that committee. With his immense experience of North Telangana
struggle be played a major role in formulating the policies for intensifying the
class struggle in South Telangana and other struggle areas in Andhra and for
advancing those struggles with guerrilla zone perspective. From 1989-'95 Com.
Murali continued as the regional committee secretary.
Com. Murali was elected as an alternate member to the CC in the special All
India conference held in 1995. In 1995, the North Telangana area became a
special zone and as a secretary of that zone, he became a full-fledged member of
the CC in 1997. He played an important role in the CC for the formulation of
tactics and policies to advance the movement.
During the period of the new enemy offensive beginning in 1997, Com. Murali
worked hard in reviewing the shortcomings in the plans for the raids and
ambushes conducted against enemy's armed forces and in educating the squads
about it, Recognising the weakness of our squads and district committees, he
guided them in taking special precautionary measures for safely warding off
enemy attacks.
On occasions where many losses occurred due to our own mistakes, Com. Murali
used to personally and patiently convince, instruct and guide the comrades of
those areas for overcoming their weaknesses. Staying in the field itself he
provided the concrete guidance to the cadres.
Com. Murali spent 20 years of his revolutionary life among oppressed people of
North Telengana, integating with them and guiding them at every turn in the
movement. Com. Murali is the youngest member (39 years) of the CC. In his
martyrdom the Indian revolutionary movement has lost a young and down-to-earth
leader of the masses. Let us offer our red salutes to our beloved leader who for
20 years toured the rural areas of Telangana leaving everlasting foot prints on
that soil and who won an eternal place far himself in the history of the
The Indian ruling classes backed by tile rapacious imperialist vultures
are nurturing fond dreams that they can crush the People's War and the ongoing
people's struggles in India by assassinating our beloved leaders. By imposing
the reign of white terror in the areas of intense class struggle and Nationality
struggles, they are desperately scheming to make the country a free hunting
ground for the unbridled plunder by imperialist and comprador bureaucrat
capital. They are preparing for an even greater and more ruthless fascist
suppression of the revolutionary and democratic movements.
The ever-deepening crisis of the world capitalist system and the Indian economy;
the growing attacks by the Indian ruling classes on the oppressed people and
nationalities in the country in order to implement the WB-IMF-WTO
dictated new economic policies of liberalization, privatisation and
globalisation; the cuts in subsidies, imposition of unbearable taxes,
retrenchment or workers and government employees etc., is leading to the
pauperisation of the overwhelming majority of the peasantry, unemployment, price
hike and terrible misery. As a result people have begun to realise that
revolution is the only alternative to free themselves from feudal and
imperialist oppression. Even on their day-to-day demands they are forced to come
into militant struggles often clashing with the state's armed forces.
It is against this background of deepening crisis and the prospects of a mighty
people's movement in the country that the ruling classes have begun to
desperately attempt to eliminate the leadership of CPI(ML)[PW] in order to make
the people's movements leaderless. It is their fond hope that by suck
cold-blooded murders, they wilt be able to halt the growing tide of people's
In AR the World Bank's chosen pet dog Chandrababu Naidu has surpassed the
tin-pot dictators of Latin America in brutally murdering the revolutionaries.
With the active cooperation and help from the BJP-led government at the centre,
Naidu has further beefed up the police state of AP giving unlimited funds and
licence to kill at will to the Sill and Greyhound goons of the AP police. These
gangsters have committed indescribable atrocities on the revolutionaries and
sympathisers in AP. After murdering the leaders, they had gone on a slander
campaign spreading rumours of internal rifts in PW leadership, of possible
surrenders at the highest level, of having crushed the Party and the ongoing
People's War, and so on.
Belying this propaganda, the people of the country have given a fitting reply by
building mass resistance for over a month. Retaliatory actions and mass protests
spread over several part, of India; all government activity came to a stand
still in the entire North Telangana and several other regions in AP. A detailed
report is published in this issue.
The grief arid sorrow that had engulfed the revolutionary masses had been
transformed into burning class hatred against the enemy and enhanced their
resolve to fulfil the cherished dreams of the people's heroes by intensifying
the people's war to completely smash feudalism, imperialism and comprador
bureaucrat capitalism from the Indian soil.
Let us pledge to wipe out the ruling classes who became dizzy with a temporary
success! Let us with one hand wipe out our tears for the martyr comrades and
suppress the sorrow oozing out of our hearts. Let us harden our numbed minds.
Let us pass on the red flag drenched with the blood of martyrs to millions of
the vast masses. Let us pledge that we will firmly uphold ale red banner
drenched in the blood of thousands of martyrs who have fallen in the
battleground and fight with renewed determination. Let us pledge that we will
fit' ht until we achieve final victory taking the martyrdom of our leaders
Comrades Shyam, Mahesh and Murali as a great ideal. That, and only that, will be
a true tribute to the martyrs. |