Against the Genocidal
and Country-Selling Dictatorship, Persist in the People's War!
By the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP)
The following document by the Central Committee
of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) is dated March 1995 and was
made public in mid-1998. It complements the report “Overcome the
Bend in the Road by Developing People’s War” reprinted in our issue
no. 23 — AWTW
I. Long Live the 15th Anniversary of the Invincible People’s War!
Next 17 May marks 15 years of the victorious and invincible
People’s War in Peru, a blazing bonfire of armed rebellion holding
out against wind and tide that opened and concretised the road to
the true and definitive liberation of our beloved and heroic people.
A People’s War watered with the blood of the uncountable
martyrs of the Party, the Army and the masses, waged for the seizure
of political power and persisting for that goal, for the attainment
of a new and true democracy, for a People’s Republic of Peru in
the first stage of the revolution and for the construction of socialism
in a second stage.
A People’s War prepared, initiated and led by our Great Leader,
Chairman Gonzalo; supported always by the masses of people; carried
out by the People’s Liberation Army and led by the Communist Party
of Peru. After almost 15 years of development through campaigns
and counter-campaigns of “encirclement and annihilation”, the principal
form of the civil war, today the People’s War, is continuing victoriously
despite whatever zigzags or transitory reverses that may have occurred.
Such a war can only unfold through a process of victories and setbacks,
but the setbacks have been completely transitory and partial. We
should understand Chairman Mao Tse-tung’s teaching, “Strategically
speaking, there is a defeat only when a counter-campaign against
‘encirclement and suppression’ fails completely, but even then the
defeat is only partial and temporary. For only the total destruction
of the Red Army would constitute complete defeat in the civil war;
but this has never happened.” Thus the crowing and the dark and
evil dreams of imperialism, reaction and revisionism turn to smoke
before the persistence of the heroic People’s War which is now emerging
from a difficult and complex bend in the road, and will inevitably
The Party’s Basis of Unity is the Foundation of All Our Actions!
Thus, greeting this new anniversary of the invincible People’s
War, we wish to reaffirm in its ideological and political foundation,
the point of departure of all our actions, the Party’s Basis of
Unity, which consists of three elements: 1) Our ideology, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism,
Gonzalo Thought. 2) Our Programme, and 3) Our General Political
Line and its centre, our Military Line, approved by the First Congress
of the Party, a Marxist Congress, a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo
Thought Congress. Such a reaffirmation is necessary today more than
ever because not only in our country but on the world level, we
continue to face a sinister general counter-revolutionary offensive
headed by imperialism, reaction and revisionism, and because concretely,
regarding our Party, a new gang of shameful advocates of a revisionist
and capitulationist Right Opportunist Line (ROL) have leapt out
rabidly and wildly, and are thoroughly and completely negating the
Party’s Basis of Unity. Suckled and adopted by the armed forces
and the puppet Fujimori, they have cackled from their rat-holes
for the holding of a so-called “Second Congress” whose purpose would
be to repeal the first, belching out that this meeting would take
a decision on “the struggle” for a peace accord with the genocidal
country-sellers, and thus endorsing the dark hoaxes of “surrender”
and “repentance” hatched by their masters and trafficking with the
name of Chairman Gonzalo.
We repudiate and condemn these miserable rats, would-be chieftains
who have proved incapable of enduring an “occupational hazard” [arrest—trans.],
much less of giving their lives for the Party and the Revolution.
Today they are selling out for a bowl of porridge, having sought
to undermine the morale of the class and the Party, but this they
will never achieve.
These traitors have given expression to the splittism that
reflects their revisionist essence; incapable of carrying out a
debate and expounding their positions in inner-Party struggle, these
cowards fled, and from outside the ranks they have raised their
dark and rotten banners, while their leaders hide like shameful
ostriches. This is how they have acted and continue to act, trying
to take the unwary by surprise. We should know them well, because
opportunists and revisionists have existed before during the long
years of Party life, but apparently never such perfidious and reptilian
traitors as these. They have gone so far as to commit the monstrous
crime of facilitating the arrest of our Great Leader, Chairman Gonzalo,
and Comrade Miriam and other valuable leaders, cadres, Party members,
fighters and masses, many of whom were murdered as soon as they
were arrested. But we now declare that the harm they have caused
and continue to cause to the revolution will not go unpunished.
