Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and Prachanda Path!


Occasional Bulletin of Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)


No. 11                                                                                         January 2006






(This is an international portion of political and organisational resolution, presented by Chairman Comrade Prachanda and passed on the last plenum of central committee of CPN (Maoist))



Despite the capitalist class essence remains the same; the imperialism in its course of development has been acquiring new forms and shapes. To exploit and oppress economically, politically, culturally and militarily the broad masses of people of the earth in the form of a single globalize state has become the main specificity of today’s imperialism. The world that had been influenced, on the one hand, by the wave of national liberation, democratic and socialist movement around the Second World War and the inter-imperialist rivalry during the cold war, on the other, has now been entrapped in the sole hegemony of the US imperialism.

Owing to the main factors like, the defeat of new democratic and socialist states that were developed in the course of the first wave of World Proletarian Revolution in the power struggle against the state-owned bureaucrat capitalism, the establishment of unparalleled economic and mainly military superiority of the US imperialism over other main imperialist countries, the control of multinational finance capital upon the national capital and economy of the third world countries and the intensification of worldwide cultural intervention by means of the monopoly in information technology etc. the aforesaid hegemony has been maintained.

As a consequence of this form of globalize state of the US imperialism, the international values and norms, methods and rules and structures that were developed after the Second World War have been weakening. Following 9/11, the US imperialism, by raising a stern question of either ‘you are with or against us’ before every nation or group based on ideology, declared war openly. In spite of worldwide protest, the fascist intervention carried upon Afghanistan and Iraq and the all-round threat against a country or political movement that is in line with their own national interest or fundamental ideological conviction have been undoubtedly justifying the aforesaid facts.     

This fascist form of the US imperialism, in its essence, has been erected upon the foundation of a serious ideological crisis. Being divorced from a number of bourgeois values they had until 70s, and encouraging sheer religious blindness, the imperialist ringleaders with its support are attempting to rule now. The obligation that it has to sustain with medieval blind ideology in the context when the science has acquired al-round development in the 21st century and the declaration of so-called crusade against so-called terrorism by George Bush clarify the depth of ideological crisis of imperialism. From this, the historical reason by which the imperialism has come up viciously against the progressive and scientific aspiration of today’s human being becomes clear.

To whatever degree the publicity of this new form of globalize imperialism is made as a new era of human being’s progress, the innumerable living facts, experience and practice have proved it to be nothing other than a new, naked and contemptible form of colonization. Having been intensified the process of a handful of capitalists becoming trillionire and billions of poor being trapped in poverty after 90s, the statistics of the World Bank too has clarified that the gap between rich and poor has become appalling. Today, the living standard of 1.6 billion of people has declined qualitatively than that of 90s. Children, who could be saved from preliminary treatment, are dying 30 thousands a day. More than 800 million people are suffering from malnutrition and two-third of this number cannot survive beyond 40. Forget about education, 250 million children from the third world are forced to work as child-slaves to manage eating twice a day. Tens of thousands of young ladies are being pushed into prostitution daily. Hundreds of millions of unemployed youths are wandering as modern slaves in the globalize labour market for their livelihood. In this way, the imperialist new world order of privatisation, liberalization and globalisation justifies the only fact that it has been intensifying the process of frying huge majority of the masses in the world in a single earthen pot.

Another important aspect that needs to pay attention to is that the US imperialist’s globalize state, which has been developed by establishing its military bases in 140 countries, has naturally made the worldwide resistance and rebellion necessary and possible qualitatively. Today, any national liberation, democratic or socialist movement is not possible to succeed in any country of the world unless it does not advance as an inseparable part of the world people’s resistance. No time in the history had been the objective situation so broadly prepared as of now for the practical application of the great proletarian principle of internationalism. From the people of United States of America to those of all the continents in the world are being victimized of the same kind of globalize imperialist exploitation, oppression and aggression. From the resistance developing in Iraq, as a new Vietnam, and Afghanistan to the revolutionary movements in Nepal, India, Peru, Turkey and Philippines; to the chain of people’s protest and discontent rising from the masses of the people in America to those in Europe, the US imperialism and their agents, the domestic rulers, have been the only common enemy of the people everywhere.

In South Asia, revolutionary democratic and national liberation movements against the expansionist Indian ruling class, which has been kneeling down before the US imperialism, are intensifying. In this context, the formation of C.P.I. (Maoist) through the unification of two important parties leading people’s war since long deserves special mention. Also the contradiction is deepening, since some time before, between the Nepalese autocratic feudal monarchy and the Indian ruling class is liable to take into account. Chinese revisionist capitalist rulers that have been achieving economic growth by submitting their market’s key to the US imperialism are involved in a tricky process of expanding their influence in South Asia.

The aforesaid objective situation clarifies the maturity of material environment in which people’s new socialist world order can be established by destroying the imperialist world order completely. But, however critical situation it may be in objectively, the imperialism will not collapse spontaneously or by its own. For that, along with scientific ideological leadership, conscious push and use of force is imperative. Historically proved scientific fact is that that kind of leadership is not possible from any other class, community or ideology except international proletarian class and its revolutionary ideology. But, in the present transitional situation, when the first wave of World Proletarian Revolution has been over in the 20th century itself and a new wave is in the horizon, the proletarian movement too is facing the challenge of developing ideology. The problem of leadership in the world proletarian movement is inseparably linked with this challenge.

The attention of the internationalist revolutionaries of the 21st century must be focused seriously on the fact that the analysis Lenin and Mao had made on imperialism and a number of concepts they had developed on its basis regarding proletarian strategy have lagged behind. Following the Second World War, the inter-imperialist rivalry and Lenin’s analysis on the nature of war that continues among them to divide and re-divide a certain part of the world and the proletarian strategy built up as well on its basis; and following the cold war, the analysis of the situation that Mao made on Three World, even though in a tactical sense, do not basically exist now. The situation of the US imperialism, which is advancing as a globalize state, has caused Lenin’s and Mao’s analysis to lag behind on the same manner how the development of imperialism in Lenin’s time had made Marx’s the then analysis and strategy, based on his analysis of capitalism, that revolution will take place firstly and simultaneously in the developed European countries, to lag behind. This is the principal issue for developing MLM in the 21st century and determining new proletarian strategy. Without focusing attention to this question, no challenges of the world revolution now can be confronted.

