On the Expulsion
of the Nepal Communist Party (Mashal)
from RIM
The following
article by the Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement
(CoRIM) proposed the expulsion of one of RIM’s participant organisations,
the Nepal Communist Party (Mashal) [NCP (Mashal)]. The proposal
was adopted by RIM in the winter of 1998. – AWTW
“On December 26, 1993, on the occasion of the Mao Tse-tung
Centenary, the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement took the
historic step of adopting Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as its ideology.
This decision was taken after a long, vigorous debate within RIM,
which had gone on over a number of years. In the course of this
discussion, the Nepal Communist Party (Mashal) has repeatedly and
vociferously argued against this position of our Movement.” [CoRIM
Letter to NCP (Mashal), 1996] “At the time of the adoption of the
document Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! (LLMLM!), the
problem of the continuing participation of the NCP (Mashal) in RIM
was discussed. Having been assured that your party would review
its position and discuss the position adopted by the Movement, it
was decided to allow ample time for this review of position and
further discussion to take place.” [ibid.] More than three
years had gone by since the adoption of MLM, years of vital importance
for the communist movement in Nepal. A struggle that came to a head
in December 1993 started to bear fruit in the form of the initiation
of the People’s War by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) [CPN
(Maoist)]. The NCP (Mashal), however, have persisted in their refusal
to regard Maoism as the third and highest stage of development
of our science, and opposed the People’s War. The differences of
our Movement with the NCP (Mashal) are not, however, reducible to
their opposition to the People’s War; rather, their opposition is
a symptom and the inevitable result of the opportunist trajectory
they have been on for some time. In the context of today, where
the People’s War is helping clarify the political landscape in Nepal,
it is important that this period of struggle between our Movement
and the NCP (Mashal) comes to a conclusion.
A key argument the NCP (Mashal) raises against Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
(MLM) is that Leninism is the Marxism of the era of imperialism
and that, since the era has not changed, speaking of MLM as a new
and higher stage of our science means negating Leninism. As they
say, “All political parties supporting the misleading concept of
Maoism admit that the present era is an era of imperialism and socialist
revolution. But none of them touches the sensitive issue of the
Lenin era”. Also: “their concept of a third stage of Maoism clearly
presupposes that Leninism... has been replaced or substituted by
Maoism.” [On “Maoism”, Resolution of the NCP (Mashal) COC,
The NCP (Mashal) confuses the issues of the era of social
development and the stages of development of our science. MLM is
the science of revolution, a living and developing science. In the
process of wielding it, communists learn more and more about society
and classes and their dynamics; and if they care to stay at the
forefront of revolutionary struggle, they have to develop their
theory to correspond to new understanding acquired through practice.
Moreover, situations change and new contradictions arise that previous
leaders could not know about, and thus were unable to develop methods
for handling. Any attempt to negate the need for continuous advance
in the science (which, as any development, goes through leaps and
bounds) will reduce it from a sharp weapon into a dogma that is
useless or even a hindrance in dealing with the complexities of
the class struggle.
To maintain that Leninism covers all the contradictions of
the era of imperialism and the building of socialism is to ignore
reality and replace it with some preconceived idea in one’s brain.
It proceeds from formal definitions, not material developments,
and as a result earth-shaking events are treated as trivial and
not requiring major efforts to develop our understanding. This is
subjective idealism, not Leninism.
As Mao put it in On Practice: “In feudal society it
was impossible to know the laws of capitalist society in advance
because capitalism had not yet emerged, the relevant practice was
lacking. Marxism could be the product only of capitalist society.
Marx, in the era of laissez-faire capitalism, could not concretely
know certain laws peculiar to the era of imperialism beforehand,
because imperialism, the last stage of capitalism, had not yet emerged
and the relevant practice was lacking; only Lenin and Stalin could
undertake this task. Leaving aside their genius, the reason why
Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin could work out their theories was
mainly that they personally took part in the practice of the class
struggle and the scientific experimentation of their time; lacking
this condition, no genius could have succeeded.” Since the death
of Lenin, the world has seen many historic events, including the
New Democratic Revolution and the People’s War in China, decades
of socialist construction in the USSR and China, the restoration
of capitalism in the USSR, the battle to prevent it in China, the
Cultural Revolution, and finally the restoration of capitalism in
China too. All of these posed new problems and unleashed unprecedented
battles in theory and practice. And all of these provided fertile
ground for the development of our ideology to a qualitatively higher
stage, which was MLM. It also raised the revolutionaries’ ability
to fight for a world without imperialism and oppression to a qualitatively
higher level. Maoism represents the highest level of understanding
on all these fronts. Without Maoism, the era of imperialism would
be here to stay.
The NCP (Mashal) claims that Maoism is the negation of Leninism.
But by negating the dialectical relationship between being and knowing,
by looking at the world from the prism of subjective idealism, the
NCP (Mashal) adopts a philosophy different not only to that of Mao,
but also Lenin and Marx.
The differences between our Movement and the NCP (Mashal)
over this question of terminology thus reflect important differences
in the overall approach to the science of revolution. They also
reflect opposing views on the content of Mao’s contributions to
the body of revolutionary knowledge and practice.
