A WORLD TO WIN    #16   (1991)


Intro to messages to PCP on 10th anniversary of P.W.:

The Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement issued a statement on the 10th anniversary of the launching of the people's war, and a number of parties and organisations did so as well. Following are those messages of support to the PCP that so far have reached our hands and been translated.


Order of messages: in alphabetical order by name of group, as in Dec (tho not all are listed in Dec), with Rim first, and NCP-cc last (since it is not exactly a message to pcp) and perhaps typographically or otherwise slightly distinct from others in section (maybe -- somewhat up to you).


Ceylon CP

Committee for a RCPAustralia

Committee of Propa and Agit etc Afg.

Committee of Rev In'ls austrlaia

Communist Org of Colombia

(Communist Party of Spain -- still to come....)



Proletarian Party Purba Bangla

Revolutionary Communist Group Colombia




Dear comrades,

We take this opportunity to wish the Central Committee of the PCP, the proletariat and the oppressed people of Peru all strength and success in the glorious people's war you are waging in the face of mounting life-and-death challenges.

We are aware that the people's war you are waging has arrived at a most decisive conjuncture. The very success of the revolutionary war, which you have been waging for over a decade, and which has already liberated two thirds of the country, is rapidly bringing about the total collapse of the neocolonial regime in your country, making it both possible and necessary to capture nation-wide state power and establish the People's Republic of Peru.

In the face of the victorious forward march of the people's war, U.S. imperialism is taking concrete steps to commit military aggression against Peru so as to drown the revolution in a river of blood. U.S. imperialism, along with the rest of the imperialist powers, simply will not allow the people's revolution to continue to establish and expand the liberated red base areas under the New Democratic state power of the people any further. This is because the development of the people's war in your country has already had, and will continue to have, the most decisive impact on the development of the world proletarian socialist revolution, which can and will spell the doom of world imperialism.

As a founding member of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, the PCP today, under the banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and guided by Chairman Gonzalo, is playing a most crucial historical role in the current world conjuncture.

Following the loss of Red China, the PCP mounted the stage of world history with exemplary proletarian courage and determination on behalf of the international proletariat by beginning the people's war in your country on March 17th, 1980, thereby raising high the invincible banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, through the thunder of revolutionary war itself. This thunder of the people's war echoing from the peaks of the mighty Andean mountains has spread hope, joy, inspiration and courage to revolutionaries across the world. It has shattered the vile schemes of world imperialism and international revisionism in their concerted effort to distort and bury the immortal revolutionary legacy and the living critical scientific essence of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Through the blood of tens of thousands of revolutionary martyrs, the people's war in your country provides living testimony to the invincible truth and all-conquering power of the science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.

At the same time, the people's war in your country continues to provide many crucial revolutionary lessons theoretically and practically to the international proletariat and revolutionaries across the world in mastering, applying and advancing the science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Our party is making a serious study of the historical experience of the people's war in your country as part of our preparations to develop the line and path of the revolutionary armed seizure of power in our country.

Brothers and sisters of Peru, your heroic struggle and sacrifice is shining the path towards our goal of communism. You stand in the forefront of the struggle of our class, the international proletariat, in accomplishing the historic mission of destroying world imperialism and ushering in the bright new world of communism.

Our country too is undergoing a most profound revolutionary crisis, and our people are accumulating crucial experience in waging war against imperialism and the neocolonial state. Based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and drawing from the rich lessons and experiences of the revolution in your country and worldwide, we are confident that we can develop the correct political and organisational line and step forward to accomplish our revolutionary internationalist tasks in this most momentous period in history. In unity with the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, our party is making efforts to rally the anti-imperialist progressive forces in our country with the aim of exposing and opposing U.S. imperialist aggression and spreading the lessons and experience of the revolutionary war in your country to the broad masses.

As Mao said, "The path is tortuous, but the future is bright. Nothing is impossible if you dare to scale the heights." Your struggle today represents and concentrates the glorious path and future of the world proletarian revolution! The dawning of the new world is affirmed by your heroism, by your blood and sacrifice! In unity with the international proletariat and the oppressed people of the world, guided by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and led by Chairman Gonzalo and the PCP, the proletariat and the people of Peru will surely meet the deadly challenges ahead, continue to develop revolutionary strength and experience, defeat the vile schemes of world imperialism and go on to establish the People's Republic of Peru in the service of the world revolution.

"Tis the final conflict, let each stand in his place, The international working class shall be the human race."

25 September 1990

The Committee for a Revolutionary Communist Party in Australia sends fraternal greetings to the Communist Party of Peru to mark the 10th anniversary of the launching of the people's war in Peru. Peru is the centre of the world revolutionary movement. The people's war in Peru, under the leadership of the line of the Communist Party of Peru Chairman Gonzalo, is of worldwide significance to the people of the world in their struggle for communism, and is another death blow to the imperialist system.

The struggle of the PCP is a beacon shining through the fog of imperialist lies and distortion that "communism is dead" and is an inspiration to comrades who may, temporarily, face difficulties.

The Communist Party of Peru's unquenchable determination to fight to the end, apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the concrete situation in Peru, to identify themselves with the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement and the worldwide struggle for communism, urges us to redouble our efforts to carry the message of their struggle to the four corners of Australia.

Long Live the Armed Struggle!

Glory to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Ten years ago, on May 17th, 1980, the heroic people of Peru launched an armed struggle against the reactionary forces of Peru. The struggle that was prepared for and led by the Communist Party of Peru opened a new chapter in the history of the international proletariat and oppressed people around the world. Despite the twists and turns in the people's war, and despite the atrocities and crimes that are committed by U.S. imperialism and its lackeys, the Communist Party of Peru has led the people's war victoriously for a decade.