However, it should not be meant that the contradiction among different imperialist powers and reactionary cliques has been over. Definitely, this contradiction also exists and will exist and the proletariat must be paying attention to it. Nevertheless, today’s world is being decided by not this but the US imperialism, on the one side, and the world-struggle against it, on the other. The necessity of developing the concept of South Asian Soviet Federation in the 21st century to the concept of World Federation and waging every country’s national liberation, democratic and socialist movement under it is the burning necessity of today.

Following comrade Mao’s death and restoration of capitalism in China, the international communist movement, on the one hand, mainly fell prey to different forms of right revisionism and, on the other, to mechanical dogmatism, which, by eulogizing old things and experiences, prattle them only. Even now, struggling against these trends in the international communist movement, overall development of MLM is necessary. It is clear that development is possible only by applying the scientific weapon of dialectical materialism. It is necessary to grasp the fact that the dialectical materialism is a means to constantly develop proletarian ideology against bourgeois pluralism and dogma to-revisionism.

Certainly, the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM), which has come forward with a resolve of defending, applying and developing the basic principles of MLM, has played important role ideologically. But, extensive study, debate and struggle is necessary to make it reach at the role of a real leadership to the world revolution by developing it to the level of New Communist International capable to face challenges of the 21st century.

Grasping firmly the reality that the necessity, possibility and importance of international movement has increased in the particularity of present world imperialism, our glorious party, the CPN (Maoist), as a party successfully leading People’s War since the past ten years, has a big responsibility in its shoulder to develop ideology and international communist movement. Accepting the reality that our party’s international role had been week in the past compared to necessity, it is necessary now to heighten our initiative towards that direction. Grasping the reality that the future of Nepalese revolution is inseparable with the development of the international movement party must develop a concrete working plan.





The unilateral ceasefire declared by the Nepal Communist Party (Maoist) on September 3, 2005 has ended on January 2, 2006. The end of ceasefire, which was initially declared for three months and was extended for one more month, has led to a number of questions such as what was the purpose behind the announcement of ceasefire and why did it come to an end; what will be the future of 12-point understanding after the end of ceasefire; to which direction the political situation of the country will move in future; etc.

King Gyanendra has tried (and has still been trying) to justify the essence of his regressive move by claiming that his decision to implement the dictatorial rule first indirectly on October 4, 2003 and then directly on February 1, 2005 was mainly directed towards exorcising the ghost of Maoist 'terrorism'. It was not strange that the King with his background of a businessperson would try to profit himself hugely by using the 'terrorism' card as he has been thrilled to see many dictators around the world being able to conceal their crimes under the blanket of the so-called campaign against terrorism led by the US after September 11. It was unfortunate and a big joke made over history that the ones who were responsible for the royal massacre and the incident of February 1 would try to appear as the messiah against terrorism. However, a big chunk of the current urban population which has, on the one hand, not fully recovered from the nauseating impact of the Cold War, and on the other, been affected by the television and Internet culture, was finding it difficult to distinguish a freedom fighter from a terrorist. Therefore, it had become essential to take political and diplomatic initiatives to expose the terrorist face of the autocratic monarchy and the royal army and to clarify the progressive democratic political character containing some practical inadequacies and defects of the Maoist revolutionaries. This was the first and foremost purpose of ceasefire announcement of September 2, which has been proved magnificently during the period of past four months, and has already become a history.

The next important purpose of the ceasefire declaration was to honestly seek progressive political way out and to honor people's desire for democracy and peace. From the very beginning of people's war, which started ten years ago, we have been clarifying our conviction that war is not an end but only an instrument. We have also repeatedly made it clear and that our ultimate objective remains to be progressive restructuring of the state with solutions to the problems of nationalism, democracy and people's livelihood. The much discussed forty-point demands which we put forward in 1996 and our proposal presented during the past negotiations of 2002 and 2003 are the evidence of this conviction. These demands have finally been incorporated into the three points which are: broad national political summit, interim government, and the election of constituent assembly. These basic political demands familiar to the history of the world could not be fulfilled in Nepal due to the lack of foresight and competence of the political parties in the beginning, and due to the stubbornness of the autocratic monarchy and its feeder army later on. The country and people are being obliged to bear great trouble and sacrifices due to this. It is also true that the growth of non-revolutionary tendency and behavior within the revolutionary forces especially during the later phase of the struggle seems to have created hatred, indifference and distrust among people against the political forces. This had shadowed our political objective and ideology to some extent. In this situation, concrete initiatives were necessary for the progressive political way out by strengthening the relationship with people so that we could address their desire for peace and democracy while not compromising on the declared political objective and ideology. The ceasefire declaration of September 3 was a concrete expression of this, and it helped to expedite political and diplomatic efforts by bringing closer the political way out for democracy, peace and forward movement in the form of 12-point historic understanding. Of course, the implementation of 12-point understanding and progressive political way out have not realized due to the obtuseness and obstinacy of autocratic elements. However, the political and diplomatic initiatives and people's nationwide efforts, which became possible during the four-months-long ceasefire, have brought the agenda of the end of autocratic rule and progressive political way out closer to implementation.