Views On Mao’s Contributions
In the context of the ideological debate with the
NCP (Mashal), in 1993 CoRIM prepared a Letter addressing an upcoming
Mashal Congress. This Letter, referring to the previously cited
NCP(Mashal) document On “Maoism”, states, “You say that Mao
made great contributions in the fields of philosophy, political
economy, and scientific socialism of historic importance and in
a few paragraphs you list some of these contributions. In every
case this list is followed by statements of how this was already
accomplished by Lenin, or Stalin had done it better. Your document
says Lenin was the basis for Mao’s theory on New democratic revolution.
Taking your document as a whole, you mainly give lip service to
Mao’s contributions, downgrading them and rationalising how they
are only the consequence of Marx, Lenin and mainly Stalin before
him... Your arguments are based on ... wrong pernicious concepts
that Mao added nothing qualitatively new to what had already been
worked out by Lenin... [and] Mao’s contributions are equal to those
of Stalin.” Let’s look at some of the major points of this debate.
Democratic Revolution and the Seizure of Political Power
In the NCP (Mashal) document On “Maoism”, under
a section headed New Democratic Revolution, while giving
lip service to the “extraordinary contribution of Mao”, the NCP
(Mashal) downgrade this by extensively quoting Lenin, Stalin and
the Comintern and saying, “Lenin’s Report [to the Congress of the
3rd International] bears a great theoretical significance and eventually
became the fundamental basis of Mao’s New Democratic
Revolution”. As our aforementioned Letter to the NCP (Mashal)
Congress points out, “the road Lenin established for imperialist
Russia could not be a model for countries such as China.... Stalin
firmly grasped that the revolution in China could not go directly
to socialism but rather had to first go through a stage where national
and democratic tasks were primary. Yet as Stalin himself later acknowledged,
Mao had to oppose some errors in Stalin’s thinking in order to lead
the Chinese revolution to victory. What Mao achieved with the theory
of New democratic revolution and the practice of the Chinese revolution
had never been done.” One of Mao’s greatest contributions during
the course of the Chinese revolution was “developing the theory
and practice of people’s war, giving the proletariat, for the very
first time, its own complete military doctrine, superior to that
of any other class.” [CoRIM Letter to NCP (Mashal) Congress]
This point is completely missed by the NCP (Mashal), who
in the process of sharpening line struggle and especially with the
initiation of the People’s War in Nepal, develop some of their thinking
on revolutionary war: “The Marxist-Leninist philosophy demands that
we always analyse the situation correctly and concretely and examine
historically, whenever we are determining policy, program or forms
of struggle”, and “anarchism considers the idea of taking into account
the situation or circumstance as ‘anti-revolutionary’ and lays emphasis
on the need to pursue revolutionary [struggle] in every situation.
The ML method stresses the need whether to make revolutionary preparation
or advance revolutionary struggle. Accordingly, the Marxist-Leninists
pursue various forms of struggle such as legal or illegal, peaceful
or armed, parliamentarian or non-parliamentarian, use or boycott
of election, while evaluating the subjective and objective situation.
But anarchism rules out such Marxist-Leninist method and stresses
the need to follow the policy of revolutionary struggle at every
situation....” [“On RIM’s Support to the So-called ‘People’s War’
of the Maoists,” by NCP (Mashal) leader M.B. Singh]. Of course Maoists
analyse concrete situations, and their initiation and support of
people’s war is also based on understanding the objective situation.
But Maoists analyse the situation with the understanding that without
state power all is illusion, and “the seizure of power by armed
force, the settlement of the issue by war, is the central task and
the highest form of revolution” [Quotations from Mao Tse-tung,
“On War and Peace”]. It is those in the NCP (Mashal) leadership
who eclectically mix up all forms of struggle and do away with the
revolutionaries’ unswerving focus on the need for the armed overthrow
of the reactionary state. They fail to sum up the experience of
the struggle against the Nepalese state itself, including its repeated
repression of the people’s struggle, and the Mashal leadership today
finds itself in the pathetic situation of adding its voice to the
anti-People’s War chorus.
Negating the “omnipotence of war” and reducing people’s war
to a tactic in the oppressed countries that can be used “depending
on conditions” is the logical conclusion of refusing to adopt Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
as the highest stage of the science of revolution achieved so far.
This effectively makes the new democratic revolution irrelevant,
as it cannot be achieved through the peaceful means the NCP (Mashal)
has undertaken. The NCP (Mashal) is on the fast track to pure opportunism,
if not already at the finish line.
Recently, a Right Opportunist Line (ROL) broke out from the
Communist Party of Peru (PCP) calling for an end to the People’s
War there. This ROL has been condemned and rejected by the PCP.
In one of their first and basic documents, known as Asumir,
the ROL equates different forms of struggle, asserting that war
is only one form of struggle and can be used depending on the situation.