As the phony communism of Soviet social imperialism and Chinese revisionism dies, the red banner of genuine communism is raised and hoisted up high on the peaks of the Andes. As the genuine sons and daughters of the Peruvian people fan the heat of revolutionary armed struggle deep into the valleys and cities of Peru, the Yankee leadership organises to suppress the people's war in the name of the "War on Drugs". The "War on Drugs" is nothing but a sham pretext to cover up U.S. aggression against the people. The hypocritical leaders of the U.S., who foster, prop up and support the ring-leaders of drug cartels as their political surrogates, organised a summit with their Latin American counterparts earlier this year. George Bush, whose connection with Noriega and other drug lords has a long history, approved a $35 million increase in military aid to the Peruvian government. The aid is used to send American troops, Green Berets, to Peru's Upper Huallaga River Valley in order to set up a new U.S. military base. As the people's war in Peru enters into a new stage, the Bush administration is planning to ask the U.S. Congress for another $35 million aid in 1991. All this U.S. military aid, which will amount to approximately $100 million by the end of 1991, will be spent on military bases, guns and attack planes. It is obvious that the imperialists' "War on Drugs" is a war on the revolutionary people.

The U.S. support for the Islamic parties of Afghanistan, which are heavily involved in smuggling drugs from the border regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan, is another example of the U.S. "War on Drugs". Since the Islamic parties carry out U.S. policy and safeguard the interests of the Western imperialists in the region, the U.S. remains a faithful supporter of the Islamic parties. Heavy involvement of the Islamic parties with the Pakistani drug lords is ignored by the policy makers. Truckloads of heroin smuggled by the Islamic parties, in return for the arms delivered to the Islamic parties through CIA channels, is overlooked by the U.S. authorities. Fostering, propping up and supporting the Islamic parties of Afghanistan, which are the major drug traffickers in the region, is not war on drugs. Rather, it is war on the people - war on the revolutionary people who oppose the Islamic parties just as much as they do the Soviet puppet regime. Thus, the demagogic slogan of "War on Drugs" cannot deceive the revolutionary people of Afghanistan. In the case of Latin America and Peru, it is clearly understood that the "War on Drugs" is war on the people of Latin America. It is a reactionary war against the revolutionary war of the Peruvian people.

The people's war in Peru is the war of all oppressed people against imperialism and reaction. The conscious revolutionary forces cannot and will not tolerate the U.S. aggression against the Peruvian comrades. The PAC (MLM), as a part of the Maoist movement of Afghanistan, strongly condemns the U.S. intervention in Peru. We demand an unconditional withdrawal of American troops from Peru, and demand that the Yankee imperialists stop their murderous moves against the Peruvian people once and for all.

Victory to the People's War in Peru!

Down with the U.S. Intervention in Peru!

Long Live the Communist Party of Peru!

17 May 1990

We send our greetings and congratulations in honour of the 10th anniversary of your launching people's war in Peru on May 17th 1980. In doing so we aim to defend firmly the revolutionary science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and link the advances that your party has led in the last ten years in fighting the people's war in Peru with our worldwide struggle against imperialism and reaction.

Even though there are victories still to be won by the oppressed of Peru, progress made by your party and the class it stands for mean that defeat stares in the face of the forces of imperialism and reaction in Peru. Your party has shown the world that a decisive break can be made with imperialist domination through mobilising the masses in a people's war and waging a New Democratic Revolution, overturning the old state powers, the old social system preparing to make way for the blooming of a new society in a way only last seen in revolutionary China. The people's war in Peru is the sharpest expression today of the worldwide struggle to create a world free of class distinctions and oppression, and the armed struggle your party is leading is a massive material force on the side of, and as part of, this struggle. Your party in fighting ten years of people's war has illuminated the invincible truth of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.

As a part of the international communist movement, we in Australia compare ourselves to you who ten years ago launched forward on your historic task because we also are committed to treading the same path of your resolute fighters who dare to create the future. We often turn to the part of the Declaration of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement where it says, "...if one's line is correct, even if one has not a single soldier at first there will be soldiers and even if there is no political power, power will be gained. This is borne out by the historical experience of the international communist movement since the time of Marx." This reminds us that you like ourselves once faced the tasks we now confront and are determined to overcome as we fight ahead for the forces necessary to end Australian imperialism and all it stands for. Your struggle in Peru and especially the events of May 17th are a concentrated demonstration of the truth which makes us strive even more toward our responsibilities in Australia and contribute to the development of world revolution.

Our task of building a genuine Marxist-Leninist-Maoist party is inseparable from our support for the people's war in Peru and is part of ending all imperialism worldwide. Our proletarian internationalism isn't simply a unity of workers against all the oppressive conditions in oppressed countries but reflects the fact that we are part of a single class worldwide facing a world system of imperialism where we are all charged with the duty of our class of liberating all of humanity. Political preparation and organising forces for revolution is our task in Australia where nothing short of revolution is urgently needed, as it is in Peru. We are part, as the Declaration of the RIM says, of "the strategic alliance between the revolutionary proletarian movement in the advanced countries and the national-democratic revolutions in the oppressed countries." Revolution in Peru belongs to the international proletariat, as does revolution in Australia. The oppressed of Peru can't be free if exploiting and oppressing imperialist countries like Australia are left to continue their domination in the world.

