Our Party has gained
valuable experience through these entire 30 years, since the 8th Congress, held
in 1970. During this period, we have developed the political line by fighting
against both ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ deviations. After the Congress, within a very
short period, the then central committee disintegrated and various central
committees were formed. These failed to gain the confidence of party members and
the people and were unable to survive. Of all these central committees, some
were in favour of continuing the then existing leftist policies theoretically,
politically and organisationally; while others got steeped neck deep in rightist
politics in the name of fighting against the leftist politics.
In this background,
our Party gradually developed, by fighting against both these trends. We were
able to properly solve the problem of armed struggle. We fought back the big
set-back in the decade of the 1970s and tried hard to move forward and achieve
success from the failures. After that, our party members, cadre, the people’s
forces, guerrilla forces and party organisations got steeled in the movement.
They gained experience through a process of failures and successes, stepping
backward in order to forge ahead, consolidating and expanding. Particularly
since the past 20 years, by adopting armed struggle as the primary form of
struggle, we began to form guerrilla squads, to develop them into guerrilla
forces and into a Red Army. We intensified class struggle in the preparatory
areas, expanded the Guerrilla Zones and guerrilla base areas and strengthened
these in order to establish base areas. In order to achieve all this, we put in
enormous effort and gained a nation-wide model experience.
From Naxalbari to
this day, our Party’s history has become the history of the Indian armed
struggle, by upholding M-L-M Thought and applying it to the Indian conditions.
We achieved this by shedding our blood. In this period, hundreds and thousands
of our beloved comrades lost their valuable lives by bravely fighting against
the enemy. In the decade of the ’90s, several comrades became martyrs while
containing the enemy’s aggression. The greatest loss that our Party suffered was
the martyrdom of our beloved leaders, Comrades Shyam, Mahesh and Murali, last
year. Even after that we lost several comrades in AP, NT, DK and Bihar. Now,
while we are celebrating the 31st birth anniversary of our Party, instead of
losing heart with all these losses; our party members, cadre and people are
fighting with an even more fierce hatred against the enemy.
We also celebrate the
birth anniversary of our beloved leader and world proletariat’s great
theoretician, Com. Lenin. On this occasion, let us pledge to build our Party
into a nation-wide Bolshevik Party, which is, broad-based and mass-oriented,
and, theoretically, politically and organisationally fully consolidated, in
order to fight the enemy with greater determination. Let us, on this occasion,
pledge to prepare the people to relentlessly build the agrarian revolution and
realise the unfulfilled dreams of our beloved martyrs.
Defeat the enemy that
is coming forward with new tactics in the Preparatory and Primary Stage
Guerrilla Zone Areas!
In the past, the
Andhra Pradesh government has twice failed to wipe us out through an undeclared
war on our Party. Now, the meek and faithful lapdog of imperialism, Chandrababu,
is continuing the 3rd undeclared war against us, acting on the dictates of his
masters at the World Bank and IMF. The BJP-led NDA government at the centre has
on this question, extended its complete support to the AP government. The
central home minister, Advani, is making preparations, at a fervant pace, to
eradicate the revolutionary movement throughout the country. Since the last few
weeks, our guerrilla forces have attacked the enemy in the East region of AP, in
North and South Telangana, in DK and in Bihar. In the 1st week of March, we
killed the former home minister and present Panchayat Raj minister of AP, Madhav
Reddy, who also was the convenor of the ‘co-ordination committee’ formed
of the five states, to suppress our movement. The action sent tremors amongst
the ruling classes all over the country. It forced the central home minister,
Advani, and his deputy Vidyasagar Rao, to rush to Hyderabad. They stated that,
the suppression of our Party is their main agenda, and called for a meeting of
the chief ministers of these five states on 3rd April.
Earlier, they had
called for a meeting of the officials of these five states on March 6, to review
the incident that took place in February, in Kochvahi village near Narayanpur,
of Bastar district in Madhya Pradesh. In this incident, our guerrillas killed 24
policemen including one IPS officer. The enemy formed a co-ordination committee
at that meeting and elected Ajoy Kumar as the co-ordinator. They took four
decisions — 1) a continuous watch, by satellite, over the movement’s areas, 2)
to modernise the government’s forces, 3) training to be given by the AP Grey
Hounds to other states’ police forces, 4) allotting one Indian reserve battalion
immediately to each state. Along with this, they decided that the Inspector
Generals of Police and the civil authorities of these five states will meet
regularly every 15 days. They will regularise the co-ordination programme, share
information, and will review the overall situation and take the necessary steps.