Asumir says, “The class struggle is a great and constant
class war directed by political leaders. It has two forms: bloodless...
and bloody. Both are forms of the great political war”; “politics
is war without bloodshed, just as war is politics with bloodshed”;
“war is initiated and develops according to concrete conditions,
and as these change, the forms of struggle must change”. Doesn’t
the logic of Asumir strongly resemble that of the NCP (Mashal),
with its “legal or illegal, peaceful or armed, parliamentarian or
non-parliamentarian, use or boycott of election”?! Both negate Mao’s
teaching that war is the highest form of struggle and that seizing
power through revolutionary violence is the central task of communists
In denying the universality of Mao’s theory of people’s war
and reducing it to a mere tactic among a myriad of other peaceful
and electoral options, the NCP (Mashal), once again, tries to hypocritically
wrap itself in Leninism: “Leninism views the question of armed struggle
in relation to the objective and subjective conditions and the revolutionary
situation and accepts that armed struggle too is an art.... But
the anarchist thinking regards all these Leninist principles of
armed struggle as non-revolutionary. The anarchist thinking assumes
that the ripening of the objective and subjective conditions is
not necessary for the armed struggle... the ultra-leftists the world
over have been harboring such conceptions. The same conceptions
are found to be harboured by most of the parties supporting ‘Maoism’.”
[Foreword to “Critique of the Ultra-Leftist Thought”, by NCP (Mashal)
leader M.B. Singh] Also: “Lenin has said that armed insurrection
is a grave question and one should never play with it. But the UC
[referring to the NCP Unity Center, which later became the CPN(Maoist)]
has made the question of armed struggle just a matter of toys”.
There is a two-fold problem here. First of all, the application
of people’s war in semi-feudal countries dominated by imperialism
and its application in imperialist countries (with armed insurrection
followed by revolutionary civil war) are different processes. Lenin’s
approach to this question is based on the dynamics of the latter,
where revolutionary situations do not exist generally, and on those
rare opportunities when they come seizing them is a matter of life
and death. In the oppressed countries like Nepal, on the other hand,
as the RIM Declaration correctly states, “a continuous revolutionary
situation generally exists”, and a people’s war can usually be initiated
as soon as the subjective forces are in a position to launch it.
Secondly, and very importantly, Lenin’s outlook was not that of
avoiding revolutionary violence, quite the contrary. He actively
led the Bolshevik Party to leap to the fore of the 1905 (armed)
revolution, even though he could see the possibility of victory
was bleak. And in October 1917 it was Lenin who fearlessly charged
forward in the face of all sorts of opportunist and vacillating
elements who wanted to wait for the Soviet to vote on whether or
not to go over to insurrection. He led the party and the proletariat
to launch the insurrection that changed the face of earth for decades
to come. Lenin pointed out that in such situations there is no guarantee
of success, and indeed that waiting for such a guarantee would in
fact doom the revolution to failure. As RIM says in Long Live
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!: “Lenin raised the theory and practice
of proletarian revolution to a whole new level as he led the proletariat
in seizing and consolidating its political power, its revolutionary
dictatorship, for the first time with the victory of the October
Revolution in formerly Tsarist Russia in 1917.”
The NCP (Mashal) is objectively acting to discourage people
from going over to armed revolution, and shamelessly trying to implicate
Comrade Lenin, who worked all his life for just such a revolution,
in this treachery. Isn’t Lenin’s approach completely clear, when
he defiantly proclaimed the 1905 revolution “a dress-rehearsal”
for the coming armed revolution? And what about Mao, who called
on revolutionaries to plunge boldly ahead and “learn warfare through
warfare”? Revolutionary war is an art we will never master while
only practicing other forms of struggle.
It is important to note that the opposition of the NCP (Mashal)
to revolutionary war (under the pretext of “concrete conditions”)
is based in part on parliamentary pretensions. In a press statement
“On the Parliamentary Elections” they say, “NCP (Mashal) has decided
to utilise the forthcoming parliamentary elections through ANNPF....
In this connection our party wants to express its disillusionment
for the problem in electoral seat adjustments resulting from the
policies of the United Nepal Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)
[UML] in particular — but our party will with due honesty make all
efforts to make a success of the [electoral] adjustments, wherever
and however possible with any of the parties” [Mashal Vol.
37]. And: “In spite of the anti-communist and compromising character
of the UML, it is still a patriotic and democratic and an allied
force... (our party) has decided to continue with the previously
announced policy of supporting the UML government” [April 1995 press
statement of the CC of NCP (Mashal)].
The NCP (Mashal) has ceaselessly attacked the Maoists, labeling
us “ultra-left” and “anarchist”. Yet at the same time, it supports
the revisionists of the so-called United Marxist-Leninists who have
even led the very state responsible for sucking the blood of the
Nepalese masses and who since the start of the People’s War have
had a hand in massacring the revolutionaries. Mashal’s denigration
of People’s War goes hand in hand with their quibbling over the
rules of parliaments “with due honesty”. But the line the revolutionary
party takes on elections is important not only in the imperialist
countries, but also in the oppressed countries, where the revolutionaries
cannot lose from sight the overall goal of overthrowing the entire
imperialist-dominated semi-feudal set-up, at the heart of which
is the reactionary state. It must never be forgotten that whether
this state is a constitutional monarchy, a one-person or one-party
dictatorship, or a Western-style parliamentary democracy, these
are all ultimately different forms of the same reactionary dictatorship.