We do not just aim to eliminate its control from certain areas of the world, because Peru and other countries oppressed by imperialism cannot be truly free if the foundations of imperialism are left intact, but while it is true the Australian monopoly capitalists aren't one of the major imperialists directly exploiting Peru, they have gone on the political, economic and diplomatic offensive in South America, and as a very close ally of the U.S., are likely to stand right beside U.S. intervention in Peru. Australia is going through a period of chauvinist resurgence creating new and enforcing old relationships and imperialist order of the kind the U.S.A. enforces in Peru. To fully contribute to support for the revolution in Peru and highlight the launching of people's war in Peru, we must at the same time fight very hard to bring down Australian imperialism. We have a lot to learn and a long way to go but those fighters who launched out on May 17th in Peru remind us we can do it and we can win. n

The people's war in Peru which began ten years ago, on the 17th of May 1980, is today advancing victoriously under the leadership of the Maoist Communist Party of Peru, a participating party of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement. This heroic deed took place "in the very bowels of your centuries-old, unbearable poverty and burning rebellion -- hope was unfurled, defiant, calling out, in the concrete form of gunfire -- the armed struggle. A handful of sons and daughters of our fatherland, flesh of your flesh, dared to take up arms to overthrow the old order of exploitation and create a new world that will truly be for the people, where up until now there has only been misery and growing oppression"... "Thus, everything is growing out of the barrel of a gun, the armed struggle is giving rise to things that are new and serve the people and destroying everything old and reactionary."

The Peruvian revolution, the people's war, not only serves the Peruvian people, but also the world proletarian revolution and in this sense it is a light of revolutionary hope, encouragement and optimism for all the world's oppressed. In these times when the imperialists and reactionaries are shouting that "communism is dead", spreading scepticism, surrender, capitulation and conciliation, the people's war in Peru fully demonstrates the shining vitality of authentic communism and the universal validity of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the only theory that guarantees the triumph of the liberation of the class and the people. The people's war in Peru shows that it is revisionism that has failed!

The surging people's war in Peru gives concrete proof of the correctness of Chairman Mao's guidance: to make revolution, there must be a Maoist party, the most advanced organisation of the proletariat; a guerrilla army, the main mass organisation, and a united front of the revolutionary classes, tools with which to carry out the democratic revolution to overthrow the exploitation and oppression of imperialism and bureaucrat capital and the continuing existence of semifeudalism; and a people's war whose essence is the building of revolutionary base areas.

The people's war in Peru also shows the crucial importance of focusing the whole party on "one single idea": the omnipotence of revolutionary warfare! Courage, combativity, fighting spirit and daring are all products of a correct ideological stand centred on the orientation given by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism: Revolutionary violence, violent revolution, is the only way to win political power and transform the world. In the case of the nations oppressed by imperialism, this principle takes the form of people's war, to culminate the democratic revolution, advance to socialism and keep going towards communism by means of several cultural revolutions under the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Today, in 1990, the sinister plans of all the imperialists, especially the U.S., in collusion with the Peruvian and other Latin American ruling classes, are taking aim at the revolution in Peru. The U.S., with its "war on drugs" strategy, means to fight the people's war in Peru by means of an invasion. That is what they are now preparing, wiping out any possibility of people's uprisings in Latin America, and even of opposition to the regimes in power. Colombia is an example of what the imperialists and the ruling classes are ready to do to prevent popular and revolutionary movements. With blood, steel and "political negotiations" they are backing down the people's movements!

While in Colombia the reactionary classes unleash brutal white terror, while the guerrilla movements here give themselves up for a bowl of beans -- legality and a few votes -- in Peru the people are advancing in the building of a New Democratic Republic, burying the rotten old Peruvian state as they go. These are the two poles of a single truth: political power is born out of the barrel of a gun, and not from votes! Those who take up arms must continue on to communism and never give up or bury their weapons!

It is most urgent to denounce the imperialists' plots, their preparations to invade Peru to try and smash the people's war. We must support that war and prepare to stop the Yankee offensive in Latin America. On this occasion marking ten years of heroic deeds, the Communist Organisation of Colombia/Marxist-Leninist-Maoist (OCC/MLM) salutes the Communist Party of Peru and its Chairman, Comrade Gonzalo, its men and women Party comrades and all its fighters. We give homage to the heroic fighters and comrades who have given their lives and with their blood sown the seeds of the Peruvian people's emancipation.

Long Live Maoism!

Long Live the Communist Party of Peru!

Support the People's War in Peru!

Long Live the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement!

17 May 1990

It has been ten years since the Communist Party of Peru, now truly glorious, assumed its role of heroic combatant and unleashed the great storm of the revolution. Consistently upholding, defending and applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and concretising it in Gonzalo Thought, today that small spark has been transformed, through the work of guns, into a roaring bonfire lighting up the world with the example of its liberating action.

The class struggle, international action and the struggles of the proletariat and peasants allowed Marxism to strike deep roots in Peru, bearing fruit, the Communist Party of Peru, first with J. Carlos Mariategui and today with Chairman Gonzalo.

Centuries of poverty, suffering and exploitation began to give way May 17th 1980 with the launching of the people's war. Guerrilla fighters, guns in hand, began to open a new road from the Andes to the sea, unfolding thousands of actions that have splashed red all over Peru, forging the base areas which now shine openly in the countryside, in the light of day.

The People's Guerrilla Army has been tempered in the course of hard-fought, fierce battles, in constant combat with no quarter against the Army, the police and the vigilantes of the reaction who have tried to set sections of the people against each other, and today against the forces of Yankee imperialism as well, developing the New Democratic revolution, destroying imperialist domination, semifeudalism and bureaucrat capitalism and bringing into being the new state of the workers, peasants and progressive people, the People's New Democratic Republic.

These ten years of people's war are showing the world's proletariat and masses that the rights of the people can be won and defended only by force of arms, and that imperialism and its flunkies will stop at nothing to defend the old, rotten reactionary state and the outmoded, decrepit world of which they are lord and master: massacres, genocide, disappearances, mass detentions and imprisonment, hunger and misery. We can expect nothing from this world of horrors.

