A WORLD TO WIN    #17   (1992)


CRC, CPI(M-L) Press Release

Reprinted from Mass Line, October-November 1991

The Central Reorganisation Committee, Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) had correctly identified the deep-rooted dogmatism existing in the Marxist-Leninist movement in India and had initiated a determined struggle against it during the last decade. The established old concepts existing within the Marxist-Leninist movement on the New Democratic Revolution in India had become the biggest hurdle in grasping the reality. This was thoroughly smashed by the CRC,CPI(ML) by following the method of carrying out a correct Marxist analysis of concrete reality. The CRC,CPI(ML) came to the understanding that India is an ensemble of different nationalities having their own history and identity. In order to understand the concrete reality of India we must recognize these nationalities as historically formed socio-economic formations. By adopting this approach the CRC,CPI(ML) succeeded in recognizing the concrete reality of India. It came to the political conclusion that the establishment of the independent, sovereign existence of the nationalities is the historical task to be taken up today. This cannot be fulfilled without smashing the existing Indian state.

Along with this, the CRC,CPI(ML) also paid attention to developing a correct understanding of the developing and changing world situation. It rejected the dogmatist approach of viewing the post second world war by sticking to Lenin's views and developed a new understaning of the dynamics of the contemporary world and on the revolution and world war.

To arrive at the new positions the CRC,CPI(ML) had to wage a continuous struggle during the last ten years against the dogmatist style of thinking. It has had to wage a determined struggle along these lines to draw the correct lessons from the unfolding incidents in the former socialist countries.

It has come to the conclusion that answers to the new challenges thrown up by these developments cannot be obtained from the established positions of the Marxist-Leninist movement on capitalist restoration in the former socialist countries. These events have raised questions about some basic Marxist principles which were considered as sacrosanct. The necessity of redefining these principles has come up. As an initial outcome of this search on the part of the CRC,CPI(ML) the document "On Proletarian Democracy" was published.

Comrade K. Venu, Secretary of the CRC,CPI(ML), has continuously taken the initiative in advancing these positions. Some sections within the organisation did try to grasp them, but practice has revealed that as a whole it is still within the confines of fundamentalist framework. As a result no significant breakthrough could be achieved in translating these ideas into practice. In the light of this situation, the secretary came to the conclusion that the task of reorganising the Communist movement on a new basis is not possible within the framework of the existing organisation. After considering ideological, political and organisational aspects, he proposed his resignation from the secretaryship and membership of the leading committee, so that he could be able to play a better role in developing the movement on a new basis. After a thorough discussion the All-India Leading Committee has upheld his views and accepted his resignation. Along with this the AILC has decided to dissolve the all-India structure of the party, keeping in mind the long-standing demand to resolve the contradiction between this structure and the tasks of leading national liberation struggles. With this the CRC,CPI(ML) ceases to exist as an all-India party. Its existing State units will be reorganizing themselves as national parties. It is also decided to form a coordinating committee in order to facilitate the exchange of experiences and views emerging from the national liberation struggles and give them a common orientation.

Central Reorganisation Committee, Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)