The question may arise here: What brings the declared political way out closer, continuation of ceasefire or the end of it? There can be a lot of debate about this. Some international forces have argued that the declared progressive way out can be brought closer by extending ceasefire, although unilaterally. But, according to our party's opinion, further extension of unilateral ceasefire cannot be helpful, but it can only be insidious for democracy, peace and progressive movement. The situation would be different if the ceasefire had been reciprocated by the government and if the King had accepted the 12-point understanding. However, since the ceasefire became only unilateral; the King and pro-monarchs, rather than supporting the 12-point understanding, stood against it; the royal army came out with aggressive activities in Rolpa and all over the country; and efforts continued to provide legitimacy to the army rule through the so-called municipal election, it is now clear that the extension of ceasefire cannot benefit the country and the people. Rather, like the old saying- ladder to the monkey –it is clear that such act could eventually help the royal autocratic rule. In such situation our party decided to end the ceasefire unilaterally after informing all concerned parties.

In this context, all democratic forces must pay attention to some serious issues. First, the incidents after 1950 and the series of negotiations and ceasefires held at different times after the beginning of people's war have made it clear that the existing royal army would never stand for democracy as long as it is under the command of the King, and that it would also not accept the demand of the election of constituent assembly. This is the major reason behind the frequent betrayals received by the parliamentary parties from the King and the failures of our past negotiations with the old regime. If, by ignoring this historically illustrated fact, anyone continues to hold the illusion that 'full democracy' can be established even when the existing elitist form of the army remains unchanged and the King's control over it continues, nobody can be more obtuse and more dishonest than this person. Except for his absolute control over the royal army there is no other reason behind the King's stubbornness and reluctance to seek progressive way out ignoring the pressure of the whole international community and popular opinion against him during the last ceasefire. The direct meaning and conclusion of this is that the royal army should be the major target of all democratic movements. There is absolutely no use of attacking the monarchy while sparing the army. The recent massacre at Nagarkot has already illustrated the fact that peace cannot be established and the people's lives and property cannot be secured until the royal army exists. A recently published report of the office of the auditor general, which states that 7263 million Nepalese rupees remains unaccounted in the army assistance fund, provides a small hint to how deep the higher echelon of the royal army leadership has plunged into financial irregularity and corruption. Perhaps, nobody knows how many millions or trillions of rupees is illegally appropriated while purchasing arms and ammunitions and while sending the soldiers to the UN peacekeeping mission. Moreover, the royal army can never adopt democratic characters until Shah, Rana and Gorkhali courtiers continue to dominate its higher echelon. In such circumstances, all real democrats should seriously hold that full democracy or democratic republicanism cannot be established in the country unless the royal army is dissolved and a new national army is formed. The progressive political way out is not possible unless we realize this fact and break the backbone of the army and our party has reached to the conclusion that there is no alternative to end the ceasefire to achieve this goal.

The second important issue to consider is that the progressive political way out based on 12-point understanding cannot be realized through the pressure of peaceful popular movement in the regime dominated by the present King, his notorious son, the army involved in the Nagarkot massacre, and the former Mandales (pro-palace hoodlums) who now occupy the positions of ministers and administrators. The valid concern that the royal army would follow the measures of intense repression and bloodshed once the peaceful people's movement reaches its apex has been expressed by the United Nations, the responsible authorities of the European Union and the US Senator Patrick Leahy, and we cannot describe their concern as insignificant. In this situation it will be an unforgivable mistake of the political leadership if they do not make necessary preparations for meaningful resistance against the royal army's repression and mass killing. Therefore, all should seriously think about the historic necessity of a new action plan which can appropriately coordinate people's peaceful movement and armed resistance. In this context, our party has reached to the conclusion that by extending the ceasefire people, who are becoming ready to be involved in the decisive movement for achieving democratic republicanism, should not be deprived from their right to retaliate against the almost certain armed oppression.

Thirdly, all democratic forces need to be united to make the tactics of the King unsuccessful as he is now committed to hold the meaningless election of the so-called municipal councils while ignoring the vivid national problems. As the drama of election is going to be staged within the barracks of the royal army, an ordinary boycott will not be enough to make it unsuccessful. Therefore, as we use thorn to remove thorn, armed retaliation of the people is necessary to destroy the slapstick of election which is going to be held within the army barracks and our decision to end the ceasefire is based on our analysis that the extension of ceasefire would be suicidal in such circumstances. Moreover, it becomes a minimum responsibility of the people's liberation army to resist against the terrorism being enacted by the royal army over people all over the country including Rolpa.

Given this overall situation, the extension of ceasefire without any political way out would be culminated as the mere assistance to autocracy- a mistake which a revolutionary party cannot afford to make. Our foreign friends who are requesting us to extend our unilateral ceasefire and to be optimistic about the King must understand this as, like a modern Nero, the King is busy visiting African countries and the Eastern Region at the time when important political decision has become inevitable.

As far as the concern about the difficulty in the execution of 12-point understanding after the breach of ceasefire is concerned, we see no contradiction on this. This is because the first point –"understanding has been made to focus attacks against the autocratic monarchy independently, and bring it to an end and establish full democracy by intensifying the ongoing democratic movement across the country" -is the essence of this understanding. It is not difficult to understand even for the obtuse that the term 'independently' refers to the armed attack by the force involved in the people's war and armless attack by the forces involved in people's movement. Moreover, the 12-point understanding nowhere includes, and cannot include, any provision for obligatory ceasefire. On the contrary, it is easy to understand that we first need to destroy the military power to end the monarchy which has become autocratic due to the support it receives from the army. Therefore, nobody should fall into the misapprehension that the 12-point understanding will end along with the end of ceasefire, and the true democratic forces need to be ready to counter the false impressions which the royal regime may try its best to spread.

