A World to Win
Preliminary Issue #1 (May 1981)
[Before the Revolutionary Internationalist
Movement (RIM) was founded in 1984.]
Cover and Contents Pages [PDF: 767 KB]
“To the Marxist-Leninists, the Workers and the Oppressed of All Countries”, —Joint Communiqué of 13 M-L Parties and Organisations.
[PDF: 6 pages, 913 KB]“Enver Hoxha Refuted”, —N. Sanmugathasan, General Secretary, Ceylon Communist Party. [PDF: 6 pages, 949 KB]
“Notes on the History of Spanish Marxism-Leninism”, —Unión de Lucha Marxista-Leninista. [PDF: 6 pages, 993 KB]
“Some Particularities of Contemporary Pro-Soviet Revisionism”, —Partido Comunista Revolucionario de Chile. [PDF: 8 pages, 1,264 KB]
“The Objective Situation and the Struggle Between Two Roads in the International Communist Movement”, —Pour l’Internationale Prolétarienne,
France. [PDF: 6 pages, 935 KB]“On the Class Struggle in China”, —Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. [PDF: 7 pages, 1,118 KB]
“On the Threshold of a Great Leap”, —From the Indian Marxist-Leninist Journal, Mass Line. [PDF: 1 page, 125 KB]
“When a Trial Backfires on the Judges”, —Clandestine Document from the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) of China.
[PDF: 5 pages, 800 KB]