CPN(M) - Worker #11

The Worker, #11, July 2007, pp. 57-58.

International Seminar

Revolutionary Greeting message from

TCP/ML—Central Committee

Dear comrades, we greet the conference that is held under the name “Imperialism and proletarian revolution in the 21st Century” with revolutionary enthusiasm and communist consciousness.

Dear comrades and respected ggests of this conference;

As we are in the beginning of the 21st century and if we consider the historical period we are in, we can say that we are in the fore days of new society revolutions. This historical period was about more then 150 [years] ago bravely layed out by the Communist Manifesto with the words: “communists don’t condescend from their goals or views. They openly declare that their goals can only be reached if present society conditions are abolished by force. Let the ruling classes tremble from the fear of a communist revolution. The proletariat has nothing to lose than its chains but it has a whole world to win”. With this call, there were a series of revolutions, that were realised and these revolutions really were the fear of the ruling classes — or as a Turkish expression says: tremble like an Aspen leaf. The result of capitalist restoration that occurred after some revolutions, gave the ruling classes time to take a breath but they haven’t thrown away their “just fears”.

Yes, the ruling classes openly announced and what they also did successfully in practice, exaggerated the situation of capitalist restoration and they used this, without a doubt, it is a product of their class rancour and accrued rage they announced “the end of revolutions”.

As propaganda like saying that “classes have vanished”, “ideologies have died”, “revolutions and socialism is defeated”, is a product of their counter-revolutionary efforts, on the other side they make themselves believe in these lies.

Exactly for this reason, the bourgeoisie has exaggerated the restorations of former socialist powers that were realised after the accomplishment of some revolutions by the working class and oppressed people. The efforts to avert a thousand years of development — historical-materialism — went into a hopeless anti-propaganda. This anti-propaganda; included the denial of the glorious oppressed masses uprises and their experiments of power. But can lived facts and historical realities be forgotten? Can the reality that the proletariat and oppressed masses for realising various revolutions in an important part of the 20th century and even more — practiced and administrated, be denied?

Without any doubt, revolutions like the one in Russia and China are of great importance for the development of human history and the experiences and lessons taken out of the former socialist powers taken and their practice cannot be hidden by the cheap propaganda of the ruling classes. These experiences and lessons have long been written in the consciousness of the proletariat and the oppressed masses. Let the ruling classes deny this historical past. Let them declare that ideologies have died, revolution and socialism thoughts have ended, and that classes have vanished. They persuade themselves by telling themselves lies. They will see that their lies will not provide them any benefit in the 21st century.

Our party analyses this period with all its positive and negative aspects. We are not fooling ourselves, nor are we running behind utopias without getting any results. We are living in revolutionary reality. And this revolutionary reality provides us, to stand strong against the capitalist restorations that happened in powers that were formed by the proletariat and the oppressed masses in a correct line.

Our party views the restorations in socialist powers as results and carry the specifics that this can always change. Our party carries the consciousness that in socialist society the period of who will win, either the socialist way or the capitalist way has not been cleared, and for that reason defends the necessity of the continuity of class struggle under socialism. And exactly because of this reason, to stabilise revolutions under proletarian dictatorship means to defend the realisation of new and new proletarian cultural revolutions.

The GPCR was a total dictatorship over the new bourgeoisie. This was not just an ideological and political mobilisation, it was a broad and deep battle that lasted for years and that won over the masses and advanced [on] the economic, military and cultural front too. It was a rough and constrained way, constrained because, the bourgeoisie was exactly in the party and state organs and even in the leadership. It is for this reason, in the first years of the GPCR, in the year 1967, in a speech to the political bureau constant committee Chairman Mao said: “What would you do if it is revisionism that designates the central committee? This is very likely. This is the biggest danger.” The responsible headquarter that had deviated from its goal and the masses had been shown.

There is one point that should clearly be underlined. Revisionism and any kind of opportunism can never be successful against Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! Because, these kinds of understanding have as soon as they deviated from the principals of MLM, as they tried to change or soften the principals, they went on to lose. The real issue here mainly is how much MLM and its science is defended or not, or with an even better expression how much CP’s increase their struggle in the direction of MLM science.

It needs deeply [to] be understood, that in conformity with the reality that socialism has been worn out the consciousness of the masses, revisionism has — especially recently — taken new and broader forms of attacks. Especially the matter of class struggle under socialism needs to be examined through experiences. A socialist construction policy that relies on the mass struggle, a Communist Party that is shaped with the mass struggle, taking the two line struggle inside the party with the participation of the masses and that leads the masses with the understanding of the cultural revolution; answers to today’s questions and should be handled in that way. This exactly underlines the reality that the masses are the leading force in the history of class struggle.

Peoples war theory should today parallel to new question and questions, be carried forward in order to turn this struggle into a mass struggle. There has been in the previous years been successful results won over by peoples war lead by Maoists that correctly research and acknowledge that victories that are won over are scientific socialism victories. This means to issue people’s wars as a matter of an International.

One of these countries is Nepal. Today it has taken 80% of the countries power, and the CPN (M) marches with the support of the masses towards power.

In a time where imperialism and their lackeys/collaborators have increased its war of aggression, where they spread lies like “ideologies have died”, “the end of history” and where the wind of liquidation is blowing strongly, the peoples wars that are waged in Nepal, India, Philippines, Turkey and Turkey-Kurdistan under the leadership of MLM, again the advancing Iraq resistance which has become a blind alley for US and England imperialism, the uprises in Latin-America, the workers and students strikes inside the EU in Italy, France and Germany, the struggle of the migrants against the racist laws; all these struggles are a hope and inspiration source for the oppressed people in the world and the international proletariat.

Against the distortion of Marxism, to try to abrade the revolutionary principles of Marxism and instead efforts to bring a conciliatory, peaceful, legal Marxism, stands in front the CP’s as an undeniable task of the ICM to wage a ideological struggle in all fields in the international arena. If from these struggles victory comes out, it will not just be that revolution and socialism will gain back its old magic and appeal; at the same time, it will bring back the old esteem of revolutionary Marxism and also will bring back its honour.

Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!

Long Live the Glorious Struggle of the Nepali People!

Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

December 2006

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