The differences, which exist between the seven political parties and the Maoists about the form of the struggle, may certainly create some practical difficulties even after their agreement on the common minimum program of democracy, peace and progressive move. Problems may arise in the task of coordinating the village-centered armed struggle and city-centered people's movement. However, all successful revolutions from all over the world have amply proved that there exists no Chinese wall between rural and urban; and armed and unarmed movements, and they have to be transformed into one another at a certain time. The inadequacy of our past movements of 1950 and 1990 have also proved that proper coordination of rural and urban; and armed and unarmed movements is not only necessary but also unavoidable to bring the autocratic monarchy to an end and for establishing full democracy or democratic republicanism. This is probably the biggest challenge facing the democratic forces at the moment, and the leaders of our political parties will be tested through this historic ordeal

There is a high probability that next few months will be the most important period in the whole history of Nepal. The most unpopular King of the Nepalese history and the royal army are preparing to fight against the power of the people who support democracy. The King's recent activities prove that he is unwilling to bow down to people, but is ready to stake his throne. The King's arrogance and obstinacy even without any visible support from international power is certainly mysterious. But, in our view, it is just like the hollow bragging of a bankrupt village landlord whose calculations are based on false figures. Firstly, he might be dreaming to buy off the leaders of major parliamentary parties once again, or of breaking those parties apart. Secondly, he may be finally conceiving of receiving international support against the Maoists in the name of cracking down on 'terrorism'. But the feudal and regressive consciousness of the King has not allowed him to understand that this is 2006, not 1961, and that the Maoists, instead of being the mechanical and orthodox communists of 20th century, are the dynamic and creative revolutionaries of the 21st century. Therefore, it is certain that a huge storm against the monarchy is soon going to erupt. The atmosphere of democratic republicanism has already developed in the country. Some leaders who still hold the hangover of ceremonial monarchy will have to choose between listening to the voices of their own party cadres and people or be swept aside by history. The King has already chosen his path by brushing aside the 12-point understanding. It is the turn of the seven parties and the Maoists to choose their path. The announcement of the end of ceasefire is the conch -blowing of the same. Let all be aware!

(This article was published in Jana Astha weekly)                                                                                -Baburam Bhattarai

                                                                                                                                     January 2006





Finally, the four month long ceasefire, on behalf of the Party CPNM, broke down on January 2. This was announced by Chairman Prachanda through a public statement.  The Party had entered three month unilateral ceasefire on September 2005 and one month extension on December 1. It may be recalled that the Party had extended into ceasefire with respect to peace and for the sake of full democracy (democratic republic).

On behalf of the entire Party, Com. Prachanda, Chairman of the Party and Supreme Commander of PLA, would like to express its heartfelt gratitude to the entire pro-democracy and pro-peace forces who have welcomed and supported the ceasefire, in and outside of the country, for it has taken up a responsible initiative for a peaceful and forward-looking political way out for the civil war with the conviction of multiparty democracy.


"The royal state, exhibiting terrible feudal obstinacy and totalitarianism, remained stuck in persevering with military terror against the country and people. The royal army that had been killing unarmed cadres in its custody in the different places of the country including Palpa and Morang during the first three months killed, at the last phase, up to comrade Kim Bahadur Thapa (Sunil), a popular leader of our party by an air attack. In the later one-month period, the so-called royal army, exhibiting more fascist character, at the last, going through Nagarkot massacre, has been adventuring to maintain a reign of terror against the people in the name of military operation in Rolpa, and barbarous acts like looting of people's shops and blazing houses are being carried on. In the same manner, the royal army has already come forward with a strategy of carrying out land and air attack by encircling the detachments of our People's Liberation Army, which has been in a defensive situation all across the country now. ", said Chairman Prachada in a statement.

As a result of a new situation emerged in question of saving not only for people's democracy and peace against the feudal autocracy but also self-defence of people and People Liberation Army by Gyanendra and his cannibalistic gang (Nagarkot, Pokhara and other parts of countries bloody massacre, which has done by RNA, has been proved it) end of four month truce is the party's obligation.

Chairman Pranchanda has issued a press statement dealing with ceasefire truce. The full text of the statement issued on March 27, 2002, is as follows:


"The period of one month's ceasefire extended after three months, on the behalf of our party, has also been over. Our party would like to express its heartfelt gratitude to the entire pro-democracy and pro-peace forces that have welcomed and supported the ceasefire, in and outside of the country, for it has taken up a responsible initiative for a peaceful and forward-looking political way out for the civil war with the conviction of multiparty democracy. In the meantime, a 12-point understanding between our party and seven parliamentarian political parties, for a movement of democracy and peace, has been achieved and the people have ratified this. Amid this, our party has carried out very positive interaction on our understanding and conviction towards democracy and peace with different international institutions, organisations and forces including the UNO and a number of understandings have been built around it.

As a result of the aforesaid new situation, extensive requests had been made from in and outside of the country to the feudal autocratic royal power to return back to democracy and peace with a positive response to the ceasefire. But, the royal state, exhibiting terrible feudal obstinacy and totalitarianism, remained stuck in persevering with military terror against the country and people. The royal army that had been killing unarmed cadres in its custody in the different places of the country including Palpa and Morang during the first three months killed, at the last phase, up to comrade Kim Bahadur Thapa (Sunil), a popular leader of our party by an air attack. In the later one-month period, the so-called royal army, exhibiting more fascist character, at the last, going through Nagarkot massacre, has been adventuring to maintain a reign of terror against the people in the name of military operation in Rolpa, and barbarous acts like looting of people's shops and blazing houses are being carried on. In the same manner, the royal army has already come forward with a strategy of carrying out land and air attack by encircling the detachments of our People's Liberation Army, which has been in a defensive situation all across the country now.

This ground reality clarifies our obligation that we have to go into offensive, by calling off ceasefire, not only for people's democracy and peace against the feudal autocracy but also for the self-defence of the People's Liberation Army. We deeply understand and honour the appeal made by the institutions including the UNO and EU to extend the ceasefire. Likewise, we also understand and admire the request made by peace-loving institutions within the country and Nepali Congress (Democratic), one of the constituents of agitating seven political parties, in the context of its convention, to extend the ceasefire. But, in the backdrop of aforesaid fascistic new activities of the royal army, we request to take seriously the reality that it has been not only impossible for us to extend, despite our wish, the ceasefire but also is going to become suicidal to do so and appeal to all to raise voice forcefully against this situation. With this appeal, we declare that the ceasefire of our party has been called off.    

