Eastern Horizon Magazine
Published in Hong Kong (1960-1981)
A progressive monthly magazine published in Hong Kong starting in July 1960, which was supportive of the Chinese Revolution (at least during the Mao era), and also of revolution elsewhere in the world. It is said that it originally expressed something of the legacy of the “Bandung spirit”, or at any rate had an international perspective focusing on Asia and Africa especially. Among its regular contributors in its first years were Rewi Alley, Han Suyin, Mulk Raj Anand, Wong Phui Nam and Tiang Hong.
The founding editor of the magazine was Liu Pengju, who had previously worked at newspapers in Hong Kong which were published by the Communist Party of China. Thereafter it was edited by Lee Tsung-ying. During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China it appears that Eastern Horizon also became more revolutionary. But after Mao’s death, the magazine soon shifted with the revisionist winds to the right.
Unfortunately we only have a few issues of this interesting magazine available to us. If you know of the availability of other issues of Eastern Horizon, which can be scanned and posted here, please contact us at:
Eastern Horizon
- 1960:
- Vol. 1, No. 2 — August: PDF format [66 pages; 14,013 KB]
- Vol. 1, No. 3 — September: PDF format [66 pages; 27,191 KB]
- 1961:
- Vol. 1, No. 15 — December: PDF format [64 pages; 25,945 KB]
- 1969:
- Vol. 8, No. 4: PDF format [74 pages; 9,388 KB]
Some major individual articles:
- “Highlights of the Historical Struggle between the Two Lines in the Communist Party of China”, Part I, by Gerald Tannebaum, 22 pages. PDF format [3,164 KB]
- “The Rebirth of a Chinese University”, by Barbara Mututantri, 11 pages. PDF format [1,600 KB]
- “Letter From Africa: Nazism in Africa”, by Tom Tsekie, 6 pages. PDF format [705 KB]
- “Arabic Literature”, by Husein Rofé, 6 pages. PDF format [854 KB]
- 1972:
- Vol. 11, No. 2: PDF format [76 pages; 9,559 KB]
Some major individual articles:
- “The Edgar Snow I Knew”, by Rewy Alley, 4 pages. PDF format [454 KB]
- “The Poetry of Ho Chi Minh”, by E. San Juan, Jr., 7 pages. PDF format [752 KB]
- “A Revoltionary Ballet”, by Mark J. Scher, about the Red Detachment of Women, 4 pages. PDF format [521 KB]
- “All Weak-kneed and Bureaucratic Thinking—OUT!”, an interview with Joris Ivens by Martin Even, 3 pages. PDF format [752 KB]
- “New Zealand and China”, by Rewy Alley, 9 pages. PDF format [1,222 KB]
- “The Political Economy of Vietnamisation”, by Gordon White, 10 pages. PDF format [1,370 KB]
- Vol. 11, No. 6: PDF format [74 pages; 9,358 KB]
Some major individual articles:
- “A Journey to Chiyuan”, by Rewy Alley, 16 pages. PDF format [2,298 KB]
- “Medicine in China Today”, by Stuart Maddin, MD, 6 pages. PDF format [766 KB]
- “Chinese Factories Are Exciting Places!” (Concluded), by Janet Goldwasser and Stuart Dowty, 12 pages. PDF format [1,624 KB]
- 1973:
- Vol. 12, No. 6: PDF format [74 pages; 9,340 KB]
Some major individual articles:
- “Eastern Diary”, by Lee Tsung-ying, about the nature of the campaign against Confucius, and the famous philosopher Feng Yu-lan’s role in that campaign, 5 pages. PDF format [566 KB]
- “The Chinese Minority in Indonesia”, by Adil Rakindo, 13 pages. PDF format [1,808 KB]
- “Two Line Struggle Travel Notes”, by David Crook, 6 pages. PDF format [761 KB]
- “Free to Be Human”, by Felix Greene, 4 pages. PDF format [521 KB]
- 1974:
- Vol. 13, No. 5: PDF format [76 pages; 9,443 KB]
Some major individual articles:
- “Dialogue on the Peasant Art of Huhsien”, by S. Marie Carson, with several pages of illustrations, some in color, 16 pages. PDF format [2,295 KB]
- “China’s Institute of Biophysics and Other Scientific Institutions”, by H. Ti Tien, 17 pages. PDF format [2,316 KB]
- 1975:
- Vol. 14, No. 1: PDF format [76 pages; 9,362 KB]
Some major individual articles:
- “A New Kind of Revolution”, by Ruth Gamberg, 15 pages. PDF format [1,902 KB]
- “Hu Shih and the May 4th Movement”, part I, by Yu Chiu-yu, 6 pages. PDF format [722 KB]
- 1977:
- Vol. 16, No. 6: PDF format [56 pages; 9,793 KB]
Some major individual articles:
- “Eastern Diary: The Rise and Fall of the Gang of Four”, by Lee Tsung-ying, Part I, 15 pages. PDF format [2,793 KB]
- “Painters in China Today”, by Han Suyin, with 4 pages of contemporary paintings, totaling 10 pages. PDF format [1,787 KB]
- Vol. 16, No. 8: PDF format [56 pages; 27,813 KB]
- 1980:
- Vol. 19, No. 9: PDF format [56 pages; 7,927 KB]
Some major individual articles:
- “Eastern Diary”, by Lee Tsung-ying, 4 pages. PDF format [620 KB]
- “China’s Economic Development Strategy”, by Roland Berger, 10 pages. PDF format [1,511 KB]
- Vol. 19, No. 11: PDF format [56 pages; 8,573 KB]
Some major individual articles:
- “Eastern Diary: Planning and Market Force”, by Lee Tsung-ying, attempting to justify “market socialism”, 7 pages. PDF format [1,150 KB]
- “‘Rebel’ Artists Finally Recognized in Beijing”, by Robert C. Friend, promoting abstract and other forms of Western-style “modern art” which had formerly been deemed deviant in China, 9 pages. PDF format [1,301 KB]
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