Under the pretext of fighting narcotics traffic, Yankee imperialism is hastening to intervene directly in Peru. Its only objective is to fight the people's war. This manoeuvre against the revolution has been joined by the Spanish imperialist state and its current government through the Trilateral pact, in this way once again revealing their true nature to the proletariat and masses of people in the Spanish state.

The press in the service of the state and the government, especially El Pais, have been dedicating themselves lately to spreading slander against the people's war in Peru, echoing the psychological warfare campaign waged by the Peruvian Army, claiming that the PCP "have temporarily laid down their arms" and that "they are divided on the question of the armed struggle". The reactionaries cannot understand that when the proletariat takes up arms, under the leadership of its party, following Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, it will never put them down until winning victory. What is the purpose of such campaigns? World reaction grasps the significance of the Peruvian revolution, it knows the living example of the people's war is knocking down their reactionary counteroffensive against the ideology of the proletariat and its most lofty aspirations, a counteroffensive involving the converging participation of revisionism, imperialism and all churches and religions, and they are not about to give in to this revolution.

We communists of the Spanish state are proud to count the Communist Party of Peru amongst our comrades; the teachings of Chairman Gonzalo and the example he has given us of heroic dedication to the proletariat and masses serve as our guide to take up the tasks that history and the class have set before us. From here, I would like to express to you, in my own name and in the name of the Communist Party of Spain, our firm and unshakable support. We uphold the banner "the Peruvian Revolution is Our Revolution", and just as we have pledged our lives to the Party and the revolution in Spain we also express our resolution to do the same in defence of the Peruvian revolution if it were necessary to do so.

Long Live the 10th Anniversary of the People's War in Peru!

Long Live the Communist Party of Peru and Its Leadership, Chairman Gonzalo!

Uphold, Defend and Apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism!

May 1990

Dear Comrades,

On behalf of the revolutionary proletariat and the broad masses of people in Turkey, we are proud to hail the people's war in Peru and to express our revolutionary joy and greetings to your Party and its Chairman Comrade Gonzalo who for a decade has been leading the heroic sons and daughters of our class and the oppressed masses in Peru in a resounding revolutionary war from victory to victory.

Ten years after its launching, the people's war in Peru stands as formidable testimony to the strength and vitality of our class's Marxist-Leninist-Maoist ideology and to the inexhaustible creative fighting power and collective wisdom of the oppressed masses armed with and led by the ideology of the international proletariat.

On 17th May 1980, the first salvoes bursting from the gunbarrels of your handful of heroic fighters was the declaration of war by the oppressed in Peru on the reactionary Peruvian state and the imperialist world order that backs it. Firmly upholding Marxist-Leninist-Maoist ideology, your Party "put daring above everything and boldly aroused the masses", as Mao taught our class. In ten years of revolutionary warfare filled with brilliant victories and inspiring sacrifices, the proletariat and masses of people in Peru stand tall and proud -- they are full of revolutionary exuberance and optimism and confident of their ability to put a decisive end to the vicious rule of imperialism, bureaucrat capitalism and feudalism, in the service of the world proletarian revolution. These are most heart-lifting, inspiring achievements for our class and the oppressed all over the world. The oppressed masses of Peru, who had been treated as "nothing" by the reactionary ruling class in Peru and by the imperialists East and West, are now in a position to be able to dictate to these reactionaries that "they shall be all"!

Under the leadership of your Party and in the furnace of people's war, the People's Guerrilla Army has developed by leaps and bounds and today fields a mighty force of tens of thousands of warriors who bit by bit are driving the reactionary armed forces of the state out of the countryside and increasingly surrounding them near Lima. Even there their rule can no longer escape being the target of the revolution, because the military and political power of the revolution has spread deep roots and developed in the countryside, conquering the mighty Andes, descending onto the plains and into the valleys, and rallying around the red flag millions who already have their eyes and minds fixed on the strategic offensive. The dawn has already risen for the People's Republic of Peru, which is exercising its own political power in a number of areas in the Peruvian countryside.

Our teacher Mao said, "So long as there are people under the leadership of the communist party every miracle is possible." The victorious unfolding of the people's war in Peru underscores not only your Party's genuine and resolute defence and practice of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist ideology and science but also that the final countrywide seizure of power that will hoist the red flag of world proletarian revolution all over Peru is indeed no longer just a distant possibility. Your Party ideologically, politically and militarily "dared to struggle and dared to win", it fully seized upon the truth that "among all things, people are the most precious" and it drew the lesson from Mao's teaching that "without a people's army the people have nothing". Hence we are confident that the people of Peru "have nothing" to doubt about the final victory of the people's war in Peru, because they have not only a mighty revolutionary army but also an experienced genuine Maoist Communist Party, the PCP, leading them and their revolutionary army inexorably towards the complete defeat of their oppressors.

The TKP/ML Maoist Party Centre has learned and continues to learn from the invaluable experiences of the struggles and achievements of your Party and the people's war it is leading, in order to carry out the strategy of people's war in Turkey of encircling the cities from the countryside, as part of the world proletarian revolution. We are united by our common cause of achieving worldwide communism and our common Marxist-Leninist-Maoist ideology, and we are also proud to be united with your Party within the ranks of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, which was formed to heighten the growing strength and ability of the Maoist parties and organisations to achieve our common goal. The advance of the people's war in Peru under the leadership of your Party and its Chairman Gonzalo also has made crucial contributions to the fighting unity of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement.

While the advances of the people's war in Peru bring joy to the world's oppressed, they threaten the imperialists and all the world's reactionaries. The U.S. imperialists in particular have gone on record for their preparations to carry out a major aggression against the Maoist revolution in Peru and the mortal threat it poses to their imperialist interests in Latin America and beyond. Knowing the vicious, criminal nature of the U.S. imperialists, we believe that they will step up their already thinly disguised political, economic and military intervention in Peru in a major way, possibly even by a full-scale counter-insurgency war deploying Yankee troops against the people's war. For they fear the armed forces of the reactionary Peruvian state will not hold out for long against the might of your people's war.