What we want to clarify here is that our forthcoming military actions will be targeted against the autocratic royal power only. For an immediate sense, our military actions will be targeted upon the royal army and its hired informers that are going to stage a drama of so-called municipality election aimed at covering up their autocracy. Also we want here to repeat our conviction that we will assist as far as possible the peaceful movement of seven political parties and contribute to advancing forward the 12-point understanding to our capacity. Here we want also to clarify that if the process of making the people sovereign through the election of interim government and constituent assembly by means of a broad national political convention or round table conference is ascertained, our party will remain prepared to contribute for a peaceful political way out by calling off ceasefire at any point. But, if the terrorist acts of the autocratic feudal elements like Gyanendra-Paras and their military gang that had brought the last negotiation to a break by means of the Dorambha massacre and call off of the present ceasefire by Rolpa operation continue we would like to repeat our determination to continue fighting till the end in favor of Nepal and Nepalese people. In the present context when, Nepalese people's emancipation has been seen impossible without raising guns against those of feudal autocracy, there is no other alternative than creating a storm of peaceful and armed movement. Therefore, our party strongly appeals the broad masses to unite with the goal of wiping out forever the feudal autocratic monarchy for the sake of democracy, peace and progress. Right to rebel against the feudal atrocity is the biggest human right of the Nepalese people at present. Hence, we appeal the UNO, international community and the world masses to honour and support this right. "



Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)






On the heel of the breakdown of unilateral ceasefire, the Party, and Preparatory Committee for Broad National Political Conference [United Revolutionary People’s Council (URPC)] have announced a series of struggle programmes against the genocide royal regime's Municipal election and pave the way out to the election for Constitution Assembly called for Nepal Bandh (general shut-down) on February 5 to 11. A joint statement issued by Party Chairman and Supreme Commander of the PLA Com. Prachanda and Com. Baburam Bhattarai, Coordinator of the Preparatory Committee for Broad National Political Conference of URPC, on December 22, 2005 has flash out the programme and its slogans of struggle. They strongly requested to all Nepali citizens to disrupt the local municipal elections and pave the way out to the election for Constitution Assembly.


The full text of the statement is as follows:-


"Autocracy or Democracy?  This issue has stood for Nepal and Nepalese as question of life or death. All doors of peaceful political solution have been closed by the repressive, autocratic and dictators of the Palace faction and forced people into a do or die condition.  With higher responsibility of people’s wishes and desire for peace and democracy and create a peaceful environment for political way out, the (Maoist) party had announced the ceasefire. But in return how and what did the Royal government and their armed forces offer? One of the dedicated and popular leaders of the Party Comrade Kim Bahadur Thapa (Sunil) and several others unarmed political activists have been killed and lately in Nagarkot, King Gyanendra’s regime has dreadfully massacred and given answers to ceasefire. For democracy and peace, CPN( Maoists) and seven Parliamentary Parties have agreed upon 12 points agenda but Royal autocratic government has declared from Tulsi Giri a shadow of Partyless Panchayati System and disclosed their character of tyranny and suppression. This autocratic government has tried and forced to the people working at different sectors of society like Communications, Information Developments and many others to follow them to their service by bringing ordinance one after another. The international organizations and people who put their views and opinions for peace and democracy have been neglected but government has been working to expand military cruelty and close relationship with religious fundamentalists.


Due to these situations, all groups of Nepalese society including all caste, creed, region, gender from people have to come forward to save the country and for future generation for the final and decisive struggle and revolution and there is no other option. If we look at the history, people have struggled to overthrow and dispose the autocratic and dictatorial Monarchy and paved the way for peaceful, developed and democratic nation.  The Government has looked at the announced of ceasefire and 12 points agreement as a weakness and a ploy, which clearly shows that they are against peace and democracy.  The election of Constituent Assembly is a popular democratic process which we mentioned to conduct under International supervision but the Royal government has rejected our proposal and wants to play with the blood of the people to show their character.  They are showing their criminal faces and announced for local municipal elections to cover them.  These facts have made it crystal clear that in the solid context of Nepal the Royal Government and their armed forces are illegitimate and terrorist camps. Obviously, to fight against the dictatorial Royal criminal government forces is the people’s legitimate and democratic rights and responsibilities.


Hence, we have asked the United Nations and other international communities to stop support and contact with Royal Government and we request legitimate support on our 12 points agenda of people’s aspiration for peace and democracy.  We appeal to all people, caste, creed, gender, region and all groups, to come forward for the end of corrupt autocracy. For the new process and establishment of democratic republic, the election for the constitutional assembly will pave the way out and we urge to create vigorous struggle to all to overthrow Royal government. We request all educated and informed groups of the society and people to support us that this royal autocratic government will not be able to see the Nepali New Year.  We request all the soldiers of the Royal Nepal Army and other security forces to rebel against Gyanendra, Paras and other royal army generals who are making millions and billions of amounts, and support the pro-people patriotic forces. We specially request all military and armed forces all to stand for people and democracy to fight against them and show nationalism and people’s power.  The army men, officials should understand that in this 21st century we are educated and informed and we need to know that we are responsible and work for the people not for the autocratic, criminal and corrupt King Gyandendra and Paras. With our duties, we need to stand for the modern, scientific and constitutional Nepal and people.


Finally, we strongly request all Nepali citizens to disrupt the local municipal elections and pave the way out to the election for Constitution Assembly.


