India: General Information and Mass Struggles
[Intro to be added.]
General Information About India
- General History of India
- [Books:]
“A History of India”, in 2 volumes, by K. Antonova, G. Bongard-Levin, & G. Kotovsky, (Moscow: Progress, English translation, 1979),
265 pages + 343 pages. This work is very useful for researching Lenin’s many comments and views about India and the British imperialist
domination of it.
Volume 1: Searchable PDF Format [4,568 KB];
Volume 2: Searchable PDF Format [5,901 KB]
- Castes and Social Structure
- [Book:]
“Caste and Revolution”, by N. Ravi, (Hyderabad: Change Publications, December 2024), 105 pages. (This is a double-page scan.) A very
informative and useful book.
Searchable PDF format [2,068 KB]
- [More to be added.]
General Information about the Indian Revolutionary Movement
- [Book:]
“Understanding Maoists: Notes of a Participant Observer from Andhra Pradesh”, by N. Venugopal,
(Kolkata/Delhi: Setu Prakashani, 2013), 324 pages.
Searchable PDF Format [11,278 KB]
- “Walking With the Comrades”, by Arundhati Roy, Dawn magazine, March 21, 2010, 39 pages.
Searchable PDF Format [422 KB]
- [Book:]
Jangalnama: Travels in a Maoist Guerilla Zone, by Satnam, translated by Vishav Bharti, (2010),
220 pages. “Satnam” was the nom de plume of Gurmeet Singh, an Indian revolutionary writer (c. 1952-2016).
These travels took place in 2001 in the Bastar district of the Indian state of Chhatisgarh.
Searchable PDF Format [7,021 KB]
- [Book:]
Naxalbari and the Chinese Press: A Select Anthology, edited by Aloke Mukerjee, (Kolkata: Magpie Publishing,
September 2022), 188 pages.
Searchable PDF Format [1,815 KB]
- [Book:]
India’s Simmering Revolution: The Naxalite Uprising, by Sumanta Banerjee, (London: 1984), 352
pages. An excellent history of the development of the Naxalite movement up until the early 1980s.
Searchable PDF Format [15,083 KB]
Displacement of People for “Development” and the Anti-Displacement Movement
- “Fact-Finding Report on the Anti-Displacement Movement in India, 2008”, by an American school teacher,
Summer 2008, 8 pages.
Searchable PDF Format [111 KB]
Other Mass Struggles
Academic Studies [Usually More or Less Bourgeois in Outlook]
- “Naxalbari at Its Golden Jubilee: Fifty recent books on the Maoist Movement in India”, by Alpa Shah & Dhruv Jain,
(London: LSE Research Online, 2017), 40 pages.
Searchable PDF Format [608 KB]
- “Empty Symbol: The Little Red Book in India”, by Sreemati Chakrabarti, an academic article, (“Cambridge Core”,
5 June 2014), 13 pages.
Searchable PDF Format [112 KB]
Views of the Government, Think Tanks and Other Reactionaries
- [Book:]
Understanding India’s Maoists: Select Documents, by P. V. Ramana, (New Delhi: Pentagon/Institute for Defence
Studies & Analysis, 2014), 410 pages. Focused on the Communist Party of India (Maoist).
Searchable PDF Format [2,411 KB]
- [Book:]
Militant Groups in South Asia, by Surinder K. Sharma and Ansuhuman Behera, (New Delhi: Institute for Defence
Studies & Analysis, 2014), 320 pages. Includes one rather superficial chapter on the Communist Party of India (Maoist).
Searchable PDF Format [4,310 KB]