[From The Worker, #8, January 2003]





The WPRM, SA joins with the progressive people of the world in condemning and resisting the global terrorist war of aggression and domination unleashed by the imperialist powers led by US imperialism. The politics of this war has nothing to do with eliminating International Terrorism, since it is being waged by the most powerful terrorist states in history who have together unleashed two world wars and countless wars and genocidal aggressions against the people of the world, with the US occupying the position of the No 1 terrorist Super Power in the world. We condemn the war against the people of Afghanistan and declare our firm solidarity with the people of Afghanistan in their struggle to rid themselves of US-British imperialist aggression and their puppet states. Equally we condemn the terrorist war of genocide carried out against the Palestine liberation struggle by the Israeli State, backed fully by US imperialism. We declare our internationalist solidarity with the people of Palestine in their heroic struggle to free themselves from Israeli aggression and occupation and US domination. We condemn the efforts of US-British imperialism to wage yet another war of even more devastation and destruction against the people of Iraq. We shall stand with the people of Iraq in their just struggle to free themselves of imperialist domination.


We condemn the efforts of US imperialism and India to intervene in Nepal with the intention of propping up the autocratic-feudal-monarchial state in its counter-revolutionary offensive.


The US is moving into a strategic partnership with India with the aim of exercising joint regional hegemony in South Asia to crush all people's resistance and revolutionary struggle against the system. The US has established an FBI office in Delhi and both the US and India have gained access to military facilities in Sri Lanka. Under the guise of Nations Peace keeping mission, imperialism has also penetrated Bangladesh.


In the face of this grave challenge, as members of the WPRM, SA, we declare our determination to unite, mobilise and lead the oppressed masses of South Asia in order to oppose and resist the US-led imperialist crusade and to support all just struggles including revolutionary anti-imperialist struggles and People's Wars led by Maoist forces in our region.


We resolve to unite with the progressive forces and oppressed peoples of the world in order to achieve our common goal of defeating the imperialist war agenda and pave the way to achieving a world free of domination, exploitation, oppression and WAR.