They are hereby informed that, like their masters, they will pay
with interest for all the crimes they have committed.
Finally, something more in this vein. During the Third Plenum
of the Central Committee, Chairman Gonzalo warned us of the danger
of the rise of a revisionist line and said that there were indications
that an opportunist line in opposition to the seizure of political
power was already being hatched. He told us that if the Initiation
of the Armed Struggle required a hard struggle against the ROL of
that period, there was even more reason to think that a still greater
struggle, an earth-shaking struggle, would have to occur before
there could be a still greater leap such as the seizure of power.
Events have once again proven him right, but what we have experienced
has been anticlimactic, because this revisionist abortion has been
incapable of defending its ideological and political positions in
the internal struggle and has simply split the Party with the help
of the reaction itself and probably infiltrated agents as well,
having bolted in a gallop after the arrest of Chairman Gonzalo.
The Current Situation and the Tasks of the Party
It has been increasingly confirmed that revolution is the
main trend in the world, but this is taking shape through twists
and turns. The end of the so-called “cold war” with the collapse
of Russian social-imperialism has not meant the “beginning of a
new era of peace and stability” as imperialism, principally Yankee
imperialism, proclaims, repeating what the Chinese revisionists
have been putting forward for years—which is servilely repeated
in our country by the reaction and the revisionists of the ROL.
Rather, it has been proven that there is no economic or political
stability anywhere. The 20th century is coming to an end amidst
wars of all types and a growing militarisation. There is no peace
even in Europe, where Yugoslavia continues to disintegrate with
more than 200,000 dead in less than three years of war, while in
Chechnya Russian imperialism continues to carry out a barbaric genocide.
And what can be said about Rwanda, a backward country where over
500,000 people died in only three months? And what happened to the
“peace” signed by Israel and the PLO with the endorsement of Yankee
imperialism? To say nothing of the problems breaking out in Mexico,
on the flank of the “international gendarme” itself, or the war
between Peru and Ecuador, etc.
Essentially the situation is as Chairman Mao and the CPC
described it in the 1960s: Once more there is a great disorder under
heaven, and further, a New Wave of the World Revolution has begun
to unfold, and the communist parties must militarise and play their
role, putting Maoism in command and applying People’s War to the
conditions of their own countries.
As for the situation in our country, hunger, poverty, unemployment,
repression, genocide, the sale of national sovereignty, etc. are
only some of the calamities made even much worse by the genocidal
and country-selling dictatorship that is really headed by Pinochet’s
apprentice, Hermoza Ríos [armed forces head—trans.]. Fujimori is
just his puppet, a cheap and vulgar figurehead.
The point is that a revolutionary situation in development
is being expressed, strengthened by conditions for revolution that
are far more favourable than in 1980 when the People’s War was launched;
and, furthermore, this situation shows once more that what Chairman
Gonzalo and the Party laid out in the General Political Line is
clearly coming to pass, particularly with respect to the general
crisis of bureaucrat capitalism and its inexorable process of decay.
This is a very important question, even more so now that we have
entered the second half of the decade in which, as in the latter
half of previous decades, their critical situation will necessarily
get worse. This objective situation smashes not only the fantasies
of the genocidal gang about the “new Asian tiger” or the “Peruvian
miracle”, but also the cackling of the shameless partisans of the
revisionist and capitulationist ROL about how “bureaucrat capitalism
is becoming viable”. As always, they are confusing appearance with
essence, thus seeking to fool our people by extolling what are no
more than ephemeral blossoms within the process of the inevitable
collapse of bureaucrat capitalism.