In essence, this meeting took decisions to suppress and completely wipe out the
revolutionary movement by using modern technology and are preparing for this on
a war-footing. Not only are the trio of Advani, Vidyasagar Rao and Chandrababu,
preparing to suppress our movement, but also the chief ministers of Maharashtra,
Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Bihar are dancing to the same tune. The situation
clearly indicates that these people, though they belong to different political
parties, they will unite as one in order to suppress the people’s movements, as
various constituents of the ruling classes.
On the occasion of
our Party’s 31st anniversary, we have to thoroughly study the tactics that could
be taken by the enemy. All Party committees, at all levels, should take
initiative to evoke counter attacks. Modern technology will help the enemy only
to a certain extent, whereas the deciding factor in this war will be the role
played by people’s consciousness. Though their propaganda hype may reach new
heights, the enemy can achieve very little. Yet, we should take precautionary
measures to prevent our forces and party members becoming a prey to these new
tactics of the enemy. We should counter every tactic of the enemy with the
co-operation of the people. It is not only in the preparatory and primary
Guerrilla Zones of AP, DK and Bihar, that the enemy has been closely observing
our Party activities,but, since many years, they have been maintaining a close
watch, throughout the country. The situation of the past few months reveals that
the enemy’s offensive, at the initiative of BJP-led government at the centre,
will intensify further. On this occasion of our Party anniversary, let all party
members, cadre, party organisations and people throughout the country, take an
oath to counter the enemy’s aggression on us. The respective state committees
should study the enemy’s position and their plans in their respective states. To
prevent our subjective forces from falling prey to the enemy, we must take every
possible precaution, should adopt the necessary counter tactics, and implement
measures accordingly.
Make the Party
Membership Campaign a Success!
The CC(P) gave a call
to take a Party Membership Campaign throughout the year, in order to strengthen
the Party, by developing new party members — as a homage to our three CC members
martyred in December, ’99. On this occasion of our Party’s formation and Com.
Lenin’s birthday (April 22), we have to review the implementation of this call
in all the states.
All the state units
are actively persevering to achieve this. These campaigns take place mainly
through the various mass organisations, through propaganda campaigns and through
special activities; along with general agitation for partial demands. Through
this, not only are we able to keep the masses with the movement, amidst the
regular repression and attacks by the special squads in the name of
counter-insurgency, but also we are able to mobilise the people to fight back
bravely. Our Party has been able to reach its present status due to a large
politically conscious people who have continued in the battle front since the
last two decades thereby gaining experience through the day to day struggles.
But, there is a vast gap between the number of people gathering under our
leadership and the number of good elements being absorbed into the Party. We
have reviewed that the main defect lies with our consolidation. The leadership
of our committees should concentrate on the problems occurring in the living
functioning of the party cells that were formed with new party members. The
experience of world revolutionary movements reveals that it is quite natural
that the number of party membership and guerrilla forces increase when the
movement is advancing through various phases, and decrease when the movement
faces a set back. Till now, we have not grasped this factor of increasing the
party membership in accordance with this theory.
In the history of the
Communist Party of China, there are several examples of the great efforts made
of strengthening the party, by absorbing the elaborate masses within it. Even
though they took extensive membership programmes and were successful in
achieving large memberships that were involved at the battle front; all these
formations were damaged when the enemy got the upper hand. But, based on a
regular process of reviving its forces, the CPC always succeeded in
strengthening itself and extending these forces in the battlefield. In 1937, the
party membership had dropped to forty thousand. Later, in the 1940s, due to the
focussed campaigns that took place at all levels and in all sections (based on
the resolutions of the Tsunyi Meeting), the membership climbed to eight lakhs.
Within three years, there were 2,60,000 new party members. But, during the
difficult period of 1941-42, the party membership dropped to half; several base
areas collapsed, and there was also a drop in the population under the party’s
influence (from 10 crores it came down to 5 crores). The ‘Rectification
Campaign’ of 1943, gave fundamentally good results; making the party
physically and theoretically unbeatable. It was specifically during these days,
that they learned how to examine the past lives of cadres, the infiltration of
secret agents within the party, and how to fight them, and thereby achieved good
results. As a consequence, party membership reached a figure of nine lakhs by
April 1944.
From this, we can
assess the process of the growth and fall of party membership that took place in
the 1937-44 period of the CPC. The continuous changes in the situation was the
main reason for this flux. Party cadre should always act according to the
situation and the higher committees should provide prompt and proper guidance.