With all those above mentioned appeals, we issue struggle programs against royal autocratic regime as follows:


Struggle Programs


Paush 7 to Paush end, Publicity and information

Magh 1 – 12, People’s gathering, participation, talk programs

Magh- 13-22,   People’s punishment programs (The officials and candidates involved in so called municipal elections will be punished)

Magh 23- 29 – National strike (transportation, market, education institutions, industries and offices)

Note: Other additional programs may also be announced through other people and regional organizations and also programs to support the programs of seven parliamentary parties



  1. End of autocratic and feudal monarchy and establish democratic republic.
  2.  Disrupt announced municipal elections, prepare for constitution assembly
  3.  Implement 12 point understanding and work for united revolution


Date: 22 December, 2005




CPN (Maoist) and Supreme Commander, People's Liberation Army Nepal


Baburam Bhattarai  


Preparatory Committee for Broad National Political Conference                                                                   

United Revolutionary People's Council,                                                                                                                                                                                Nepal




After the breakdown of unilateral ceasefire, intensive military actions by the People Liberation Army (PLA) have rocked the country since than. Everyday dozens of military actions, mostly in the form of charismatic commando attack, sabotage and annihilations, have taken place in almost all the urban center of the country. The discernible new trend has been to focus the military actions more in the cities and Terai (plain) areas and carry out more of decentralized actions, which has spread panic on the enemy headquarter. Among them, commando raid in the main entrance gate of Kathmandu valley, Phaparbari of Makawanpur, Nepal Gunj and Kailali's are significant fighting at this incident.

On January 14 at 5:40 P.M, PLA stormed into the police check post (2K.M. near unified command base camp) at Thankot, right on the periphery of the capital, Kathmandu, within minutes.  Thankot is the major overland entry point to Kathmandu. PLA, also simultaneous raided on same day at the same time at Dadhikot a police post, in Bhaktapur district, second main entrance gate of Kathmandu valley. Total of 17 policemen were Dadhikot stationed during the time of offensive.  Courageous attacked simultaneously after entering the police office and check post at Thankot, and 14 policemen including one Inspector were killed in these two separate and all arms and ammunitions were captured by PLA. There were over 40 police personals were stationed at the Thankot check post during the time of surprise PLA raid. These coordinated attacks launched by selected Urban Special Task Force of Bethan Memorial Fifth Brigade under the Valley Central Command. Meanwhile, the PLA launched similar attacks at ward police posts in Kirtipur Municipal office; ward no 9 of Lalitpur municipality at Chyasal, ward no 6 office of Kathmandu metropolitan at Bouddha, and Sankhu at same evening. There has been no casualty on the part of the PLA.

This is the first major assault on criminal Gyanendra and his butcher company in the Kathmandu valley by the PLA after the breakdown of the four-month-long unilateral ceasefire. In December 2004, PLA had assaulted a police post at Sankhu at the outskirts of Kathmandu killing four police personnel. Referring to 14th Jan attacks in the Kathmandu valley, in-charge of the "Valley Central Command", Com. Ananta, in a statement issued, said, "This is the beginning of our military strategy to strike the enemy's head." Com Ananta also reiterate the party's "commitment" to work in unity with the seven parliamentary parties, the civil society, and all democratic and left forces of the country to end the "feudal monarchy" and establish a "democratic republic."

Another heroic successful attacked on 20 Jan evening (around 6:15 P.M.) in the various parts of Nepalgunj Municipality, headquarters of the mid-western old state security forces. B.P. Chock base station and Jamunaiha police post (check post near Nepal India border) were completely destroyed. At least 6 armed policemen were killed at that fight.  The PLA have seized various types of 11 weapons and arms. At least six policemen were killed and three others injured when Nepalese heroes attacked two Police Check Posts in Nepalgunj, in Mid-Western Nepal.  Once again, Revolutionary fighters launched massive attacks at almost all the royal security posts in Nepalgunj on Jan 24th evening.  The fighters simultaneously attacked ward, district and zonal police offices, police training center, District Administration Office, along with army’s posts with courageous ideological weapons at around 8.15 p.m. that evening. At least six security personnel were killed and eight others were injured in the attack. One PLA fighters attained martyrdom during that fighting. This is a second major attack within one week in Nepalgung.


As part of a series of attacks on old-government offices, the PLA sabotaged Biratnagar Sub-Metropolitan office and MechiNagar Municipality on Jan 21. On 14th Jan night, PLA sabotage the house of Chief of RNA PyarJung Thapa at Besigau, Jorpati in the Kthmandu valley.  Similarly, the PLA on 14th night bombed the old state's Dadeldhura District Development Committee office and Amargadhi Municipality simultaneously in far western region.


In some of the most heroic money-actions more than 3 million rupees were captured from government-owned commercial banks in Birendranagar, Surkhet district located just a few hundred meters away from the RNA barracks, on first weak of Jan.

Similarly, revolutionary fighters have caused bomb explosions and destroyed the relay tower of the old state-owned Nepal Television at Hetauda on 18th Jan. They exploded bombs at the relay tower located at ward no. 9 of Hetauda municipality at around 5 p. m. that evening.

Within the last fifteen days, successful raids and annihilations were carried out against police outposts and old state strategic regime base office (District Development Office and Municipality Office) in Meachi to Mahakali, specially terai region and elsewhere. Dozens of police (civil and armed) and RNA soldiers were killed in successful clashes in Shyangja, Makwanpur, Nepalgunj, ect, and several informers annihilated. A series of high sabotages against the government offices in more than dozens of districts as well as Kathmandu valley on 1st January to till date and PLA broke down the spine of the reactionaries.


Apart from these innumerable decentralized actions throughout the length and breadth of the country, a major encounter took place with a 300 strong RNA force (with ranger battalion) at Jhurijhure in Phaparbari (Makawanpur) on January 21. In one of the longest exercise of positional warfare extending overnight at 19 hours, the valiant PLA fighters successfully repulsed the RNA mercenaries, killing 64, injuring more than 50 and capturing thousands of rounds of precious ammunitions and other equipments. 22 PLA fighters with battalion assistant commissar Com. Kalyan, company Commander Com. Rabin, company vice Commander Com. Shikhar attained glorious martyrdom during the process. "The PLA have seized various types of weapons and explosives including LMG, INSAS, more than five thousands bullet and logistics from the clash site," said Com. Ananta (In-charge, Valley Central Command, CPN-Maoist and Deputy Commander PLA).