Another aspect of the current situation is the holding of
the forthcoming elections, which once again are crucial for the
reactionaries because they find themselves riddled with contradictions,
particularly the situation with their three tasks, in which they
have become bogged down. Thus, in the economic sphere, the greatest
general crisis in the history of the republic is unfolding and will
continue to unfold, despite fleeting and limited recoveries that
cannot even overcome the recession or inflation, to say nothing
of unemployment, which, as they themselves admit, “has reached historic
levels”. We can see how industrial output continues to fall and
the cost of living continues to rise, despite what their clever
number-crunchers say. Meanwhile, agriculture remains in a state
of collapse, made even worse by the multi-million dollar shady deals
in food imports negotiated by the ruling clique and its cronies.
Furthermore, as everyone knows, under this government foreign debt
has grown from $19 billion to over $25 billion. The ruling clique
talks a lot about how “the economy is growing”, but this is false,
just as the way almost everything they say is false, because this
government has made cynicism and lies the norm in its actions. Growth
is not the demagogic and electorally motivated shoddy construction
of schools for students and teachers with empty stomachs, to say
nothing of the extremely high number of children leaving school
under this government; growth is not repairing roads nor opening
a few trails with borrowed dollars which will have to be repaid
to imperialism at high interest rates; growth is not looting the
Peruvian sea to benefit the entourage of a voracious clique; nor
is growth the selling off of state enterprises on the cheap, practically
giving them away to imperialist capital and firing thousands of
workers, and then, even worse, refusing to give an accounting for
the money from these bargain sales.
Regarding the restructuring of the old state, towards the
end of 1990 Chairman Gonzalo and the Central Committee of the Party
said that the current government, compelled by the People’s War
and in accordance with their counter-subversive war, was carrying
out a process of absolute centralisation and presidential absolutism.
Today everyone is talking about this as if it were the latest news,
“forgetting” what the Party said in 1990. On 5 April 1992, a coup
d’etat took place as part of this reactionary process and specifically
as a response to the strategic equilibrium reached by the People’s
War, putting into action a sinister plan hatched by imperialism,
principally Yankee imperialism and its followers. This coup was
led by a military clique with Hermoza Ríos at its head and was carried
out as always by the genocidal and country-selling armed forces.
Once more we have seen how they trample on their own constitution
and rule of law in order to better serve their counter-revolutionary
war, adopting more and more clearly fascist positions. Thus yet
again we have witnessed a shameless electoral fraud overseen by
the dictatorship to garner approval for one of the most reactionary
and retrograde constitutions in the history of the Peruvian state,
in such a way that although the previous one was called into question
by one and all, the current constitution is even more controversial.
Even now, in the pre-election contention, representatives of the
diverse groups of the factions of the big bourgeoisie are announcing
that if they are elected they will modify it again.
And what have they done with their so-called “judicial branch”
and their judicial order? Desperate and terrified in the face of
the advance of the People’s War, not only have they completely abolished
their own so-called “universal” judicial principles, but they have
gone so far as to annul the right to a legal defence and issue decrees
making their laws retroactive. They instituted the imprisonment
of minors and abolished freedom of opinion and thought by establishing
“apology for terrorism”, etc., to say nothing of their draconian
military tribunals where these masters of genocide are not content
to be plaintiffs and prosecutors, but also act as judges. These
dark uniformed men know as much about law as a butcher about sculpture,
and the standard sentence to anyone who falls into their hands is
life imprisonment. The violation of their judicial order is so serious
that even the UN, a pimp for imperialism, principally Yankee imperialism,
has had to recommend that they moderate their barbaric atrocities
a bit.
Thus, merely by looking at these issues concerning the restructuring
of their state, we can say with certainty that they have become
bogged down in this reactionary task as well.