In such a case, our Party will carry out its tasks in an all-round way to expose and fight the renewed criminal aggression of our common enemy, the imperialists, and the U.S. imperialists in particular, in order to stand more firmly shoulder to shoulder with our comrades in Peru and to foil the enemy's desperate aggression against the shining trench of world proletarian revolution in Peru.

Again, we are confident that the Yankee and other imperialists, by launching such a criminal attack, will only harvest a bitter, mortal defeat at the hands of the heroic masses of Peru led by your Party. In the final analysis, they will only provide an opportunity for the people and the proletariat of Peru to make even bigger contributions under the leadership of your Party and its Chairman Gonzalo to the cause of world proletarian revolution. n

Today, the revolutionary communists worldwide are facing a serious attack from various reactionary forces and rightist opportunist elements. Especially citing the example of the open declaration of capitalism in the so-called socialist countries of Eastern Europe, bourgeois-imperialist forces are making a huge noise, saying Marxism has failed. In such a situation, the communists throughout the world have to shoulder the serious responsibility of holding high the banner of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought by firmly leading the people in the struggle against imperialism on a world scale and domestic reaction in each country, exposing all sorts of revisionist elements.

In the context when communists are not in possession of state power in any country in the world since the counter-revolution in China that occurred with the death of Chairman Mao Tsetung, it is very necessary for the revolutionary communists to march ahead in leading the international communist movement in a planned way. The formation of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) is an encouraging step in this line, and our party heartily supports the process of further strengthening it and extending its contacts further.

Comrades: When the reactionaries and right opportunists worldwide are intensifying attacks on the revolutionary communists, the people's war in Peru, which has been firmly forging ahead under the leadership of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP), has provided a new source of inspiration. Our Party firmly supports the revolutionary movement in Peru and extends its revolutionary greetings to the heroic Peruvian revolutionaries. Also, while taking lessons from this revolutionary movement, we promise to take steps in concretely preparing for New Democratic Revolution in the concrete conditions of our own country.

Today, as the Peruvian revolutionary war is marching towards victory day after day, the danger of imperialist intervention against the revolution has also been increasing. By exposing and resisting these deplorable designs of American imperialism, our Party promises to fulfill its proletarian internationalist duty towards the Communist Party of Peru and the revolutionary Peruvian people. In this very context, the Party heartily supports the "Yankee Go Home!" campaign called by RIM, and decides to take full initiative in spreading this campaign, especially in Nepal and India.

Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought!

Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!

Long Live the People's War in Peru!

Down with American Imperialism!

Yankee Go Home!

October 1990


On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the people's war in Peru, the Organisation of Revolutionary Communists of Afghanistan (ORCA) sends its comradely salutes and greetings to the leaders and members of the Communist Party of Peru. Your success in waging and developing ten years of people's war inspires the Maoist forces worldwide -- including our organisation -- and it is a source of hope. This has been achieved with the dear blood of thousands of the people's sons and daughters. The Position Document of our organisation states on this question: "The struggles of the peoples of Latin America in the past years occupy an important place in the struggle of the oppressed peoples of the world. The revolutionary war of the people of Peru, under the leadership of the (Maoist) communist party of that country, which is under the leadership of Comrade Gonzalo, has been going on for a decade and has liberated a quarter of the country from the claws of the imperialists and reactionaries. It is a source of inspiration for the peoples of all other countries, and the revolutionaries of the world long for its complete victory."

The savage intervention of the U.S. imperialists in South and Central America is not a war on drugs, it is a war on the people. As the fundamental goal of this intervention is to suppress the people's war in Peru, the resistance of the people of Peru will, in turn, stand at the forefront of the resistance of the peoples of the region. Our Position Document states on this question: "While U.S. imperialism has turned parts of South and Central America into a parade ground for its troops and has occupied Panama and sent forces into Colombia, Bolivia and Peru, it is very likely that the north of South America and parts of Central America will be turned into a battleground of the peoples against U.S. imperialism's rapacious activity. In this situation, the struggle of the people of Peru will certainly have a role of the highest importance, for the conscious and revolutionary proletarian leadership in that country has the potential to organise the people's war in Peru in such a way that it will stand at the fore of the wars of resistance of the other peoples of the region."


The Organisation of Revolutionary Communists of Afghanistan, as a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist organisation, approves the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist political-ideological line of the Communist Party of Peru and admires your vanguard role in hoisting the flag of Maoism. Our Position Document states on this question: "The term Maoism' was used for the first time by the Communist Party of Peru. This party in its numerous documents published since the formation of RIM have used the term Maoism'." We are looking for ways to establish closer relationships with you comrades and together to lay the grounds for raising our present level of ideological and political unity.

From our point of view, this should be done on the basis of proletarian internationalism and by relying on the line put forward in the Declaration of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, through the common struggle of all the participants of our movement and in close links with its Committee. "...The ideological-political line presented in the Declaration of RIM is a solid basis for carrying forward the reunification of the international communist movement and is the pivot around which we can advance the regrouping of the genuine communist forces worldwide toward the formation of the new communist international." (from the Position Document of ORCA)