In sharply defining the approach of communists to the seizure
of power, Mao said, “Before the outbreak of war all organisation
and struggle are in preparation for the war.... After war breaks
out, all organisation and struggle are coordinated with the war
either directly or indirectly....” [“Problems of War and Strategy”]
Very clearly, the NCP (Mashal) is not preparing for war to
overthrow imperialism and feudalism; their approach to war, as well
as to parliamentary elections, at best reflects illusions about
the nature of the state. In the absence of a better line, this could
have been likened to the situation in Indonesia where the cooperation
of communists with the bourgeoisie and their failure to organise
for people’s war led to the massacre of many hundreds of thousands.
But with the sharpening of the two-line struggle in the Nepalese
movement and the emergence of the CPN (Maoist), who have embarked
on the glorious path of people’s war, this has led the NCP (Mashal)
into outright opposition to revolution. Attempts to cover this with
Leninism are in vain. The NCP (Mashal) are hypocritically accusing
our Movement of degrading Lenin, but it is they who will never succeed
in turning Lenin, whose writings ceaselessly train the revolutionaries
in the need for violent revolution, into a commonplace reformist.
It is the leaders of Mashal who are refusing to lead the masses
in advancing towards the armed overthrow of the old reactionary
system and who are standing to the side decrying the bravery and
courage of the comrades and masses who have taken to arms.
Struggle against Modern Revisionism and the Great Proletarian
Cultural Revolution
“Beginning immediately after the coup d’état of Khrushchev,
Mao Tse-tung and the Marxist-Leninists in the Chinese Communist
Party began to analyse the developments in the Soviet Union and
in the international communist movement and to struggle against
modern revisionism. In 1963 the publication of A Proposal Concerning
the General Line of the International Communist Movement (the
25-point letter) was an all-round and public condemnation of revisionism
and a call to the genuine Marxist-Leninists of all countries.” [RIM
Declaration] Amidst the confusion caused by the rise of revisionism
to power in the Soviet Union, this salvo by the Chinese comrades
represented such a breakthrough that, as RIM’s Declaration
continues: “The contemporary Marxist-Leninist movement has as its
origin this historic appeal and the polemics that accompanied it.”
But with characteristic contempt for Mao, the NCP (Mashal)
not only undercuts the importance of these polemics by reducing
them to simply extensions of Lenin’s understanding; they continue:
“We should not overlook the mistake Mao has made during the course
of struggle against opportunism. He was keen enough to take a correct
stand against right opportunism, but was unable to understand properly
the importance of the struggle against centrist opportunism
upon which Lenin has sufficiently thrown light in his theoretical
as well as practical works. The mistake made by Chairman Mao on
the question of centrism has definitely caused no less damage
to the socialist system in China.” [On “Maoism”].
In this utterly irresponsible and opportunist manner, the
NCP (Mashal) thus accuses one of the great leaders of the international
proletariat of centrism, and holds him responsible for damage to
the socialist system in China without even bothering to elaborate.
Furthermore, in the context here of dealing with Khrushchev revisionism,
just who exactly are the NCP (Mashal) comparing Mao to when they
say he caused “no less damage” to the socialist system? This
outrageous and arrogant attitude towards a great communist leader
who guided humanity to heights never achieved before, and coming
from people who are so willing to support revisionists like the
UML, clearly does not stem from a desire to deepen our understanding
for future advance. Moreover, this unexplained — and wrong — criticism
echoes the unfounded criticism leveled at Mao by Albania’s Enver
Hoxha, who tried to vilify the great significance of Mao Tse-tung’s
battle against revisionism on the international level. These charges
against Mao appearing in the 1992 NCP (Mashal) document, and in
the context of the struggle and debate in our Movement over how
to evaluate Mao’s contributions, reflected a real step backward
by the NCP (Mashal) at the very time the Movement was preparing
to take an important leap forward.
As the CoRIM Letter to the Mashal Congress continues: “the
history of the international communist movement is replete with
organisations who took very wrong turns when their leaders did not
deeply grasp the principles and contributions, the actual content
of Mao’s teachings and the struggle against modern revisionism.”
The struggle over important ideological questions such as this has
helped genuine revolutionaries in Nepal to make the advances necessary
to be able to lead a real revolution. The NCP (Mashal) leadership,
on the other hand, have chosen to slide down into the swamp of revisionism.
Comrade Mao’s qualitative contribution to Marxism-Leninism
is devalued by the NCP (Mashal) on the basisthat Lenin had already
struggled against revisionism. This, once again, shows Mashal’s
lack of understanding of the Marxist theory of knowledge and the
law of dialectics. The struggle with the bourgeoisie is a protracted
one, constantly bringing new elements to the fore, and capitalism
itself brings about changes in the world. All this gives rise to
new contradictions, including new forms of revisionism, which in
turn require new analysis. Marx’s struggle against Proudhon or Bakunin
no more negates the importance of Lenin’s struggle against Kautsky
than does Lenin’s struggle against revisionism negate Mao’s fight
against modern revisionism. It is also important to note that phenomena
develop through struggle; and as the RIM Declaration puts
it, “History has shown that real creative developments of Marxism
(and not phoney revisionist distortions) have always been inseparably
linked with a fierce struggle to defend and uphold basic principles
of Marxism-Leninism. Lenin’s two-fold struggle against the open
revisionists and against those, like Kautsky, who opposed revolution
under the guise of ‘Marxist orthodoxy’ and Mao Tse-tung’s great
battle to oppose the modern revisionists and their negation of the
experience of building socialism in the USSR under Lenin and Stalin
while carrying out a thorough and scientific criticism of the roots
of revisionism are evidence of this.”