Regarding the reactionaries’ third task, annihilating the
People’s War, with their characteristic fatuous triumphalism they
crowed victory too soon, even setting a date for its demise. But
in this matter as in many others they have been proven completely
wrong, because the People’s War continues its unstoppable march
after having resisted the evil country-wide offensive unleashed
following the 5 April coup, conceived and planned by Yankee imperialism
itself as part of their so-called “Low Intensity Warfare” strategy,
in response to strategic equilibrium. This offensive by the genocidal
and country-selling armed forces is one of the last cards remaining
in their hands before more direct U.S. intervention. Thus, putting
national sovereignty at grave risk, they mobilised thousands of
troops formerly deployed on the border, and throwing them into repeated
“encirclement and annihilation” campaigns against the base areas
and guerrilla zones, utilising not only 120mm mortars and heavily
armed helicopters but also light artillery of the kind used in conventional
warfare, such as cannons with a 12-kilometre range and bombs dropped
from combat aircraft. At the same time, in the cities they lashed
out with a fierce repressive manhunt, rounding up hundreds of the
sons and daughters of the people, who were harassed, tortured and
imprisoned. Once more they vomited out their genocidal guts, beginning
by gorging themselves on the blood of the prisoners of war on 9
May 1992, carrying out a cowardly and merciless massacre. This time
the mass graves and the disappearances, like the “La Cantuta” case,
were in their own capital, which clearly demonstrated that this
dictatorship is more genocidal than that of Belaúnde and García
Pérez. Furthermore, they have accompanied this genocide with wily
“psychological warfare” hoaxes, promoting capitulation, an old trick
of imperialism, especially Yankee imperialism, launching grotesque
farces that have blown up in their faces as was already demonstrated
in December 1993 with the earth-shaking and powerful celebration
of the centennial of the birth of Chairman Mao Tse-tung. As proof
of its power it is only necessary to mention that in Lima alone
16 car bombs were detonated that month. All of this is in addition
to the well-known attempts at population control through the formation
of mesnada paramilitary bands, the increased use of informers
and the intensification of the so-called “intelligence” and “civic
action” operations already underway.
Thus, in the face of all these sinister offensives and against
all the crowing and dark forecasts, the People’s War and strategic
equilibrium continue on course. If this were not the case, one should
ask why Pinochet’s apprentice, the puppet Fujimori, the whole swarm
of “Senderologists”, reactionaries, revisionists, opportunists,
hack journalists and even informer priests and promoters of genocide
like Cipriani, Durand and Vargas Alzamora among others [bishops
and archbishop, respectively—trans.] all never miss an occasion
to talk about so-called “terrorism” or “pacification”? Why do they
talk so much about how they have “pacified the country”? Why do
they maintain the state of emergency in more than 50% of the national
territory? Why are thousands of their troops still stuck in the
so-called “counter-subversive bases”? Why are they continuing to
forcibly enlist—under threat of death—and arm thousands of peasants
in the so-called peasant rondas? And why do they continue
to fill the prisons with hundreds of the sons and daughters of the
people under suspicion of “terrorism”?
It is because the People’s War persists and will continue
to persist, and although it has undergone temporary and partial
setbacks it will achieve its glorious objectives, demolishing the
Yankee so-called “Low Intensity Warfare” strategy and whatever other
strategy it may face, because it bases itself on the greatest ideology
the world has ever seen, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought.
It will succeed because there is a Party which leads it and infuses
it with a right and correct political line, and because the masses
of our people support it, watering it with their blood and sweat,
since this war is simply a continuation of their struggle with arms
in hand.
For all these reasons we reaffirm that the reactionaries
have also become bogged down in regard to their third task, just
like the other two.
In sum, we can see that bureaucrat capitalism has no way
out; its inexorable collapse will continue and it will be totally
demolished amidst the genocide with which it is defending itself
like a mortally wounded beast. This is the reason why the upcoming
elections are shaping up to be so crucial for the reaction, particularly
for the current ruling clique so desperate to stay in power. They
used whatever means they could to get the holding of the election
legally sanctioned, and now they are preparing a shameless fraud
and even using the conflict with Ecuador to accomplish their vile
objectives. And with respect to the so-called “Union por el Peru”,
it too serves the interests of the big comprador bourgeoisie, since
the pipsqueak who leads it [former UN General Secretary Javier Perez
de Cuellar—trans.] is yet another known quisling of mainly Yankee
imperialism. One need only recall his evil role in the UN against
the oppressed nations, in approving the monstrous imperialist genocide
against Iraq and the Palestinian people, for example.