Both these reactions should be immediate.
Let us learn from
this experience of the CPC. As we are able to gather lakhs of people around us,
it is not impossible to make hundreds and thousands of them into party members.
To achieve the ability to develop the thousands of party members into lakhs
and to build our party into a nation-wide strong Bolshevik party.... is the main
task before us. Due to the surrender of the ruling classes to imperialism,
and the resulting crisis developing within the socio-economic and political
system, as well as the internal crisis within the ruling classes, the
spontaneous struggles of the masses are growing. Even the 24 constituents of the
NDA, are being forced to, at least, give statements opposing the policies of the
BJP, for fear of getting isolated from the people. From this, we can clearly
assess in which direction change is taking place. We have to exploit this
situation effectively in order to strengthen our party throughout the country.
It is only through this, that our party members and cadre will be able to build
a strong underground party and will be able to perform their duties properly.
So, we have to work out our programmes in such a way as to make the membership
campaign a success; to courageously extend the party and yet take precautions
not to allow unwanted elements into the party.
Let us go ahead
firmly and execute the higher stage of military tasks
We had earlier
decided to develop NT and DK from the primary stage of Guerilla Zone to the
higher stage of Guerilla Zone, and had begun building the necessary
organisational structures. In 1999, the CC(P) reviewed this and made new
essential decisions. We decided that different types of armed formations would
be needed in order to meet the organisational as well as military necessities of
the Guerilla Zone. Though the two armed formations (i.e., organisational and
military) would continue, and, in fact, expand by resisting the enemy, there
would be a difference in their construction. While the local guerilla squads
would concentrate mostly on building the organisations; for the military tasks,
special squads and platoons were needed. In this way we would have to take
forward the self-defence war to counter the offensive war of the enemy forces,
that have targeted us in AP, NT, DK and Bihar. Along with these guerilla squads,
we have to develop the people’s militia (GRDs, ARDs and other armed formations).
We should continue to damage the enemy’s morale by studying the enemy’s
movements and the concentration of their forces — and attack them. While
continuing regular minor attacks, we must also strike at their main target,
depending on our convenience.
In 1998 and ’99 we
lagged behind in fighting back the enemy. In 1997, though temporarily, we were
able to contain the enemy initiative, by constantly attacking them, utilising
new methods. In 1998-99 we did not get sufficient time to fulfill the military
tasks, as we concentrated on theoretical-political-organisational matters. As a
result, neither our guerilla squads, nor our mass armed formations were able to
stem the initiative of the enemy that rampaged through our areas with
intensified attacks. Through this experience we realised that it was impossible
to perform twin responsibilities simultaneously. As a result, our movement has
developed towards the formation of different types of squads, for the
fulfillment of the organisational and military tasks. Platoon formation has now
become the general form.
Since the past three
to four years, the enemy’s weaponry and training has improved a lot, due to
continuous modernisation. During this period, we were unable to provide
sophisticated weaponry to our forces, through either of our two sources - i.e.,
from the enemy or through purchases. So, our fire-power on the battle ground got
reduced considerably and we faced several losses. Recently, by successful raids
on the enemy, we have gained at least 100 weapons, of which two-thirds are
auto/semi-auto weapons. The weapon the enemy uses in our struggle areas, should
become our general weapon. For this, we have to continue the raids, and should
adopt it as a part of our policy.
Our experience has
proved that arming of the people, expanding of the armed struggle continuously,
and continuing it as the main form of struggle, is the only guarantee for the
survival of the People’s War Party, of the Indian proletariat and vast masses of
the people, and for the development of the revolution. During the last two
decades of the Indian revolution we have seen that those groups and parties that
are not ready for armed struggle in practice, have either deteriorated or exist
only nominally. The parties that speak of elections along with the armed
struggle, and who, in practice give priority to elections, have almost abandoned
the armed struggle. They only link Marxism-Leninism to their names in order to
deceive the people, while, in practice, they have, for a long time, been living
together with the CPI and CPI(M). It was only by continuing the armed struggle
after Naxalbari, that we have been able to attain the present strength. During
this entire period, it will be difficult to understand the political line and
the organisation of our party, if we de-link it from the armed and guerilla
struggles. Over the last 20 years (in the background of the setbacks of
Naxalbari and Srikakulam ... and after; and from 1980 when we began building up
these struggles) our party has learnt a lot about armed struggles, and is yet to
learn much. Acting according to the situation, we worked out the tactics of
building Guerilla Zones, with a view to develop these into base areas. We
defined Guerilla Zones, as being ‘preparatory’, ‘primary’ and of a ‘higher
stage’. But we have no dogmatic understanding, that Guerilla Zones can only
develop in this manner, in the future. Keeping in view the subjective conditions
of the revolutionary camp, the state of the enemy, and the national and
international developments, we evolved our line as the specific application to
the particular conditions in the country, and accordingly set our targets. And,
in this way we marched forward, by defining several regions throughout the
country as being at a preparatory, primary, or higher stage of Guerilla Zone.
