Worldwide Fundraising Campaign
In our last issue we printed a letter from the Information Bureau of
the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement calling on supporters to help
organise the Worldwide Campaign to Raise Funds for the RIM. One of the
key activities that needs to be stepped up by the world’s Maoist forces
is the dissemination of revolutionary literature. Groups and individuals
have picked up the gauntlet, why not you? Send in your contributions today
to AWTW to support the more frequent publication of the magazine,
in more languages, and to make it available in more places around the
world that want and need it. Make your cheques and money
orders payable to A World to Win and send them to:
A World to Win, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
Letters from Our Readers
The following letter is from a woman reader in Andhra Pradesh,
India, reporting on conditions for women in India.
Dear AWTW,
Women hold up half the
sky. They are half of the revolution.
The rise
of the revolutionary women’s movement is breaking the shackles of women’s
exploitation in the semi-feudal semi-colonial system all over the world.
The sound of women’s bonds cracking is gradually reaching the ears of
women in all nooks and corners of the earth. The fight against patriarchy
and its manifestations like sexual atrocities, racial and gender discrimination,
caste discrimination, dowry murder, eve-teasing, etc., has been on the
rise in the recent past. It has become an integral part of the mainstream
revolutionary movement, which is fighting against the base of this economic
exploitative system.
The revolutionary
movement placed the fundamental issues of women’s economic and sexual
exploitation on the revolutionary agenda. The exploiting class used patriarchy
to treat half the working force, i.e. women, as cheap labour. They also
exploit working women for their sexual needs. They try to use gender to
divide working class men and women to rule them. This is a universal phenomenon.
has been going on since the early 20th century against every form of the
exploitation of women. After a period of random struggle, now is the era
of the women’s movements. It is so in Peru. It is so in Germany, in the
Philippines, in Sri Lanka, in Kashmir, Nepal, and elsewhere. And so it
is in India. While the imperialist countries try to lure the masses with
mere economic and welfare programs using funded voluntary organisations,
like in any developing country the revolutionary movement in India is
developing in its own way and with a clear perspective. It influences
the masses of women more and more and brings them onto the path of revolution,
and thus of liberation.This letter tries to explain the process in which
the revolutionary women’s movement in India took a clear shape….
Women in the Telenganaarmed struggle
The Telengana armed struggle in the 1940s in the state of Andhra Pradesh was
a turning point in the history of the revolutionary women’s movement in
India. Women fought valiantly in this struggle. Poor landless agricultural
labourers occupied 10 lakhs [1 lakh = 100,000] of land in this struggle
against the feudal landlord system. Forty percent of the land was owned
by the landlords and their kin. The people were burdened with taxes. There
were no education or medical facilities. Total literacy was 8.5 percent,
and for women only 1.5 percent. Women of the poorer castes were slaves
in the house of the landlord. Every girl had to go to the landlord immediately
after attaining puberty. But the masses rebelled, and women like Ilamma,
Narsamma, Chilakamma, and others led the masses heroically under the guidance
of the Communist Party of India. They organised shelter for activists,
and other dangerous tasks. They worked as members of the armed squads
in the forest areas. The village committees formed during this movement
made demands, like the right for women to own property equally with their
brothers, a ban on marriages for women under 18, special facilities for
women’s education, leave for pregnancy, an end to restrictions on women’s
employment, equal wages, and others. Women laid down their lives in this
More struggles after the “transfer of power”
15 August 1947, celebrated as the date of Indian independence, was merely a
transfer of power from the British to the India comprador ruling class.
Still today there is no real independence. Economic exploitation and cultural
degeneration increased. Patriarchy was firmly upheld by the rulers. Due
to economic crisis in India, women had to bear new burdens. They had to
give birth to more and more children to increase the available labour
power, while, on the other side, infant mortality rates increased.
The semi-colonial system needed human labour. So it also encouraged women to
get into education. But they were confined to the jobs of nurses and teachers,
merely a continuation of the role of women in the feudal patriarchal system.
Even today the majority of people in India are in villages. With feudalism
intact, exploitation gave rise to further rebellion.