Mao’s struggle against modern revisionism was a prelude to
the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR). The NCP (Mashal)
says, “The question of continuing class struggle or revolution in
the socialist period under the dictatorship of proletariat is a
fundamental principle of Marxism-Leninism. Mao, in the form of the
GPCR, has further developed it to a new height. At the same time,
we should not forget that the GPCR is a continuation of this principle
propounded by Marx, developed by Lenin, and practiced by Stalin.”
[On “Maoism”] First of all, Mao’s summation was based on
experience previous leaders simply did not have. Marx had no experience
building socialism, and Lenin’s own experience was very short-lived.
How could they have possibly understood and drawn out the laws and
contradictions of socialist society? The idealism at the heart of
this claim is anti-Marxist. Secondly, the core of the GPCR cannot
be reduced to just continuing the class struggle, but involves the
nature of this struggle, including especially who the bourgeoisie
in socialist society are, their roots, the locus of their power,
and how to fight and uproot them. Understanding all this required
not only the historical experience of the USSR and China, but also
Mao’s dialectical materialist analysis of this. And third, for anybody
really determined to bring about a classless society, a good look
at socialism in the USSR and China would clearly reveal stark differences.
The way the class struggle was continued in China in the GPCR involved
the development of forms of struggle involving the masses in every
sphere in a way that simply did not happen in Soviet society under
Lenin and Stalin. This itself reflected the great leap in understanding
achieved by Mao and the Chinese revolutionaries.
The NCP (Mashal) tries to devalue the GPCR by saying it was
a continuation of what was practiced by Stalin. Of course it was
a continuation, in that China too was building socialism; but it
was not merely a continuation, it was also a rupture.
Mao not only built on Stalin’s achievements, he also had to criticise
and refute a lot of what had been done in the Soviet Union.
As the RIM Declaration says, “While waging a fierce
struggle against the old exploiting classes, Stalin denied in theory
the emergence of a new bourgeoisie from within the socialist society
itself, reflected and concentrated by the revisionists within the
ruling communist party, hence his erroneous claim that ‘antagonistic
class contradictions’ had been eliminated in the Soviet Union as
a result of the basic establishment of socialist ownership in industry
and agriculture. Similarly, a failure to thoroughly apply dialectics
to the analysis of socialist society led the Soviet leadership to
conclude that there was no longer a contradiction between the productive
forces and the relations of production under socialism.
“This incorrect understanding of the nature of socialist
society also contributed to Stalin’s failure to adequately distinguish
the contradictions between the people and the enemy and the contradictions
among the people themselves. This in turn contributed to a marked
tendency to resort to bureaucratic methods of handling these contradictions
and gave more openings to the enemy.”
These are great lessons without which it is impossible to
keep on the path of socialism and march towards communism. And even
though Mao was at a historical advantage, theoretical and political
errors on Stalin’s part hampered him in analysing the contradictions
and solving them. The RIM Declaration aptly quotes Mao, “Stalin
had a fair amount of metaphysics in him and he taught many people
to follow metaphysics....” However, as presented in On “Maoism”:
“The NCP (Mashal) fundamentally differs from a criticism made against
Stalin by Chairman Mao.... The Declaration has not put forward
any convincing argument in this connection.”
Despite their claim to uphold the RIM Declaration
and their accusations that our Movement has deviated from the Declaration
by adopting Maoism, by rejecting Mao’s advances over Stalin
and insisting on upholding Stalin’s mistakes, the NCP (Mashal) ultimately
winds up even rejecting Stalin’s correct side, which was principal.
Moreover, by devaluing the significance of the GPCR, and therefore
of Maoism, the NCP (Mashal) goes against a fundamental point
of unity of our Movement that separates us from all sorts of revisionists.
As we said before, the NCP (Mashal) ties the possibility
of armed struggle to “concrete conditions”. A brief examination
of the objective situation in Nepal in the light of Mao’s teachings
will help clarify the debate.
Nepal is a semi-feudal country long dominated by imperialism.
As is said in The Worker no. 1, the organ of the CPN (Maoist),
“The present Nepalese state was created about two hundred years
ago and is presided over by a small clique of moribund feudal and
comprador and bureaucratic capitalist classes. These exploiting
classes have made life hell on earth for the masses of peasants
and workers and have driven the country to the verge of collapse.
Nepal is now the second poorest country in the world after Ethiopia;
there is economic inequality, the richest 10% gobbling up 46.5%
of the national income while 71% of the population is forced to
live below the absolute poverty line. 90% of the population lives
in rural areas in primitive conditions and 81% of the work-force
is engaged in backward agriculture....” A backward economy and localised
agriculture implies the existence of a peasantry crushed under the
yoke of semi-feudal relations and burning with the desire for land.
This is one of the conditions for the emergence and survival of
red political power in the oppressed countries. This element is
of course only visible to revolutionaries who believe that the masses
are the makers of history. In the equations of revisionists and
opportunists, the masses never count except as a bargaining chip
in their dealings with reaction.