In the past, some
rightists and revisionist parties launched attacks, dubbing us as ‘mere
shouting about Guerilla Zones’. Recently one of our brethren parties began
vile propaganda through the media. If they bring out certain shortcomings in our
approach to the formation of Guerilla zones, either theoretically, or
politically, or organisationally or militarily, we would think it over, and try
to rectify the flaws. But if our exasperated friends merely seek to deceive
people, by shouting at us impatiently, it is quite surprising. It is only by
adopting the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist methods, in defining relationships, and in
giving suggestions, advices, criticisms and sharing, etc., that we can become a
part of those who practised the great traditions of the world proletarian
parties. Those parties who are conducting people’s war, and wage armed struggle
by applying it to the specific conditions of Asia, Africa and Latin America,
with the task of building Guerilla Zones and Base Areas, should strengthen the
people’s war in their respective countries. At the same time they must accept as
their task, the sharing of each other’s experience in order to strengthen the
world socialist revolution.
As a part of
fulfilling this task, the Communist Party of the Philippines, the Communist
party of Turkey/M-L, and the Communist Party of India (ML)[PW] started to work
together, and are trying to bring those parties together, who are either waging
or backing ‘people’s war’. As part of this, they began publishing the magazine ‘Vanguard’.
So, we, the CC(P), on the occasion of the 31st birth anniversary of our party,
appeal to comrades all over the world in general, and in Asia, Africa and Latin
America in particular, to advance the armed struggle further. We also appeal to
them, to adopt as their international task, the task of sharing with their
brethren parties, their experiences, practice, analysis, and understanding in
the building of Guerilla Zones and Base Areas, in order to capture political
Build A Strong United
Front in Opposition to Our Common Enemy
The party, the Army
and the United Front — these are the three main aspects of the Indian
revolution. It is only by understanding the inner-link between these three, and
by applying it to the Indian revolution, will it be possible to provide able
leadership to ensure success and take the revolution along the correct path. On
the occasion of our party’s 31st birth anniversary, let us clearly understand
the inter-relation amongst these three aspects and thereby solve the problems we
face in our practice.
It is through
building a strong, broad-based united front with like-minded elements, against
imperialism and feudalism, that we can solve the root contradictions — that
between feudalism and the vast masses, and that between imperialism and the
Indian masses. The hold of imperialism on our country, particularly that of US
imperialism, is growing rapidly. Against the visit of Bill Clinton to South
Asia, particularly his five-day stay in our country, rip-roaring agitations
shook the country, stretching from Delhi to Hyderabad — describing Clinton as
the No.1 enemy of the world people and of world peace. Both, the BJP-led
government at the centre and Chandrababu in AP, imposed oppressive measures from
Sec. 144 to ban orders, and officially stated that they were not going to allow
even a peaceful demonstration before the President. Inspite of the hard
bargaining of Harkishan Singh Surjeet, the central home minister refused
permission to the CPI and CPI(M)’s protest agitation.
The CPI(M) and the
Congress have been practising almost similar policies. The NDA’s Murasoli Maran,
who attended the WTO meet at Seattle on behalf of India, and the Congress and
CPI(M) who also attended, played similar roles and sang the same tune. While
thousands protested outside the meeting hall, the CPI(M) applauded imperialism,
along with the NDA, inside. In India, they have now begun chanting ‘Clinton
go back’, only out of fear of getting isolated from the Indian people. While
even minor parties like the Forward Block and RSP fearlessly declared that their
MPs would boycott Clinton’s speech to parliament, the CPI(M) announced that
their MPs would not attend, as they were ‘busily engaged’ in protests
outside the parliament. This was a good example of how the CPI(M) was performing
its duty as a ruling class party, and how it was deceiving the people, utilising
the garb of the Red Flag.