Naxalbari: Spring Thunder
The Naxalbari
armed revolt in 1967 in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal came like
spring thunder to the Indian revolution. The tribals fought against the
plunder of the land-owning Jotedars. Peasants surrounded a plot of land
in the Naxalbari region, marked the boundaries with red flags, and began
harvesting the crop. A peasant conference called for ending monopoly ownership
of land by the landlords and re-distributing it through peasant committees,
as well as organising and arming peasants to resist the landlords and
was a new understanding that gave Naxalbari a historical place in the
Indian revolution. During two months, 60 incidents of land occupation
and crop harvesting took place. Land owning and money lending records
of the landlords were burned. Up to 20,000 peasants enrolled as full-time
activists in the Kisam Sabha. Police coming to arrest the activists met
with stiff resistance from the villagers. Later paramilitary forces were
deployed and the revolt was suppressed. But for a short while, the open
violent revolt shocked the ruling class. A deeper study of the participation
of women remains to be made, but they were highly active in this revolt….
Women in the working-class movement
Industrialisation in India was and is only in the economic interests of the
imperialist countries. Now multinational companies are even openly investing
in India. Nonetheless, although industrialisation has created a section
of women workers, they only represent 7.5 percent of India’s working women.
Most of them are in the unorganised sector….
In the last period, the random struggles of women have gradually moulded into
the path of liberation, with a clear perspective. “Land to the tiller”
has become the slogan of the hour. Another slogan of the struggle is the
right to the forest of the tribals….
In the
forest area of Dandakaranya, which is full of natural resources, women
in the unorganised sector who are up against the capitalist and feudalist
system, began to organise. This started with the fight for higher wages
for Tendu leaf plucking. Revolutionary armed squads are now in the area,
and peasant organisations have been formed, as well as a tribal women’s
organisation, with membership now in the thousands. It is taking up all
sorts of women’s issues. The struggles have involved many back and forth
battles with the police. Most of the Tendu leaf workers are women. Now
religious practices that stand in the way of women’s work in production
and their individual development are coming to be questioned. For example,
women have had no choice in se ø their life partner. If
a man gra Ð a woman and takes her to his he is forced to become
his wife. Ø(y is a normal feature. Women are P owed to
wear jackets after ( iage. These practices have now b
change, as women are organised Ø into revolutionary struggle
agai ° India rulers and the imperialistIn
In Andhra
Pradesh, in North Telengana, the forest movement has developed, and women
are participating in the struggle for wages, for the decrease in the rate
of liquor, and for the right to land. In the massive upsurge in recent
years, around 1,000 activists have been killed in encouers with
the police. Due to ts organisations are being ’s organisations are being
organised secretly.
The following
are objectives of the women’s struggle: women must be emancipated from
household work. They must become part of social production. Their labour
must be recognised. Marriages must be by free choice. A new family based
on love, respect, freedom and equality must be formed. Women must be educated
and brought into political leadership. Women must be given the right to
instruments of production. They must have equal right to hold property.
Household work, kitchen work, and child care must be socialised. Overall,
women must be part of the new democratic revolution. Communism alone will
give total liberation to women.
Women resist the new economic policies
After the General Agreement for Trade and Tariffs (GATT) and the introduction
of “liberalisation policies” by the government of India, women began to
be marginalised. Privatisation and cuts in subsidies to health and education
affected women directly. They were the first to lose the right to study
and to employment. Women workers were re-trenched from public sector companies,
which were declared to be sick. The sharp resistance to the Miss World
Beauty contest in November 1996 in Bangalore, the centre of the multinationals
in India, is a symbol of the consciousness of women. The fact that an
Indian contestant was chosen Miss World in 1997 shows that the imperialist
plunder of India will increase. They want Indian models to sell their
goods. Women are resisting, exposing the interests behind the encouragement
of fashion modelling, beauty contests and parlours, etc. They are also
determined to expose the funded organisations that act as imperialist
agents and mislead the masses.
major hurdle to the organising of women is Hindu culture.
The Hindu
dharmasastras have been very successful in injecting feudalism
into the brains of the exploited. By means of caste, gender and the dalits,
women are held at the mercy of the rich. Women’s organisations are gradually
educating women about the negative attitude of religion toward the development
of women. They also feel that the Muslim and Christian women must be brought
out of their confined lives. As a minority in a Hindu state, Muslim women
are more deprived of their rights and are suppressed. Christianity has
become an instrument of imperialist propaganda. The issues of the dalit
women, who are exploited by both caste and gender, are also been taken
as maid servants to the middle and upper classes, those who have migrated
to different countries, women who are victims of sexual atrocities, and
others, are being identified as new victims in the era of the “New Economic
Policies”, i.e., the era of imperialism. All these sections of women must
be brought together and put on the path of revolution.