Furthermore, the ruling classes, being the bloodsucking tyrants
they are, cannot count on the strategic and long-term support of
most of the population of Nepal, and on top of that they are mired
in contradictions amongst themselves. An example of this was their
inability to decide what to do in the face of the initiation of
the People’s War. The objective situation in Nepal is not fundamentally
different from that in other oppressed countries, and it is on this
basis that the RIM Declaration [which the NCP (Mashal) demagogically
claims to uphold!] says, “In the oppressed countries of Asia, Africa
and Latin America a continuous revolutionary situation generally
The NCP (Mashal) saw only the difficulties facing the revolutionaries
there, and not the favourable aspects. Thus their leadership considered
that it was impossible for a people’s war to be successfully conducted
in Nepal unless one were to break out in India first. They saw Nepal’s
land-locked situation (with the Himalayas/China in the north and
India surrounding the rest of the country) as another impediment
to the possibility of carrying a people’s war to victory. This approach
was indicative of whether the NCP (Mashal) was trying to apply revolutionary
theory in order to hasten preparations for revolution, or instead
inventing and distorting the “objective situation” in order to justify
not applying MLM.
Mao taught that everything divides into two, and in any situation,
however bad, a good aspect exists too. But when one has given up
on making revolution, even positive aspects will come to seem negative.
The infrastructure of Nepal is very underdeveloped, and most of
the country’s population is only accessible by foot. The Himalayas,
where the masses of Nepal know the ground like the palm of their
hand and foreign (Indian) soldiers can hardly breathe in the thin
air, can be very favourable ground for waging a people’s war. The
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) have been fighting a guerrilla
war for many years in Sri Lanka in geographical conditions less
favourable than those of Nepal. (It is true that the fact that the
LTTE is a nationalist force creates some advantages for them, because
of their ability to unite larger forces to start with, but their
bourgeois politics has turned that into its opposite as they are
not able to fully unleash the masses.) Just how much being landlocked
influences the continuity of the People’s War in Nepal remains to
be seen, but it is obvious that what has sustained the LTTE is not
the ability of their fighters to swim!
India is a big country with a strong army. An Indian invasion
would cost a lot of lives to the revolution. But the strength of
the Indian army is relative. And by looking a little harder, we
can see that it has major and strategic weaknesses, for India is
a country wracked by contradictions. As Comrade Bhattarai, a Nepalese
revolutionary leader, has remarked, “The majority of the population
in India suffers from hunger, illiteracy and deprivation, and the
ethnic and national issues have remained unresolved or rather aggravated
over the years”; and, “the factors that compel poor peasants and
tribals in Bihar and Andhra Pradesh to revolt under the banner of
Naxalism or compel various nationalities like Punjab, Kashmir, Assami,
Naga and others to fight for their national rights” are those that
unite them with the masses of Nepal and against the Indian state.
India cannot even clean its own house. If India attacks Nepal to
help crush the revolution, the revolutionaries can rely on many
elements to turn this into its opposite. Sentiments against Indian
domination are so strong in Nepal that such an invasion would inevitably
unite even a lot of middle forces against it and against any reactionaries
who support it. This dynamic can be used to forge a strong united
front and wage a true war of liberation. A correct policy towards
the Indian nationality peoples in the Terai region will also unite
them against India, if they are awakened to their class interests
and are mobilised to fight against the common oppressors of the
labouring masses of Nepal. The masses of India also have sharp contradictions
with the Indian state and will not go along with such an invasion.
Indeed, the reality that people in Nepal have risen up to take their
destiny into their hands will come to inspire the masses in India,
thus weakening the Indian state. Since the arrival of the British
in Asia, India has always determined the fate of Nepal; this time
let it be the masses of Nepal who help ignite the fires of liberation
throughout South Asia.
Moreover, imperialist intervention does not come only through
neigbouring countries or in the form of direct military intervention.
The experience of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP), where its Chairman
and a large part of its leading members were arrested through a
CIA-backed intelligence operation, is testimony to that. We are
living in an increasingly internationalised world. A revolution
in any part of the globe affects the rule not only of that particular
state but also of world imperialism – and is viewed accordingly.
It is with the knowledge of these dangers that the comrades of the
CPN (Maoist) set forth on the glorious path of People’s War.
In addition to the general criteria for the start of the
people’s war, the present, particularly sharp, contradictions among
the ruling classes and the fact that Nepal has been in a state of
tremendous turmoil since 1990 created an especially favourable situation
for the launching of the revolutionary war. M.B. Singh’s allegations
that the Maoists consider the concrete conditions irrelevant and
are thus “anarchists”, etc., call to mind the Peruvian United Left
attacks against the PCP at the initial stages of the People’s War
there. They called the PCP comrades “roaming bands” with no connection
to the masses and accused them of not taking the objective situation
into account. (Indeed, here Mashal’s false support for the People’s
War in Peru must be exposed. The PCP have long upheld Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
and are thus in Mashal’s eyes inevitably guilty of “anarchism”,
etc. But because of the popularity of the Peruvian People’s War
the NCP (Mashal) prefer not to make a direct attack.)