Afghanistan is a country under the domination of the social-imperialists, the imperialists and different kinds of reactionaries. Like Peru, it is a semi-(neo-)colonial, semifeudal country. For almost ten years a bloody war of resistance has been waged against the Soviet social-imperialists. Our people have paid dearly for this war -- thousands of villages and towns have been totally destroyed; one third of the population of the country have become refugees, scattered in 25 countries on five continents; one and a half million people have died, thousands are crippled, and the best sons and daughters of the people have become its victims. Yet this heroic resistance did not lead our people towards the destruction of the reactionary semi-(neo-)colonial semifeudal system, towards New Democratic Revolution. Even though "the aggressor army of social imperialism has withdrawn from the country and the occupation of Afghanistan by the social-imperialist invaders has ended, the military and administrative rule of its ally, the Kabul regime, the regime of the bureaucrat comprador bourgeoisie and the feudals, is still in power. Further, feudal and comprador bourgeois classes which are dependent on Western imperialism rule over a great part of the countryside and some small cities." (From the Position Document of ORCA)

For a number of reasons, the war of resistance of the people of Afghanistan did not advance as a stage of protracted people's war against social-imperialism, imperialism and reaction. In other words, it did not advance as a stage of the New Democratic Revolution in the country. One major reason for this failure was that a Maoist communist party did not exist in Afghanistan -- a shortcoming still to be solved. Our organisation is striving seriously to resolve this problem as soon as possible and, in the most principled way, to form the vanguard proletarian party of Afghanistan. We think this is the most fundamental step to be taken in preparation for initiating the people's war in this country.

We have learnt much from you comrades, and will continue to do so. We admire your heroic war and we support it. The best and most effective support we can give to the glorious battle in Peru is to hasten our own efforts to begin the people's war in Afghanistan so that the blood of the martyrs of the "Andes" will also blossom and bear fruit in the valleys of the "Anduz"!

Warm comradely salutes!

20 September 1990

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the people's war of Peru led by the Communist Party of Peru, we are sending our warmest revolutionary congratulations to the leaders and cadres of PCP and to the revolutionary masses on behalf of the entire cadres, sympathisers and leadership of the Proletarian Party of Purba Bangla (PBSP).

The spark of the revolutionary war kindled by your Party ten years ago under the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo has turned today into a prairie fire. The blazing up of this prairie fire of people's war has been made possible by firmly upholding Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought, the guide to the emancipation of the people of the whole world, by applying it creatively to the concrete conditions of Peru, and by sticking unremittingly to arduous struggle, keeping the deepest faith in and relying on the people in order to surmount all sort of difficulties. And it is through all this that, since the beginning of people's war ten years ago, your small force has developed tremendously both qualitatively and quantitatively, that a strong Party has been built up and has achieved its ideological-political and practical enrichment and maturity, that the People's Guerrilla Army has taken shape and has been continuously becoming stronger and stronger, and that it has been and is possible to organise the Peruvian revolutionary masses at an increasing rate under the banner of people's war led by your Party. Hence, today, your Party is able to more efficiently lead the People's Guerrilla Army and the Peruvian revolutionary masses to advance in spirited strides like waves towards the final victory. And it is on this basis that a number of base areas have been built up. These base areas have started to be linked up, which in turn is expanding the Andes red base area in length as well as width; its light is shining increasingly in all corners of the country. These advances of the revolutionary struggle in your country have placed the people's war in Peru at the forefront of the world proletarian revolutionary movement.

Our two Parties are united by the same ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought, by our common commitment to achieving socialism and communism throughout the world and by our common participation in the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement.

Our two Parties face a common enemy, i.e., all kinds of imperialism, especially U.S. imperialism. Both of our Parties, at the present time, are waging struggles to perform the New Democratic Revolution in our own countries. Our Party, like yours, is leading the people's revolutionary armed struggle in our country -- although we have not yet been able to raise this armed revolutionary struggle to such a developed stage as the people's war in Peru.

In 1988 and 1989, the American fascist puppet Ershad government launched an all-out suppression campaign against our struggling areas with a view to rooting out the people's armed struggle led by our Party. But in this situation we failed to confront this suppression campaign of the government by raising our armed struggle to a higher phase. Hence we were compelled to make an overall retreat. In this way we lost an excellent opportunity to rouse a forceful people's war in our country. At the moment we are summing up the experience, and in this case the people's war in Peru led by your Party is rendering valuable lessons and experience to us, as it is doing to all the revolutionary communists of the world.


Your Party and the people's war in Peru led by your Party is contributing moral and material assistance to us by developing the revolutionary struggle continuously and by weakening the strong grip of our common enemy, American imperialism. In the same way, our Party too is striving hard to continue its moral and material assistance to the people's war in Peru, so as to enable it to grow gradually stronger and stronger, by making a fresh advance in the revolutionary armed struggle in our country and thus weakening American and Russian imperialism along with all other imperialism and reaction and by doing propaganda work and creating public opinion in favour of the people's war in Peru. We firmly believe that, having summed up the experiences of our past disasters, we will surely be able to rouse armed struggle afresh in the coming future and thus prepare ourselves in order to render the best possible assistance to the Peruvian revolution as well as to world revolution.


It is our resolute faith that the great people's war in Peru, led by the Communist Party of Peru, will be able to continue its advance not only as before but in larger strides and thus attain final victory, by confronting all adversities, including direct and indirect, continuous and increasing, American aggression. It is through the continuous victorious advances of the people's war in Peru that the Communist Party of Peru is making a great contribution to the further advance of the world revolution and to the final achievement of Socialism and Communism.

With great revolutionary warmth.

16 November 1990

"The rebellion is snowballing, becoming an unstoppable landslide that will bury oppression and keep growing until communism" -- Chairman Gonzalo

This 17th of May marks the tenth anniversary of the people's war in Peru. In the ten years of the revolution's victorious advance, it has come to control a third of Peru's territory. The achievements of the Peruvian masses led by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP, called Shining Path in the daily press) fill the world's oppressed with joy, and they see this revolutionary deed as a great source of inspiration.