In essence, not only
the CPI(M), but also the Congress, BJP and regional parties like the TDP are all
comprador bourgeois and feudal parties. We have to build issue-based joint
action forums against these parties. In order to achieve this, party branches in
all the states, should work accordingly. In addition the militants of the
nationality movements are continuously fighting against the centre. To achieve
their right of secession, they are marching forward through armed struggle,
withstanding army concentration and repression, with outstanding sacrifices.
Since the past one year, there has been an enormous increase in army attacks in
Kashmir, Assam and Manipur. Working together with these militants is one of our
tasks. The imperialist-feudal combine is breaking the backs of the peasantry, by
continuously increasing the exploitation of these people. The central and state
governments are cutting or totally lifting the agriculture-related subsidies.
Yeshwant Sinha’s budget for the year 2000, weighs heavily on the backs of the
people. Keeping these realities in mind, we have to build a strong people’s
resistance. Depending on the strength of the movement, to that extent we can
defeat the enemy. We have to build these united fronts based on the slogan
‘unity-struggle’ against the ruling classes, who are isolated from the
At the same time, we
have to build strong alternative organs of people’s administration in the
Guerilla Zones. These have to be developed qualitatively and quantitatively. We
have already built some GRCs in AP, NT and DK. We can establish the alternative
administration, through forming GRCs in at least half the villages within our
struggle area. Through this alone, can we build a strongly anti-feudal,
anti-imperialist united front at the village level, and advance the Guerilla
Zones to the higher stages. We should form more GRCs in Magadh, Koel-Kaimur
regions of Bihar, Nallamala of AP, and in South Telangana. To cultivate a proper
political understanding of the seizure of political power all over the country,
to make all sections of the people understand the necessity of the united front,
and to continue political propaganda on these issues, are one of our tasks.
Build a Staunch
Revolutionary Party by Fighting-out Non-proletarian Trends!
In 1999, the special
plenums of the AP and NT states, gave a call to fight against non-proletarian
trends that were developing in party cadres, and preparations were made to take
this campaign up to the lower levels of the party and to the people. The party
decided to rectify the wrong trends within a certain period of time. The Punjab
and Maharashtra state committees also gave a similar call. The other state units
are also ready to fight the wrong trends that have come forward in their
respective state units. They continue discussions and are preparing to take
decisions on it. We can correct the whole party only by recognising and
rectifying the wrong trends in time. It is significant that economism, legalism
and liberalism find place at various levels of our party. The roots for these
wrong trends existed long time back, and have been further strengthened. So,
while taking account of the past and present, and adopting corrective measures,
we should not allow them to continue in the future. It is only through the
prompt correction of the party, that we can develop party members, cadres and
party organisations as the true inheritors of the proletariat. It is only amidst
struggle that we can rectify these evils. It was this process that was adopted
by the CPC under the leadership of Com. Mao. Even though they took up
rectification campaigns promptly, and continued these from the higher to the
lower levels of the party, and even though the Great Cultural Revolution was a
success, the capitalist roaders managed to enter the party and government, and
later dominated these bodies.
That is why a
relentless education must continue, based on M-L-M Thought to cultivate
awareness amongst party cadre and the people. The rightist and leftist trends
irrespective of their levels, should be terminated. We hope that our party will
achieve this task, by depending on experienced senior party members, on the
youth, on energetic new PMs, on the strong guerilla forces and on the vast
progressive masses.
As never before, the
centre is launching direct attacks on us, by bringing together the five states.
Much earlier, it already formed a unified command to suppress the seven
North-Eastern states. Similarly, it is commanding the direct surrender of
Kashmir, from the PMO. It now wants to introduce fascism and military rule
throughout the country. The RSS is already laying the grounds for this fascist
rule by attacking all fields of history, art, literature and education. It is
bound to attack us in the future. It is clear that the ruling classes will back
these attacks, and will actually lead them in those states where they are in
power. They will intensify repression even further.
It is undoubtedly our
main task to protect the party and revolution. Though the intensity of
repression and attacks may reach new heights, leading to unimagined losses, the
party must make preparations to resist any emergency situation. It is the duty
of all party members to take lessons from previous mistakes made in history,
particularly from our own history. We should be very careful and prevent the
recurrence of these mistakes in our party. While preparing for this, and
courageously fighting for the success of revolution, let us pledge to build a
nation-wide Bolshevik revolutionary party, on this, the 31st birth anniversary
of our Party.
Long live Indian New
Democratic Revolution !
Long live Communist
Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) [People’s War] !!