One issue that needs to be analysed from the point of view
of the proletariat is the problem of our country’s borders, because
the conflict with Ecuador is only part of a larger and extremely
precarious situation that has been very badly handled by each successive
reactionary government. Further, the reactionary armed forces have
never defended the country’s integrity and sovereignty; instead,
they have always been experts in defeats, as shown by the loss of
Arica and Tarapacá in the war with Chile or the robbery of the Leticia
region by Colombia. It has always been the masses of people who
were the real defenders of our national territory, and we must keep
this truth in mind because it is once more being confirmed.
A factor being systematically swept under the rug is the
ominous role of imperialism in general and especially Yankee imperialism,
whose interests stir up this or that conflict at its convenience.
Here, too, it is at work, pulling the strings from behind the scenes
like a puppet master. In this respect, in addition to the ever greater
domination that imperialism exercises through the foreign debt and
the IMF, IDB, WB, etc., we should also take into account the “advisory”
role of the Yankee armed forces. From time to time they send their
top brass, like that arrogant head of the Southern Command who came
in November 1994 to check up on their lackeys, in addition to their
constant “training” of the genocidal hordes, and the insolent intervention
of their ambassadors in all the internal matters of Peru, or the
cheeky pipsqueak Alexander Watson, U.S. Undersecretary of State
for Inter-American affairs, who with total effrontery said that:
“Fujimori is a good salesman for the Peruvian brand”, which was
taken as praise by the puppet.
Today, Peru is at risk of losing a part of its territory
once again due to the current dictatorship, because it is the most
genocidal and country-selling dictatorship we have seen so far in
our history. First they put Peruvian citizenship up for sale for
a few miserable dollars; then later they offered South Korea an
extraterritorial zone north of Lima; after that they turned over
part of the national territory in the province of Ilo to Bolivia;
and then they granted Chile a series of concessions in the so-called
“Lima Convention”, which was not ratified because of popular outcry.
Furthermore, their so-called “privatisation” has meant putting a
series of state enterprises on the auction block at bargain prices.
Little do they care if some are considered of strategic importance,
such as the petroleum and electrical industry, the latter even sold
to Chilean capital. Who is doing all this? Imperialism behind the
scenes and the genocidal and country-selling armed forces, more
directly now with the clique headed by Hermoza Ríos, because it
is they who have been ruling the country since the coup d’etat of
5 April 1992. But this doesn’t excuse the puppet Fujimori, because
he gleefully dances to whatever tune his masters play for him.
In the case of Ecuador, everyone knows that the ruling classes
of that country have systematically carried out a policy of negating
the “1942 Protocol”, not just recently but for some time now. As
far back as 1981, during the second government of Belaúnde, there
was the phoney “Paquisha” incident and they were dislodged from
Peruvian territory, but the “little viceroy” [Belaúnde—trans.],
far from demanding the final demarcation of the 78 kilometres of
the border still pending, opted to look the other way in order to
leave a future card to play, to give Yankee imperialism and Peruvian
reaction an excuse to create problems for a people’s government
that might take power through the People’s War. But it is during
the current government that the genocidal country-sellers gave Ecuador
permission to invade Peruvian territory in 1991. Their only reaction
to that invasion was to reach a “gentleman’s agreement” that obviously
our neighbours took advantage of.
Furthermore, the same puppet was commissioned by the military
to go to Ecuador and offer them a “sovereign” outlet to the Amazon
river. This was revealed by the ex-dictator of Ecuador Rodríguez
Borja, who even threatened his partner Fujimori that he would go
public with the letters he received. To date Fujimori hasn’t even
denied this. Even worse, in 1992, in order to unleash their sinister
but doomed genocidal offensive against the People’s War, they removed
troops from the border, leaving them unguarded and at the mercy
of any aggressor or invader. This shows what kind of guts these
country-sellers have. For them, it is a thousand times preferable
to see our country dismembered than to lose their position as blood-suckers
and oppressors of the people, and in saying this we refer not only
to the guard dog repressive armed forces, but also to their masters,
the imperialists, especially Yankee imperialism, and the big bourgeoisie
and the feudal landlords.
