CPN(M) - Worker #11
The Worker, #11, July 2007, pp. 25-26.
International Seminar
Historic International Seminar
International seminar on "Imperialism and Proletarian revolution in the 21st century" which was a very momentous event of international significance, commenced at the historic day of the 114th Birth Anniversary of the great leader of the world proletariat Com. Mao Tse-tung and at the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the initiation of the historic People's War of Nepal, led by the glorious Party, the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). It was a five momentous day event which commenced on 26 December and concluded at 30 December 2006. It was experienced that it played a vital role in forging the ideological unity among the Maoist forces at the international level. Almost all of the Maoist parties and organizations of the contemporary world today participated in the seminar by sending their leadership to attend. The seminar that was hosted by the C P N (Maoist) was very penetrating and exciting event that at the beginning it was apparently seemed to be disunity and diversity in understanding on various outstanding issues, but finally a higher level of unity was achieved after a wrangling of five days.
The international seminar was inaugurated by Com. Prachanda, the Chairman of Communist of Nepal (Maoist). In his inaugural speech Chairman Prachanda reaffirmed his Party's commitment to the science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism (MLM) as an all powerful weapon of proletarian revolution and revealed that the idea of organizing such a seminar was mooted in the bilateral meeting with the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and the Committee of Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) and some other fraternal parties provided necessary encouragement and good advice to hold it. Explaining that imperialism was a dynamic phenomenon he pronounced that the tremendous advance in the productive forces, particularly in the sphere of communication technology, and ever widening unevenness and inequality in the development of global capitalism had now resulted in globalized imperialism. He further stated that the globalized imperialism and accompanied militarism is creating an excellent objective condition for a globally coordinated resistance of the masses under the leadership of the proletariat and that this objective reality ought to be correctly grasped by the genuine Marxist-Leninist-Maoist forces of the World. He also mentioned that the obverse side of imperialism is proletarian revolution.
Expressing his concern about the reversal of the revolutions of the 20th century, he expressed the view that the bitter experiences of all the proletarian revolution of the 20th century ending in counter-revolution and the failure to make any successful revolution after the demise of Com. Mao in 1976, have raised serious questions on the subjective side of proletarian revolution at the moment. He further stated that revolution cannot be repeated but can only be developed or improved upon.
Indicating about various deviations he explained that even though rightist revisionist distortion of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the main danger in general, the vigilance against dogmatism and pragmatism within the revolutionary movement is no less significant. It is only by developing the invincible ideology of M-L-M through concrete practice in the concrete condition may we be able to fulfill the historical responsibility of making revolution and preventing counter-revolution.
Emphasising the need of the international unity of the genuine communist forces he said "either all of us will reach communism, or none of us will. In the current phase of globalized imperialism, international coordination of our revolutionary activities has been all the more imperative. When our enemies are working in close collaboration with each other, it is high time we too strengthen our international revolutionary solidarity."
Com. Gaurav, a senior leader and in charge of the international command of the party presented the position paper on behalf of the Central Committee of the CPN(Maoist). Com. Baburam Bhattarai, a senior leader of the party and the coordinator of the United People's Council, while intervening in the discussion, strongly advocated the party's position and insisted the house to carry on the discussion by focusing on the major ideological and political issues.
Com. Nabin, head of the three member delegation of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) presenting paper on behalf of his party Central Committee, put forward a comprehensive explanation.
The discussion was very sharp, lively and constructive. The general feeling was that the house was enriching knowledge and experience at every passing day thereby raising the level of unity to further higher level.
The international seminar was represented by the following parties and organizations:
- Communist Party of Afghanistan (Maoist)
- Communist Party of Bhutan (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist)
- Communist Party of India (Maoist)
- Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist)
- Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Naxalbari
- Communist Party of Iran (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist)
- Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
- Communist Party of the Philippines
- Maoist Communist Party of Italy
- Maoist Communist Party of Turkey/Kurdistan
- Proletarian Party of East Bengal (CC)
- Proletarian Party of East Bengal (RUG)
- Revolutionary Communists, Germany
- Revolutionary Communist Party of USA
- Toilers' Party of Iran
- Two participants attended the seminar as independent.
The five days' seminar was conducted in a hall decorated with red banners and quotes and the portraits of the great five international leaders: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao. There were portraits of heroic martyrs of many countries of the world. It was really interesting to read the red banner of "Workers and oppressed people of the world unite" written in seven different languages.
Delivering the concluding speech, Com. Prachanda, Chairman of the CPN(Maoist) expressed his great satisfaction over the grand success of the seminar and stressed upon the necessity of strong international unity among the Maoists.
The whole house was full of revolutionary enthusiasm and excitement while shouting the slogans with their fists raised high.
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Long live the proletarian internationalism!
Long live the world proletarian revolution!
Down with imperialism!
Down with the US imperialism!
Down with the Indian expansionism!
Workers and the oppressed people of the world unite!