Amidst the current offensive of world reaction, which is attempting to pass off the bankruptcy of revisionism, of phony communism, as the "failure" of communism, and thus try to portray their system of exploitation and oppression as the only alternative for the world's peoples, the people's war in Peru is demonstrating the oppressed's real alternative, to put a real end to the spiritual and material suffering of the masses under this system. What makes this revolution different from other recent revolutions is that it is being led by an authentic communist party, a party that has taken as its guide Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the philosophy and politics of the international proletariat, which has developed as a living science amidst class struggle (a philosophy, a world outlook, through which the proletarian revolution, unlike all others, seeks to put an end to all exploitation and oppression and not just replace one system of oppression with another). Amidst the confusion created by all kinds of revisionists, the PCP, under the correct guidance of its leader, Chairman Gonzalo, has been able to defend Mao's legacy in deeds and enabled it to take root amongst the masses. As the Declaration of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement says, "The principle involved is nothing less than whether or not to uphold and build upon the decisive contributions to the proletarian revolution and the science of Marxism-Leninism made by Mao Tsetung.... Mao Tsetung Thought is a new stage in the development of Marxism-Leninism. Without upholding and building upon Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought it is not possible to defeat revisionism, imperialism and reaction in general."

Creatively taking up Mao Tsetung's great contributions to Marxism-Leninism, the PCP has fought for the application of this science to the conditions of the Peruvian revolution, for the investigation of society, for the knowledge of reality the proletariat must acquire, in order to equip the Peruvian masses with an understanding of the character of the revolution and the revolutionary road, people's war, forging a line and leadership amidst ideological struggle against right and left opportunism, achieving and fighting to maintain a correct orientation and a leadership capable of leading the people's war in order to guide the armed masses until communism, guiding them so that this revolutionary deed they are carrying out serves the world proletarian revolution and becomes a base area for that revolution.

The PCP has built the party with revolutionary violence as its centre, preparing the masses around the central task and highest form of revolution: the seizure of political power through war. The Peruvian communists have been guided by Mao's teaching that the main form of struggle is warfare and the main mass organisation is the guerrilla army; all other forms of mass organisation and mass struggles are also indispensable and in no way can be cast aside, but the objective of all of these is to serve the war. Before the outbreak of war, the purpose of all organisations and struggles is to prepare for it; after the outbreak of war, all organisations and struggles are directly or indirectly coordinated with the war. The PCP guides everything to serve the war, and the centre of the war is the building of political power by and for the masses of people, giving concrete reality to Chairman Gonzalo's words, "Nothing in this world, absolutely nothing at all, disappears by itself, and exploitation and oppression will only disappear when the class forces them to disappear."

To centre on the omnipotence of war does not mean that the gun rules in the PCP. The Party leads the gun, and not the other way around; the PCP puts politics in command. People and not weapons are the main thing in people's war. The centre of this war is the seizure of political power and its defence, and the building of the new political power must go through the building of revolutionary base areas in which the masses exercise this power (in the case of the PCP, through clandestine People's Committees). The masses of workers and poor peasants themselves have arisen to put an end to centuries of oppression. They have arisen to put an end to the domination of imperialism, the bureaucrat bourgeoisie and the landlords. They have arisen consciously, under the leadership of the authentic party of their class, the proletariat.

We communists take as our starting point that the masses and the masses alone make history. This truth put forward by Marxism since the very beginning and emphasised by Mao Tsetung is bursting through in each and every action of the PCP, and this is a valuable lesson for revolutionaries around the world. If the masses do not rise up, or if their struggles are channeled by forces foreign to the proletariat and under narrow banners, it is not the masses who bear the blame, but the communists who have not been able to lead them correctly. Those who do not have full confidence in the masses' potential and strike a messianic pose are destined to fail or become simple agents of reaction. Those who see hope in the present system or who think that the suffering of the masses is only due to problems with part of the bourgeoisie or with individuals are destined to fail. Around us now, chiming in with the chorus of world reaction, the ruling classes and forces of the petite bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie are striving to show that revolutionary violence has failed. But the masses of workers and peasants are learning from the example of our brothers and sisters in Peru who are constructing the new, guns in hand. Their revolution is something new in Latin America, where especially since the victory of the Cuban revolution, armed struggle and guerrilla warfare have been associated with a revisionist outlook opposed to people's war, which is a war of the masses guided by a party that relies upon them, develops their initiative, bases itself on their will and with them builds political power.

The comrades of the PCP drew a dividing line between themselves and those who think that Maoism can be reduced to simply military strategies and tactics. With the military line of the proletariat Mao Tsetung has left us, the PCP is guiding the Peruvian masses in a New Democratic revolution, which will go over to socialism, but they want even more -- they are fighting for communism. For this reason the Peruvian revolution is based on serving the world proletarian revolution, and as part of this line, the PCP together with other Maoist forces from all over the world formed the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement six years ago, in order to build towards an International of a new type based on Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought.

The advances achieved by the Peruvian masses have driven the Peruvian ruling classes and imperialism itself to desperation. That's why the U.S. imperialists, with the consent of all the other imperialists, including the USSR, are preparing for large-scale intervention to try and prevent the U.S. from losing control in a country they consider part of their "back yard". The U.S. is constructing military bases and sending Green Berets under the pretext of "the war on drugs", but in reality they are trying to beat down the masses who have arisen against the system. The real communists and the oppressed in general, and all those who really seek to put an end to the present rotten state of affairs, must denounce and oppose these manoeuvres by the imperialists who, together with the local oppressors, want to drown the people's achievements in blood.

Support the People's War in Peru!

Oppose Imperialist Intervention in Peru and Latin America!

Down with the Lies and Slanders Against the Peruvian Revolution!

Forward Along the Path Charted by Mao Tsetung!

Strengthen the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement!