In Kathmandu, thousands of the people under the leadership of the seven-party alliance staged a protest demonstration in Basantapur Durbar Square and New Road in the capital Kathmandu on Jan 21. Protest rallies were taken out from various corners of the town that afternoon despite police intervention at various intersections resulting in clashes between the protestors and the police.

The protester chanted anti-king and pro-republican slogans. "We want democracy. Down with genocide Gynendra! Down with police repression! Autocracy will collapse! Long Live - Peoples' Unity!" they chanted. The pro-democracy vanguard activists also burnt tires at various intersections in the town, while students and police pelted stones, bricks at one another at several places.

The royal security personnel detained hundreds political leaders, cadres and supporter people from the demonstrations. Over dozens of activists of the alliance were injured when police intervened and baton-charged the peaceful gatherings at Bashantapur Durbar Square and New Road areas in the capital that afternoon. Security forces detained over 500 leaders and cadres of the alliance on Thursday (19th Jan) morning to foil the alliance's protest demonstration set for Friday (20th Jan).           

On 16 Jan, in a clear bid to foil the seven-party alliance's protest demonstration in the capital on January 20, the genocide royal regime banned rallies, demonstrations and other political gatherings in the areas inside the capital's Ring Road since the so-called "Maoist infiltration" in seven parties' mass movement. But CPN-Maoist has dismissed royal regime claim that the PLA are planning to infiltrate on Jan 20's mass meeting being organized by the seven political party alliance's mass movement.


In a statement issued on 18th Jan, Chairman Comrade Prachanda has expressed commitment that the party will not indulge in activities including use of force, infiltration or any other provocative activities during Friday’s (Jan 21st) mass meet organized by the seven political party alliances. Com. Chairman reiterated that "our party’s full support to the peaceful protest programmes being launched by the political parties in line with the 12-point understanding between our party and the seven political party alliances."Our party would again like to make it clear that there will be nothing like the use of force, infiltration or any other provocative activities from our side in the January 20 peaceful protest demonstration of the seven political parties,' Com.  Prachanda said in a statement. 

"If the autocratic feudal regime gives continuity to its ban orders and repressive measures, despite this announcement of ours, then it becomes the right and duty of all Nepalese people to forbid it forever," the Chairman said in the statement.

Chairman also said that the government ban on public gatherings in the valley only showed the government's "defeated mentality" and appealed to the general public to defy the ban orders and participate in the Friday showdown of the seven parties.

Com. Prachanda also reiterated the party's commitment to extend full support to the political parties' peaceful protest programmes as per the 12-point understanding reached between the CPN-Maoist and the seven-party alliance. 

Full text is as follows:

"The absolute feudal elements, who have been loosing common sense, are talking of ban and curfew against the people at the time, when a peaceful protest rally the seven parliamentarian political parties had declared on January 20 in Kathmandu is approaching closer. In the context when our party, avowing its determination of full support to peaceful protests of seven political parties through 12-point understanding, was keeping on its supportive conduct, the so-called curfew that has been imposed by making “Maoist” infiltration as an excuse, in fact, clarifies the cowardice, stupidity and defeated mentality only of the feudal elements. Here, our party would like to again clarify that there will in no case be instigated the activities like use of force, infiltration or exciting acts on our behalf in the peaceful protest organized by seven political parties on January 20. In spite of this assertion of ours, it comes to be a right and duty of the Nepalese people to negate the absolute feudal power forever from the Nepalese soil if it carries on with curfew and repression against the peaceful programs of the seven political parties. So, our party appeals the broad masses of the country to exhibit people’s strength by pouring down into street, defying the curfew of feudal murders. Time to obliterate forever the feudal murderers that are trying to play with blood of the people is now coming closer and it is sure that the aspiration of progress, democracy and peace of the Nepalese people will be fulfilled with the end of absolute feudal power. In this historical turning point, our party forcefully appeals the pro-people organizations, institutions and forces all over the world to raise voice in favour of democratic movement of the Nepalese people. "

January 20, 2006



C.P.N. (Maoist)

Meanwhile, the alliance of seven political parties on 21 Jan. called for a nationwide general strike on January 26. A meeting of the seven-party alliance, which took place following the 21st demonstrations, made the decision calling for the strike. The strike has been called in order to protest against the royal government-imposed restrictions on civil liberties and police repression on demonstrators.




 (This is a press statement of CCOMPOSA released on 26th December, 2005)


                                  Stop State Terror against Maoists in India!      

Demand Immediate Release of com. Sunil Roy, Gaurav, Kiran & Others!!


We, the Maoist Parties of South Asia strongly condemn the State terror on the people of India, particularly their vanguard, the CPI (Maoist). Ever since the merger of the two parties, the MCCI and CPI (ML (PW) {both members of the CCOMPOSA} and the formation of the united CPI (Maoist), the Central and State governments of India have been unleashing maniacal terror against it. We strongly condemn this and warn that the greater the repression the greater will be the people’s wrath.


It is now many months that the Indian government has been illegally detaining senior leader and politburo member of CPI (M) com Sunil Roy. In spite of his advanced age and poor health they are treating him like an ordinary criminal. Com. Sunil Roy (publicly known as Com. Shome) is not only a respected leader of the Indian revolutionary movement he was also known internationally, being one of the important members of the CCOMPOSA. In addition they also continue to illegally incarcerate senior leaders and politburo members of the CPN (Maoist), comrades Kiran and Gaurav and many other Nepalese Maoists.


The CCOMPOSA demands the unconditional and immediate release of these senior leaders and all other political prisoners of South Asia illegally being detained in Indian prisons.


