[From The Worker, #2, June 1996.]

Boycott of Parliamentary Elections by Communist Revolutionaries in India

A midst the growing crisis and contradictions within the traditional ruling class parties and increasing disillusionment of the masses with the periodic farce of parliamentary elections, communist revolutionaries of India have successfully boycotted the recent parliamentary elections held on April 27, May 2 and May 7. The three major Marxist-Leninist parties leading people's war in different regions of India, namely CPI (M-L) (People's War), Maoist Communist Centre (MCC) and CPI (M-L) (Party Unity), have led election boycott campaigns in their respective areas of influence. Consequently in the din of electoral campaigns by the reactionary parliamentary parties, CPI (M-L) (People's War) in Andhra Pradesh and Dandakaranya, MCC in Central and Southern Bihar and CPI (M-L) (Party Unity) in Southern Bihar have been able to give a clear and loud message of boycott of bourgeois elections and marching along the path of protracted people's war through different militant and armed actions. Even the reactionary ruling class media was forced to report that in many areas of North Telengana, Dandakaranya and South Bihar no candidate could venture into for canvassing and instead armed forces of the government were doing the job for them. Similarly, hundreds of thousands of military and paramilitary forces were deployed to intimidate the people into voting, but on the polling day many of the polling booths were empty and at many places ballot boxes were seized by the guerilla squads. In a number of encounters with the communist guerrillas, dozens of policemen were killed.

On the eve of elections, in an appeal to the 'countryman' to 'boycott elections' end surge ahead towards the aim of building people's Army and Base Area' the MCC Central Committee had said:

"We appeal to you that in order to free yourself as well as the country from the clutches of Imperialism and feudalism, foil the hoax of election. And from today take up the task of building in all villages, in all areas the revolutionary peasant committees, red militia guards and guerrilla squads; organize revolutionary mass organizations by uniting the youth, student, women, intellectuals and artist. Surge ahead the path of resistance movement starting from protest movement. Establish the authority and control of peasant committees after seizing land of the big landlords and distribute the land amongst the landless peasants. Arm the people capturing the arms from the hands of the reactionaries. In towns organize, build up and intensify the resistance movement against exploitation, oppression and torture of the imperialists and their comprador bourgeoisie. Rise in armed resistance movement against all sorts of state repression and terror."