British Publications which have been Suppressed
or Which are Difficult to Locate
[Intro to be added...]
Many of the magazines and documents below have been scanned and first posted on the Internet by other organizations or individuals, including one group calling itself “The Socialist Truth in Cyprus—London Branch”, about whose politics we have no knowledge. We thank them, however, for their scanning and posting efforts.
If you know of other publications or documents which should be made available here, please contact us at:
British Imperialism — Its History and Characteristics
- “Chamberlain Helped Hitler”, by J. R. Campbell, (London: Communist Party of Great Britain, Oct. 1938), 16 pages. Searchable PDF format [824 KB]
- [Book:] “The Chamberlain-Hitler Collusion”, by Alvin Finkel & Clement Leibovitz, (Merlin: 1997), 332 pages. Searchable PDF format [18,607 KB]
- [Book:] “The British in Vietnam: How the Twenty-Five Year War Began”, by George Rosie, (London: Panther Books, 1970), 156 pages. PDF format [12,127 KB]
Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) [A small party which originated in 1968 as a pro-Maoist split from the CPGB. However, in the late 1970s this party renounced Maoism and allied itself with Enver Hoxha and Albania. Strangely, it then apparently supported the revisionist Soviet Union again for a brief period! It has a website at:]
- Documents:
- [To be added.]
Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) [A small party originally called the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) when it was formed in 1972. In 1979 it changed its name, rejected Maoism and aligned itself with Albania. It was ideologically very close to Hardial Bains, who was the head of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). Website:]
- Documents:
- [To be added.]
- Marxist-Leninist Journal:
- Volume 3:
- Volume 3, #2 (July 1990), 104 pages. Searchable PDF format [6,550 KB]
Communist Party of Great Britain [Existed from 1920 to 1991. From at least 1950 on (and probably long before that) this was a totally revisionist party.]
- [Many CPGB documents are available at: More will eventually be added here.]
- “Inner Party Democracy”, adopted at the 25th CPGB Congress (April 1957), 32 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,789 KB]
- “26th Congress Report of the CPGB”, March 27-30, 1959, 76 pages. Searchable PDF format [12,055 KB]
- “The British Road to Socialism (Draft for Discussion)”, by the CPGB, 1977, 40 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,339 KB]
- “The British Road to Socialism: Programme of the Communist Party”, by the CPGB, 5th edition, 1978, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [9,174 KB]
Books and Pamphlets Published by the CPGB:
- “Free the Colonies”, by R. Palme Dutt, (London: Minority Movement/Workers’ Charter Pamphlet #5, n.d. [1920s]), 7 pages. Searchable PDF format [292 KB]
- “The Election and the Coming War”, by R. Palme Dutt, (London: Communist Party of Great Britain, 1929), 24 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,018 KB]
- [Book:] “Britain in the World Front”, by R. Palme Dutt, (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1942), 226 pages. Searchable PDF format [15,736 KB]
- [Book:] “Science and Idealism: An Examination of ‘Pure Empiricism’ and Modern Logic”, by Maurice Cornforth, (NY: International, 1946), 274 pages. [Originally published in London by Lawrence & Wishart.] Searchable PDF format [18,498 KB]
- “Dialectical Materialism and Science”, by Maurice Cornforth, (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1949), 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,977 KB]
- “Marx and Science”, by J. D. Bernal, (NY: International, 1952), 52 pages. [Originally published in London by Lawrence & Wishart.] Searchable PDF format [3,409 KB]
- [Book:] “Historical Materialism”, by Maurice Cornforth, 2nd ed. (1962), (NY: International, 1971), 152 pages. (Has a few marginal notes: our apologies.) Searchable PDF format [8,986 KB]
- [Book:] “Marxism and the Linguistic Philosophy”, 2nd ed., by Maurice Cornforth, (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1967), 389 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,004 KB]
- [Book:] “The Open Philosophy and the Open Society: A Reply to Dr. Karl Popper’s Refutations of Marxism”, by Maurice Cornforth, (NY: International, 1968), 806 pages. Searchable PDF format [28,899 KB]
- [Book:] “Socialism in the Nuclear Age”, by John Eaton, (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1961), 194 pages. PDF format [8,014 KB]
- [Book:] “Aeschylus and Athens: A Study of the Social Origins of Drama”, by George Thomson, one of the most genuinely revolutionary members of the CPGB who eventually split from them and helped form a Maoist party, (NY: 1968, 3rd edition; the first edition was published by Lawrence & Wishart in 1940), 385 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,584 KB]
Marxist Study Courses [Prepared by the CPGB in the early 1930s.]