May 1990

Dear Comrades,

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the people's war led by the Communist Party of Peru, we send you our revolutionary salute on behalf of the entire membership and leadership of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA.

Ten years ago your Party, under the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo, took the daring revolutionary step of initiating the people's war. Although your forces were small at the beginning, by grasping the universal truth of Marxism- Leninism-Maoism and applying it to the concrete situation in your country, by continually relying on the masses, by persevering in arduous struggle and overcoming all difficulties, your Party has led the People's Guerrilla Army and the revolutionary masses in advancing wave upon wave.

The first revolutionary sparks of ten years ago have led to the vast red base areas beginning to link up all along the length of the Andes and whose light is shining increasingly in all corners of the country. These advances have placed the revolutionary struggle in your country at the forefront of the world proletarian revolutionary movement.

Our two Parties are united by our ideology of Marxism- Leninism-Maoism, by our common commitment to achieving communism throughout the world and by our common participation in the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement. Our Party, like other revolutionary communists throughout the world, has striven to learn from the advanced experience achieved in Peru so as to better prepare to carry out the revolution in the U.S. which, while taking a different road than in Peru, will share the fundamental feature of being a people's war, led by the proletariat and its communist vanguard.

Our two Parties face a common enemy -- U.S. imperialism -- which in addition to ruling over the masses of exploited and oppressed in the U.S. has built a worldwide empire of robbery and murder.

U.S. imperialism has arrogantly declared Latin America its "back yard" where it is free to run roughshod as it wishes. Today the U.S. has escalated its aggression, direct and indirect, under the cover of the so-called "war on drugs". The possibilities of even further intensified U.S. intervention against the people's war is real indeed. Our Party will shoulder its internationalist duty of struggling against U.S. imperialist aggression in Peru, just as the blows you are delivering against U.S. imperialism in your country weakens our common foe and helps hasten its final defeat.


Our Party is convinced that, despite whatever criminal attacks are launched by U.S. imperialism and the Peruvian reactionaries, final victory will belong to the people of Peru. By persisting in the difficult but glorious path of people's war your Party is making a great contribution to the further advance of the world revolution and the final achievement of communism. n

Dear Comrades:

First we would like to send our warmest communist salutes to Comrade Gonzalo, Chairman of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP), under whose leadership the heroic detachment of the international proletariat in Peru, the PCP, have been able to arouse the downtrodden of Peru wave upon wave in a people's war and have scored great victories for the world revolution; we want to send our heartfelt communist greetings to the PCP Central Committee, to the members of the party and to the fighters of the People's Guerrilla Army. We would like to ask you to convey our revolutionary sentiments to the invincible masses of Peru, the workers and peasants who have taken their destiny into their own hands and are toiling hard, with blood and sweat, for the final victory of revolution in Peru. They should know that they give a sense of confidence, pride and power to all revolutionaries and oppressed the world over and that the Peruvian revolution is in the forefront of the world revolution. We declare our resolute support of the people's war in Peru in general but also, specifically against the sinister plans of the Yankee imperialists which are designed to crush the people's war.

Under the leadership of the PCP, the people's war has made great achievements: bit by bit destroying the old state and its corresponding relations on the one hand and, on the other hand, giving birth to and building step by step the New Political Power and new social relations, increasingly strengthening this new revolutionary state, with the emergence of the perspective of the country-wide seizure of political power; these are indeed extremely important and heart-lifting victories for the international communist movement, and specifically for our Revolutionary Internationalist Movement. Especially in the context of the new worldwide anti-communist offensive by the revisionists, imperialists and all reactionaries, these achievements of the proletariat in Peru constitute a strong, concrete counter-offensive and bring into play the power of our science and ideology: Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.

A new society is being born in the Andes mountains and this proves that our setback in China after the death of Chairman Mao and the restoration of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and of capitalism there was only a temporary setback in our long march along the tortuous path of world revolution towards worldwide communism.

We communists of Iran have learnt much from your party and will learn more: on firmness regarding our ideology, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism; on doggedness in constituting a revolutionary party, because there can be no revolution without a revolutionary party; on deeply grasping and acting upon the central task of communists to seize power through people's war, and that "without a people's army the people have nothing".

Today, the proletariat and oppressed masses of the Middle East burn with the desire to drown the occupying forces of the Yankee imperialists and their allies in the hot waters of the Gulf and to send to hell all the reactionary states of the region which have been forged by the imperialists as bases for their domination of the region's oppressed. And this can only be achieved through people's wars under the red banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism; so the proletariat and masses of this region urgently need communist parties based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. The masses of the Middle East have risen to make revolution more than once, but even though they have dealt important blows to the imperialists and reactionaries, every time most of their revolutionary energy has been wasted by revisionists, reactionary nationalists and religious demagogues, and their hopes have been betrayed. The establishment of the hated Islamic Republic of Iran is one of these bitter experiences. It is high time to put an end to this vicious circle. This is the task of the communists here. The shining torch of people's war in Peru is a great help to these efforts.

The international bourgeoisie try to black-out the news of the advances of the people's war in Peru or spread sinister lies about it in order to prevent the oppressed and exploited of the world from seeing their shining torch in that part of the world. It is clear that the U.S. imperialists shiver at the thought of the final victory of the revolution under the leadership of the PCP, because they know that it will not only uproot them from Peru but will shake their rule in Latin America and will give a new impetus to the world revolution. Thus they conspire and hatch plans to destroy the people's war in Peru, including their preparation of the option of massive intervention of Yankee military forces.

We believe that the vast, deep valleys of Peru can be turned into fitting burial ditches for the Yankee army or any other reactionary army which comes to crush the people's war. And we are absolutely confident that the heroic masses of Peru, the valiant fighters of the People's Guerrilla Army, under the leadership of the PCP, will lure the invading reactionary and imperialist armed force