Thus, by January 1995 the Ecuadoran armed forces had been
occupying part of Peru’s territory for some time, and had time to
prepare to fight off any effort to dislodge them. Why did the genocidal
and country-selling dictatorship suddenly decide to unleash this
conflict at that moment? Because the military clique was determined
to do whatever necessary to be “re-elected” through the puppet Fujimori,
but they were not certain of achieving that. Their problems continued
to grow and worsen, as we have seen. What made their situation even
more critical, we should recall, was the result of the referendum,
where they almost suffered a serious setback, despite the open fraud
they carried out once again by having members of the armed forces
and police vote [which is illegal—trans.], using thousands of identification
cards issued by the National Board of Elections. We should also
keep in mind the problem of runaway corruption in their ranks. Hundreds
of officers, including some members of their clique, are involved
in drug trafficking, and some even face trial for that crime. Add
to this the problems between the little puppet and his ex-wife,
who aired a lot of his dirty laundry. In the light of all this and
other questions we can understand the reasons behind his zeal. Thus
the genocidal country-sellers thought they could raise their stock
in that which does not belong to them, and feigning to be what they
are not, they went into action, dreaming of easy victory and thinking
that in the worst case if they did not succeed they could always
mount a new hoax to try and fool the people. But like the experts
in defeat they are, this has backfired and the hoax did not convince
anyone. Furthermore, they aggravated the problem and now they are
stuck in a mess from which there is no easy way out, because our
people, who today are more conscious than before, will not let themselves
be surprised or fooled.
In considering this situation, we should bear in mind the
words of Chairman Gonzalo in his September 1992 speech from prison:
“We clearly say that today the democratic road has begun
to proceed as a road of liberation, as the road of people’s liberation!
“We believe that the 18th century taught us a very clear
lesson. Think about it. There was a dominator. It was Spain, and
what was the result of that bloodsucking domination? A very profound
crisis, and as a consequence Peru, which at that time was a vice-royalty
and today is our motherland, Peru was divided. That was the origin
of today’s Bolivia. We are not making this up; it is a fact.
“Then, in the last century, English domination. What was
the result for us of their rivalry with France? Another big crisis,
in 1870. The outcome? The war with Chile. We must not forget it!
And what happened? We lost territory. Our motherland suffered an
excision, despite the blood shed by heroes and the people. We must
draw lessons from this!
“The 20th century. How are we doing? In the 20th century
we are dominated by imperialism, principally American imperialism;
this is real, everyone knows it and no one can cover it up. And
where has it gotten us? The worst crisis of the entire history of
the Peruvian state, even worse than that of the 1920s. What lesson
should we draw from past centuries? Once more the nation is at risk,
once more the republic is at risk, once more our territory is at
risk. It could easily be lost—there are interests that would be
served by that. This is what we have to see. This is the situation;
this is what it has come to because of them. But we have a fact,
a Peruvian revolution, a People’s War that burns powerfully, that
is advancing, and will continue to do so. Where have we gotten with
this? Strategic equilibrium! And we must understand this well. It
is Strategic equilibrium! And it is becoming increasingly solid
amidst a crucial situation. What have these 12 years served for?
To plainly show the Third World and principally the Peruvian people
that the Peruvian state, the old Peruvian state, is a paper tiger
rotten to the core. That has been proven!
“Since this is how things are, let us consider the danger
that the nation, the country, could be divided, that the nation
is at risk. They want to dismember it; they want to divide it up.
Who wants to do this? As always, imperialism, those who exploit,
those who rule. And what should we do? What is our task? Our task
is to push forward the People’s Liberation Movement and develop
it through the People’s War, because the people, always the people,
have been the ones who defend the country, who have defended the
“Our task is to form a People’s Liberation Front, to form
and develop a People’s Liberation Army from the People’s Guerrilla
And this is being accomplished today. Concretely, Ecuador
remains ensconced in Peruvian territory and should be dislodged.