- Course 1: Political Economy [Now complete. This entire course was re-published as a single volume, Political Economy: Marxist Study Courses (Chicago: Banner Press, 1976), but that volume is not yet available online as far as we know.]
- Lesson 1: Marxist Theory of Value [n.d. (but 1932), 52 pages, searchable PDF format, 2,614 KB]
Recent high quality reprint of Lesson 1 [n.d., 52 pages, searchable PDF format, 460 KB]- Lesson 2: Capital and Surplus Value (Part 1) [n.d. (1932?), 52 pages, searchable PDF format, 2,570 KB]
- Lesson 3: Capital and Surplus Value (Part 2) [n.d. (1932?), searchable PDF format, 3,833 KB]
- Lesson 4: Wages and the Accumulation of Capital (Part 1) [n.d. (1932?), searchable PDF format, 2,684 KB]
- Lesson 5: Wages and the Accumulation of Capital (Part 2) [n.d. (1932?), searchable PDF format, 2,580 KB]
- Lesson 6: The Distribution of Surplus Value (Part 1) [n.d. (1932?), 56 pages, searchable PDF format, 2,503 KB]
- Lesson 7: The Distribution of Surplus Value (Part 2) [1933, searchable PDF format, 3,082 KB]
- Lesson 8: Economic Crises (Part 1) [1933, 56 pages, searchable PDF format, 2,707 KB]
- Lesson 9: Economic Crises (Part 2) [1933, 68 pages, searchable PDF format, 3,551 KB]
- Lesson 10: Imperialism (Part 1) [1933, searchable PDF format, 3,278 KB]
- Lesson 10A: Imperialism: Supplemental Illustrative Material [1934, searchable PDF format, 2,591 KB]
- Lesson 11: Imperialism (Part 2) [1933, searchable PDF format, 2,711 KB]
- Course 2: History of the Working Class
- Lesson 1: The Great French Revolution [1931, 28 sheets, 52 pages + cover, PDF format, 3,341 KB]
- Lesson 2: The English Industrial Revolution and Chartism [1932, 26 sheets, 52 pages, PDF format, 13,936 KB]
- Lesson 3: The Revolution of 1848 in France and Germany [c. 1931, 26 sheets, 49 pages + cover, PDF format, 3,365 KB]
- Lesson 4: The First International and the Paris Commune [c. 1931, 25 sheets, 47 pages + cover, PDF format, 2,965 KB]
- [The additional 14 lessons which were apparently part of this course are not yet available to us.]
Other Educational Materials
- “Four Lesson Course: For the Use of Communist Party Branches and Training Groups”, consisting of these lessons:
I. The General Crisis of Capitalism.
II. The Next Stage for Mankind: Socialism.
III. The Working Class: Gravedigger of Capitalism.
IV. Unity Against the Main Enemy.
(London: CPGB, May 1937), 16 pages. Searchable PDF format [388 KB]- [Book:] Readers’ Guide to the Marxist Classics, prepared and edited by Maurice Cornforth, (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1952 [reprinted 1953]), 132 pages. Searchable PDF format [16,119 KB]
Communist Review — CPGB Monthly Theoretical Journal (1921-1927; 1929-1935; 1946-1953):
- 1921:
- Volume 1 (May-October 1921), complete, 449 pages. Searchable PDF format [13,123 KB]
- 1933:
- # 4 — April 1933, complete issue not available.
