
Shining Trenches of Combat
For many months, the political prisoners in Turkey have been
waging a life-and-death battle against the imperialist-backed
regime there. Several thousand political prisoners, living
in hell-holes notorious the world over, are fighting efforts
of the country's rulers to force them into the even more oppressive
conditions of the "F-type prisons". Dozens of the
Maoist and other revolutionary political prisoners have already
given their lives in this courageous combat.
Dramatic Twists
and Turns in the People's War in Nepal
Five years after the People's War began, the Communist Party
of Nepal (Maoist) is leading many thousands of fighters, armed
with guns and Maoism, to set up people's power in large parts
of the country. Faced with this, the reactionaries have been
shaken by internal fighting, which burst out most spectacularly
with the killing of the royal family in June 2001. Here CPN(M)
Chairman Prachanda gives an interview to AWTW dealing with
the questions facing the People's War today and its part in
the world proletarian revolution; also reprinted are important
resolutions from the recently concluded 2nd National Conference
of the CPN(M).
The Masses of
Iran Gain Weapon for Making Revolution
Rarely has a vanguard party of the proletariat been so sorely
needed or so thoroughly prepared as the newly founded Communist
Party of Iran (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist). After the 1979 revolution
that overthrew the hated US-backed Shah of Iran was hijacked
by the bloody butchers of the Islamic Republic, the masses
there have urgently needed a force that can lead them through
people's war to seize power, this time for the oppressed.
And now they have such a force: reprinted here are important
documents from the Founding Congress of the CPI(MLM).
Front Cover [Large jpg file: 460 KB]
Back Cover [Large jpg file: 303 KB]
Contents Page, and 2-page
list of previous issues with highlights. [PDF: 341 KB]
Ad for RIM Declaration [PDF: 62 KB]
Turkey's Prisons — Shining Trenches of Combat
[PDF: 13 pages, 1,963 KB],
with many sidebars, including:
- Let's Dedicate Our Lives to the People's War
- Carry the Death-fast Resistance to Victory! [TKP(ML)]
- You Have the Support of People Around the World
- A Diary of Gebze Prison
Letter to Turkish Prisoners on Hunger Strike,
from CoRIM. [PDF: 1 page, 92 KB]
Regime Changes, People's War Fights On
[PDF: 2 pages, 315 KB]
Unstoppable People's War
[PDF: 3 pages, 535 KB]
Day of Heroism Anniversary
[PDF: 2 pages, 327 KB]
7th International Delegation to Peru
[PDF: 3 pages, 592 KB]
The Emerging New Wave of Revolution
Palestine [PDF: 2 pages, 610 KB]
Algeria: Kabylia Uprising
[PDF: 2 pages, 388 KB]
Genoa: Throw Oil on the Fire! [PDF:
2 pages, 636 KB]
May First, 2001 [PDF: 3 pages, 664 KB]
Interview with Com. Prachanda
[PDF: 7 pages, 1,290 KB]
Future is Bright, Road is Tortuous
[PDF: 4 pages, 889 KB]
Document from Second National CPN(M) Conference
[PDF: 5 pages, 971 KB]
Excerpt from Document about International Situation
[PDF: 4 pages, 683 KB]
Excerpt from Document about Prachanda Path
[PDF: 1 page, 118 KB]
On the Massacre of the Royal Family, CPN(M)
Press Release. [PDF: 1 page, 128 KB]
To the Central Committee, Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist),
from CoRIM. [PDF: 2 pages, 302 KB]
Announcement of the Founding of the Communist Party of
Iran (MLM)
[PDF: 2 pages, 257 KB]
Speech at the CPI(MLM) Founding Congress
[PDF: 2 pages, 454 KB]
On Present Situation and Tasks of the Party
[PDF: 6 pages, 914 KB]
Includes: "Message to the Founding Congress from CoRIM"
Statement Announcing the Formation of CCOMPOSA
[PDF: 2 pages, 218 KB]
The Battle of Stalingrad
[PDF: 8 pages, 1,649 KB]
The Inexhaustible Source of Ahmad Shamloo's Art: The Life &
Struggle of the People [PDF: 7 pages, 1,151 KB]