The objective reality of Nepal shows that the initiation
of the People’s War had long been overdue and the only reason it
had not started, as in most countries, was the opportunism dominating
its left movement. From the time of Vim Dutta Panmtha in the early
1950s, to the Naxalbari-inspired struggles in the 1970s and down
until recent years, the main impediment to launching a people’s
war had been the dominant lines that paid lip-service to the need
for people’s war but in actuality reconciled themselves to peaceful
forms of struggle in practice. [For a more detailed account of this
history, see AWTW 1996/22] As the leadership of the CPN (Maoist)
summed up: “There are specific weaknesses in the understanding of
communists in Nepal. Mostly we have been influenced by gradualism.
This means mass struggle, and that some time in the distant future
the mass struggle will itself transition to armed struggle. This
is wrong and goes against Marxist dialectics....
“Basically we see that philosophy and ideology and organisation
are crucial to initiating people’s war to break out of the vicious
circle of reformism — the school of revolution in words and reformism
in deeds that marked the old NCP (Mashal). There needed to be radical
rupture in thinking, deeds, and style of organisation. Otherwise
we cannot initiate people’s war.” [AWTW 1996/22]
In an article entitled “On Ultra-left deviation in Nepalese
Communist Movement”, NCP (Mashal) supporters say, “The Marxist-Leninists
have the experience of the present NCP(UML) which went to the other
extreme from the ultra-‘left’ line adopted by the Marxist-Leninist
movement of the 1960s and 1970s. The ultra-left line put forward
by the present NCP[sic](Maoist) is only a means to pave its way
for scoring success in rightist politics”. [from Red Star,
October 1996]. Isn’t there consistency in the way the NCP (Mashal)
reduces the people’s war to a mere question of tactics, engages
the party and the masses in reformist politics, defends the reactionary
UML-led government, and warns that the initiators of the People’s
War will become rightist? We don’t have to wait for some imaginary
future, we can see who is setting their sights on “scoring success
in rightist politics” right now!
The comrades of the CPN (Maoist) have fought against revisionism
and courageously picked up the gun and pledged to bring imperialism
and reaction down in Nepal. By doing this, they have brought hope
not only to the masses of Nepal but to the oppressed all over the
world, including our comrades in Peru who have rejoiced in the initiation
of the People’s War in Nepal. As was said in El Diario, the
revolutionary underground newspaper in Lima, in June 1996, “We salute
proletarian internationalism and the launching of the People’s War
in Nepal by the CPN (Maoist), brandishing the invincible ideology
of MLM. 13 Feb 1996 ripped through the black night of oppression
and set forth amidst tumultuous people’s war... The organised violence
of the oppressed in Nepal exposes the revisionism of UML who practice
parliamentary cretinism and demand respect for the legal and constitutional
road.” The NCP (Mashal) tries to separate line from action by defending
the People’s War in Peru but directly attacking PCP’s ideology.
This is idealism. In fact, Mashal’s own experience is testimony
to how ideology bears on practice; their opposition to people’s
war and their gradualist politics has everything to do with their
abandoning of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as the third and highest stage
of our science.
The NCP (Mashal) also demagogically muddles the difference
between the necessary situation for starting a people’s war and
the conditions of victory. As said before, the objective situation
is generally ripe for the initiation of people’s war in the oppressed
countries. This does not, however, mean that a people’s war is automatically
going to be victorious, or that victory will come within any given
time. The advance of revolution is not a straightforward process
and will go through twists and turns. It is always possible that
the reactionaries can drown a revolution in blood, but the oppressed
will always rise up against reaction. MLM is the only guarantee
that these uprisings will lead to the demise of imperialism. When
talking about the initiation of the People’s War in Peru, the PCP
said it was like throwing oneself into the void, and Lenin said
that if you waited for a guarantee of victory, you’d never start
an insurrection.
Instead of being elated by the initiation of the People’s
War, the NCP (Mashal) has shown nothing but contempt for the masses
who have risen up in arms. The NCP (Mashal) has prophesied the defeat
of this People’s War as if wishing for its defeat. This People’s
War will indeed go through twists and turns, but Mashal’s prophecy
of its failure is its own straight-line plunge into the quagmire
of revisionism.
the People’s War in Nepal!
As was said at the beginning of this article, after the struggles
leading to the adoption of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, it was decided
that there would be a period of struggle with the NCP (Mashal).
A Letter was submitted to the NCP (Mashal) Congress developing CoRIM’s
views on some of the questions involved. In the meantime, however,
not a single document, not even a page, has been sent by the NCP
(Mashal) attempting to engage in constructive, principled struggle
over these crucial differences. Instead, their representatives have
made public statements and interviews attacking our Movement as
“ultra-left extremism”.
“Although for many Marxist-Leninists of the world the difference
between Mao Tse-tung Thought and ‘Maoism’ seems that of terminology,
only in the context of RIM ‘Maoism’ represents an opportunist trend
to drag the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement as a whole to
the path of opportunism and Trotskyism. The Committee is doing its
best pulling down Leninism from the position of leading ideology
of the era of imperialism and proletarian revolution and distorting
Mao...” [Resolution of the NCP (Mashal) CC of 1996]. As we say in
our Letter of August 1996 and we attempt to show here, “The dispute
between RIM and the NCP (Mashal) is by no means limited to a question
of terminology. The debate concentrates a whole series of political
and ideological questions.” These questions include important teachings
of Mao Tse-tung on the question of the path of protracted people’s
war in the oppressed countries, Mao’s summation of the experience
of building socialism in the Soviet Union and China, the lessons
of the GPCR, and more. Despite their hypocritical assertion that
they are, as opposed to RIM, the true upholders of Leninism, the
recent struggle also shows that by discarding Mao the NCP (Mashal)
are also discarding Lenin, including very importantly on the question
of political power and the state.