- Editorial: “Dictatorship, Democracy and the United Front”, 8 pages, including magazine cover. Searchable PDF format [1,038 KB]
- 1947:
- # 6 — June 1947, 28 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,042 KB]
- # 8 — August 1947, 28 pages. Searchable PDF format [996 KB]
Marxism Today — CPGB Monthly Theoretical and Discussion Journal (1957-1991)
- Individual articles from the entire run are available online at:
- 1957 (Vol. 1):
- #10 — October 1957. Full issue not available. Individual articles:
- “Philosophy, Criticism and Progress”, by Maurice Cornforth, 7 pages. Searchable PDF format [701 KB]
- “Is the Theory of Crisis Out of Date?”, by Emile Burns, 8 pages. Searchable PDF format [755 KB]
- “Soviet Economists Discuss Political Economy Textbook”, part 1, 3 pages. Searchable PDF format [280 KB]
- #11 — November 1957. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “Soviet Economists Discuss Political Economy Textbook”, part 2, 2 pages. Searchable PDF format [153 KB]
- #12 — December 1957. Full issue not available. Individual articles:
- “Changes in Capitalism Since the Second World War”, by Maurice Dobb, 7 pages. Searchable PDF format [719 KB]
- “On the Articles of Comrades Kettle and Cornforth”, by Osmond Robb, 2 pages. On Wm. Blake and on philosophical issues. Searchable PDF format [183 KB]
- 1958 (Vol. 2):
- # 1 — January 1958. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “Soviet Economists on the Law of Value and Price Policy Under Socialism”, by M. D. [Maurice Dobb], 2 pages. Searchable PDF format [184 KB]
- # 2 — February 1958. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “Marxism and the Moral Law”, by John Lewis, 5 pages. Searchable PDF format [455 KB]
- # 3 — March 1958. Full issue not available. Individual articles:
- “Capitalism, Socialism and the Middle Classes”, by Andrew Grant, 6 pages. Searchable PDF format [551 KB]
- “Soviet Economists Discussion: Proposed Changes in the Political Economy Textbook”, by M. D. [Maurice Dobb], 2 pages. Searchable PDF format [178 KB]
- # 4 — April 1958. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “Marxism and the Moral Law”, by George Burgher, 2 pages. Searchable PDF format [171 KB]
- # 5 — May 1958. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “The Objective Criterion in Ethics”, by Franz Loeser, 5 pages. Searchable PDF format [505 KB]
- # 6 — June 1958. Full issue not available. Individual articles:
- Discussion on Marxism and Morality [Continued], including comments by M. Levitas, John Shaw, and John Lewis, 7 pages. Searchable PDF format [666 KB]
- “Philosophers and Their Problems”, by Michael McCreery, in response to Maurice Cornforth, 2 pages. Searchable PDF format [187 KB]
- 1966 (Vol. 10):
- #10 — October 1966. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “The Laws of Dialectics — A Reply to the Discussion”, by Maurice Cornforth, 7 pages. Searchable PDF format [767 KB]
- 1967 (Vol. 11):
- # 8 — August 1967, 36 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,442 KB]
- 1969 (Vol. 13):
- # 3 — March 1969. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “Economic Reform in Socialist Countries”, by Maurice Dobb, 8 pages. Tries to justify implementing capitalist market measures. Searchable PDF format [787 KB]
- 1970 (Vol. 14):
- #10 — October 1970, 40 pages. PDF format [3,994 KB]
- #11 — November 1970, 36 pages. PDF format [3,940 KB]
- 1981 (Vol. 25):
- #10 — October 1981, 52 pages. PDF format [6,449 KB]
Labour Monthly [A journal published from 1921-1981 and associated with the CPGB. It was edited from its beginning until his death in 1974 by R. Palme Dutt. It is said that Dutt’s “Notes of the Month” editorial in each issue represented the official CPGB line. Individual articles from the entire run are available online at: A much smaller number of individual articles from early issues are also available at: ]
- 1921 (Vol. 1):
- Volume 1, First Part (Issues July-September), 301 pages. Searchable PDF format [7,565 KB]
- Volume 1, Second Part (Issues October-December), 295 pages. Searchable PDF format [7,088 KB]
- 1922 (Vols. 2 & 3):
- Complete Volume 2 (Issues January-June), 437 pages. Searchable PDF format [9,318 KB]
- Complete Volume 3 (Issues July-December), 394 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,969 KB]
- 1923 (Vols. 4 & 5):
- Complete Volume 4 (Issues January-June), 394 pages. Searchable PDF format [34,534 KB]
- Complete Volume 5 (Issues July-December), 373 pages. Searchable PDF format [9,023 KB]
- 1924 (Vol. 6):