Besides, it has recently come to our notice from the media that the Indian rulers have been unleashing a most brutal and barbaric campaign, in the name of Salwa Judum, against the tribal of Bastar (Chhatisgarh) who are under the leadership of the Maoists. It is reported the Para-military and lumpen forces led by an MLA have been resorting to terror of unspeakable nature of killing, burning, and looting.  It is reported over 100 tribal have been killed and not even women and children have been spared. Their heads are being severed and stuck on their own houses to create terror. Over 30 young women have been gang-raped and six of them killed. 40 villages have been burnt down and villagers gathered and kept in Vietnamese-style strategic hamlets. The terror is reported to be going on till today. It is reminiscent of British rule in India.


The CCOMPOSA demands the immediate end to this terror, the restoration of human rights in the region, and strict action against all those responsible.


It is known that the Indian expansionists' rulers, backed by their imperialist masters, have resorted to such terror not only in India but other countries of South Asia in the past like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and also against the nationality movements of Kashmir and the North-East. The methods adopted go against all civilized norms and will breed hatred against the Indian rulers in the entire region.


CCOMPOSA demands the immediate end to the terror in Chattisgarh and a public enquiry by an international tribunal into the so-called Salwa Judum going on since the past five months.


Co-ordination Committee of Maoist Parties and Organization

Of South Asia (CCOMPOSA)

December 26, 2005



 (This is a leaflet of World People's Resistance Movement on European Speaking Tour)



 As you read this leaflet, a still little known struggle involving millions of people is taking place in Nepal that is transforming that country in the most dramatic fashion imaginable. A transformation that is seeing Nepal goes from being one of the poorest and most backward countries on the Earth to the very forefront of social change and advance on this planet. A people’s revolution is making imperialism history in Nepal!


For over a century the ruling elite in Nepal has served the British and US imperialists and Indian expansionists in exploiting the masses and plundering the natural resources of the country. Headed by a feudal monarch they have violently suppressed resistance that workers, peasants, students and intellectuals put up against exploitation and oppression. The old rotten society, a prison house of different nationalities and a hellhole for women has been protected by foreign powers, the reactionary state and its backbone – the Royal Nepal Army and the police. 


In 1990 the monarchy was forced by the people’s movement to retreat from its absolute power and a multi-party parliamentary system with one of the broadest ranges of political parties in the world was re-introduced. The Nepalese people expected that food, clean drinking water and proper sanitation would become available for the poor, houses would be built and lit, and health care and education would be provided. They expected abolition of women’s and cast oppression; subordination of national minorities; rampant corruption, bribery, nepotism and theft at all levels of government. However, the many ills of the old society became even worse, bitterly dashing people’s hopes and expectations. 


In this situation the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) took the decision to launch what the Maoists call a People’s War. In February 1996, starting with just a handful of organized units and only a few simple weapons, some of them even homemade – but with the political support of millions of people – they made a series of attacks across the country aimed at the old state combined with other mass actions on which many thousands of people took part. The goal of this struggle was not to force just a few reforms or reach some kind of “power sharing” agreement, but to end foreign domination, thoroughly uproot the feudal structures that dominate Nepali society at all levels and to radically transform social relations in all spheres. The CPN (M) has said that they are leading this struggle as a conscious part of a worldwide revolutionary process in which they are taking part.


The People’s War that began in February 1996 has advanced since then with amazing speed. Today over 80% of the Nepal’s territory and the majority of its people live in areas under the control of the revolution, while the king’s regime has been confined to just the cities and main towns. Revolutionary Base Areas have been established in which real People’s Power has become a reality for the first time in the history of Nepal. In these areas the people themselves collectively exercise political power to change the society for the benefit of the vast majority. In the Base Areas the people are building up a new society using People’s Committees as its building blocks. The People’s Committees are elected by the people and united on a central level in the United Revolutionary People’s Council (URPC), which is the embryo of a new state and represents the emergence of the people’s political power on a nationwide level.


With the establishment of the revolutionary Base Areas in the countryside national minorities and women are exercising new found freedom and power; an independent economy is being developed; the hated caste system is being abolished so that for the first time in the history of South Asia “dalits” (“untouchables”) are gaining true equality in society; trafficking of women, children, drugs and also prostitution, wife beating, dowries… have been ended; education has become free for all children and youth; people enjoy complete protection against corrupt government officials and the feudal landlords; and a new culture has been promoted where science, creativity and debate is replacing superstition, ignorance and blind obedience. The outlines of a new Nepal – and a new world – are becoming more and more visible every day.


The CPN (M) has stated that the People’s War has entered its final stage – the strategic offensive. However, the monarchy and its imperialist backers continue to launch offensives aimed at beating the revolution back into a defensive position and eventually defeating it. On February 1, 2005 King Gyanendra re-instituted the absolute monarchy, suspended all rights, closed dozens of newspapers and radio stations putting all over media under open censorship and imprisoning over a thousand political activists – including former government ministers. Mass killings of non-combatants, rape and torture are the main tactics of the Royal Nepalese Army and its US, Israeli and Indian “advisors”. Nepal leads the world in the number of “disappeared”. The danger of open foreign military intervention is growing – most probably by the Indian army supported by the US and European imperialists.


The World People’s Resistance Movement (WPRM) sees the revolution in Nepal as the most advanced struggle against imperialism in the world today. The existence of genuine People’s Power there has profound implications for the people’s struggle against imperialism around the world. International solidarity will become a meaningless phrase if people around the world do not unite to oppose foreign intervention in Nepal and support the gains the people’s struggle there has won at the cost of great sacrifice. The battle shaping up around Nepal will undoubtedly be one of the historic struggles of the first half of 21st century – and it is one we must dare to wage and seek to win!


The speaking tour that the WPRM, its affiliated organizations and other groups and individuals are organizing throughout Europe to help spread the news of the revolution in Nepal features a well-informed speaker from South Asia along with the latest news from the Base Areas and People’s War. It will provide a unique opportunity to learn about and discuss first-hand the true developments in Nepal and their meaning for the people there and everywhere. We urge everyone to support, help build for and attend the program in their country and city.








Published by:


International Department



E-mail address:  inf_bulletin@yahoo.com


URL:                   cpnm.org