Mashal’s opposition to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism has resulted
in the untenable situation where one of the participating parties
of RIM has publicly, fixedly and repeatedly rejected the very foundation
of our Movement itself.
In its August 1996 Letter, CoRIM demanded that, “If your
party continues to maintain its opposition to the ideological foundation
of RIM the correct and principled response on your part would be
your voluntary resignation from our Movement.” In response, the
above-mentioned NCP (Mashal) CC Resolution calls this a threat to
expel it from RIM, and continues: “However, CC unanimously decided
to continue its position on Mao Tse-tung Thought or ‘Maoism’, not
to render resignation from RIM and continues to defend Marxist-
Leninist ideology against ‘leftist’, opportunist, sectarian, splittist,
despotic, illegitimate and arbitrary, left opportunist unprincipled
policies and style of work of CoRIM.”
They continue: “The consequence of the Maoist People’s War
has proved the policies of both Maoists and RIM wrong.” [“On RIM’s
Support”] The opposite is indeed the case: the initiation of the
People’s War was a great development in the class struggle in Nepal,
and a great material force helping polarise and clarify the political
field in Nepal and further exposing the seriously wrong nature of
the NCP (Mashal) line, and opportunism more generally. On the other
hand, it has also proved the strength and vitality of Maoism. To
reiterate, RIM’s decision on the NCP (Mashal) is not simply based
on its opposition to the People’s War; rather, the opposition by
the NCP (Mashal) to the People’s War is a symptom and the inevitable
result of the opportunist trajectory it has been on for many years.
Furthermore, in relation to their divergence from RIM the
NCP (Mashal) leadership says: “What is needed to be clear about
is the fact that RIM is not an authoritative organisation to issue
certificates of revolution, instead, it is merely an international
forum of Marxist-Leninist parties and organisations for exchanging
ideas and experiences.” And any party has the “right to enjoy a
view different and free from that of RIM”. “Moreover at a time when
RIM is itself deviating from ML principles and/or thoughts of Mao
there is no doubt that CoRIM cannot play any guiding or leading
role in the communist Movements... Nevertheless, we cannot rule
out its utility for exchanging the ideas and the experiences of
the parties and organisations in various countries of the world,
but RIM encroaches the border or circle. Its utility is more likely
Here the NCP (Mashal) is reducing the role of our Movement
to that of an international forum or a debating society. RIM’s tasks,
however, are defined quite differently in the RIM Declaration
the NCP (Mashal) so hypocritically pretends to uphold: “At the present
juncture of world history, the international proletariat has to
take up the challenge of forming its own organisation, an International
of a new type.” “The function of such a new International will be
to continue and deepen the summation of experiences, develop the
general line on which it is founded, and serve as an overall guiding
political centre.” It is in the spirit of moving towards such an
organisation to lead our international fight for communism that
the RIM Founding Conference called for setting up “An interim committee
– an embryonic political centre” to further the ideological, political
and organisational unity of the communists.... a task that is being
successfully and proudly carried out, as is reflected in the document
Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! and the leap it represents.
Any attempt to reduce our Movement to a debating society will rob
the proletariat of our fighting unity and our international centre
and inevitably hinder the worldwide march to communism.
Another task conferred on the Committee by RIM is as follows:
“helping the formation of new MLM parties and the strengthening
of existing ones is the common task of the international communist
After seriously evaluating the situation in Nepal, the RIM
Committee has come to the conclusion that the continued participation
of the NCP (Mashal) in our Movement no longer helps the advance
of the vanguard in Nepal. Rather, allowing RIM’s prestige to be
used by a party that has chosen to depart from the ideological foundations
of our Movement and the cause of communism would be creating confusion
among the masses. It harms the revolutionary cause, and lowers the
combativity of our Movement as a whole. Therefore, in accordance
with the organisational principles of our Movement and the duties
and authority conferred on it, the Committee has come to the grave
decision to propose to the participating parties and organisations
the expulsion of the NCP (Mashal) from the ranks of our Movement.
The initiation of the People’s War has changed the political
landscape in Nepal. The masses of Nepal have embarked on a glorious
path that will inevitably be tortuous, but it is the only path that
will lead to true liberation. It is vital that all the revolutionary
and progressive forces support this cause and defend it against
the ever-mounting attacks of reaction. The ideological stand of
the NCP (Mashal) makes it impossible for them to be in RIM, but
to support the just war of the Nepalese masses against imperialism
and feudalism one need not be a Maoist. We call on the rank-and-file
of the NCP (Mashal) to dissociate themselves from M.B. Singh’s attacks
against the revolution and join the proud ranks of the People’s
War in Nepal in the advancing battle for a world free of exploitation
and oppression.