Two Lines Struggle Journal
Published by an Association of Maoist Political Parties and Organizations
Two Lines Struggle is an international journal of Maoist politics. We believe it was inaugurated in late 2022 by much the same group of parties and organizations associated with the “Maoist Road” website and journal.
The first issue, from late 2022, focuses on the widespread desire to hold an international conference of MLM parties and organizations.
The second issue, from early 2023, focuses in part on criticism of the recent founding of a competing international organization of MLM parties and organizations, the “International Communist League”, which seems to be based on Gonzaloism. The article in this second issue by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) is especially noteworthy in this regard.
If you know of other issues of “Two Lines Struggle”, or other relevant information or documents by or about them which should be posted here, please contact us at:
Two Lines Struggle Journal
- #4, 2025 (probably February), 80 pages. English: Searchable PDF format [2,667 KB]
- Editorial
- For an International Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Conference
- PCm Italy: For the Unified International Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Conference
- MCC Brasil: Marxism-Leninism-Maoism: The Cornestone of Proletarian Revolution in Our Time
- UOC (mlm): The Anti-Imperialist Struggle and the World Proletarian
- Revolution
- Info and debate
- Comunist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan: The Current Situation of the Region and the World...
- CC, PBSP/Bangladesh - Our Position/Views on some of the subjects of Debate on the International Line
- International Commission of Pcm Italy: who want to “impose Maoism” attack the MLM parties that wage concrete people’s wars
- People's Wars
- Communist Party of India (Maoist): Celebrate the 20th Foundation Day Anniversary of the CPI (Maoist)
- Communist Party the Philippines: Set to blaze the revolutionary armed struggle for national democracy!...
- Joint Declaration
- May Day
- Palestine
- For Saibaba
- #3, 2024 (probably February), “Special Edition on the 130th Birth Anniversary of Mao Tse-tung”, 52 pages. English: Searchable PDF format [4,942 KB]
- Joint Declaration on the Occasion of 130th Birth Anniversary of Mao Tse-tung
- Declaration of RIM 1993: Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
- Maoist Communist Party of Italy: Long live Chairman Mao!
- Communist Workers’ Union (mlm): On the 130th of Mao and 30th of the Declaration of RIM
- Communist(Maoist) Party Afghanistan: Decisively support joint Declaration
- Proletarian Party of Purbo Bangla: Comments on the Joint Declaration
- Yeni Demokrasi: Maoism our Rallying Cry for Proletarian Power
- Palestine
- Communist Party of India (Maoist): We stand with Palestine!
- ICSPWI International actions week
- Maoist Communist Party of Italy: On Palestine’s situation
- People’s Wars
- CPI (Maoist): Imperialist War – Revolution
- CPI (Maoist): Annals of 2023
- #2, 2023 (evidently from early in the year), 96 pages. English (Corrected version): Searchable PDF format [3,581 KB]
- Editorial
- For an International Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Conference
- UOC (MLM) not participate in the International Conference of the CCIMU?
- Galicia: Communiqué on the UMIC and the ICL (CCCPMG)
- PCm Italy not participate in the Maoist International Conference
- Document UOC: “Leftism” and the struggle for communist unity
- Document PCI(Maoist): The Stand of CPI (Maoist) on the formation of International Communist League (ICL)
- Document CPP: On the announced formation by the International Communist League
- Critical notes about ICL Declaration from PCm Italy International Commission
- Political declaration and the principles of International Communist League
- Debate
- Imperialist war and proletarians - PCm Italy
- Multipolarism is not anti-imperialism!
- Statement from the RK Norway (RK)
- On the Initiative for Building a New International Organization/Forum of Maoists CC, PBSP
- Nepal -The Manifesto of Party Unity
- People’s Wars
- Final Message Of CPP Founding Chairperson Joma Sison
- May Day
- International Declaration Declaration by CPI(Maoist)
- UOC: May Day Passing in review our ranks
- PCm Italy: MDJD 2023 not only a declaration
- #1, 2022 (but evidently from late in the year), 100 pages. English: Searchable PDF format [2,848 KB]
- Editorial
- For an International Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Conference
- Proposal Regarding the Balance of the International Communist Movement and of its Current General Political Line - CUMIC
- On the “Proposal on the Balance of the International Communist Movement and its current General Political Line - For a Unified Maoist International Conference!” - UOC (mlm) Colombia
- Some critical notes on “For a Unified Maoist International Conference! - Proposal regarding the balance of the International Communist Movement and of its current General Political Line” - PCm Italy
- On the Unified Maoist Conference (UMIC) - CCPCM Galicia
- The Approach of Our Party on the Prepared Draft - TKP/ML Turkey
- Info for other documents in web-site
- Debate
- Brief critical Notes on “Our Position Against the Imperialist War in Ukraine” of Communist International website - PCm Italy
- On the “criticism” of the Italian comrades -
- On the Necessary Development of the Two Lines Struggle on the War in Ukraine - PCm Italy
- Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary - Maoist) by Maoist Outlook
- People’s Wars
- Answers of Basavraj, General Secretary of CC, CPI (Maoist) to the Questions of Journalist Alf
- Let’s develop the Revolutionary Struggle against the Imperialist World War Preparations! - Joint Declaration
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