- Complete 1924 Volume (All 12 Issues), 822 pages. Searchable PDF format [24,734 KB]
- 1925 (Vol. 7):
- Complete 1925 Volume (All 12 Issues), 826 pages. Searchable PDF format [22,748 KB]
- 1926 (Vol. 8):
- Complete 1926 Volume (All 12 Issues), 828 pages. Searchable PDF format [22,129 KB]
- 1927 (Vol. 9):
- Complete 1927 Volume (All 12 Issues), 824 pages. Searchable PDF format [22,748 KB]
- 1928 (Vol. 10):
- Complete 1928 Volume (All 12 Issues), 795 pages. Searchable PDF format [24,608 KB]
- 1929 (Vol. 11):
- Complete 1929 Volume (All 12 Issues), 795 pages. Searchable PDF format [18,371 KB]
- 1937 (Vol. 19):
- # 7 — July 1937. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “Psycho-Analysis and Marxism”, by J. D. Bernal, 5 pages. Searchable PDF format [274 KB]
- 1939 (Vol. 21):
- # 9 — September 1939. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “A Note On the Causes of Crises”, by Maurice Dobb, 5 pages. Searchable PDF format [381 KB]
- 1947 (Vol. 29):
- # 1 — January 1947. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “The General Crisis of Capitalism”, Part I, by Eugene Varga, 6 pages. Searchable PDF format [432 KB]
- # 2 — February 1947. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “The General Crisis of Capitalism”, Part II, by Eugene Varga, 7 pages. Searchable PDF format [517 KB]
- # 8 — August 1947. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “Democracy of a New Type”, Part I, by Eugene Varga, 8 pages. (This article, which questions the reality of the transformation to socialism in the countries of Eastern Europe brought down criticism from the Communist Parties of those countries, and from Stalin.) Searchable PDF format [602 KB]
- # 9 — September 1947. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “Democracy of a New Type”, Part II, by Eugene Varga, 4 pages. Searchable PDF format [309 KB]
- 1950 (Vol. 32):
- # 7 — July 1950, complete issue, 51 pages. Includes Agnes Smedley’s last article, and a memorial article about her. PDF format [4,577 KB]
- 1951 (Vol. 33):
- # 7 — July 1951. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “Book Review: An Exposure of False Philosophies: In Defence of Philosophy: Against Positivism and Pragmatism (by Maurice Cornforth), 3 pages. Searchable PDF format [248 KB]
- 1954 (Vol. 36):
- # 3 — March 1954. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “Towards an Economic Crisis in the U.S.A.”, by Eugene Varga, translated from Pravda, Jan. 28, 1954, 7 pages. Searchable PDF format [411 KB]
- 1960 (Vol. 42:)
- Complete 1960 Volume (All 12 Issues), Internet Archive scan, 632 pages. Searchable PDF format [44,337 KB]
- 1961 (Vol. 43):
- #10 — October 1961. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “An Epoch-Making Book”, by Maurice Dobb, a review of Piero Sraffa’s “Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities”, 5 pages. Searchable PDF format [302 KB]
- 1963 (Vol. 45:)
- Complete 1963 Volume (All 12 Issues), Internet Archive scan, 632 pages. Searchable PDF format [42,843 KB]
- 1966 (Vol. 48):
- # 2 — February 1966. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy”, by Maurice Dobb, a very short review of Joseph Schumpeter’s book, 1 page. Searchable PDF format [73 KB]
The Modern Quarterly [A journal published from 1945-1953 and associated with the CPGB. It was edited by John Lewis.]
Vol. 1, #1 December 1945 Searchable PDF format (5,923 KB) [Missing pages 80-81.] Vol. 3, #1 Winter 1947-8 PDF format (8,796 KB) Vol. 3, #3 Summer 1948 PDF format (8,611 KB) Vol. 3, #4 Autumn 1948 PDF format (8,010 KB) Vol. 4, #4 Autumn 1949 PDF format (17,660 KB) Vol. 5, #1 Winter 1949-50 PDF format (8,577 KB) Vol. 5, #2 Spring 1950 PDF format (9,523 KB) Vol. 5, #3 Summer 1950 PDF format (8,256 KB) Vol. 5, #4 Autumn 1950 PDF format (6,843 KB) [Some light underlining.] Vol. 6, #3 Summer 1951 PDF format (7,927 KB) Vol. 6 Index 1951 PDF format (4 pages; 142 KB) Vol. 7, #2 Spring 1952 PDF format (6,248 KB) Vol. 7, #3 Summer 1952 PDF format (5,846 KB) Vol. 8, #1 Winter 1952-3 PDF format (5,227 KB) [Cover askew.] Marxist Quarterly — We believe the “Marxist Quarterly” was the continuation of the “Modern Quarterly” for the years 1953-1956.
- 1954:
- July 1954, Volume 1, Number 3: (This copy has some underlining and marking; our apologies.) Searchable PDF format [Huge file: 55,951 KB]
- 1956:
- July 1956. Full issue not available. Individual article:
- “On the Theory of the Socialist Revolution”, by Maurice Cornforth, 12 pages. Searchable PDF format [211 KB]
Other Parties, Organizations, Publications and Documents
- [To be added.]