Other borders are also in danger. Our people must remain alert.
The motherland is at risk and the only fitting thing is to
defend it with guns in hand, but precisely because of this imperialism
and reaction seek to annihilate the People’s War, because it is
the real barrier to their dreams and sinister appetites. Our people
know that the only path is People’s War to establish the People’s
Republic of Peru. This is even more true under current circumstances
where the ruling clique wants to sell our country to imperialist
capital and the capital of their lackeys, opening the dark but real
possibility of the motherland being torn apart for the benefit of
a coterie that has no patriotic spirit whatsoever. Because of this
we reaffirm that we have begun to implement the path of people’s
liberation for the defence and liberation of our motherland.
Thus, in this complex national and international situation,
it falls to the Peruvian proletariat, as always, to lead the revolution
and guarantee its path through the Communist Party of Peru, because
the Party is its detachment, its conscious and organised vanguard,
the leadership of the revolution, of the People’s War. Some leaders,
cadres or militants might not be with us or they might even pass
away, but even with the immense pain and consternation that this
would cause, the duty and the obligation of the Party is to continue
its unyielding battle. Even if only a faction or in the end only
one communist remained, they would have to fulfil their role, struggling
to mobilise, if necessary, the best and the new. Because the revolution
has an invincible and all-powerful ideology, a proletariat and masses
which generate everything, it will inevitably advance and triumph.
These things are not new, they are old truths long familiar in the
international communist movement, but once again today the rotten
revisionists of the ROL are trying to twist and obscure them so
that they can make deals and hide under the skirts of imperialism
and reaction. Thus, cunningly using the problems that have occurred,
they have come to negate the role and capacity of the Party as the
leadership of the revolution. For this reason the Central Committee
reaffirms that the Communist Party of Peru, guided by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism,
Gonzalo Thought, is a heroic combatant which leads the revolution
and guarantees that it is on the right path!
It is within this framework that the tasks of the Party are
being accomplished, following the agreements of the First Congress,
the First, Second and Third Plenum, and the two Work Sessions of
the Central Committee.
Since the problem of the internal struggle is a question
of cardinal importance in Party life, it is relevant to add the
following point: Revisionism is the principal danger to the Party
and the revolution, and for this reason it must be implacably combated
and crushed. Our Party has been purging itself but the struggle
must continue. In the final analysis the armed struggle in our country
could never have been initiated or developed without first sweeping
away the ROL of that time, and today we can say that without totally
and completely sweeping away the capitulationist and revisionist
ROL we cannot seize power country-wide. We know very well that internal
causes are determinant, and for this reason it should be made clear
that if since 1992 the reaction has been able to do some damage
to the revolution in our country, it is because revisionism helped
it, served it and facilitated certain things. This is a very serious
lesson and we must never forget it. Therefore, if we totally sweep
away revisionism and finish purging our ranks, thoroughly embodying
the Party’s Basis of Unity amidst the People’s War, we will be fortified
and we will be invincible.
The People’s War has never stopped for a moment, no matter
what the imperialists, the reactionaries, the revisionists or the
traitors say. Already the celebration of the Chairman Mao Centennial
throughout 1993, especially in December of that year, a celebration
co-ordinated with RIM, was earth-shaking and powerful, carried out
with successful armed actions. The reaction dreamed of stopping
it by launching the hoax of the supposed “surrender”, which exploded
in their cynical faces. Subsequently, the Second and Third campaigns
of the Sixth Military Plan have been unfolding successfully.
For all these reasons, the Central Committee calls on the
Party, the fighters of the People’s Liberation Army and the masses
of the New State, and all our people, to celebrate the Fifteenth
Anniversary of the invincible People’s War in a fitting manner.
Finally, in the face of the forthcoming reactionary elections,
the only correct political line regarding this fraudulent
process is to repudiate it, applying the tactic of the boycott.
Long Live Chairman Gonzalo!
Long Live the Communist Party
of Peru!
Long Live the Open People’s
Build the Seizure of Power!
Elections, No! People’s War, Yes!